Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

Lucas ignored the girl asking about his past and ran to where antman told them to go
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Kyoko had rushed to the bunker "Alright, now what?" Kyoko said as she took a bite out of a candy bar


She chuckled as Makayla clarified the truth. "I know, wanted to get a dramatic atmosphere. Might even scare Lucas." She said with a sly grin, leading to a short burst of laughter as they went down the stairs. "I've been to the bunker before, just follow me." She said, walking down she stood behind Shingen and Alexander, waiting for them to go down. Purely manners.


He had already arrived into the large room, holo-boards, wires, robotic creations. It was cool  to be honest Raymond didn't feel to bad about being in a team. Guess being a soldier goon for the avengers wasn't half bad after all. He chuckled in thought, freezing up as Hank Pym just stared at him for a second. "Thinking." He explained as the man nodded.
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Hearing her name on the announcement caused her to stand up. Before looking at Sayaka. "We should get going." Kairi walked in the direction of the underground bunker


"We're probably special. My dad always says I'll be the next Spider-Woman. Maybe it' sour parents too? Or maybe... They chose the best cause we're joining the real avengers!" She said jumping up and down. "It'd be so cool fighting alongside my dad." She informed. @FireMaiden
Then, Virian did something that he might regret.

He kissed his cheek.

Nikolai jerked back hard and fast, not because his heart didn't flutter a bit at the kiss, and not because he can't imagine kissing Virian all day long (he can), but because touch is supposed to be bad, and he's too damn faulty to understand the protocol for proper human interaction. "I-I, s-sorry... I'm sorry," he was sputtering now, flustered and unable to make the words come out. He wanted to bash his head against the wall.

Then, the announcement. His heart sank and his face dropped, not because he was a mini-Avenger—he didn't really care about that—but because they were going to punish and brainwash all those who disobeyed. Because he was so stupid to have thought that this could be any better than Hydra, than Siberia. There would be more people hurting him and playing with his mind, and he would sooner die than become someone's weapon again. "Th-they will p-p-p-punish and b-b-b-b-brainwash us?" he forget about the kiss entirely, and his words really weren't working this time, because he was utterly terrified that what the announcement said was true. 
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Hearing her name on the announcement caused her to stand up. Before looking at Sayaka. "We should get going." Kairi walked in the direction of the underground bunker

"Yeah, I bet Kyoko is already there, she may seem kinda mean at first, but she's a really nice girl. Still can't remember why we started dating..." Sayaka followed
Logan perked up at the announcements. "Well it was nice metting you miss Stark, perhaps we can talk again." He said with a wink and jogged off to the underground bunker.



Kairi walked as she listened to the girl talk about her girlfriend "I'm sure there was some reason or you two wouldn't still be together." She said looking at her from the corner of her eyes.
Tanya followed the group of girls looking around the building as they all walked she was sticking to the shadows not really knowing how to introduce herself into the conversation but still liking the silence while in her mind hooking up to the internet looking through conversation starters.
Lucas soon made it to where they need to be "i-m here " he mumbled 

I hope the dont want me to hurt people


"My dad is Spider-Man." She informed, going down into the bunker as she left the hatch open for the others to enter. "Ever heard of the webbed crusader?" She joked, she'd seen it in a Batman comic she read. 


"Since most of us are here we'll begin. Electro's been seen carrying out some mutant drug trades now. The X-Men have their hands full and the Avengers are taking a day off so you're the call-ins. You'll be taking a car with a remote for a stairing wheel and you'll all be given costumes. Some of you already have some so just wear those." He said before looking to the side, the wall moving up as it was robotic too, suits appearing with large AA's on the middle as well as masks on mannequins shown. "We're 'em and prepare. We'll send you off in thirty." Hank said walking off.


He signed, going through the explanation. Electro broke out? Again? He thought before hearing about costumes. "Humph." He muttered, his head morphing into a skull his clothes turned into black jeans and a black long sleeve leather jacked buttoned up. His skull hadn't caught fire yet though as he waited for the next instruction.


She just stripped down there, a black leotard under with a spandex body suit the signature white spider across the back of the suit. She pulled a hoodie over her face which in the em was a mask, revealing the brunette's brown hair sticking out the back as she threw he clothes into a junk pile. "I'm ready, Antie." She said with a smile, her hands on her hips.
Nikolai jerked back hard and fast, not because his heart didn't flutter a bit at the kiss, and not because he can't imagine kissing Virian all day long (he can), but because touch is supposed to be bad, and he's too damn faulty to understand the protocol for proper human interaction. "I-I, s-sorry... I'm sorry," he was sputtering now, flustered and unable to make the words come out. He wanted to bash his head against the wall.

Then, the announcement. His heart sank and his face dropped, not because he was a mini-Avenger—he didn't really care about that—but because they were going to punish and brainwash all those who disobeyed. Because he was so stupid to have thought that this could be any better than Hydra, than Siberia. There would be more people hurting him and playing with his mind, and he would sooner die than become someone's weapon again. "Th-they will p-p-p-punish and b-b-b-b-brainwash us?" he forget about the kiss entirely, and his words really weren't working this time, because he was utterly terrified that what the announcement said was true. 

Virian took this the wrong way.

"I-I'm sorry..." Virian said, standing up from the table and grabbing his bag. "I-I shouldn't have done that.. W-we gotta go, anyways.." With that, he left, feeling like an idiot.
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"Costumes?" He said with a smirk as he suited up in his armor, sliding on the gloves. "Anyway... First mission and we are the second string if you didn't realize..." He added, fixing on the helmet. He checked both his .357 revolvers, holstered them and sat down, mock checking a watch. 25 minutes to ground zero ladies and gents!" He said grinning under the helmet.


"My dad is Spider-Man." She informed, going down into the bunker as she left the hatch open for the others to enter. "Ever heard of the webbed crusader?" She joked, she'd seen it in a Batman comic she read. 


"Since most of us are here we'll begin. Electro's been seen carrying out some mutant drug trades now. The X-Men have their hands full and the Avengers are taking a day off so you're the call-ins. You'll be taking a car with a remote for a stairing wheel and you'll all be given costumes. Some of you already have some so just wear those." He said before looking to the side, the wall moving up as it was robotic too, suits appearing with large AA's on the middle as well as masks on mannequins shown. "We're 'em and prepare. We'll send you off in thirty." Hank said walking off.


He signed, going through the explanation. Electro broke out? Again? He thought before hearing about costumes. "Humph." He muttered, his head morphing into a skull his clothes turned into black jeans and a black long sleeve leather jacked buttoned up. His skull hadn't caught fire yet though as he waited for the next instruction.


She just stripped down there, a black leotard under with a spandex body suit the signature white spider across the back of the suit. She pulled a hoodie over her face which in the em was a mask, revealing the brunette's brown hair sticking out the back as she threw he clothes into a junk pile. "I'm ready, Antie." She said with a smile, her hands on her hips.

"Are  t-he suits needed" he asked


"Unless you're good with putting your family in potential danger, I advise you wear one." Hank said typing away at the computer screen. He was Ant-Man for gods sakes!

(sorry for short)
Kairi looked at the suit with a soft sigh. She didn't like the idea of having to wear tight spandex with a good chance that it wasn't even fire resistant. She looked over at Hank hearing his warning about their family being put at risk. She grabbed one of the suits. "Don't blame me if it gets scorched"
Tanya looked at the uniform then down at hers that she was wearing, She didn't know if she was allowed to change out of her combat gear. Tanya didn't have any family since she was mostly a robot with AI, Tanya slouched down looking online at cat pictures trying to cheer herself up.
She shrugged, and quickly changed into one of the uniforms. "Yeah...I'd hate to put them in danger," She said sarcasticly. She didn't have family to put in danger.
Shingen listened to the rather brief briefing hoping they would get more information as they went along. If you guys simply killed out of control villains that have killed heroes maybe villains wouldn't take up so much of your schedules. One and done for the one who killed your son. Shingen briefly inspected the costumes they were providing for the others. He of course didn't need one as he had his armor and even then a mask on under it so it wouldn't be much of problem. Not like he has much of a family to worry about anyway. 

Alexander simply brooded in a corner to himself in the back of the room with his bloodwraith armor and even the helmet on with the eye portion glowing red. He was anticipating the battle to come to chance to swing his blade and hack things to pieces. A low rumble that is his breathing could be heard coming from the armor. The way he looked at this point in time on could think that there wasn't a human under all that armor and in a way they would be right. One could feel the mass of dead souls that composed the Bloodwraith armor if their senses were acute enough or if they passed close enough to it.
Cassie ran into the bunker looking a little disheveled and nervous. "IM HERE IM HERE!" She yelled, skidding into the room. She skidded too far and ran into the wall. "Ow!" She removed herself from the wall and looked at Dr. Pym with a sheepish grin, already in her Irongal suit. "Aaand he's walking out of the room. Good. Friday, update on the mission?" 

Cassie saw on the screen in her suit the mission briefing that she missed and nodded. Good. She put her helmet on and crossed her arms. "Now we wait." 
Tanya looked up at the girl sliding into the room and stood up looking at her suit linking it to the interweb as an ironman suit. Tanya had never met an ironman suit or the person inside of it, Tanya walked over to her when the attention died down and held out her robotic hand as an expression. Tanya chuckled "Nice entrance." While she looked the suit over her eyes breaking it down to the parts it was made out of.

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