Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

"I-I like coffee," he spoke, eyes focusing on the wall just beyond Virian. The boy's nonsensical rambling made him feel a bit better, like he wasn't the only one who was awkward and anxious. "I do not know? I just move here. From Russia. I do not know many places." 

"Oh, uh.. there's a nice coffee shop downtown.. Next to the Baxter Building.." Virian said, blushing at how stupid he looked.

"I-I like coffee," he spoke, eyes focusing on the wall just beyond Virian. The boy's nonsensical rambling made him feel a bit better, like he wasn't the only one who was awkward and anxious. "I do not know? I just move here. From Russia. I do not know many places." 

"Oh, uh.. there's a nice coffee shop downtown.. Next to the Baxter Building.." Virian said, blushing at how stupid he looked.
"Oh, uh.. there's a nice coffee shop downtown.. Next to the Baxter Building.." Virian said, blushing at how stupid he looked.

"Okay," Nikolai gave a small nod, "that would be good." He couldn't bring himself to look Virian in the eyes for more than 5 seconds, because then his heartbeat would rise above standard levels, and he'd blush like a fucking school girl. Super soldiers do not blush. That is not acceptable. Then though, then he has to glance at Virian, who is now blushing, so Nikolai really can't help but blush like a school girl, which is just ridiculous, but he can't find it in himself to mind.
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"Okay," Nikolai gave a small nod, "that would be good." He couldn't bring himself to look Virian in the eyes for more than 5 seconds, because then his heartbeat would rise above standard levels, and he'd blush like a fucking school girl. Super soldiers do not blush. That is not acceptable. Then though, then he has to glance at Virian, who is now blushing, so Nikolai really can't help but blush like a school girl, which is just ridiculous, but he can't find it in himself to mind.

Then, Virian did something that he might regret.

He kissed his cheek.
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Hank was in the office now, speaking into the announcement npmicrophone which was so loud those on the school courtyard would hear it. "We have finally assembled the school 'Mini-Avengers' team. The following will be going on mission and will be sharing a seperate living quarters from others in the school." He began. "First is Raymond, Kairi, Haruki, Virian, Kyoko, Cassidy, Cassandra, Alexander, Daniel, Dylan, Lucas, Logan, Tanya, Judas, Makayla, Sayaka, Nikolai and Shingen. The group please meet in the underground bunker, located in the school basement. Those mentioned are the only ones who can access it and if you're not on the list? Immediate termination." He paused before breaking out into laughter. "No one's gonna die, just punishment and some brainwashing. The recruits please make your way to the Headquarters ASAP."


Rwymond frowned as his name was called. I knew they'd make me one of their soldiers sooner or later. He said leaning in the walls. He pushed himself up, walking to where he was directed to. "Guess it might be fun. Cassidy's there too so.." He murmured as he walked, his hands currently in his pockets now.


Cassidy's smile widened to a great extent as she looked to Lucas, Makayla and then to Kairo. "Guys! We're almost in the big league!" She said with a smile, she walked backwards to the door eager to begin as a mini-avenger. "C'mon! It's this way!" She exclaimed.

@Kairikudo @Safety Hammer @thelittlebay @FireMaiden @TruPrimrose @Midnite @Godless555 

 @sitanomoto @Moddy @Raikou Kaminari @LoneSniper87 @Judeauofaltrades @Lady_Luck  @Physiicz
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Hank was in the office now, speaking into the announcement npmicrophone which was so loud those on the school courtyard would hear it. "We have finally assembled the school 'Mini-Avengers' team. The following will be going on mission and will be sharing a seperate living quarters from others in the school." He began. "First is Raymond, Kairi, Haruki, Kyoko, Cassidy, Cassandra, Alexander, Daniel, Dylan, Lucas, Logan, Tanya, Judas, Makayla, Sayaka, Nikolai and Shingen. The group please meet in the underground bunker, located in the school basement. Those mentioned are the only ones who can access it and if you're not on the list? Immediate termination." He paused before breaking out into laughter. "No one's gonna die, just punishment and some brainwashing. The recruits please make your way to the Headquarters ASAP."


Rwymond frowned as his name was called. I knew they'd make me one of their soldiers sooner or later. He said leaning in the walls. He pushed himself up, walking to where he was directed to. "Guess it might be fun. Cassidy's there too so.." He murmured as he walked, his hands currently in his pockets now.


Cassidy's smile widened to a great extent as she looked to Lucas, Makayla and then to Kairo. "Guys! We're almost in the big league!" She said with a smile, she walked backwards to the door eager to begin as a mini-avenger. "C'mon! It's this way!" She exclaimed.

@Kairikudo @Safety Hammer @thelittlebay @FireMaiden @TruPrimrose @Midnite @Godless555 

 @sitanomoto @Moddy @Raikou Kaminari @LoneSniper87 @Judeauofaltrades @Lady_Luck  @Physiicz

(Looks like Virian got terminated..)
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Shingen accessed his map of the school searching for a stairwell that leads downward from the first floor and marked it on the map. His helmet HUD then detailed his way to the stairwell, which he promptly made his way towards. He could see on his scanners he was being tailed by something large looking into one of the reflections on a glass window he could see the hulking frame of Wraith Knight. The guy was smarter than the brutish look of him made him out to be. Shin eventually descended the stairwell and then began using structural scanners to look for the underground bunker.


"Cause we're super! We've met the standards, Makayla!" She said excitedly. "We're gonna save the world trust me, we are the newest generation of heroes." She said as if she were giving some sort of speech, opening the door to let the three into the school. "Just hope we don't die." She said with a small laugh. @FireMaiden


"Cause we're super! We've met the standards, Makayla!" She said excitedly. "We're gonna save the world trust me, we are the newest generation of heroes." She said as if she were giving some sort of speech, opening the door to let the three into the school. "Just hope we don't die." She said with a small laugh. @FireMaiden

(Seriously, is Virian not on the team?)
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"Cause we're super! We've met the standards, Makayla!" She said excitedly. "We're gonna save the world trust me, we are the newest generation of heroes." She said as if she were giving some sort of speech, opening the door to let the three into the school. "Just hope we don't die." She said with a small laugh. @FireMaiden

She gave a wry chuckle, "I don't think we're gonna die." 

(Sorry, shorr, a little busy rn.)
Tanya got to the school right around the time two other people were getting there the same time, Tanya silently followed them in staying in her gear that she was required to wear outside her home.


Hank was in the office now, speaking into the announcement npmicrophone which was so loud those on the school courtyard would hear it. "We have finally assembled the school 'Mini-Avengers' team. The following will be going on mission and will be sharing a seperate living quarters from others in the school." He began. "First is Raymond, Kairi, Haruki, Kyoko, Cassidy, Cassandra, Alexander, Daniel, Dylan, Lucas, Logan, Tanya, Judas, Makayla, Sayaka, Nikolai and Shingen. The group please meet in the underground bunker, located in the school basement. Those mentioned are the only ones who can access it and if you're not on the list? Immediate termination." He paused before breaking out into laughter. "No one's gonna die, just punishment and some brainwashing. The recruits please make your way to the Headquarters ASAP."


Rwymond frowned as his name was called. I knew they'd make me one of their soldiers sooner or later. He said leaning in the walls. He pushed himself up, walking to where he was directed to. "Guess it might be fun. Cassidy's there too so.." He murmured as he walked, his hands currently in his pockets now.


Cassidy's smile widened to a great extent as she looked to Lucas, Makayla and then to Kairo. "Guys! We're almost in the big league!" She said with a smile, she walked backwards to the door eager to begin as a mini-avenger. "C'mon! It's this way!" She exclaimed.

@Kairikudo @Safety Hammer @thelittlebay @FireMaiden @TruPrimrose @Midnite @Godless555 

 @sitanomoto @Moddy @Raikou Kaminari @LoneSniper87 @Judeauofaltrades @Lady_Luck  @Physiicz

(Kyoko: good luck learning how to control Oktavia...

Sayaka: It's not MY fault that we found out about the us technically being zombies thing...)
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She chuckled as Makayla clarified the truth. "I know, wanted to get a dramatic atmosphere. Might even scare Lucas." She said with a sly grin, leading to a short burst of laughter as they went down the stairs. "I've been to the bunker before, just follow me." She said, walking down she stood behind Shingen and Alexander, waiting for them to go down. Purely manners.


He had already arrived into the large room, holo-boards, wires, robotic creations. It was cool  to be honest Raymond didn't feel to bad about being in a team. Guess being a soldier goon for the avengers wasn't half bad after all. He chuckled in thought, freezing up as Hank Pym just stared at him for a second. "Thinking." He explained as the man nodded.

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