In Character

Arrows kept flying, quiet a few aimed at the cave since some dragons were still in there. @Drumonkey @Baku @DarknessSpirit @Mistory @Ellieroan

Kage squealed, but held tight to Asura. Only to screma as a quick handed, and weirdly strong hunter grabbed her by the hair, and pulled her out of Asura's arms. He held her up by her hair, her hand up on his forearm trying to get him to loosen his grip, but stopped struggling as much as she felt the familiar feline of a dagger pressed against her throat. @Shiro kurogane @Safety Hammer 

Some hunters with bows would now focus their fire upwards at Hilda. @Lady_Luck
(I'm a little confused at what you did @Flareshield , did you just speak to yourself or actually speak to Alas, because he's with a group of Hunters.)

Alas felt useless due to his lack of ranged weaponry, so he tries to act vigilant of his surroundings just encase for any one nearby that acts suspicious. 

"Sir," Alas said as he looked at the man shouting the many commands, "What are your orders for us footmen." referencing the people without bows.

(Alright, this post might be a little odd for you @FireMaiden , but I hope you understand.)

Alas mind was too boggled to notice that most of the footmen has already taken charge! 

"Sorry sir, I'll b-" he stops as he hears a familiar voice, turning his head in the direction of the voice. He knew what he must do, he tries to whisper to the leader, but the battle going on made him raise his voice by a small margin. 

"There is a dragon nearby, this one I fought with, watch out, he controls the nature around him." 

Alas raised his shield and went into a over watch position. Looking for any movement he that seems unnatural, odd, dragon like.
Thorn sprinted after the others going at a fast pace, running out of the cave, she sprinted past most the arrows but fell to the ground as an arrow pierced her thigh, causing her to collapse on the ground. 
Rhona ran after the others, dodging several arrows. One burrowed into her shoulder and she growled. Ripping it out she tried to assess the damage as she ran. While dripping blood, it hadn't gone too deep. Rhona let out a roar and sprinted past the line of arrows, a few grazing her side and one grazing her cheek. 


(Sorry I didn't reply. Was in class)
"Asura get Kage put of here and lead the others." Dru then watched as a friendly dragon firebombed the enemy forces along with his mates powerful attack. Dru shifted into his half dragon form and combined the sand with the tornado to make a small scale sand storm that only grew angrier and angrier until Dru threw it at the survivors watching as they were sandpapered by tiny grains of sand and they were blinded. @Dutchmann@Shiro kurogane@FireMaiden
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Suo tried to stay mad at Dru for daring to suggest he would fight the hunters alone. Without him. But that charming smile paired with the touch to his cheek. All of Suo's momentary anger faded and he released his mate just as Dru suddenly clapped. At first Suo had jumped, startled and confused. It was only when he turned around after Dru yelled to run that he saw torrent of arrows about to rain down. A fierce growl ripped from his throat at the small army of hunters. Electricity pulsed to life around Suo's body, forming into ten balls. The ten eletro-balls shot into the slowed down arrows and detonated like bombs, sending bolts of lighting in all directions.

Asura was suddenly at Kage's side, moving her behind him protectively. He held up his hand as if to use his power. But seemed to reconsider and just used his bare hand to take the few bolts of lighting that strayed his and Kage's way. He used his body to redirect the lighting via his bare foot touching the ground.  Even so, Asura still was hurt pretty badly. Although no one would know that just from looking at him. "we. are. leaving." He said as he turned at brought Kage into his arms and dashed out of the cave in his half dragon form. He realized he hadn't needed to pick Kage up since she would have ran anyways. But at the moment he liked having her close so he just stayed quiet while he pretended to not have realized what he'd done.

Angelina felt herself being moved but couldn't seem to wake up. At first she started shaking in silent panic that someone was taking her away again. But then a familiar scent filled her nose, Alistair. Next came her other senses seeming to be working in slow motion as now she heard Dru's yell, Suo's growl and the sounds of lighning and finally, Asura talking to someone. She felt the trees quivering in fear. Her eyes shot open looking right into Alistair's face. She was too over whelmed with the feelings of the trees at that second to realize how close her face was to Alistair's. Now Angelina was looking around as she quickly pieced together what was happening.

@FireMaiden @Drumonkey @Emperor Of Embers (@everyone else)

"Do not worry, Alistair will keep you safe!" Proxi exclaimed as he looked at her, and gave her a reassuring look of determination. He was going to keep her safe, all he had to do was act as if she were a princess, like the many he had saved before. Afterall, she is his betrothed, by the fates of the gods. He kicks epona, and a sudden burst of speed hits her with a breeze. He hoped that the others would follow them, and not think he is kidnapping her. @Shiro kurogane
Even though now in pain from Dru's attack, the hunter with Kage's hair balled up in his fist, and his dagger to her throat didn'tlet go. On now, pressed the dagger harder. Kage was terrified, and couldn't do anything to free herself. @Shiro kurogane 

While Throw was collapsed, four hunters came upon her, all sneering. They looked at each other, before one stepped up, and drew their sword. @DarknessSpirit

Many hunters saw the two children. And only one caught their attention, three archers now aiming and firing at the horse and Angelina. @Emperor Of Embers @Shiro kurogane

The guild leader would draw his broadsword, while Blake moved out of the way of the impending fight. The leader looked at the earth dragon, "Is this the one you were telling us about?" @Dutchmann @Flareshield

Hearing the roar, a good many hunters chased artery the running dragon. @Ellieroan
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Hilda flew high into the air after her surprise bombing run, she wouldn't be able to do that again without getting a few arrows in her hide Hilda watched as arrows flew high into the air then arched slowly falling back to the ground. Hilda looked over and the dragons were getting rained on with arrows and were being charged by foot soldiers Hilda thought about how she could help this was the first time she saw other dragons and felt a calling to help them from her gut. Hilda sat high in the air floating thinking of what she could do to help. 
"already on it!" Asura yelled back to Dru. He skidded to a stop with a threatening full on dragon's roar. The sheer volume of which at such close proximity could disorient nearly anything aside from other dragons. Asura took that created opening to lash out with his tail to knock the weapon from the hunter's hand. Next Asura swung his leg up and out with deadly precision and aim to the hunter's arm holding Kage. The slightly altered angle of the spear-like kick made so that Kage remained unharmed but the hunter's arm would likely never be usable again. He pulled Kage back into his arm quickly and stated inspecting her for any injuries. "are you okay?" He eventually asked after finding no other injuries at the moment. Asura was already planning to get one of the other females to check Kage more thoroughly later.

Suo's body began to glow as he slow seemed to be fading into balls of light. The mass of light that was once Suo dimmed and seemed to blink out of existence. However that was not the case, in actuality Suo had spread himself out and was sweeping through the ranks of the hunters. Ever minute a hunter died seeming from nothing as the mass of light that was Suo kept his glow dimmed down. bolts of lightning would randomly appear from nowhere, cause mass confusion for the hunters.

"okay." Angelina nodded as she spoke. She trusted Alistair and Proxi probably more then she trusted anyone else, aside from Asura and Suo. She didn't have the chance to shift around so that she was sitting properly. With Epona taking off at a sprint she hugged onto Alistair. Angelina looked at the hunters fighting with Suo, Dru, Asura and the new dragon that had joined in from the sky. A sudden idea came to her. She amassed a  giant ball of purple flames that couldn't burn and launched it into the air. The flames started spreading, covering the sky. That was what Angelina saw, what the other dragons and humans would see it more dragons suddenly filling the sky over their battleground. Angelina hoped her illusion would be enough to make the hunter pull back since she couldn't fight like the others, she only had illusions, powerful ones at that.

@FireMaiden @Drumonkey @Emperor Of Embers @Lady_Luck (@everyone else)
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Darmani saw a bright purple light in his dragon form, and sprinted toward to it. He saw hunters firing upon other dragons. He growled as the air turned red, filling with a red powder. He then walked out, just close enough to make a stream of powder going straight to the humans, and the Lion-like Teostra gnashed his teeth, setting off a chain reaction of explosions, the force large enough to kill a man 10x. 
Hilda was looking down at the battle when what looked like more dragons joined the fight at first Hilda was glad to have more dragons join in the fight then she noticed they were just illusions and felt bad that she didn't notice it at first. Hilda then perked up noticing this could help her, arrows were flying up at most of the illusions now and she was being ignored in the night sky her black hide slowly vanishing as she dove back down for another bombing run. 
"already on it!" Asura yelled back to Dru. He skidded to a stop with a threatening full on dragon's roar. The sheer volume of which at such close proximity could disorient nearly anything aside from other dragons. Asura took that created opening to lash out with his tail to knock the weapon from the hunter's hand. Next Asura swung his leg up and out with deadly precision and aim to the hunter's arm holding Kage. The slightly altered angle of the spear-like kick made so that Kage remained unharmed but the hunter's arm would likely never be usable again. He pulled Kage back into his arm quickly and stated inspecting her for any injuries. "are you okay?" He eventually asked after finding no other injuries at the moment. Asura was already planning to get one of the other females to check Kage more thoroughly later.

Suo's body began to glow as he slow seemed to be fading into balls of light. The mass of light that was once Suo dimmed and seemed to blink out of existence. However that was not the case, in actuality Suo had spread himself out and was sweeping through the ranks of the hunters. Ever minute a hunter died seeming from nothing as the mass of light that was Suo kept his glow dimmed down. bolts of lightning would randomly appear from nowhere, cause mass confusion for the hunters.

"okay." Angelina nodded as she spoke. She trusted Alistair and Proxi probably more then she trusted anyone else, aside from Asura and Suo. She didn't have the chance to shift around so that she was sitting properly. With Epona taking off at a sprint she hugged onto Alistair. Angelina looked at the hunters fighting with Suo, Dru, Asura and the new dragon that had joined in from the sky. A sudden idea came to her. She amassed a  giant ball of purple flames that couldn't burn and launched it into the air. The flames started spreading, covering the sky. That was what Angelina saw, what the other dragons and humans would see it more dragons suddenly filling the sky over their battleground. Angelina hoped her illusion would be enough to make the hunter pull back since she couldn't fight like the others, she only had illusions, powerful ones at that.

@FireMaiden @Drumonkey @Emperor Of Embers @Lady_Luck (@everyone else)

Alistair kept his focus on the road ahead, while proxi sat on Angelina's shoulder. "Good job! That wiil keep them off of us!" she exclaimed to angelina as epona jumped over a log, and landed safely on the ground, continuing her sprint.
Dru was stidings through the battlefield his eyes never once stopping movement as he ananlyzed, catalogued, and kept each love he saw used. Dru was walking up to solders and with one or several hits he would take them down killing them either instantly or over a few seconds and it was made easier by the fact that Dru could slow his enemies movements drastically. Since there was a sand tornado rolling through the woods Dru would use sand tendrils to grab hunters and throw them into the sand then Dru saw a group of hunters over a comrade and Dru just seemed to appear twisting and pulling causing one head to be torn off fountain blood then Dru stepped up to the other men striking them down with a hand shoved through their chests or powerful blows meant to cripple them. @DarknessSpirit @Shiro kurogane @FireMaiden
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Thorn watched in fear and anger  as four hunters stepped up to her before one pulled out its sword, she was about to burn them to smithereens when Dru came out of nowhere, hacking and twisting at the men, one head was torn from a hunter while the others were crippled, Thorn shakily stood, before pulling the arrow out of her thigh. Not knowing what to say, she just gave him a nod in thanks. 

@Drumonkey @FireMaiden
Violet had gone from afraid to furious in a blink of an eye. She was jumping from hunter to hunter dealing horrifying blows to them. Two hunters rushed Violet in an attempt to stop her but she responded by freezing their very blood and killing them from the inside. However a soldier wielding a shield hit her head with his shield effectively dazing her. The soldier knocked Violet onto the ground with another swing of his shield. Violet desperately tried to defend herself but the hunter was fast with that shield and began to repeatedly hit her with it.

Meanwhile in another part of the woods an older Dragon jolted up hearing the sound of a horse heading his way. He gave the air a quick sniff and identified a young Dragon and an Elf. And he could've sworn he smelled a fairy in the mix. "Ugh what on earth is going on with this forest? Might as well meet that horse halfway and see if they know what is going on." The man got up and began to run in the direction of the horse.

@Mistory @FireMaiden @Shiro kurogane @DarknessSpirit @Emperor Of Embers @Drumonkey @everyone else
Hilda dove down through the illusion dragons and let her black fire pour down like a rain onto the archers shooting arrows hoping to stop them in the process, Hilda did a barrel role a few arrows sticking into her wings as she flew towards the group of dragons trying to help them escape from the army. Hilda flew in low to one of the dragons that were getting hit repeatedly by a shield and grabbed the hunter with her sharp deadly teeth snapping the man in two as she flew back into the air looking for others that needed assistance. 
Dru gave a half smile before stepping into the sand stream and it moved towards A knight fighting another opponent. Dru tackled the knight who was shield beating another dragon. As he tackled the knight away he called out "run!" Dru then rolled off the knight and pulled out his brass knuckles ready to fight. @Baku @DarknessSpirit
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Alistair suddenly pulled on the bridle, stopping epona, since he saw a man walking towards them. This person was no one he recognized, so he drew his blade, and took defensive posture. "Who is that.....?" proxi asked as the man got closer. @Baku @Shiro kurogane

Darmani drew his giant axe, and chopped down 2 hunters in one strike, then he breathea spiralling cone of flame, incinerating many others in one sweep. He saw a few hunters fleeing the fight, but decided to let the others handle them. @Drumonkey  @Lady_Luck
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Asura held Kage a bit tighter in his arms. Hearing her shaky voice nearly made him want to kill everyone here for scaring Kage. He suddenly curled himself around Kage as the thudding of arrows hitting his back sounded. Again Asura's eyes and face showed no signs of pain but he was in fact feeling a lot of it. His sudden drive to protect Kage driving him to protect her above all else. Besides, he may not trust all the members of their growing group but he did trust that they could hold their own in this small-scale war. He'd yet to use his power as it wasn't safe to use when fighting alongside friends. if anything, Asura was worried if he used his power that he'd hurt friends as well as foes.

Suo reformed amidst a group of archers and took advantage of their surprise to wound them. He'd thought about killing them but last second had reconsidered. He wouldn't drop to their level just because of the urge for revenge in his heart. After that, Suo burst into a cloud of lights and reformed this time near behind Dru just as an arrow meant for Dru struck Suo's side. Suo looked at the arrow and finally shifted to his half dragon form and channeled lightning through his body and muscles, supercharging himself. The unfortunate nearest hunter lost his life when Suo swung one of his four arms to disarm, but ended up ripping the poor human's head right off. Suo's movements slowed gradually due to blood loss.

Angelina smiled but breathed as though she had run a marathon.  "i hope it helps... illusions are really all i have aside from physical combat, for fighting." She replied giving a weak-looking smile. She hugged Alistair tightly when Epona jumped a log in their path and released him somewhat after she was sure she wouldn't fall. She felt Epona stop and twisted around to see why. A dragon.... Angelina's fear of people bubbled up and forced her to try and hide behind Alistair. 

@FireMaiden @Drumonkey @Emperor Of Embers @Baku (@everyone else)

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