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  1. Deity of Ice

    I'm just the guy that does things.

    I'm just the guy that does things.
  2. Deity of Ice


    I agree with Rias. I'd rather get somewhere than wait, either because I like progress, or I don't want this to die. One or the other. or both
  3. Deity of Ice

    Dove (OPEN)

    Tejina decided to try and help, instead of just standing around like usual. After all, why wouldn't he? Tejina turned to the group, thinking to himself about what should be done... "So, there's a mysterious man that attacked then vanished..?" Tejina questioned "If so, shouldn't the best...
  4. Deity of Ice

    Dove (OPEN)

    Tejina notices that Fa, Lin, and Arada already returned...He turns back to Harumi slightly confused "I guess I was wrong...they're already back. Shows how much I pay attention" Tejina walks back to the group and just stands around @The Otaku Diaries
  5. Deity of Ice

    Dove (OPEN)

    Tejina stood there, as the panther was defeated and people ran off further. He decided to stay back, as it was easier and safer. He turned to Harumi and said "You think we should move up and find whoever left?" @The Otaku Diaries
  6. Deity of Ice


    @RegalWindstar I'm still here. I'm ready to continue if you all are.
  7. Deity of Ice

    Dove (OPEN)

    "Can't say I expected you to actually do that..." "Miss Harumi, you should learn to take it easy, it's good to relax.." Tejina turns away from her and focuses on the task at hand: the monster @The Otaku Diaries
  8. Deity of Ice

    Dove (OPEN)

    Tejina slowly moves the female's spear out of the way and begins to speak "The name's Tejina. I'm a student here and I arrived late. Now is that a reason to point a spear at me..?" "Now you should tell me who you are and say you're sorry" Tejina says while smiling @The Otaku Diaries
  9. Deity of Ice

    Dove (OPEN)

    "Didn't I have a test or something today...?" Tejina stated to himself as he slowly got ready "Right..I should probably get there". Tejina grabbed his sword and his jacket and headed towards the forest around all the commotion. He saw the panther and everyone from a distance, and decided that...
  10. Deity of Ice

    Everyone! Get in here!

    Everyone! Get in here!
  11. Deity of Ice

    I am actually beyond confused.

    Ah, thanks a ton. What really got me was the whole server reset/thing. I had thought that my 2014 posts and such would carry on. Thanks
  12. Deity of Ice

    I am actually beyond confused.

    I have a few questions. 1. Do I still not have full access to the site after being registered for a year? I also have the 10 posts. 2. I am not really sure how the discord server works with the member Id and such. Id like help Thanks in advance
  13. Deity of Ice

    Anime & Manga What was the first anime that you ever watched?

    Probably dbz. Although I do remember naruto and yugioh original/gx
  14. Deity of Ice

    What do people do that bothers you most on rp sites?

    I absolutely hate when some rp died out prematurely. Especially if it wasn't my fault. I invested my time and energy to something that failed. It sucks.
  15. Deity of Ice

    A reintroduction!

    Another returner! Hello there. How long of a gap was there between there and now?
  16. Deity of Ice

    The 10 posts thing

    Yo, so I was just wondering. In 2014 and such, I was active with probably 10+ posts already. Does the site overhaul thing just start me over or..? I came back recently and I'd like all the features, lol I'm alright if I have to work for it a bit more though.
  17. Deity of Ice

    Chitchat So... how did you come up with your username?

    Well I go by 2 usernames so I'll tell both Deity of Ice came from the Chaos Theatre forum which doesn't really exist anymore. It was a place for countdowns and discussions and all that. I was a fan of the Autarch of Flame. I thought, I should be the opposite of him. Deity - Autarch, Ice- Fire...
  18. Deity of Ice

    How to Name Cities or Other Places?

    For all of my DnD adventures I normally named my characters something in Japanese. For example, my Monk's name is Taizen Ryuu, which translates to Calm Killer For towns and such, just name it something that seems catchy (if that's the proper word for this) enough. Base it off of something...
  19. Deity of Ice

    Pleasure to be here.

    Gonna jump in here as someone returning to this place after a year(?) long hiatus. I haven't RPed in so long and the more people, the merrier, right? Hope I get to RP with some of you in the near future