Dove (Open to new people)


Asexual Kpop Fairy
Roleplay Availability
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Thanks to @Hel for letting me use her sheet code. If you leave the RP or are kicked your CS will be hidden under a spoiler so I can find active players easier. If you are banned your CS will be deleted.
Character Sheet 0%
  • Basics Age: (14 - 19) Gender: Romance: Yes? or No? Sexual Orientation: Power: (If I do not like your power your CS will not be approved if I for example find it too OP or it just doesn't fit what the powersets before were)

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Character Sheet 0%
  • Basics Age: (14 - 19) Gender: Romance: Yes? or No? Sexual Orientation: Power: (If I do not like your power your CS will not be approved if I for example find it too OP or it just doesn't fit what the powersets before were)

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Character Sheet 99%

Isabella White
  • Basics Name: Isabella

    Nickname: Izzy or Bella

    Age: 14

    Gender: Female

    Romance: Wishes for it

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Power: Weather Manipulation



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Character Sheet 66.66%

Madeline Hutchinson Maddie
  • Basics Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Romance: She hopes for it

    Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

    Power: The ability to control cats, of all sizes

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Character Sheet 100%

CHARACTER NAME: Evangeline Etkins Nickname: Eva
  • Basics Age:18

    Gender: Female

    Romance: not looking for it but wouldn't mind it

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Power: Lightening manipulation

  • [/media][/side]
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Character Sheet 100%

Fa lin Feng
  • Basics Age: 15 (almost 16)

    Gender: Female

    Romance: "Romance? Is that when one person beats up another?"

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Power: Speed and Internal strength

    Internal strength: [uses] This is a power that has two sides to it, it can deflect magic (from the natures of its use) and when used to attack another it wont show outward wounds, rather internal injurys, it can be focused inwardly to heal her channels. Magic users abilitys are determined with something like a channel, which is why iternal strength can reverse attacks to self. Its not super powerful, but capable of being a great defense against powerful enemys once brought to greater potential and constant training.

    Basicly it reverses in a way outward channeling (magic) and reflects it back, or disperses. Sounds more useful then it actually is.

    - [to be added]

    -[added as discovered]

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Hisao Kumori

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Danger Intuition

Height: 6'0

Weight: 170 lbs.

Born into an organization of assassins as the youngest child of its leader, Hisao was never supposed to lead hi family's clan. His older brother, however, became an irresponsible mess, and thus the title of heir passed on to the younger of the two boys. Despite his rigorous training from an early age, Hisao found a way to look at life in a loving and peaceful way. He saw the good in preserving life and the bad in what he was being trained to do, but could never refuse his father in fear of abandonment or death. Years of practice lead to great skill in combat and stealth, and the boy became a legend among his fellow clan members. During this time, however, he struggled with his personal morals and how they defied those of his family and allies. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that to end the killing that his clan did, he would have to eliminate his own father and thus end any chance of a Kumori leader.

The night came on his 18th birthday, a night where his father was vulnerable and with little protection. Hisao killed his father shortly before the festivities, but was soon discovered by his brother. A battle ensued between the two siblings, and the younger emerged the victor. Unable to kill his brother, Hisao left his brother bleeding on the floor, and left his former home in search of a safe place to call home.
Always calm and collected, Hisao is a quiet individual. Few have seen him caught off guard and he's always on alert, however he can seem very relaxed to the average onlooker. He only speaks when he has to, but is still a kind and polite young man. He has a strong moral compass, but often questions himself and the choices that he makes.




Other Outfits:


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Great Balance


Gender: Male

Age: 19

Height: 6'5

Weight: 210 pounds.

Power: Magicka Disruption

no slide
no slide
no slide
no slide
no slide

"I will bring balance, even if in chaos"

Calculated and ready to strike, Bas cares not for good or bad, not for chaos or peace,only balance. Hes been known to be protective of those he might make small friendships with; However hes always been careful to stray from hard tuned relationships with others. Very few have made the effort to attempt to remain close to the samurai, but one can assume staying under Bas's wing would bring about a great aura of protection and comfort.


"I know what I must do."

Bas grew up in a religious village (Tsurui) with his family, aiding them in watching over the religious temple while he was young. However even though his family was close, his father was always strict with both Bas and his sister, not caring for morality or consequence. Their teachings from an early age consisted of nothing but the temple, and the way of balance; With nothing but his body and mind, his father began to teach the young Bas about the ways of their clan; Forcing him to stand at the temple steps day in and day out, striking the boy when he might fail. But it taught the boy many lessons, and even brought his family a bit closer together.

For years this training continued until the young boy's loyalty, compassion, and even his honor felt tied to holding balance within the temple. But however, as the monsters began to pour from the grand portals that conspired, he found himself frozen. The creatures tearing apart the temple he and his father had worked so hard within, the temple his younger sister had grown to love through all the hardships. But it wasn't the young man who sprung to action, it was his father. The battle was short and swift, the man unable to hold his own, Bas saw his father struck down at the very temple steps he had trained so hard upon. But the flashes of magic brought him back to his senses, and with what remained of his composure, Bas was able to rescue his younger sister and flee into the woodsline.

With nothing yet to lose, he took his sibling and they made journey to the nearest village, and made haste to find his way to bring balance to his vengeance, whatever that may be.


"Petals fall and blades clash"

Where once a young boy stood fragile and free, a man stands with a sword in hand. Trained with both hand and sword, hes tied to seek balance. His final training even bares it mark upon the man, magicka distortion; A purple auro flashing from the man's chi, he can use it to deflect magic, and small projectiles. However it's not quite as strong as one might let out, and causes great strain on the man's body depending on how powerful the spell.

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Character Sheet 0%

Rias Rose Nickname
  • Basics Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Romance: Would Certainly like to

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


    Speed, can rewind herself back to where she was 4 seconds ago, though all damage still remain, basically a fighter.

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Character Sheet 100%

Mizuki Amarachi (None)
  • Basics

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Romance: Yes (Partner already planned)

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Power: Holy magic (Holy Barriers, Arrows and can heal but her healing and barriers are very poor, shes more of an archer)

Character Sheet 100%

Arada Kuso Phoenix
  • Basics

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Romance: Yes (partner already planned and part of her past aswell)

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Power: Fire magic, Martial arts (the Martial arts come with Chi abilities. She can make shields though weak ones, She can sense others Chi / souls to find them though she can be blocked from doing that if a person knows how to. She can sense disturbances through the earth but only faintly so she misses a lot of things. She can also use her chi to effect a persons emotional state)

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Character Sheet 100%

Erik Urodo (None)
  • Basics

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Romance: Yes (partner already planned)

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Power: Ice magic

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Character Sheet 0%

CHARACTER NAME: Minalinsky Harumi/ Minalinsky Aki Nickname: Nope!
  • Basics Age: 16

    Gender: Both female

    Romance: No

    Sexual Orientation: Even straighter than a line


    Harumi can control lightning, while Aki can control fire.

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Mika Watanabe


  • Age || 17

    Gender || Female

    Orientation || Pansexual

    Birth Date || September 7th

    Height || 5'4"

    Weight || 126 lbs.

    Romance || (PM me, I s'ppose?)

    Blood Type || O-

  • [/media]

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Character Sheet 0%

CHARACTER NAME: Sakura Blossom Nickname:Saku/Saky
  • Basics Age: (14 - 19)1

  • 7

    Gender: Female

    Romance: Yes

    Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

    Power: (If I do not like your power your CS will not be approved if I for example find it too OP or it just doesn't fit what the powersets before were) Turn into a passive dog

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Character Sheet 0%

Kai Hinako
  • Basics Age: 18

  • Gender: Female

    Romance: Probably

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

    Height: 5'9

    Power: Kai can transform into either a black wolf or a black raven, her black wolf form is useful for her to be able to travel quickly through forests as well as being able to defend herself with her fangs and claws. The raven form is useful for her to be able to quickly travel through the air and scout ahead of her. Though the longer she stays in a beast form, the more her animal instincts take over and she's less likely to follow orders or focus on matters at hand that wouldn't interest her animal form.
  • quoth_the_raven_nevermore_by_kxg_witcher-d5hx6c1.jpg

    Small background: Kai was a skilled ranger of the forests, she called the forests her home along with many of the other animals. Throughout her time living in the forests she became attuned to the animals thoughts and feelings, becoming a strong ally with them. This connection with the animals is what gave her power of transforming into a wolf or raven, she used this power to defend her home from intruders alongside her bow and arrow skills.

    Attuned Weapon: Alongside her natural agility, she mainly uses her trusty bow and arrows, training to be precise and efficient with them. She also has a dagger she keeps sheathed on her leg in case an enemy gets too close for her bow to be effective.

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The Arcane

"Tejina Ayatsuri"

Gender: male

Age: 20

Height: 6'1

Weight: 180

Power: Arcane manipulation

no slide

Long, black hair, green eyes;Normally wears a black leather jacket with a white shirt underneath, jeans, and black shoes


Carefree, relaxed, hard to talk about feelings, hard to get to know.etc.


Tejina decided to join the school as a means to get stronger as well as take care of things other than himself


Combat: Uses his arcane powers to create portals (used like the ones in the portal games), temporary blinding, and firing blasts. Using this arcane power drains him physically and mentally

Is also semi-adept at using weapons. Carries a Katana

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Arnold White


  • Age || 16

    Gender || Male

    Orientation || Pansexual

    Birth Date || April 19th

    Height || 5'9"

    Weight || 158 lbs.

    Blood Type || B-

  • [/media]

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Character Sheet 0%

Leon Leon
  • Basics Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Romance: "Thats for time to tell,"

    Sexual Orientation: "uh..

    Power: [undecided between flexible and animal aura (the ability to walk amongst monsters without them realizing he is human)

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ShadowSketches said:
Character Sheet 0%

Kai Hinako
  • Basics Age: 18

  • Gender: Female

    Romance: Probably

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

    Height: 5'9

    Power: Kai can transform into either a black wolf or a black raven, her black wolf form is useful for her to be able to travel quickly through forests as well as being able to defend herself with her fangs and claws. The raven form is useful for her to be able to quickly travel through the air and scout ahead of her. Though the longer she stays in a beast form, the more her animal instincts take over and she's less likely to follow orders or focus on matters at hand that wouldn't interest her animal form.
I do not know why I can't directly link you.

I realized looking everything over I didn't notice your CS so long ago, please forgive me.

If you are still interested in joining you can as you put this CS in before I closed submissions

If you need a summary of events please look in overview.
Character Sheet 100%

Ansy Haddison
  • Basics Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Romance: Demiromantic, so yes

    Sexual Orientation: Asexual

    Power: Shapeshifting


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RegalWindstar said:
@Scattered Ambitions I trust you to have limits on your shapeshifting :P
*Hugs tight* so Duh Accepted x1000 so sooo accepted!

Lets discuss via PMs how we can get your char in
Ooh I have ideas already...just kidding. I have no idea. And yes, I'll keep the shapeshifting to a limit. It's jsut my favorite power to use.

Juliet Darling













    Color Creation

    This type of magic allows Jewel to be able to paint, draw, write, create, and illustrate any image she wants on any surface, even air, and have it come to life or simply disappear if it isn’t to her liking. Her creation goes to the extent of massively large creatures to beautiful scenery, however if she were to illustrate a human persay, it would simply be a puppet or a shell that matches the exterior of the person intended. Food she cannot create and if she did, it would taste like ink and you’d probably get lead poisoning, fairwarning.

Character Completion 88%



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@Defective Kitten Her powers, are not OP at all correct?

She can't create an army of large animals right only a few at a time?

Does it take energy is there any downsides to it? I just want to make sure it isn't OP ^_^ " sorry
RegalWindstar said:
@Defective Kitten Her powers, are not OP at all correct?
She can't create an army of large animals right only a few at a time?

Does it take energy is there any downsides to it? I just want to make sure it isn't OP ^_^ " sorry
Depends, but no its not OP if I don't make it to be which I won't. It depends on how large the creation is, such as a large mass of mice but only a few large dragons or 1 phoenix or of the sort. And yes, it dwindles her energy and can dwindle her lifespan if she uses it past her limitations.
@Defective Kitten Alright then, Accepted! ^_^ I have to sleep now, I should be back awake in 8 - 10 hours so if you're up then we can discuss how to get your character in via PMs

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