What do people do that bothers you most on rp sites?

What do people that bothers you most on rp sites

  • When someone posts a sentence in response to my paragraph

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  • When rp partners disappear for weeks on end

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  • When people are closed off to rp ideas, and will only do a very few things

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When people don't respond to you for a while, but are responding to other people

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  • Just being left hanging forever

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  • When rp partners expect you to respond way to frequently

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  • Knowing you have tons of rps to respond too and not feeling enthusiastic about doing them

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When people have BAD GRAMMAR! *to not *too, sheesh.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I know it isn't necessarily their fault (and I've been guilty of it in the past too!) but people who play canon characters in a WILDLY OOC way always bugs me. Sure, put your own spin and interpretation on a character, but when people are basically just writing an OC who occasionally comes out with a quote or catchphrase said by the canon character, it can ruin a roleplay for me.

I've seen people playing like, six or seven different characters and playing them in exactly the same way, with all the same little quirks and habits.
[QUOTE="Jay Fox]I know it isn't necessarily their fault (and I've been guilty of it in the past too!) but people who play canon characters in a WILDLY OOC way always bugs me. Sure, put your own spin and interpretation on a character, but when people are basically just writing an OC who occasionally comes out with a quote or catchphrase said by the canon character, it can ruin a roleplay for me.
I've seen people playing like, six or seven different characters and playing them in exactly the same way, with all the same little quirks and habits.

Yeah that kind of irks me too. I mean like you said I know it's hard to directly capture someone else's creation. And I don't mind you putting your own spin on it. But when the character starts acting like an entirely different person who just so happens to share a backstory and name with the canon person I kind of get a little irked. Because it just seems like you wanted to make an OC without having to bother coming up with a backstory. And that's kind of not fair to those of us who do put in the work on our characters.
There are a few types of RPs that generally skeeve me the heck out when I see them around. The, uh, 'asylum/mental institution' 'subgenre' of RP always really set my teeth on edge. Same thing for 'master/slave' RP or hell, any form of RP where the foundation the roleplay is built on is some fetishized, romanticized version of something super, super gross. They don't seem as common on this site but I remember from my time on Gaia the forums were absolutely crawling with them, to the point that the mods tried to designate one forum for the slave RPs.

I understand roleplay is often something victims of abuse use to help them deal with their traumas so I'm definitely not condemning that, though. That's not the sort of RP I'm talking about here.

Other than that I've always kind of scoffed at word count elitists, the sort that place their worth as an RPer by how many words they can churn out. Plus the classification that was (is?) common on Gaia and other places of 'literacy levels'. I like the way sites like this classify RP styles much more.
The thing that bothers me the most is characters that are just ridiculously overpowered in comparison to everyone. If I had a dollar for every time a character roster has characters that reasonable and fun but then some nutbar comes along with a character that has ridiculous powers and a backstory that's almost physically painful to read I could retire early. Let's not forget their parents/guardians/every dear to them are usually dead so most of the time they are either depressed sacks or gruff loners!

A distant second on my list of things that bug me are people that only give one-liners in response to most of the posts directed at them.
I've got a few things that makes me smash my face repeditly in a wall, in attempt to kill myself. First thing is first, I write a decent paragraph, nice, chunky and big, quite detailed at that. What to I get for a responce? A word. Not kidding, it's happened to me once. I have gotten one word from Atleast four paragraphs with six sentences- compound ones at that- and I get a word back. It's worse than one liners.

Another thing is getting my Character sheet disapproved over and over without the owner telling me what's wrong. It makes me want to snap my neck. Like, Woman! Tell me what is wrong and I'll fix it! And she ended up removing it.

My third point, is when people put faces or 'emojis ' in roleplays instead of descriptive writing or even ' She smiled in joy'. Apparently :) makes up for it. I can't stand it. It's worse than getting a toothpick in my eye.

I have a lot more, but this one is worse by far. No grammar, and skipping derailed information in the roleplay. Instead of telling me how they got to the kitchen they reply with this:

" I will go get her tea" he soon came back with a hot cup of tea and set it In front of her with a smile. :)

Two short words that will solve my problems. Kill. Me.
I think for me it's when a person makes it seem like they are on the same writing schedule as I am, but then they just aren't. I'm used to chat RP, I usually have large chunks of time in the evenings, so I'm available a lot to write. When I'm online, I'm usually online. I don't mind if people I play with aren't as active as I am, but don't say you're a multi post/day person when you only make a few posts a week. And if I have to wait that long for a one sentence response... I may get a little irritated.
Start drama. They make these sites their new home social networking site, their life even, and cause a lot of hell for other people with the entitlement of I know how to do this better or I've been here longer. Makes it difficult for the actual writers to stick around! I don't mind when partners don't respond right away, I understand varying interest depending on your mood and time, sometimes I don't feel like being the vampire blending in, but I'm excited to try out a kid with hardships at home. Carrying the entire story can be a headache, especially when you're given one word answers or your questions aren't ever answered - effort is the key to a lasting story, I'll never understand why someone goes through the trouble of starting something up, just to neglect progressing merely the brainstorming aspects.

Unless it's the titanic/Romeo and Juliet, romance centric stories are a peeve of mine. Cause everyone wants the fluff, but no development!
Unless it's the titanic/Romeo and Juliet, romance centric stories are a peeve of mine. Cause everyone wants the fluff, but no development! ;)

Omg yes. There is more to being in a relationship than staring at each other and making googly eyes. Just once I want to play characters in a RELATIONSHIP where they have legitimate fights and sometimes get on each others nerves. Like I don't care how much of a soulmate someone else is. Eventually the fact that they eat with their mouth open is going to annoy you enough that you'll say something.

For that matter when people see " I'll play whatever gender idc " and automatically translate that to.. Oh she'll play my perfect soul mate beefcake romantic interest every single time without me having to even ask.

Just cuz I'll play males or females doesn't mean you can forgo ASKING me if I want to play a specific character or not.
readingraebow said:
Omg yes. There is more to being in a relationship than staring at each other and making googly eyes. Just once I want to play characters in a RELATIONSHIP where they have legitimate fights and sometimes get on each others nerves. Like I don't care how much of a soulmate someone else is. Eventually the fact that they eat with their mouth open is going to annoy you enough that you'll say something.
For that matter when people see " I'll play whatever gender idc " and automatically translate that to.. Oh she'll play my perfect soul mate beefcake romantic interest every single time without me having to even ask.

Just cuz I'll play males or females doesn't mean you can forgo ASKING me if I want to play a specific character or not.
Amen to this. ^^ AND on that note, don't go doubling up seeming like someone who understands compromise, and then dote on my guy and completely ignore the fact that my female character has three paragraphs worth of a perspective.
I absolutely hate when some rp died out prematurely. Especially if it wasn't my fault. I invested my time and energy to something that failed.

It sucks.
[QUOTE="P U R I T Y]Amen to this. ^^ AND on that note, don't go doubling up seeming like someone who understands compromise, and then dote on my guy and completely ignore the fact that my female character has three paragraphs worth of a perspective.

Oh yeah especially if u used the excuse oh it will be fair cuz we can both double. I'm sorry it's not fair when I'm playing two characters and your only playing on flat damsel in distress -slash obsessed schoolgirl.
Almost voted for ALL of the above except for one, haha

"When people don't respond to you for a while, but are responding to other people"

Don't really care for this. I mean, sometimes people just can't think of a quick response to a certain post, depending on the situation. They can take their time.
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kokochii said:
Almost voted for ALL of the above except for one, haha

"When people don't respond to you for a while, but are responding to other people"
I don't really have much problem with this, but when it you are waiting for 2 or more days and you see them posting a dozen or more times in other RPs, its like >.> really?
What really annoys me is poor readability. I would say that covers bad grammar all the way to horrible formatting such as styling of the post, character sheet, etc (especially when it's done for "immersion").

I'm not a huge stickler for grammar but if it doesn't sound right when read aloud, that will put me off. Also if I need to backpedal through your writing to understand what you're talking about, that will annoy me quite a bit too. The problem is this is very subjective so I actively try not to let it bother me that much

Horrible formatting is a different story. Bad colour choices and font selections are the most immediate annoyances that comes to mind. I get wanting to create visual immersion but when it's a higher priority than readability, then I'm going to lose interest ( :( )

Maybe I'm just getting old and ornery :P
The one thing I dislike the most is when people do not reply to a role play even though I know they are online and have sent me no notification of why they are not replying. *Weeks on end not just a few days*

All I want is a "I just don't feel up to continuing the rp" message. *Annoyed face*
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Biggest pet peeve, I'd say, are people who swear they never ditch a roleplay and that they always inform their partners of absences.

Come on, bruv. We all know that's a lie. We're all dumb plebs, we all ditch. No need to be all holier than thou.
People who demand people play specific characters in their plots. Like I'm playing Character A. You have to play character B,C,D etc.

I just can't. Why would you force someone else to do all the work in a roleplay? It's selfish is what it is because your saying that you don't care about the other persons wants or needs. You just want to have someone fawn over your character and make you the center of attention.
Many of the aforementioned pet peeves, I can relate to. One that hasn't been mentioned (that I've seen, correct me if I'm wrong) is when an RP is closed, and people still try to sign up.
Kestrel said:
Many of the aforementioned pet peeves, I can relate to. One that hasn't been mentioned (that I've seen, correct me if I'm wrong) is when an RP is closed, and people still try to sign up.
Or when people post without bothering to see if there is a application process. Just oh I like this idea and I'm gonna join. Nevermind if it's private or currently open. Or if I need to make a character sheet.
readingraebow said:
Or when people post without bothering to see if there is a application process. Just oh I like this idea and I'm gonna join. Nevermind if it's private or currently open. Or if I need to make a character sheet.
That happened too. It's very frustrating. I clearly stated to read the rules first. Or, when they post before we've even started.
- Length over quality, oh my firetrucking God...

Evidently, people don't seem to understand that we READ their posts rather than stare that the Extendability.

- Repetitive word use, mmmmm...

Oh, your character must be a hardcore multitasker because the word as is placed in what seems to be every god damn sentence. I get it, now stop.... please. :)

These are the two that really tend to grind my gears. The basics, such as OP, also tend to tick me off as well. I could go on if I really wanted to.
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