Dove (OPEN)

"So you say, you know what, your boring," fa stopped her kicking, she looked at the man in observation so he likes to dodge ay? then lets test him out "I guess i'll leave..." her eyes where drowsy as she tilted her head at him, she was wearing a sort of blue ninja like outfit. She ran backwards keeping in her eye the shadows... They where surrounding the area her eyes searched the area, left right. She didn't see an opening besides there was that boring man annoyingly looking at her, she forgot that her side was hurt in that instant, it had gone numb as the body does when it is trying to survive.

however she saw the light shining down, she ran with her speed right left then she began running in circles. "Nice knowing you... loser," she gave him a grin before running towards him with the large momentum then with a blast she bounced from the ground once, then aiming to jump off of him landed in front of him she stuck her tongue out in that quick moment before jumping up into the sky. "I CAN DO THIS?" she laughed amazed as she went higher.

Alas, she only managed to jjump high due to speed and pressure. using his aura to help her out as well the aura that surrounded him.

That was when she noticed the blood coming out of her body as she was in the air aiming to grab the tree branch past the shadow shield. I'm going to make it... make...
The man scowled at Fa and shot a shadow up at her only for it to be deflected by a chi shield and a fire bolt returned his way. He jumped out of the way looking around for the attacker to see Arada jump to the branch Fa was aiming for and swiftly grab Fa's outstretched hand pulling her up. "Are you alright Fa?" she asked looking Fa lin over for any injuries swearing when she seen her side. She glared down at the man before turning her head to Fa "Stay here, or if you can make it go back to the others and get yourself some help. I'll try and make quick work of this bastard"

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....the moment...

Above the shadow cage now! I see it! The sun!

I will make it... I will make it
I felt my hands searching, searching flailing about for the branch, the smile on my face of enjoyment, then I felt my hand miss the branch. I was going to fall my eyes grew big at this thought and my smile almost faltered, then at shooting speed I blindingly saw arada give out her hand and felt the grip at my wrist as I was pulled back into the air, I felt my side a bit now, landing on the trees branch her body laying on the tree itself, her back resting there. "I wasïve, I shouldn't of just run forward.." she rubbed her head, before looking up at arada. "thank you," she nodded at her with a smile, however fa didn't want to end it like this, she wanted to help more, she used the tree to help her up. "I will make it somewhere, let me help you!" she wanted to lend arada her strength. "Or atleast, if you wont let me do that, then make sure to pummel him good <3," she nodded affirmatively at arada.
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Arada smiled at Fa "Just focus on staying safe, Don't worry about a thing. I'm going to kick his A**" with that she jumped down off the branch to the ground into the guys bubble "You know I really don't appreciate you hurting my team mate and friend. I'm never going to forgive that. Why don't you save yourself the pain and me the trouble and just go six feet under on your own pal?" The man scoffed "You're as bad as that other brat, why don't you just go back home and bake some cookies?" Arada chuckled "Oh I will after I'm done here, we'll even dress in frilly gowns and have a nice little tea party too to celebrate your A** being kicked after this. Sorry though, you're not invited." Her fists and feet lit up with fire as she cracked her knuckles smirking.

She and the man circled eachother a bored expression was on his face before Arada sprinted forward aiming swift kicks at his sides and head. He managed to dodge everyone but had stumbled back a bit when Arada went up on one hand spinning a kick at him, as soon as he stumbled she lifted that one hand as her legs fell back down throwing dirt into his eyes, she crouched down swiftly and kicked out his legs sending him onto his back.

"its so cute how you think you can dodge me, Pathetic boy." she mocked him repeating his own words back at him from when he was fighting Fa lin.

The man stood up scowling his dagger glowing "You wretched girl! How dare you make a fool of me!" Arada smirked "You did that to yourself, I wasn't the one that boasted then got beaten up by a girl"

Soon the two were trading blows again, Arada put her palm on the top of his dagger and leaped over his head a fire dagger of her own forming in her hand as she held it to his throat behind him "Now, you're defeated. Tell me who you are, who sent you and why you are here." The man only laughed and whispered for her ears only "I now see why you used to be the leader of the stealth team, however you did hold back. Be careful Leader or your friends might find out all your little secrets." with that he dissapeared into the shadows as the shadows dispersed from the area leaving not a trace of the man or his shadows behind "Dammit"

with that Arada picked up Fa lin hoisting her on her back and carried her back to the others. Mizuki perked up when Arada was in sight "Ara where have you been? What happened to her?" Arada sighed "She got injured when we ran after a suspicious man." Mizuki walked up looking at the wound "Ah, that looks painful" she used her magic to try and heal it the best she could. "She shouldn't strain herself, but she'll be fine" Arada sighed relieved with a nod "Alright, thank you Mizuki, Lets continue on guys. We still need to find that relic map"

(Please don't link Aqua / Unknown, She most likely will be unable to respond to posts in the RP for awhile)

Fa felt rather dazed, she was not aware or really in the right mind, all she had been aware of is she was picked up and taken by the girl arada. Fa attempted to move at first, she looked around with wide eyes. "I... i can do it myself..." she said sluggishly, before she felt herself seeing double. This shouldn't be happening! Her wound wasn't that thick. Fa's head laid on arada's shoulder, her head felt hot and her breathing was steady however her mind felt more asleep and her eyes closed into darkness

DREAM: [in white]

I felt myself falling into an abyss my hair was long black and the feeling that i would never go back up pressured into my chest. The world around me turned bubbly. I saw the situation once more again in front of me, running forth and going to victory, no not victory?

"you will never win, weakling.."

the dream itself was too dizzy to confusing to mention, it was

a hand appeared as if saying stop. everything suddenly became solid i could feel my feet on ground i could not see and bubbles floating all around me. The person whom the hand belonged to looked down at me and my sitting position, she was older then me.

everything stopped frozen it was as if the things she was just seeing where thrown away. Washed away into some other plain, not to be heard from again.

What i saw in front of me was a girl who looked rather bored. I had never seen her before but at the same time she looked familiar with her long back braid and shaggy black hair that appeared seperate from the braid itself. Two heads of hair?

"Who are you?" we both spoke at the same time. her fierce red eyes, that looked like they could pierce the enemy with just a look eyed me up and down, some sort of smile formed on her face, something i did not imagine to appear. "Are you going to tell me or what?"

"No, you tell me first,"

"Fine, i am you!" she grinned. Making a peace sign. I only stared at the girl blankly. "I am fa, and i am confused,"

"Fa, of course," the girl seemed to lower her eyes for a moment in thought. "I am you, you are me, what is less simple? oh but unlike me, you are normal. I stepped into the dream, because i wanted to see you, who is me" looking fa in the eyes as she said this with a cool smile on her face, her fangs showing. There was nothing about the girl that read dragon, what was the girl trying to say? Feng... dragon? Fa could not help but let her shoulders drop.

"you are me?....Liar, you don't exist. You don't even LOOK like a me,I have determined you must be messing with my head," fa shook her head dissappointed turning to walk away from her supposed dream self.

"Let us resume our conversation later, funny feng who only believes what she sees," the floating supposed dragon lady simply stood a foot in the air like an observing god in the air watching the girl dissappear, she seemed just as confused as fa. as everything overfilled with white bubbles.

'I didn't even get to dream about leon.'

Her eyes fluttered open. "what..happened?" the constant bump that happened from movement had her confused, she looked around before noticing arada's head beside her. That was when she noticed that she was being carried by the girl, still she felt sort of weak. There was a feeling of shame, and she couldn't smile, she frowned laying her head to the side. "I didn't want to be protected," it wasn't that she wanted to die, she struggled a bit from arada. But still found herself weak. "I was supposed able to protect myself!" a small tear trickled into her eye. She tried once more to wiggle away from arada. "Let me do this myself," she asked, her mind was still hot and her eyes where disillusioned as she spoke. no one else is injured like me, and so early on too! am i really that weak? now i'm just a stupid burden!

"I want to fight!" the fustration she felt was real. she came to become strong and be able to protect others. howeve
r even if she where to go on her feet her wound was still swollen and she was still mentally afflicted, her breathing became a bit heavier. As if it was fighting something.

(i apologize if its a bit bad grammered, i didn't edit it)
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Arada turned her head slightly at the sound of Fa lin's voice "You got hurt by the guy we chased" she paused and listened further "Its not bad to get injured" she spoke softly "If you encounter a opponent stronger than you and get hurt just get stronger and when you see them again hurt them back. There is always going to be someone stronger than you are, you just have to keep fighting, keep training, keep trying." she turned her head enough to look at fa lin from the side of her eye. "Even I get injured sometimes by stronger opponents. You can also get hurt by ones the same strength as you, because you also need to be swift and agile. Everyone gets hurt, especially when they make mistakes and give even the smallest opening. All you can do is improve, keep trying until you can win" she held up her arm showing she did get cut by the dagger though it wasn't deep

Feng hid her face on arada's shoulder, she listened to her words, seeing her cut it some how comforted her. "only improve...Your kind of cool," she nodded once more into sleep.
Rias just stood and watched, apparently all the others seemed to have everything under control. All of them seemed stronger, more powerful and more brave than herself, and she truly hated herself in that very moment, for not being brave enough to do anything. As she witnessed one of the panthers coming charging her way, she merely tossed herself to the side, landing on her right side, letting out a: "Ugh.." as she landed on the ground. Luckily for her, it did not seem to be aiming for her, so naturally she took the opportunity to run to the nearest tree by the very treeline not far from the group. Upon reaching the trees, she looked back, watching the group struggling against the panthers, she felt like running away. But, she remembered the very reason she was here in the first place, so leaving was not an option for her.

Instead, she merely stood behind a tree, and peeked out with her upper-body, watching the group fight the panthers in the very distance. To her surprise, all of them were doing a pretty good job by killing the panthers. One of them impressed her especially, it was a girl, who -seemed- to have taken control of another panther, aiding the group. Hopefully nobody in the group would notice her being gone from the fight, that would be rather embarassing, she thought to herself. She turned away from the fight, and leaned against the tree, sliding herself down to the ground. While tilting her head slightly backwards, she peered up in the sky, she remembered how much she hated the heat.

The red-haired girl waited there, waiting for everything to calm down. "So, this was my first encounter with the monsters, hmm..? Now -that- is pathetic" she quietly said to herself, raising her left hand in the air, giving her left cheek a loud slap, punishing herself. With that, she leaned her head backwards, against the tree, letting out a rather long and deep sigh. All she needed to do now, was to wait, until everything turned quiet, that way, she knew it would be over. Hopefully none of them would get hurt in the process, she would not be able to forgive herself, if she could actually have been there to prevent it from happening. Another sigh escaped her mouth.
Tejina stood there, as the panther was defeated and people ran off further.

He decided to stay back, as it was easier and safer.

He turned to Harumi and said

"You think we should move up and find whoever left?"

@The Otaku Diaries

Mika Watanabe

Mika still lay on her side, her hair sprawled out around her head. She knew she was too weak to stand for the time being so she just remained on the ground. While she was already fighting off fainting, she knew simply rising would instantly do her in. But they did defeat the panther! It was dead and Mika was happy she had managed to be useful.

Reaching down to the small pouch she had strapped to her waist, she pulled out a long white cloth and began wrapping it around her bloodied hand. While it still did ooze with crimson, most of it had began clotting by this point. It stung a little but it was nothing Mika wasn't used to. She just knew, as soon as she got back, she had to eat something or face even more consequences that blood loss had to offer. The crimson speckled ground was evidence that she had indeed lost quite a bit.

When she did blood magic, the wound did not clot until she had finished her spell. So, it was entirely possible, that if she got carried away, she could simply bleed out and join the minions she conjured forth in death. She sighed softly, waiting for the dizzy spell to subside before she even attempted to get up. She might have asked for help, but she was used to handling things like this on her own and it didn't occur to her.


Tejina notices that Fa, Lin, and Arada already returned...He turns back to Harumi slightly confused

"I guess I was wrong...they're already back. Shows how much I pay attention"

Tejina walks back to the group and just stands around

@The Otaku Diaries
Arada turned her head back to the others, she slowed down a bit. "When me and Fa chased after that guy I noticed something to the west. It looked like ruins of an old castle, The relic map might be there if no one else has gotten to it first. Do you guys think its worth checking out?"


(Sorry about short post guys, working on stuff)
((I'm here like it's at least longer than mine xD )) @RegalWindstar

Harumi ran towards the female's direction, relieved that she had found someone that she knew. Before greeting her, Harumi hid behind a tree hoping she would not get noticed.
Arada smiled slightly and motioned Mizuki over letting Mizuki carry Fa on her back for awhile, she then swiftly dissapeared having jumped into the tree Harumi was hiding behind silently. She jumped down behind her and tapped her on the shoulder "Boo!" she said a giant smile on her face

@The Otaku Diaries
RegalWindstar said:
Arada smiled slightly and motioned Mizuki over letting Mizuki carry Fa on her back for awhile, she then swiftly dissapeared having jumped into the tree Harumi was hiding behind silently. She jumped down behind her and tapped her on the shoulder "Boo!" she said a giant smile on her face
@The Otaku Diaries
Harumi immediately ran away, bumping into the tree that was across from the tree that she was just near. Ignoring the pain, she turned hid behind that tree and taking a look to see who the person was that tapped her.
Arada giggled slightly and walked forward "You okay?" she spoke as she neared the other tree hands in her pockets "You're quite jumpy, So why are you hiding and not up with the rest of the team?"

@The Otaku Diaries
RegalWindstar said:
Arada giggled slightly and walked forward "You okay?" she spoke as she neared the other tree hands in her pockets "You're quite jumpy, So why are you hiding and not up with the rest of the team?"
@The Otaku Diaries
"Yeah I'm fine!" Harumi came out from the behind the tree and looked around for anyone else.
Arada smiled and went up behind Harumi grabbing her gently but firmly by the shoulders and marched her over to the rest of the team "Hut two three four get those legs moving"

@The Otaku Diaries (I'm feeling playful so, so is Arada xD )
RegalWindstar said:
Arada smiled and went up behind Harumi grabbing her gently but firmly by the shoulders and marched her over to the rest of the team "Hut two three four get those legs moving"
@The Otaku Diaries (I'm feeling playful so, so is Arada xD )
((Sounds great to me! xD ))

"Huh?? Oh uh." Harumi begun walking to the direction the female is pushing her to.
Once Arada got Harumi back to the group she checked on everyone to see if they were injured before noticing Mika's condition she walked over and held a hand down to the girl "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Mizuki meanwhile was struggling to continue carrying Fa on her back "Honestly what does this girl eat?! So Heavy!"

@Stamper @The Otaku Diaries

Mika Watanabe

Mika jumped slightly at the sound of a voice. She did hear them around, but did not expect one so close. She rolled just enough to get a good look at the girl who had spoken to her and smiled warmly at her, recalling her from earlier. "Oh yeah, this happens all the time! I just might need some patching up and a snack when I get back," Mika said with a soft chuckle.

When reaching out for the girl's hand, she almost used her favored hand which was also the bloodied and injured one. She smiled sheepishly, withdrew that hand and offered the other one instead, using that one to grasp the girl's hand. With help from the girl, she stood up and swayed on her feet. With another smile, Mika said, "Thank you!"

Now that she was up, she took a slow glance around and noticed that while some seem cheerful and determined after the success of the fight, others were still afraid and wary. A shame. Well, perhaps they could feel a bit better after returning to the school. If that wasn't a confirmation that they had made it back alive and safe, Mika didn't know what was.


(I'll bring back my other character soon for some interaction, since he hasn't been all that active.)
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Arada smiled taking off her backpack opening it pulling out multiple snacks handing them to Mika. "I Don't know what you like, but I do have a lot of snacks packed." her eyes flicked to Rias "We had gone after a guy we seen shortly after the Panther started attacking. I think he brought it. It shouldn't have been here, the panther monsters are usually in the west far from the city. It was unusual. Fa lin got injured fighting the bastard he had trapped her in a bubble of shadows. She put up quite the fight. I ended up helping her to safety before fighting him myself, unfortunately when I had him trapped he dissapeared with the shadows."

Rias clearly seemed delusional, asking such questions. She shook her head: "A guy..? Hrmm.. I wonder why he's here and harassing us." Rias began pondering for a moment, wondering why he would attack them. "I hope she'll be okay.. what is our next move..?" Rias asked, tilting her head to the sides to peer over her teammates, hoping they would not notice how much of a coward she was in that last fight. Her gaze soon traveled back to Arada, and the other girl next to her.


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