Dove (OPEN)

Mizuki smiled at Rias "They must have made up. Shes got to have her reasons it'd be best to ask them rather than me."

a knock on the door was heard and Mizuki and Arada both stood to open the door only to have Erik beat them to it.

The door swung open, To their surprise a girl stood there. Erik spoke up "Can we help you?" Mizuki and Arada came up behind him looking over his shoulders

Arada spoke "Don't you know you could get in trouble being out of your dorm?"

@Rias Silverburgh @The Otaku Diaries
Harumi awkwardly smiled. "Sorry to interrupt you! But is this the doves dorm room?" She asked while still smiling awkwardly, trying to make it into a friendly smile.
Erik's face fell slightly 'If she wants to join the doves how can she not even recognize the leader' behind him Arada burst into giggles.

Mizuki replied to the girl "This is one of the many dove dorm rooms, you did enter the dove dorm building afterall. I'm guessing your here because the other rooms are full." all three of them stepped aside "Come on in"

@The Otaku Diaries (sorry I was afk getting stuff for supper)
Rias nodded towards Mizuki: ".. I..- I see. I almost attacked the guy" she said quietly to herself, before hearing someone knocking on the door. She looked over to the door, listening to the conversation, before lying down back on the bed, and slowly began to close her eyes. Right now, she wanted to relax for a moment, even if they had not been there for very long, it felt like an eternity. Both of her arms were raised in the air, and shoved under her head, her hands cupping the back of her head. A little bit of rest would sure do her good!

RegalWindstar said:
Erik's face fell slightly 'If she wants to join the doves how can she not even recognize the leader' behind him Arada burst into giggles.
Mizuki replied to the girl "This is one of the many dove dorm rooms, you did enter the dove dorm building afterall. I'm guessing your here because the other rooms are full." all three of them stepped aside "Come on in"

@The Otaku Diaries (sorry I was afk getting stuff for supper)
((No problem! Do whatever you need!)) "Oh um. Thank you." Harumi walked in and sets her things in a corner.

She watched with anticipation as the two went off their voices becoming more more obstinent. however once she couldn't see them, once they vanished from sight, her energy dissappeared, dumbfounded she leaned against the wall alone to her thoughts...

Feng stayed where she stood, still her arms where crossed, her eyes looked up at the cieling. "I just want... something more..." she couldn't help but wonder, she had forgotten entirely her use of magic earlier, for somereason it was wiped out of her memory... Her body began to feel comfortable where she was, her back warm from sitting standing there. The two had exited her site by this time, she didn't even bother to look up when she noticed the new girl pass her. The truth was she knew no one, she was no one. Even if she talked to them, she felt little connection, at most she had only observed things they did and made commentary, but what did SHE do?


Fa often times will after being extremely optimistic fall into a random tiredness, and just not be as outgoing and happy as the moment before, especially when she was alone. "If only leon was here," she wanted to see the person she admired as a kid, the one that gave her determination. "I guess he is a hunter... I'm really alone." feng sighed, unwilling to go back into the room, as she found it unneccessary, besides they all knew her to be an always optimistic person, and she wanted it to stay that way. Besides, even feng needed alone time, alone...
ive always been alone? even in that crowded house...

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Mika Watanabe

When the two shook hands, Mika smiled openly, in a friendly sort of way. Were all people here this kind? She hoped so, or that at least she could befriend those that were. Mika also took notice of the texture of Bas' hand. It was rough, maybe calloused, but it didn't bother her at all. If anything, hands like that told a story, or at least promised of one since things like that didn't just happen. And that was one thing Mika always enjoyed: Stories. Her favorites tended to be fantasy, the ones about heroes and monsters. Knowing that, it wasn't all that hard to guess why Mika had come here.

When they arrived at the dorm area, the first thing she noticed was the ice. Although Bas warned her, she worried she might carelessly slip and fall anyway. No matter, it could be a little challenge maybe? Mika hopped from dry spot to dry spot on the ground until she reached the bunk Bas had mentioned with a chuckle. Who said everyone had to grow up anyway? She laid her bag down on the floor beside the bunk and rummaged through it. Stashed among the clothing and other neccessities, were various food items from junk foods, bottles of soda, and even cans of food. Nila always ate so much.

She immediately dug into a bag of jerky and then looked over at Bas again, freezing to the spot. Was this weird? She was being rude, she didn't offer him any! Holding the bag out to Bas in offering, she asked, "Would you like some?"


Marcus finally calmed down. He decided to got back to the room. He hair was still black, and his eyes were sea green. He found another hoodie in his bag and started to walk back to the room. When he got to the building with the broken window he started to scale the building. When he got to the window seal, he put in his headphones, and walked past everyone and sat on his bed. Marcus didn't even care that a knew guy was in here. He just laid on his bed and looked at the ceiling.


Bas watched as the woman jumped from dry spot to dry spot, it brought him slight amusement. She seemed so carefree, so jovial, what purpose did she have to come to such a school? Had she lost a loved one, a sibling, maybe seen the chaos the monsters had caused. He leaned back slightly, putting his back to the wall his bunk was against, glancing over to Mika. Two potential friends in one day, he hoped that one day he could introduce them to his younger sister if all came to accord; But those were thoughts for another time. He watched as she went through the bag she'd brought thinking to himself "She seems rather prepared to stay for a while it looks like." But it wasn't until she offered him a bit of jerky that he spoke up. "Oh, Thank you." He said as he took a piece of jerky from the bag, He did his best to offer another smile, hoping the glasgow smile didn't unnerve the girl.

He chewed on the piece of jerky quietly, before glancing back over. "You came quite prepared, at any moment I'll expect you to have a mini fridge within that bag somewhere." He teased, but with a friendly demeanor; "So what brought on such a daze outside in the courtyard? Almost like you had a thousand yard stare going on." The larger man took a small canteen of water from his bag. He pulled off the cap and took a quick swig before offering the drink to Mika. "Want some? Its just water but, still hits the spot most of the time."

He glanced over at his other friend, Balin, who was looking out the window. Maybe she knew why the ice had all been formed when he first arrived. He'd be sure to ask later, and also to introduce Mika. But for now he assumed Balin had a lot on her mind, and would leave it until Balin came back to the bunk setup.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar
The others where so distant now, and this place suddenly felt like it had more walls then freedom. She thought by coming here, she would be able to get strong enough to run to great lengths on the expanse of land taken by monsters, taken by those with rich finances, even the place where she came from. A place she could carve out of her own, and make it so others could come with her. Her steps made soft breathes as she finally decided to go back to the place that she would call her home, her dark shaggy hair that held her like some sort of jagged knife. A small braid that reached to her back just past her neck, it looked like it wasn't even part of her hair! She went into the door behind marcus, she wasn't really in a social mood, she in fact had not even picked a bunk whats the use of picking a place to sleep if ima not sleep now? she loosened her lip. man, I just want to run around, i don't know about them but i can't stand being stuck in these walls. She eyed the people around her with an arched brow, sitting on some strangers bed a dent in it that fit her small form, and a shadow covering her from the above bunk.

END Monday 1rst Week

---time skip 5 days---

Saturday 6am: the first test - The forest

(I said in OOC that you guys had an hour to wrap up important convos. I am not going to let the RP stay in a chatting circle. So do not say I didn't warn you.)

It was Saturday, all students were nervously waiting in the courtyard for their test. This would be the first test and the first fight for their lives.

The doors of the school opened and the principle stepped out. "Today is your first test. Its a quite simple test, all you have to do is go into the forest and get a relic map from one of the old ruins. You may use your powers, but be careful lest you awaken one of the monsters sleeping in the forest. They might not be high threat monsters, they might not be bigger than a human however for mere...students such as yourselves, they'd rip you apart. Do not get lost either, no one will come for you. Failure is unacceptable, if you come back without the relic map, you'll die. Simple as that, you don't want that do you? Then do your best, no... do better than your best. Your team will be your roomates. Everyone else is your enemies and opponents use whatever means necessary to win. There is only 5 relic maps for each dorm side and 6 dorm rooms. So atleast 20 people are going to die from each dorm. If you don't want it to be you, win. Be quick though, there is a time limit, you have 2 hours. You can start anytime, just know the clock is ticking while you waste time." with that she walked back inside, the clock on the top of the school morphed into a timer and started counting down.

"Leon, where are you going?"

"To hunt more monsters and save more wimps like you,"

"Hey! I don't need rescuing! You just got to the monster before i could finish him off..."

The greenery all around flourished like a fresh wind, its premises shining and grand. She found she had recluded herself during the time allotted, she had not been brave enough to ask one of those sca- i mean tough looking people like the one with armor that seemed to hide dangerous skys and keep out the world. Clearly he was a defender. But something about the challenge before her seemed to flitter into her heart like buzzing birds. Depression had hit her from being trapped indoors, yet this was something to be uncaged about. Her feet inched to run into the forest, and she didn't even understand why, her heart blazed with heat, and her body gained adrenaline, she wished the principle would wrap up her words so they could start she could taste victory on her lips. Unlike last time she was certain she was capable of not dying. She turned her antsy eyes full of desire to run right then into the forest, to her team mates. "Well guys, are we going to go in or what?..." she raised her knees, up down up down in anticipation. The sides of her lips pulled back into a grin. . .


I for one am not going to wait." Marcus said as he got a mischievous look in his eyes. "How about I scout ahead and leave a trail of ice cicles for you to follow. Anyone have any other ideas speak now. Though just so you know if we don't go fast enough I am leaving on my own anyway." Marcus said this as he stared to make a water surfboard and was getting ready to speed into the forest.
Arada walked up and grabbed Marcus by the shoulder "Don't be so rash, we are supposed to stick together. you could get killed, we're a team whether we like it or not we need to work together." Mizuki nodded in agreement "Shes right, we need to stay together, you heard what the crazy principle said there is monsters in there, we could die! We could also get lost, without the map Erik gave us we could get lost and never come out again. There is only one map, we can't split up."

Arada stepped forward with Mizuki "Lets go, there is a time limit after all. We have to hurry"

@AnarchyReins @Unknown1
Well if you let me see the map we could split up with more teams we could actually cover more areas in a faster time. Though if we team up with people that are good at our weak side then we would have the perfect teams." Marcus said this as he looked at the other team members for any objection.
Mizuki sighed "We don't know what exactly is in here Marcus if we split up we might have too little people to defeat what is here, besides you might forget the map and get lost and killed."

Arada nodded "Lets just go in together and stick together, fight anything that comes our way, get that relic map and get out."

I was just going to make more maps, but okay. If that's your plan keep up. With that Marcus ran it the forest. When he got in deep enough he yelled, "Come on monster there is no need to hide then attack just jump out." Marcus yelled this as he pulled out his sword and readied some ice spears in his hand.
"Marcus!" Arada ran after him grabbing his arm "Do you want to die? Why would you try to call the monsters out? Are you stupid? Do you think with your training you can kill them alone? None of us can!" she spoke not noticing the others caught up with them and not noticing the pair of glowing eyes watching them.


Oh how the time flies, one moment hes snackin on jerky, Thinking about life; The next hes outside listening to the wonderful, murderous serenade of the principal. 20 people guaranteed to die, he wasn't about to be one of them. He glanced around, giving a slight grunt; He had on a majority of his gear, his mask attached to the beltline of his gear. But, none of that mattered for now, he glanced around, looking for Mika (@Stamper). But his thoughts were cut short by the "Lovers qaurrel" as he called them, he watched Marcus run off, the Arada soon follow.

Bas stood, titanic in his stature, he didn't have a sword on him, or anything flashy; Just his standard cloth gear, but it still brought him a slight amusement, as it seemed they were falling apart already. Especially with Marcus rushing into the forest and screaming to the heavens. But he had no intention of stopping them, he had two people in the Doves he planned to look over, and those were the only two people he cared enough to save for the time being. But he soon found Mika, and made his way over, giving her a calm tap on the shoulder. "I suppose we should get moving. Even if hes rushing in without the slightest bit of thought." The man's voice was unusually harsh today, and his smile was far from friendly. She could probably see his teeth grit slightly together through the open section on his jaw.
"Ay, i was going to be first," Fa lin grunted, her arms together as she looked angrily at the people running ahead, there feet picked up dust.

"You know what, why don't we use cannon ball here for a shield?" she thumbed towards the heavily armored man with a smirk as she then ran each step mounting faster as dust picked up around her, she found herself skidding to a stop when she came to arada. "Why don't we first investigate before deciding? Ya know wing it a little," fa crossed her arms, as she fell to her side in the dirt. Her head hitting last. "ouch," Fa pushes herself with her fallen arm off the dirt. "Also, if this is a race, then its on," she directed her head towards marcus, the trees and their tall embraces she saw she had landed on a strange roote. "Alright, what does the map say!" she leaned forward her steps light and bouncy as she made her way to look over arada's shoulder, she wanted to see the map! "Can i see?" what she didn't notice, is she had landed right by the eyes before.
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Hisao sat on his bed, fully clothed in his old armor. The midnight blue of his fatigues were a reminder, albeit weak, of his clan and old family. The grey plates that protected his torso and arms hugged his skin more tightly than the loose fitting cloth that he wore under it, but it was by no means uncomfortable. On his left arm was his blade, sheathed in its holster, and on his back was his sword. Hisao held his old helmet in his hands and stared into its tinted eye lenses. Never again.

The crowd had gathered around the fountain again. Most of the students looked visibly nervous this time, and for good reason. Their first test was important, as were most tests. Hisao frowned slightly at the mention of the lethality of it, though. His helmet hung on his belt, and his weapons were in their sheathes. He followed his team into the woods without saying much, and stuck to the back of the group, just in case. As Marcus mentioned leaving, Hisao began stepping towards the front to stop him, but stopped when the rest of the team began talking him out of it. The tall man, Bas as he recalled, was talking to one of the girls on the team, though Hisao hadn't interacted with her much in the few days they'd been at the school. He looked to Arada and decided it was best to stay back and see what the team decided on. After a few moments of waiting, though, Hisao felt his sense go off. It was an indescribable feeling, like a mixture of a tingling feeling, dizziness, and hyper-awareness. The young man froze, and quickly scanned the area for any danger. A pair of eyes were watching Arada and Fa, and they didn't seem friendly. "Arada, Fa, from the trees!" Hisao quickly unsheathed his knife and flung it towards the creature's eye, then quickly unsheathed his sword to prepare for combat.
a monster similar to a panther jumped down from the trees Arada's eyes widened "I thought she said it was low threat monsters, this is a level 3 monster, high threat! Be careful of its claws they have a deadly poison and be careful of its" the monster growled and let out a loud sonic roar making everyone cover their ears

when it stopped she sighed "Roar"


Mika Watanabe

Everything was peachy keen until they all stood in the courtyard and the Principal said things that... made Mika rethink a few of her decisions. She mouthed the words over, knowing clearly what the Principal had said yet still not finding it in her heart to believe it. The good guys were supposed to kill the good guys? No, no that didn't make any sense! Wouldn't it be better to all team up and succeed together? Wasn't that what made a strong fighter? Shouldn't they all be working together to kill the monsters and not the people that we might have befriended only yesterday? Luckily the only person Mika had come close to becoming friends with was Bas. If she had engaged in friendly small talk with someone she was supposed to kill today... Well, Mika doubted she would have been able to bring herself to do it.

Speaking of Bas, or rather thinking of, she looked beside her and met his gaze. Even he looked very upset but she couldn't know why. It was possible he wasn't feeling too greatly about this "exam" either. Who would be when they all ran the risk of dying? It probably wasn't a good time to ask and talk about feelings so she made a mental note to do so later. Nobody liked being sad and Mika didn't like when people were upset either.

With a sigh and a nod of her head relating to Bas' comment, Mika pulled out her blood letting knife from the strap on her belt and held it in a fashion that would allow her to cut open her hand quickly. Sadly, most people did not enjoy when Mika used blood magic. She even made a child cry once... It was so sad!


(Actually, I'll just get this out and post Arnold's in a little >.<)
It was all fairly foggy, she found herself dazzedly looking at the man robin, she smiled however his face was seriouse, his mouth opened as if to say something important.. her eyes opened up. behind you!

"What?" she opened her mouth to respond, when she felt some sort of shadow apppear, the warning gave her time to react.

"Fudge!" Fa twisted her body, leg going to support her as she barely made it in time jumping out of the way. dust flew up and covered half the monsters face, she looked at the girl next to her, she was with white hair and brought up a sword, there was no time to run away but her ears started ringing it was a sound that gave her body a shake she fell forward to her knees. Covering her ears. ok, if we are forced to face and defend ourselves against other students then we may as well be sure none of the people we can protect die! i wont die like this! sweat came down her face, she forced her subdued body to jump once more before the panther attacked. "Can a panther climb!" Fa yelled as loud as she could. Eyeing the people around her, hoping they could hear.
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Arada glanced to Fa dodging an attack from the monster "This is no normal panther, I doubt climbing is a problem for it! It shouldn't even be here though, not enough information was ever collected on it!" her eyes narrowed with her next words as she scanned her surroundings noticing a figure dash away "I think someone brought them here!"


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