Dove (OPEN)

Rias observed Arada, noticing her fists catching fire. Was she a fighting type..? It sure seemed so, Rias thought to herself as she tilted her head, peering at Arada. Rias seemed slightly surprised when Arada opened her backpack, showing what it had inside. Lots of more drinks and snacks! Even though she had plenty, she still felt that she needed to return something at least. Perhaps she'd buy her a drink during lunch break. ".. I.. It's fine. Those are yours. I'll just buy something during lunch break." Rias said, trying to be polite, not wanting to be a leech or a burden. "P..-pleasure to meet you Arada-chan. .. My..- my name is Rias.. R..-rose." She spoke, seeming to be rather nervous. All of this was so new to her!

"They are sure taking their time, I wonder when we'll start.." she said, trying to change the subject. She gently waved her left hand towards herself rather quickly, trying to blow some wind onto herself, due to the warm weather.

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Feng found herself around the midst of students one thought still in her mind i'm really here. legally. she was too busy humming to herself and being happy to pay them much attention. She ran towards the fountain and stood on its seating area, hands behind her back, a wind blew behind her she felt a bit of dew hit her. Eyes scanned the people around her. Feng appeared to not have a care in the world, all she wanted to do was explore, and maybe find someone who is strong.

"hmm?" she tilted her head, in her sight where the people who where apparently brawling before, and it had appeared that more people had joined the fray. Smile still strong on her face, and arms still nonchalantly behind her back, she stepped towards them, no one noticed her as she wasn't the tallest or most intimidating. The mysterious aura caught her curiosity she leaned forward. wonder if they are strong?

The fight had dispersed making fa bite her lip. she sat down at the water fountain on the opposite side of mizuki and marcus. Head in her arm her legs carelessly crossed. Her ears twitched as she heard a converstation going on. hmm? Instinctively she leaned to the side to get a better hearing. no fa, its wrong to easedrop! She shook her head. Resisting the urge. However, her desire to ease her own boredom by listening in was greater, she leaned to the side. ay, sounds like the guy is trying to show feelings to the girl.

..behind the two love birds. "the only way to express your romantic feelings is through fists? Doesn't anyone know that!" she muttered to herself

fang shook her head. Want to help them out, guy get it right! Shrugging.

Not realizing she had said her thoughts outloud.

( wierdo...)

(may respond)​
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A warm sun shined brightly against the campus of a new school. Hisao took a look at what lied before him, and decided it was best to wait for a bit before trying to enter the line. The crowd that was in front of the gates had begun pushing past each other, trying to get as close to the gate as possible. It was obvious that something interesting was going on, but the young man figured it would be best to let things die down. He wasn't in a rush, and so he found no reason to hurry his way through. A few minutes of waiting was all it took for the crowd to settle again, and so Hisao took his chance. He effortlessly weaved his way through the crowd while doing his best to avoid pushing and drawing any attention. At the front of the line was a woman who seemed to be reading through a student's registration forms, but she soon finished and waved a young man in. Hisao offered a polite smile and handed her his documents. She took a moment to read them before waving him in. He nodded, and continued through the gates and towards the fountain.

The sight of the fountain was impressive, with an intricate design and clear flowing water sprouting from various points. Dozens of teenagers were surrounding the fountain, some sitting in corners of the square and others sitting right beside the fountain itself. Hisao looked around the area for a minute or two, hoping to find a shady spot to relax for the time being. He found one, and sat against a wall a few feet from a few students who seemed to know each other. He figured it was best not to intrude, and instead leaned his head back and watched the crowd for a bit, seeing if he could find anything interesting while he waited.
Arada scowled at Marcus 'That brat!' she thought before focusing on Rias

Arada smiled listening to her, 'she seems nervous.' she took a slightly sharp breath "I have a lot of snacks, I don't mind sharing I can't eat them all anyway. Hopefully we won't have to wait much longer. I have a lot of water and snacks though so I think we'll be okay if it takes awhile" Arada noticed Rias fanning herself and dug through her bag grabbing a hand fan out of her bag and handing it to Rias "Here, Wish I could do more but, I have fire magic I can't really cool you down with that" she said smiling


Mizuki's head shot over to the person who spoke seeing Feng there "Fists? I've never heard of that being romantic before. Arada would probably like that though" the last part she added in a mumble more to herself than anything.


Arada noticed someone else sit in the shade and tossed the empty water bottle his way to get his attention waving her hand in greeting when she did catch his attention and she motioned for him to come sit with her and Rias. Arada could never stand people being alone. She never wanted anyone to be lonely like she was for so long.

@Redrobinwing @Rias Silverburgh @Unknown1
Not too much had happened in the time that Hisao had been looking at the crowd. A couple of accidents, some funny jokes, but no fights that he could see. He turned his head slightly when he noticed one of the nearby students tossing something. He caught the water bottle in his hand and looked at it for a moment, checking to see if there was anything noteworthy on it, then and looked at the girl who threw it. She waved at him kindly and gestured for him to sit with her and another student. They seemed nice enough, and so he gave her a polite smile and nodded in acknowledgement. Hisao walked to the students and handed the water bottle to the one who threw it at him. "I believe this is yours." He sat near the girls and outstretched his hand to them. "I'm Hisao, it's nice to meet you."

@RegalWindstar @Rias Silverburgh
".. Hopefully it doesn't. Otherwise this heat will be the death of me." Rias stated, noticing Arada fiddling with her backpack, grabbing a hand fan and offers it to Rias. Once again she seemed nervous, but she accepted it, and started to fan herself, it truly helped! "..Thanks, again. Feels better already." Even if the red-haired girl did not show it, she was ever so thankful!

Her eyes traveled towards the water bottle that Arada threw at another male student, seeming surprised as he caught it. She watched him ever so closely, inspecting and observing him rather carefully, trying to figure out how he would react. As he approached them and introduced himself, she peered at his hand.

Rias moved her gaze from his hand, and up to the boy, and them back to his hand, grabbing it ever so gently, shaking it. Her grip was not that firm, but he could feel that her palm was rather warm. ".. Nice to meet you, Hisao-san. M..-my name is Rias.. Rose." Certainly her second introduction was slightly better. She was becoming good at this! She withdrew her hand after introducing herself.

@Redrobinwing @RegalWindstar
Arada smiled at Rias glad she took it she didn't want the girl passing out after all. She watched the guy walk over and introduce himself. She grabbed his hand a little tightly shaking it "Arada Kuso, Nice to meet you" she grabbed a full water bottle out of her bag and handed it to him and grabbed another one setting it beside Rias if she gets thirsty again. "So, why did you two decide to try and become monster hunters?" she spoke as she opened a bag of chips for them to share offering some to the other two.

@Rias Silverburgh @Redrobinwing
Hisao shook the two girls' hands and took the water bottle that was offered to him. He muttered a quick, "Thank you." before taking a drink, noticing how warm it had become as the day progressed. He set the bottle down beside him and looked to Arada as she asked her question. It was a difficult one to answer, and one that he preferred not to answer. But, it would be weird not to answer or avoid the question, so he gave the best answer he could give. "I want to help people, and hunting is something that comes naturally to me." It was an honest answer, and it didn't give away anything that he didn't want them to know. "How about you?"
Rias was slightly caught off-guard by the question. Surely it was not the easiest question to answer, but was it really okay to open up that much? She began to ponder as she watched the water bottle next to her. Almost immediately after it was planted next to her, she grabbed it ever so gently and began to gulp down some more water, she was indeed quite thristy.

"Because.. this is the only way I will ever feel useful. There is nothing else in this world that can make me feel useful. So, naturally the choice was rather easy for me." Rias said in a rather low tone, as she peered down at the ground for a few moments before looking up again, letting a fake smile play on her lips: "What about you, Arada-chan..?" she asked politely before pouring some more water over her head and face.
Arada leaned back her eyes darkened when her own question was shot back at her she shook her head, she bit her lip pondering something. Her eyes flicked between the two before she seemed to make up her mind "I can't tell you the details but...."

she sighed "I want to destroy the serpents for something they did in the past to someone I cared about on top of that there is someone in the doves I must face again, someone I... used to date." She fiddled with the zipper of her bag as she spoke nervous of how they'd react to her impure reasons.

@Rias Silverburgh @Redrobinwing
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The broad figure made his way to the gate, he cared not for the other students, the idle chatter. It all seemed so unimportant to him. His gaze rested on the registration woman, fiddling within his pocket to fetch the registration paper; He'd hand it over and gave a short nod, followed by a grunt before heading in the gate. The fountain caught his eye, he quickly made his way over, careful to look for any form of Koi. Disappointed by the lack of the fish, he quickly glanced around; This was really the place that was going to help him try and find balance? It seemed so lack luster, and so, venial. He couldn't help but wonder if this place would actually even help him on his quest.
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Tenyru wasn't too far behind the bear of a man, as she enters in behind him. Stopping only to turn in her registration, giving a slightly polite nod gazing at the courtyard full of students. She felt eerie in the sense, look how many people were here and wonder how many of them would survive to see this whole war to the end.Though she was in thought her body had kept in motion, she would suddenly come in contact with a red cloth material as it flopped into her face blinding. She flailed at it until she regained the flag, was attack ripping than noticing was attached to a blank express cross her face as she let go casuly as if she had finished examing instead fighting it off.


He felt the odd sensation of someone messing with the flag on the bridge of his back. He turned around, fully prepared to withhold his honor, had someone torn the flag. His eyes were met by this, short,small woman; The first thought running through his mind "How could this person even hope to fight, they're so small." He gave a slight nod, before extending an open hand in greetings. "Bas, and you are?" His voice was rough, a bit gravely. The man was in his full ceremonial armour, the slight golden and red tents meshing with the black cloth. He was oddly a bit over dressed, but it was tradition where he was from.

"I feel like we might have came a bit over done for this." He looked at the companion who also had on a bit of armor, and then glanced around at most of the other students; Who were mostly in uniforms, or casual wear from what he could tell.

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She blinked a few times, the male stood at 6'5 while she stood at 5'6. She snapped out of it as she extended her gauntleted arm to shake his hand, all she could think was sheesh his hand was huge.Perhaps he was the part bear or something she thought,"Over prepared...just maybe Bas. Oh yeah my name is Tenyru Balin, I just sorta figure since we were going to fight know armor usually a good your a heirloom or a personally made?". She would question him , with the intentions to melt the ice between them.

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Fengs eyes opened wide, she wasn't expecting the girl to turn around and see her. "Oh, looks like ya caught me! And, hey that just proves how uninformed the young of this age is!" feng shook her head, she stood on the fountain and walked closer, about a meter away leaning forward. "ahaha, sorry to interrupt you guys, the name is Fa!" The edges of her mouth formed a grin, hands behind her back.

There was the air of power, she could feel it behind her, however she dared not look back. It seemed more people had arrived and the fountain was becoming more crowded. this presence, it has strength, should I turn behind me? 'armor to fight monsters' she could hear the other conversation at the back of her ears. why can't I stop hearing everything all the sudden?

"It seems I have to take note of these people, although maybe its a good thing I interrupted you," her words where left off mysterious. Something of a dark expression entered her face, only for a moment. She remained where she was, realizing she had dozed off after being the one to initiate greeting! Her girlish and outgoing movements where really too much.​
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Mizuki tilted her head in slight confusion and wariness 'this is the type of person Arada wouldn't want me around probably' a mischievous smirk appeared on her face for a split second before she straightened and held out her hand "Nice to meet you Fa, I'm Mizuki. You seem like a very...interesting girl" her eyes widened when she noticed the two that had entered the court yard "Yeesh, thats a huge fashion don't. who wears armor like that these days?" she mumbled shaking her head


"Yes!" she said excitedly, smiling. Her hand gripped the others in a rough grip. "ah, I am going to go look at those newcomers..." she said, "Nice meeting you miss mizuki!" the girl disappeared to the otherside of the fountain...

The girl with overalls and a striped shirt behind stood a falling waterfall called a fountain, its water seemed to compliment her flowing personality. am I changing

the girl looked out at the water. She saw herself.

I feel, Its not i'm becoming someone else, but becoming who I always was.. strange, I look at my reflection and I feel I am someone different then before. Ah, maybe i'll dye my hair or something.

Fa forgot about the newcomers, in fact she really was excited so excited she just wanted to embrace what was coming. to show me tricks when I get inside. Right now I kind of want to just wanna be...lazy

Turning her head she saw the heavily armored fellow, it seemed he was the one she sensed. "wonder whats under all the armor," the girl muttered to herself. Her eyes sparkled with admiration.​
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He gave a short nod "I assumed it'd be a bit more, combat focused honestly. Everyone seems so, casual about it all; The armor itself has been passed down from my father before he passed at the temple, but I intend to hold onto it." He glanced around for several more moments, before snapping from his slight daze. His gaze focused back onto Balin "It goes with the sword, I'll be bringing it with me also for the most part. But truly, it seems so venial, half these children I doubt could even fashion the band on a sheath."

He leaned back slightly, taking a seat on the fountains edge. The school itself was so out of place for the man, almost a culture shock. To go from the woods of the temple, and the small outskirts of the village to this, crowded area. "You ever been in such an odd area like this? Where are all the trees? The Koi?"He couldn't help but feel like someone might be looking at him, giving a slight glance around the fountain.
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Tenyru would glance around, Bas was right honestly this school didn't exactly scream combat oriented. It made Tenyru wonder a bit once more, why didn't anyone come ready for war but rather this seem to be a get-together.Her own pride burned at having fled at the first sight of a monster, this times, this time, ould be the time to correct her failure.She than return reality ,"I can't understand it eithier atleast some body armor couldn't ...".She waited abit for his next question, she would shrug,"Can't say I have, I lived out in the sticks honestly were the tree and the Yokai out number the people there was only 8 graduates from my school elementary school if that explains anything". She took note of the girl who seem "star" stuck by Bas at least she thought the stranger was focused on the giant.
Rias sat there and listened to Arada and the reason she wanted to fight monsters. It was quite interesting to hear, because Rias did not know what it felt like to lose someone, nor fight for someone they loved. "We'll certainly help you with that, don't worry!" Rias replied, explaining that she, and hopefully Hisao would help her defeat those monsters. Rias was slightly nervous about her statement, not knowing if it was the right thing to say, but it sure felt like it. The red-haired girl noticed Arada playing with the zipper on her bag, and that is when she slowly planted her hand on Arada's shoulder, to comfort her: "We'll watch your back" she spoke, withdrawing her hand.

Her gaze focused on two new faces entering the courtyard, one of them dressed in heavy armor. Rias could not help but to snicker, ever so quietly to herself. He looked ridicolus! But he sure was tall. "That is some rather interesting choice of armor. How is he suppose to move around in that? And how is he not dying from sunstroke..?" Rias said, seeming to be impressed by the male's ability to stand there in the middle of the heat in that armor.

@Redrobinwing @RegalWindstar @Mycoid
Arada looked in the direction Rias was looking curiously. Her eyes lit up "Hes trained to use his Chi with magic" she mumbled eyes glued on the armored man

'He could be a powerful opponent or Ally.' "This school is going to be VERY interesting, don't you think?" she addressed her question to the two at her side.

(From now on Arada's thoughts are Red, Mizuki Pink, Erik Blue, Exuier Purple. Also sorry the response to everything is so short, I'm really tired right now and working on some stuff. Also consulting some people atm.) @Redrobinwing @Rias Silverburgh
Rias kept on peering at at the armored male, and the female he spoke with. ".. He does not look that menacing. I think he looks rather.. amusing." Rias said, not being able to hold herself from snickering ever so quietly to herself, hoping he would not notise her. "That remains to be seen. I.. just hope we can start soon enough." @RegalWindstar @Kinzu Hekmatyar @Mycoid

He couldn't help but continue to have the feeling he was being watched. His hazel eyes glanced around the courtyard, tracing over various faces and forms.His thoughts ran together as small groups caught his attention; "Most of them were so small, like casual highschool students, how could they have hope to fight something like the beasts from the portal? I feel like my little sister would make a better fit with these pups than I would." He'd shake his head and look back at Balin, "Well, you know what we're suppose to do after this? We gonna sit here with our thumbs out or we got work to do?"

The prodigious male stood from the fountain, he was a full foot taller than the companion he was talking with, so he'd look down at her. His body stretched and his armor shifted slightly, making slight creaks and groans as the metal adjusted. He'd give a short shrug, waiting on the reply on his comrade.
Tenyru would nod slightly, agree all this sitting around did irk her. Gazing up at the giant she would shake her head,"Perhaps we're waiting for our ...officers..or teacher since this is a school. Maybe I should've brought a pencil and paper, a study a bit more for our upcoming exams".She teased though she did wonder when they were going to be mobilized into action though on the other hand she had to ask,"Aren't you hot in that suit of armor?" she would lightly touch his chest plate as if trying to see how the armor was taking on the sun rays.

He continued to speak on and off with his new comrade, his voice was rough to the tone. "You think they might have a cafe of some form? I'd kill for some chocolate milk right now." He couldn't help but chuckle slightly, a toothy grin forming across his lips. However soon he began to glance around again, his eyes meeting one of the people who had been peering towards him, Rias. His glare was cold, and seemingly unfriendly, but it only lasted for a few short moments before his gaze shifted back to Balin. "People seem to be gawking at us." His frame gave another slight shrug as he twisted his torso, cracking several of his joints.

@Rias Silverburgh

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