Dove (OPEN)

Balin would blink a few times, this man had to be crazy drinking milk at a time like this.That or he was extremely bold, she could stand to have a drink of cold water or perhaps some of the Yankees sweet tea she learn from a pin pal a while back. Glancing about at his comment , he was right they had garnered some attention, she shook her head,"You're so big, along with a flag you're basically a walking beacon here. Besides aren't we suppose to hang around here until whoever in charge comes to send us our separate ways, unless there some city fashion about taking outside for no reason".
A loud ringing went out around the courtyard as the gates closed. The doors to the school opened and multiple adults stepped out, the one in the middle looking extremely elegant. everyone gathered around the stairs. As the woman spoke. "Welcome all of you aspiring monster hunters!" her heels clicked on the steps as she walked down them "So many have gathered here today... you all should know, the rumors about this school? Are all true, If your not the strongest you will die its inevitable. It doesn't matter if its on these school grounds or out in the field. You will die. Are you scared? Raise your hands now if you are." A young girl raised her hand and so did a couple others surrounding her. The woman smiled and sent a spell at the girl desinigrating her. Everyone elses hands immediately went down. The woman spoke once more walking around observing everyone "There is no room for cowardice. You cannot leave this school, you're already registered. People who change their minds so easily, cowards... they are useless." Another student spoke up "Why didn't you just let her leave?!"

The woman chuckled "Do you think the monsters would let you leave so easily, or the serpents? They'd kill you on the SPOT at any sign of vulnerability. This world is cruel and unfair, you better learn that if you are to survive. As long as you don't get caught there is no rules."

The woman walked back up the stairs "Now let me introduce the staff, then you'll be guided to your dormitorys. I am your principal. The one who was taking your registration papers was the vice principal. the one on my left is ms. kim your magic control and abilities teacher the one on my right is mr. park your field combat and hand to hand combat teacher. Now that, that is over with aspiring doves follow me, Aspiring ice wolves follow mr.park, Aspiring Pigeons follow ms.Kim, aspiring foxes follow vice principle winterhorn." With that everyone was led to their dormitories.


Arada looked to see who her roomates were and was happy to see she'd be rooming with people she knew with Mizuki, Rias, Marcus and Hisao. The others she didn't know though, she noticed the one was the man with chi training but she still did not dare approach him preferring to watch from afar.

(I changed where we were because otherwise we'd be stuck chatting in the courtyard forever, I'm going to eat now.)
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Well guys I'm either joining the doves or the foxes. So which one are you guys going for?" Marcus asked as he looked at the group and tilted his head to the side a little bit. Marcus then started to think of some of the pranks he was going to pull on the wolves, and pigeons. "This is going to be a good year." Marcus then shoved his fist into the air.

He moved with the majority of the group, his stare focusing on the woman calling herself the principal. His steely gaze was unrelenting, he couldn't tell if he liked this woman or not. It was until she murdered another student in cold blood, that he knew he would not get along with her. She was a great, imbalance; But he paid no mind to her words or to her actions, for he knew he had to be here to achieve, balance. He gave a short nod and glanced toward Balin, before making his way to join the fellow Doves, and soon make haste to the dormitory.

His mind wandered ever so slightly, he was curious if the principal was actually in any way fit to be a teacher. He was accustomed to hard training, but killing a student was a waste of resources. A waste of someone who could at least be cannon fodder for a backline. He questioned her methods within his mind, but never the less, he continued to press on, putting one foot in front of the other.
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Balin was taken in by the woman clicking heels for a moment, the woman seems compassionate at first asking people if they were scared.Though this all vanished just like the girl who was slain, to admit you were afraid to fight in modern times shouldn't be surprising.Seeing as most conflicts had downscale over time, nothing like the great wars or the chaotic time when Nippon was divided.Balin felt sick at this display of power by this woman, but she went along with the other trade Bas glance with her own disdain.But none the less she fell in line, this had already set Balin mindset it was time to or die she made a mental note to stick with Bas.

Uneasy as she was led into the dorms glancing around to see what they would sleep on, and any other amenities for their use times like this actually made Balin wonder if befriend the other would make sense.After all, war was chaotic, she had to earn that from the fall of her own village the smell of charring flesh was still fresh in her mind she had a distant look on her face as slight suvivor guilt nibbed away at her.
Arada raised an eyebrow at Marcus "If you didn't know which group you'd be going with why'd you follow us into the dove dorms?" she smirked "do you really like Mizuki that much?" she teased "so cute. But I don't think following her everywhere will earn you points." Mizuki stiffled a giggle as she walked up behind Arada "You might as well join the doves now that your in the dorms, I don't want to know what the principle would do if you tried to leave the dorms to join another when she probably already thinks you've joined the aspiring doves dorm"

Okay. I guess that means I get to see Mizuki's cute face every morning I wake up. Oh and I get to pick on cute little Arada here." Marcus then goes and kisses Mizuki's cheek, and pats Arada's head. "Well looks like you two are stuck with me.
Mizuki blushed bright red. Arada scowled at Marcus "Touch her again and we'll be having barbecued Marcus for dinner." she growled out her fist lighting on fire as she swatted away the hand patting her head "touch me again and you'll no longer be able to walk" she walked over and put her stuff on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed near the window and put Mizuki's stuff on the top bunk.


His gaze made it to Balin, he recognized that thousand yard stare anywhere; A guilt he knew his little sister knew all to well. He made is way over to give the woman a slight pat on the back, "Everythings gonna be fine, Lass. " The more he talked to his new compatriot, the more she reminded him of his sister. He felt a slight sympathy for the woman, a bit curious to what family she might have lost, if any. He gave a slight grunt and looked around the room, a fair amount of people seemed to be here; But he still questioned if they were actually combat fit. He listened to the idle chatter and quickly found his way to an unoccupied bunk.

He guessed this would be home for a while, glancing around at the couch and the coffee table thrown in the mix of all the bunks. He glanced towards the restroom that was linked to the room. He idly wondered how the other students might adjust to the lifestyle, or if anyone else was gonna get hit by a death beam.
Aww that's so cute. I guess I will have to wisk Mizuki away to have alone time with her, because Arada over here looks a little jealous." Marcus said this as pointed at Arada's blush. " So I guess I am going to lay down for a little bit." marcus then took off his shirt and threw it onto his bed. He then flashed both of the girls a wink, and a mischievous smile, and laid down.

Being patted on her back Balin snapped out of her stupor," eh? right, yeah, i'm fine".she answered out of relaxing, she would choose a clear bunk bed scaling it.Than she climbed back down it with a sigh,"Guess I'll claim this top bunk..."she remarked glance around to see if anyone disrupted her claim, before looking at Bas "Alright then,i didn't ask about your power but taking the suit into account you must be a user of nippongo steel folded 1000 thousand times".She would tease, the larger person.

He gave a slight chuckle at Balin's joke, before speaking up in almost a mocking voice. "Wrong, it has been folded over 9000 times, in heat of a volcano, Then after riding dragons to the artic circle, we finally cooled the blade." He felt it was obvious he was joking, but just in case he made sure to nod at Balin. "The blade is said to be able to slice planets in half." He made sword slicing motions, and soon took off the ceremonial mask; His cloth mask however was still on underneath. "Fraid not though, its a simple sword past down through the temple my family worked at. A family heirloom I'd suppose" He leaned forward slightly, unsnapping the belts on the chestplate and arms.

"Totally could cut a planet in half though, I'll show you some time." His chuckle was once more hearty and warm, almost like the large man was relaxing for probably the first point since he'd been at the school. "What about you though, you got on some armor, whats the story behind it? It a family Heirloom? You buy it with your stripping money? I still havn't seen a weapon however, so I'm just gonna assume you kill people with your witty banter."
She looked at him with one of the most serious glares, as if he had insulted her mother.Suddenly snapping into a pose , and blinking at him delicately,"Oho you must be one of my subscribers, your totally right I spent about nine yes training my body. After all what else would this limber body do , as for my armor I just bought it off a cosplaying store just before the first monster showed up. I was just gonna cosplay my way through this school,then post a new video up to get some more subscribers to my page".she would drop the pose, shaking her head suddenly giving him a jagged tooth grin. Unbuckling armor about her legs," Nah honestly mine was a coming of age ritual in my village , along with my teeth we were some odd people celebrating yokai/demons up there. As for my power I'll leave that up to your imagination , perhaps I could show it off to you one night when were alone". She would tease as she freed her feet from the plate style armor.
As Hisao rubbed his temple while walking down the halls, he couldn't help but think back to what the principal had done. Killing a student for admitting she's scared... He knew that the principal was someone he'd have to deal with eventually, and it was obvious that they wouldn't get along well. She'll get what's coming to her, eventually. He shook the thoughts from his head and looked at the paper he'd received, and reread the list of his roommates. There were names he recognized like Rias and Arada, and a lot that he didn't. Well, I'm sure most of them are nice. As he walked to the dorm, he stopped and double checked that he had everything in his duffle bag. A quick check made sure that everything was there, and so he entered the dorm room. Hisao stopped at the doorway and analysed the room, choosing a nearby bunk that seemed unoccupied. His roommates were as he expected: Rias and Arada, someone who seemed to be bunking with Arada, a young man who was talking to them, and then... the tall man and his companion. This'll be... interesting. Hisao sighed inwardly, but kept a rather blank expression, and walked to his bunk without saying anything. He tossed his duffle bag onto his bed and began unpacking any small things he had.
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Mika Watanabe

Was it a poor excuse to say that Mika was late because she simply forgot to come to school? Sadly, it was true. It wasn't until late morning, when Mika had just rose from her bed with a relaxed stretch, adorned in flannel pajamas, and she went to go make coffee that she even remembered she was definitely supposed to be somewhere else at that moment. Her hand flew up to her mouth and the warm mug slipped from her hand to crash against the floor and break apart into large chunks. Bits of her favorite mug were now drowned in coffee. Well, it was her new-new-new favorite mug. You shouldn't question what happened to the first two.

"Oh no... I did it again," She murmured sadly to herself as she quickly headed back to her room to get changed.

Once she was showered, dressed, and looking presentable, Mika grabbed her bag and headed to school. Would they be upset? Would they kick her out? Did they have coffee there? That last question was the important one. What was a morning without coffee? Speaking of coffee... She'd forgotten to clean up the spill too! Lowering her head in shame, as if those around her could come close to knowing the kind of morning she had had, she sighed. Well, the day would get better. It had to. These are the repercussions when one did not achieve their daily dose of coffee...

Now that Mika was in the courtyard... Where did the go now? Was there some place with a schedule? Maybe she could just sit and enjoy the sunshine for a few moments. In all her hurry, Mika had forgotten to eat breakfast too and she could feel yet another dizzy spell coming on. The consequences of blood magic, what could she do? One thing was for sure; As soon as Mika could eat, she would have to or run the possibly of fainting on someone again. Yes, that had happened before and no, Mika did not want to go over such an embarassing experience.

Instead of finding a cozy bench or stone to rest upon, she sat happily in the grass and breathed in some fresh air. That was always important. Breathing that is. Breathe in. Breathe out. Try to ignore the protests from your empty stomach. Simple.


(Sorry it's so long. I like to make openings longer... Future posts will be condensed!)
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Rias immediately stood up when the gates closed, and the doors finally opened. She inspected and observed the adults rather carefully as they revealed themselves. Everything seemed all fine and dandy, until the woman in the middle started to speak. Rias had a very bad feeling about the whole situation even before the woman suddenly killed one of the students infront of everyone in cold blood. This came as a shock for her, she just could not believe her eyes. Naturally she remained quiet, and listened, not wanting to test her luck, who knows? she might be the next victim. In truth she was nervous and scared, but she was an expert to hide her feelings, not wanting to show any fear. The smile on the woman after she had killed the student really did irritate Rias, feeling utter hate towards the woman. But right now, she was helpless, and could not do anything about it. Her gaze switched from looking at the woman, to the other students, expecting some kind of reaction from everyone, most of them were shocked aswell, to say the least.

The ever so frustrated Rias followed Arada and the others, keeping quiet. All she could think about was that poor girl dissapearing right infront of her eyes, she just could not let it go. When she finally reached the dorms she sat down on the closest bed, listening to all the noise in the halls, and the rooms. It was if people were happy, how could they be happy when they just witnessed such a thing..? It really bothered her. For now she did not speak to anyone, she merely kept quiet, and to herself, trying to forget about what had just happened, though it was easier said than done.

He gave a slight furrow of his brow, even though she couldn't tell due to his cloth mask. He laughed at her over zealous posing, and general jovial demeanor. He continued working on his armor, snapping off the remaining plates and laying them on the bed. "Another village, glad to know I'm not the only one feeling surely out of place with all these people in one place. The lack of Koi is greatly disturbing." He went back to glancing around the room, his eyes snapping from person to person, figure to figure. His mind wandering too and fro, until her final words snapped him from his daze. He couldn't help but hold back a snicker. "Show me something alone? Sorry lass you're a bit lacking in a few aspects for me." He spoke, a slight muse to his tone as he picked on his new found friend.

He glanced to the new face coming into the room, giving a slight nod in the mans direction before standing up. And making his way over to one of the windows in the dorms;His gaze overlooked the outside courtyard, honing in on the late student. Thinking to himself "Why were they still outside, did they intend to face the same fate the other student had?" With a slight sigh he turned from the window, moving in large,aphonic strides to the doorway, and soon into the hallway. He glanced around as he walked, the smooth tiled flooring, the brick walls, it was all so foreign to him;But that wasn't currently important, he made it to the door, stepping out into the fresh air. He stopped for only a moment, enjoying the breeze before he made his way over. His large hand offered a slight tap to Mika's shoulder "Excuse me ma'am, you're missing the dorm introduction, everyone went inside."

Marcus notice Rias was looking sad. So he walked over to her not even bothering to put on a shirt. "Hey whats wrong I noticed you were kind of down after the principle came. You okay?" Marcus asked as he sat down next to her and put his arm on her shoulder.

@Rias Silverburgh

Mika Watanabe

Mika had been distracted when the male came over to her. Surprisingly she had not even heard his footsteps and was not prepared for the gentle tap on her shoulder. All the while she had been reminding herself she needed to purchase an alarm clock and wondered what the best way was to get coffee stains out of a rug. Upon receiving the small tap, Mika jumped slightly in her place and turned to whoever had disturbed her peaceful trance.

Mika craned her neck and looked up to gaze upon a rather large person. She blinked twice before realizing that he had spoken to her. Woops! Putting on a somewhat embarrassed smile, that was meant to be friendly, she chuckled softly. Was he a teacher? A student? An executioner for those that were late on their first day?

"I'm sorry! I did not know. Thank you for telling me," She tagged on the last bit with a more genuine smile and stood up. A quick brush over her clothes cleared off any dirt or grass blades and she looked back at the male awkwardly. The dorms... Was that the large area? Probably. Who knew? He knew!

"Could I follow you back? Would that be alright?" Mika asked softly, cocking her head slightly to the side as she waited for a response.


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I think they might have noticed me...

fa listened wordlessly, however much she had wanted to join this school she always had a desire to protect so when she felt the digineration come like a blast to herself. The girl was only a meter from her. She felt useless, unable to protect the girl. However she stayed still. eyes red with anger, but at the same time this only encouraged her to be stronger, to protect others from the schools dangers. If perhaps she could save as many people-

a negative thought nagged her, she herself was just as weak as that girl, how could she protect others if she couldn't protect herself? She sat there with her head down and biting her lip. Fist clenched on her lap, fortunately no one noticed. Finally she heard the words that signalled there dismission, people stood and passed her like shadows, she went up to follow them as well. Her thoughts being pushed aside, she saw the big armored man in front of her, and if she could see his face she bet she could see some sort of unhappy look, one of anger or something of rightousness, as she felt something like that, as well as from a few others.

"I have to bring out the best in me," she said to herself as she walked out the door. She followed the lady herself walking way in the back, its not that she blamed the lady but felt that in the future no matter what obstacles are thrown she shouldn't wish that they become weaker but that she becomes stronger to overthrow it. At the same time, part of her couldn't help but admire the danger, she felt a surprizing grin form on her face at the thought.

"huh," she said raising her head, being too busy in her thoughts to notice they had already arrived at the dorms, the doors opened before her. She looked around and saw that guy who still didn't know how to properly flirt with a girl, the girl who didn't know how she should properly be flirted with. The big scary guy, whom she admired. And a strange woman who seemed to be like the strange guy. Then there was the mysterious man, whom she had no idea anything of him...

"Oh! This place is so cool!" Fa couldn't hold in the gleam in her eyes as she held her hands together in excitement, immediatly she went to check out the dorms assets. "Oh, uh, which group is this anyway?" she scratched the back of her head smiling at the group in the room. "haha,"

(are girls and boys in different dorms, like in harry potter where there is a main room?)​
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He retracted his hand quickly as she jumped, looking back down at the woman. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." His voice was rough, but he tried his best to sound genuine. "Something on your mind? You seemed kind of in a daze." He offered a soft smile back in return for her embarrassed simper. "My name is Bas, Can I get a name before I take you up on that offer to show you to the dorms?" His hazel eyes glanced around for a moment, before looking back down at Mika. He waited quietly for her response, but knew someone might notice that he was gone sooner, rather than later. So he turned, waving a hand slightly as he moved towards the doorway. "We can talk while we walk. Don't want the principal to skin us alive." He mused.

He took in his final moments with the fresh air, oh how he missed the gentle breeze of the village. But now wasn't the time for those thoughts. And as he made his way up to the door, he waited on Mika, holding the door open with an extended arm. "Its quite a full house in the dorm, but there should be a bunk somewhere for you." He glanced down the hallway, waiting until she was in to walk along the tiled flooring, finding his way back to the dorm setup; Even though it might as well have been a barracks in his opinion, just with a couch and a coffee table.

Arada looked to Rias only to see Marcus comforting her "You better not start flirting with another girl Marcus. I don't know how Mizuki would take that" she teased then turned her head to Fa, "Did you also follow without knowing which group dorm you were going to? This is the "aspiring doves" dorm" she stood up and walked over holding out her hand "I'm Arada, You are?"

@AnarchyReins @Unknown1
"Ah, doves? Hoho, i was too busy contemplating things to think about it so i just followed mindlessly the first group that passed me!" dear fa stated honestly, twiddling her fingers, she gave a grin at the girl arada, feeling that the girl was friendly with her hand stuck out at her. "Your names arada? Nice to meet ya, i'm Fa lin, but i prefer to be called feng!" She gave out her hand as well attempting to make a firm squeeze, it was however a weak attempt. "You seem to be someone who likes to fight... but i guess thats the same with everyone here!" she said noticing her tough looking outfit.

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"Now Arada you only say that because you think I'm cute." Marcus then walked over to Arada and hugged her making sure she got some of om cologne on her. "Though by that blush that is sporting you cheeks. I think I was right." Marcus then threw his hoodie at her. "You and Mizuki can share it between to you two." Marcus just laughed as both Mizuki and Arada were both blushing by this.
Rias looked up, noticing someone approaching her. It was the boy from before, flirting with Arada and her friend. She noticed that Marcus was shirtless, and was not impressed to say the least. She tilted her head, and peered at the boy as he attempted to plant his hand on her shoulder. That is when she quickly grabbed it: "Don't" she said, with a rather low and dark tone, as if she was not already annoyed enough. In truth she wasn't mad at Marcus, but she was not in the mood. Soon after, she watched him walking over to Arada.

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