Dove (OPEN)

For the past week, when she was not being trained by erik and Arada she would meditate on her own, and practice what they had taught her. During the night, she would meditate for as long as she could before she passed out to sleep. But Fa was highly determined. She never did anything half way, and if she did she did it out of compassion. "I thought we where going to train soon! haha," a young playful voice sounded as Fa jumped up from behind Arada, as she had been waiting behind the door. Well, actually, Fa was actually as surprized to see Arada suddenly enter the door as Arada likely was. Fa had been meditating and training as much as she could, during the time that the test took place she decided it was better to not waste time and become strong as she could during that time. She meditated, and did what she was shown by Arada and Erik in order to control herself better.

While she had been practicing control, in her meditation she was listening to her surroundings, attempting to exit her body spiritually, and see what was around her. Of course she was not nearly at this level yet but she had come to a point where she could tell directions and the sounds of footsteps, when she heard an ominous pair of feet come towards the door. Unknowing that the test was over and that students where returning, had decided to hide behind the door in order to surprize the oncomer. Fortunately it was Arada.

Fa gave a sigh of relief. "Sorry if i startled you, so how did the test go! What happened!"

Unfortunately Fa had been absent at the purge of the losing students, both the first test when she was unconcious, and the second time when she was absent. Even though she heard that several people died, she was not scarred, nor did it really hit her.

Arada smiled when she heard Fa Lin pop up behind her pretending to jump putting a hand to her heart she turned "Oh Jeez Fa! Trying to give your teacher a heart attack?" she smirked playfully punching Fa Lin's shoulder lightly she smiled at the apology and question "Ah, it was just a scavanging test. One team member was poisoned and we had to find the right herbs to save their life within 3 hours. Luckily it was I who was poisoned and I could fight it off while helping the team find the herbs for the antidote. Just another thing you can do with Chi and lots of concentration, its very advanced and even I haven't mastered it."

Arada tilted her head slightly "Now that you are well enough you do realize you can officially begin your training don't you? Are you excited?" a mischievous smirk spread on Arada's face

Fa nodded at what arada said, she felt less anxious that she missed it. Nor did she feel any regret from arada's words. However, as Fa watched arada with open eyes as she speak, nodding at her words, a thought kept itching at the back of her mind. A good one when i get back, for the next task, i will be stronger. Its like walking into an exam with all your cards prepared. In her dearness she did stop.

"wait, really?" Fa exclaimed, losing her serious composure. Blood ran through her veins, not nearly as thick as before she started meditating, filling her with a sense of duty. "WE CAN DO REALY TRAINING!?" Fa couldn't hold herself back as she went for a strong hug on arada. Fa unlike before had grown some patience, and waited to hear Arada's statement on when they would start. "What about the hawk girl?" she asked.
Arada smiled putting a hand to Fa Lin's head pushing her off her getting away from the hug "You're as bad as Mizuki" she joked hitting her one ear from the shriek "I swear you made me lose my hearing" she smirked "But yes we can do training now. As for the shapeshifter. I do want to train her too along with you, she could be a great ally for us."

@Unknown1 @Scattered Ambitions
Fa felt apologetic after letting go, pursing her lip. "I am really sorry," she said, lowering her head. D:

Fa put a finger to her hand, turning around to sit her bottom on a nearby hospital bed. "I haven't seen her today, honestly, I suppose to start this training we need to locate her." she said thoughtfully, Fa had greatly matured since she had asked for someone to help her get stronger. That energy that she was full of before must of been unfocused blunt energy bent on finding a way of getting stronger, anxiousness but inability to awaken herself on her own throughout the years.

Rias remained in the dorm sulking as usual in her own bed, with good reason. Once again more students had died infront of them, and once again she was able to help them. Because of this, she had not spoken very much to the others, keeping to herself for the most of the time. Rias tilted her head and peered around, noticing most of the group were absent. The red-haired girl slowly sat up on the bed, before deciding to get some fresh air, heading for the door: "I'm leaving" she stated as she peered at the others, perhaps she meant trying to leave the school? Nontheless, she closed the door behind her, and made her way down towards the entrance.

Rias actually did have thoughts of trying to escape the school, simply because she was slightly mentally unstable, clearly shocked after the deaths of the students. First she had to find a way, to observe the courtyard, to see if the exit was guarded or not, so naturally, she took a small stroll around the area. Hopefully she would not run into the principal, in truth she was scared of her quite abit.

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