Dove (OPEN)

Arada smiled at Fa Lin "Nice to meet you, Feng." she laughed at the comment about liking to fight "Yeah Its fun, it also gets a lot of stress and anger out. Its better if you have a worthy opponent though" She heard what Marcus said and a blush formed on her cheeks 'Hes too much like HIM. Like..Erik' her face started to droop in sadness before she threw on a scowl. When he hugged her she was about to flip him over her shoulder when he walked away and threw the hoodie at her. She scowled at him and held it up for him to see "See this?" it went up in flames in her hand and quickly turned into ashes "This will be you if you don't F*** off. Keep your grubby hands off me and Mizuki if you want to live."

@Unknown1 @AnarchyReins

(sorry I was afk)
Yeah yeah. Whatever you say princess." With that Marcus teared up a little. 'Why did you do that my mom gave that to me before she died." As Marcus said this his voice got deeper and edgier. The ground in the room began to freeze. The ice crept along the floor, until reaching the furniture. Marcus's eyes still and tears in them, but in stead of the deep sea green, they were electric sickly poison green. "What did I every do to you. All I have done was be nice to you, and joke with you. Though you had to turn it back on you and make everything I do seem bad. Though I'm not like that guy that hurt you. I never would be." As Marcus kept talking his eyes got brighter, and the ice began to cover the room a lot faster. The window blew open, and an ice cold wind came blowing through the room. Marcus's hair even began to float with the wind
Arada's eyes widened at what was going on, she nodded to Mizuki as Mizuki pushed everyone back and threw up a barrier around Arada and Marcus.

Arada breathed in deep and focused letting her fire magic spread carefully across the ice melting it at the same time she used her Chi to spread a calming Aura across the room while she Spoke "Calm yourself Marcus before you hurt everyone, Did I know it was from your mother? I did not. When someone has told you to leave them be you should do so." Her eyes opened and she looked him straight in the eyes "You are not the only one who knows loss either. You need to control yourself however unless you want to become a monster. You need to control yourself unless you want to hurt or kill the others around you. I know first hand control is difficult. But you need to try!"


(Great the group has 2 people with anger issues, Marcus and Arada. Everyones gonna die some day xD )
The air around fa lin changed, she breathed a cold breathe, she turned her upper body a hand on her hip after arada was suddenly attacked with affection, however something she felt in this all felt ...wrong, like she could feel something bad was going to happen, it wasn't magic, no intuition. Suddenly the air was colder, she could see its air, what made it run like a different vision. Eyes turning into slits as she lowered them, it happened quickly, she felt as if an outside observer despite being right where she was. The two girls tried to talk her out of it, they sounded desperate to fan's ears. "..." she didn't say anything.

This madness had to stop, in fact she prepared herself, trying to step closer she went past mizuki and arada ignoring the cold, however before she could test out her new found power the girl rias had beat her to the punch. She stopped waiting patiently to see what happens, before deciding how to intervene.

She may probably be the weakest one of them there at the moment, but she didn't care what frozen ice hurt her, or how cold she got. She couldn't let this happen, or watch someone become distraught, unstable. Without realizing it she felt her fist tighten. Something about all the energy in the air she could see another field.

Lines? why is she seeing lines?

loss? seems i'm a bit different..


neon lights...what is this?
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Marcus heard the two girls, but he couldn't help himself. The anger, it mad him fell good. "Get off of me." Marcus said as his body started to become covered in ice. His hair turned different shades of blue and white. His eyes became completely blue. "All I tried to do was get the group closer together. Though little miss trust issues can't deal. So she shuts herself out form everyone, and pushes them away.' Marcus at this point gently, but forcefully sat Rias off of him. He then covered the whole room in ice. "Maybe I should become a monster. Thats what ice is good for anyways isn't Arada. All we do is kill and destroy. You know what. You guys can be a group. I will go solo." You're just an ice covered monster of your own. You became what you hated most. Think about that." With that Marcus disintegrated the ice and jumped out the window just to be taken with the wind.
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Everyone became a different color, she could see lights in there bodys, like lines running up and down each one had a different color. She noticed the one that was sparking the most almost entirely covered in blue lines, throbbing in all sorts of directions, she could hear his voice coming from him. . .

"you..." she whispered, her steps where automatic, becoming faster, the world was frozen all around her and she felt as if she was alone in this space. i will leave, i will become solo these words belated behind her. a twist entered her heart, these lines, these frozen people... a burning knowledge entered her heart. Eyes burning in fury, while no one payed attention she appeared in front of the that he was exiting, she ran and jumped out of the window, without realizing that she was using an ability she didn't know existed. blocking the mans way as he appeared near the field. Her gaze, even though it was no power held a great fire that bore, stared down the boy, in slow motion her hand went up. "YOU," i understand your pain, no one wanting to do what you want, nothing going how you think it should. "STAY!" she put her hands like she did before and it was like instinct, she brought them forward dispersing the lines she saw before her. they where pushed backwards. The ability she had was in a way to reverse magic, but different. his ice should be dispersed. "Do you know how stupid this all is? Why are we all fighting?" she questioned the boy who had flew towards her. It was an open sky outside where they stood, but it only felt like clouds surrounded them.

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Mika Watanabe

Despite his seemingly rough demeanor, his actions made him out to be a nice person. Mika relaxed a bit more and instead was a bit more open. Bas. She did her best to jot the name down to memory. While Mika was a bit better at remembering names as opposed to... Well, just about everything else, she could never be too sure. One moment she'll let her guard down and the next she'll be forgetting the name of someone she'd been spending quite a while around.

She opened her mouth to answer him when he asked for her name but it seemed there was a more immediate problem at hand. The principal? Skin them alive? That couldn't be true right? Nonetheless, that comment was enough to get Mika up and following Bas into the dorm area as quickly as he did. He was a bit taller and his strides a bit longer, but Mika managed to keep up just fine. The dizzy spell seemed to have passed for now but there was no telling when another would arise. When she was talking to someone? When she was carrying a stack of books? Wait, why would she be doing that? That was silly.

"Oh! I'm Mika, I almost forgot to answer. Nice to meet you Bas," Mika said politely, extending her hand to shake his before he could walk away. It was only right she was nice and polite after he had kindly shown her back. But what if she was keeping him? That wouldn't be good either...



He had stopped at the door, careful to hold it open for Mika;He flashed the best a smile he could, the scar on the right side of his jaw showing. He had by then extended his hand to her own, giving her hand a firm shake, his skin was rough, almost like sandpaper from the years of work at the temple steps; But he hoped it wouldn't bother such a proper looking woman. "Nice to meet you Mika. We'll be at the dorms soon, they're nothing all that fancy and I don't think much is happening at the moment. But you're welcome to stick around, I think there's an empty bunk by mine. " And with that he stepped in the dorm room, moving slowly. He was caught by a bit of a surprise though, looking at the small amounts of ice that remained. "Seems something did happen while I was out getting you, just be careful not to slip."

The larger, prodigious man took his time to step over a small bit of ice, and taking shorter, more careful strides to his bunk. His gaze shifted around the room, his hazel eyes counting heads, one... No two, people were missing from what he could tell. He hoped the principal didn't get word of them. But that wasn't his concern for the time being. He glanced back at Mika, doing his best to give another genuine smile;Before making his way to his bunk and taking a seat on the edge of the mattress. He wondered what might have happened here, and why all the sudden people were using magic to clean up simple ice.

Marcus stopped at the fountain and looked into it. What he say scared him a little. His hair was white and blue, and his eyes were all blue no iris or anything. So he screamed, screamed as loud as he could. The water acted with his emotions. it shot into the air, and froze, in random spots. Marcus then shot the ice with water making a giant crash. The sound of glass breaking could be heard all across campus. He then continued to shot ice into the air making them break at a certain point. H then looked again at his reflection and he saw his sea green eyes, and black hair. " Great I just messed up everything." Marcus then sat down on the fountain with his head in his hands. Why he went back to normal confused him. Then Marcus remembered that the girl shot her magic at him before he jumped out of the window. That got him thinking, 'What kind of magic does she have. Usually when I got like this it would take me a few days to calm down. Maybe her magic was able to reverse my ice demon magic. I think I am going to talk to her when I go back in a little bit.
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The Principle marched down the hallway of the dove dorms getting to the troublesome room, the door burst open as she entered "What is going on HERE?!" she screeched surveying the scene seeing some ice patches here and there "Who did this?! Where is the one that did this?!" Arada stepped forward "I'm sorry ma'am it was my fault. You know those phone charms that are all the rage now that can make different spell effects?" Arada was lieing through her teeth no such thing existed, she hoped the principle wasn't up to date with all the latest stuff "I ended up using mine in the dorm by accident and scared the others, a spell was accidentally shot off out of fear and broke the window." she bowed in apology.

The principle huffed she of course knew no such thing existed but she was impressed the girl would lie so easily to cover up a fight and so fast aswell.

"Don't let it happen again" she replied "Now there is something I wanted to tell you all, this year we are doing something different the leaders of the groups are going to be here over seeing your training and tests. This is the only room with free beds so the dove leader will be staying here with you" she said before stepping aside a cloaked man coming into view. Arada froze and she slowly looked up. The principle left as the man dropped his hood staring her right in the eyes. "Arada..." Arada said nothing frozen to the spot.


(think I got everyone in the room. Yeah I'm throwing him in now! I need my romance ppl xD )
her fury was hard to ignore, however despite his lack of reaction "Hey ya going to ignore me?" fa lin bent down looking at the screaming guy. "I just freaking broke your ice, but you blindly ran into the fountain and screamed! Your such a wierdo," fa lin grunted crossing her arms. "Ay, but i guess we all are strange," she raised her chin up high before storming away from the kid, it wasn't really from anything in the current situation, rather she had this feeling she should go back. Like some threatening presence was looking over her. "ah, sorry something tells me i have to go! Bye!" and with that she ran towards the entrance *shiver* she walked into the school and after a while found herself up the stairs...

there was one problem

"Where the heck am i! How did i get into the dorms!" her mind was blown and she couldn't help but sit in a corner for a few minutes. "I'll just roam at random! And hope i find it!" so she indeed roamed a bit, in fact she was just outside the dorms. Not even noticing the principal, and the rest of the guards by the door as her back was facing the other direction. "I'll never find it," the darkness of gloom came over her. She leaned into the window looking out at the sky, her foot loose behind her.

(sorry, i've been told to return immediatly xD ... yes skipped many details.. fa is a wierdo too but doesn't realize it, she thinks everyone else is)
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Arada took a step back "Erik..." he swiftly stepped forward grabbing her wrist so she couldn't run looking down at her into her eyes. After awhile of staring he spoke "How are you here? Why are you here?" Arada gulped but couldn't look away "I..I..Its none of your business!" she managed to rip her wrist free of his grip she moved towards the door only for him to block it. "Phoenix please" his eyes were pleading with her she scowled up at him "Don't call me that anymore! Get out of my way!" 'This is bad I wasn't ready to face him yet' Erik grabbed her by the arms when she tried to move past him backing her up against the wall "Arada please just hear me out. What happened before it wasn't my fault." Arada scowled her fists alight with flames as she pushed him "Don't touch me, Just stay away from me!" she rushed out the door not hearing Erik's cry for her to wait she ran a random direction Slowing down not noticing Fa lin as she walked past her.

@Unknown1 (this good?)
Ears perk, and the feeling of air passes by her. Her brain tells her to look to her right, stretching from the window she turns her head to see the girl she had just met storm away, it seemed she was full of some sort of fury. "huh." she scratched her head, then the thought hit her a light bulb appeared on top of her head. aha! she knows where the dorms are if i follow her- wait, no she will think i'm a creep, i'll just ask her! Fa got her big grin on. "Hey arada!" she ran towards arada, aiming to jump in front of her. "could you he-," Opening her mouth to ask for directions, her voice faltered when she saw clearly something wrong on arada's face, it would be too selfish of her to ask for directions. *sigh* "Arada, um... whats wrong? really?" she said hesitantly, giving her a gentle expression.
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Arada jumped when she heard Fa speak, her head turned to her. "I'm fine Feng Its just...ahm..." she sighed she didn't even notice Erik turn the corner and coming towards them too occupied with Fa lin. She only noticed when he started to get closer she turned to run but he quickly was by her side grabbing her arm gently but firm "Arada, I'm not asking this time. We need to talk." Arada scowled turning around throwing his hand off her arm "Theres not much to talk about, what could there possibly be to talk about?" Erik scowled "I did not kiss her Arada!" She scoffed "Oh really, gee and I thought thats what it was when two people's lips MEET!" Erik grabbed her by the shoulders when she tried to turn turning her back "Listen to me for once you stubborn girl!" Arada slapped his hands off turning again only for him to do the same thing "She KISSED ME! I did NOT kiss her! You left as soon as you seen it you didn't see me push her away. Her goal was to break us up Arada!" Arada scoffed "If I left before you pushed her how do I know its not a lie?!"

Erik stared into her eyes "You may not be able to believe that, But can you not believe I still love you?" Arada scoffed "No, I can't believe that either."

Erik sighed "Let me show you then" She looked at him confused "Show me? How?" the response she got was his lips on hers.

"Now can you believe me?" he spoke letting go of her, Arada backed up slightly dazed before punching him "what was that for you idiot?!"

He looked at her in disbelief "Whats the big deal?! We've kissed before! What the hell Arada?!" Arada kicked him as he started to get up "Shut up!" her face was beet red. 'My heart can't be thudding like this. How can I believe him... his eyes look so honest though.'

Erik chuckled "You're still as violent as ever." he stood up careful of any attacks from her "Do you believe me? I really am sorry Arada, I wish I explained to you faster, earlier the truth" Arada averted her eyes arms crossed "You...seem honest. I don't know if I can fully forgive or trust you again yet though"

Erik smiled "I'll make it up to you. I promise, I won't let anyone tear us apart again" Arada raised a fist "Shut up now." Erik raised his arms in surrender "alright alright."

@Unknown1 (I feel so sorry for Fa getting caught in this xD )
Feng listened in eagerness, her eyes in full attention, but a great shadow enveloped her site (erik) and she couldn't help but blink wordlessly, he suddenly grabbed arada and feng was unsure how to react, whether he was someone she should beat up and was a threat to her new friend arada. In fact she crossed her arms and gave him a hard look, however it seemed this wasn't some sort of battle or sexual harrasment, or atleast not close enough for fa to attempt an attack or yell angrily at him to leave her alone. Her eyes widened as they seemed to have forgotten her it wasn't me i swear.

feng decided to take a step back looking from arada, to the wierd guy, there was a chemistry here. "I have no business in this," she shrugged, deciding to lean against the wall near them. She still wanted to hear it, because lets face it she was a lover of drama like this where romance was involved. Indeed, she nodded in approval when she saw arada punch the guy, indeed this must be romance if she had popcorn she would enjoy this further.

yeah arada, you go girl! threaten him! ahaha he lost the battle it seems, man this is perfect! the glimmer of the girl who hid behind the wall ease dropping was bright.

She even made a victory fist secretly.

Rias stared at the floor as the principle marched in, making sure she would not be noticed. She was still scared, after what had happened to that other student in the courtyard. However, to her surprise Arada step forward and took the blame, she was even more brave that Rias, she thought to herself. As the principle introduced that the leader was going to stay there she immediately looked up. .." Really, a teacher here..? Of course..." Rias thought to herself, feeling very annoyed by it. Truth be told, she did not want the principle near the dorms, let alone any teacher.

Her eyes traveled towards Arada as she seemed to be frozen in place as the leader pulled his hood down and revealed himself. Rias witnessed the behaviour of the newly arrived leader and it really bothered her, what was he doing to Arada? Feeling that Arada had become somewhat of a friend, she followed the lot as they left the dorm, feeling that Arada was not safe.

Rias quickly looked outside the hall, readying her sword just incase. She began to pick up speed, almost sprinting towards them: "Hey, let go of her..!" Rias shouted, and that is when her eyes widened in surprise. Apparently the leader was planting his lips against Arada's, and that is when Rias rewinded herself back to the other corner of the hall, and went back to the room. She sat down on her bed, and crawled under her sheets: "Well.. that was awkward.." she said to herself.

Balin had been a silent witness to all of this, at least as she brush the remnants of ice from her bunk.She let her own feet dangle sat least took note of the others,as they interacted.She had been forgotten in this choas but she didn't mind ,it left her own thoughts about this and that namely the situation at hand . Agression toward one another,s omeone choosing to go rogue than the genocide principle showing up to yell at people.She just felt it was just to much for them to actually get along as a real team,oh well she thought she would climb back down to put her metallic footware back on with a sigh. Before going to stand at the dorm window,to look out.
In any cases, Harumi was late to school. Hopefully it wasn't a lame excuse to say that she overslept, was it? The gray haired female hopped out of bed and shoved two waffles into the toaster for breakfast. Harumi brushed her hair in case of any tangles and quickly styled it into a chignon bun. Lastly, she grabbed all the books and utensils she will need and took out the waffles from the toaster. Harumi are the waffles while running to school.

Of course, she was late. The gates were closed already and it seemed like no one would be at the front. Harumi gently tugged on the gates to see if it would open, but of course it did not.

((Sowwy if I did anything wrong again >.<))
Mizuki had sat on Arada's bed reading a book after the commotion in the room. Her eyes flicked to Rias as she entered again "Seen something you shouldn't have didn't you?" her lips twitched into a smile "I'm glad actually, Arada had still missed him even after she seen him kissing another girl." she put her book down as footsteps sounded outside in the hall, soon Erik and Arada turned the corner hand in hand, Mizuki chuckled and raised an eyebrow looking at their linked hands. Arada quickly took her hand out of Erik's and punched his shoulder before going over to Mizuki and sitting down next to her.

Mizuki stood up "Lets change bunk beds I'll use an empty bunk you share this bunk bed with Arada" Arada's hand shot up grabbing Mizuki's arm "Are you nuts?" she whispered Mizuki smiled and took Arada's hand off her arm passing by Erik and sitting on an empty bunk no one had claimed. Erik walked over to Arada as Arada moved her stuff to the top bunk Erik set his stuff on the bottom. Once they were done Erik turned clearing his throat addressing everyone "You all know the tests at this school are hard right? You need to be on your toes, never let your guard down and train both mind and body if you want to get through. I'd help you all if I could but that could get you kicked out for cheating if I trained you. He pulled a map out of his bag "However if you were careful to keep this out of site the first test would be easy. The first test in seven days is the forest, you can easily get lost in it, you have to find maps drawn up to relics and bring them back safely to pass this test" He handed the map to Arada "This Map will help you all stay on the right path, You have to stick together though, if any of you stray you could be lost forever understand?"

@Rias Silverburgh (I can't remember who all is in the room besides Rias O_O)


The vice principal decided to take a walk outside in the courtyard tired of listening to the principal go on about her great plans for the students

She sighed when she heard a rattling she seen a girl over by the gates, she walked over addressing her "Are you a late arrival? You must be wary of the principal.

Do you have your registration papers? I know I'm technically not supposed to do this but its better than letting you be caught by the principal." part of what she said was her seeming to ramble to herself. Her mind was occupied by a lot.

@The Otaku Diaries
RegalWindstar said:
Mizuki had sat on Arada's bed reading a book after the commotion in the room. Her eyes flicked to Rias as she entered again "Seen something you shouldn't have didn't you?" her lips twitched into a smile "I'm glad actually, Arada had still missed him even after she seen him kissing another girl." she put her book down as footsteps sounded outside in the hall, soon Erik and Arada turned the corner hand in hand, Mizuki chuckled and raised an eyebrow looking at their linked hands. Arada quickly took her hand out of Erik's and punched his shoulder before going over to Mizuki and sitting down next to her.
Mizuki stood up "Lets change bunk beds I'll use an empty bunk you share this bunk bed with Arada" Arada's hand shot up grabbing Mizuki's arm "Are you nuts?" she whispered Mizuki smiled and took Arada's hand off her arm passing by Erik and sitting on an empty bunk no one had claimed. Erik walked over to Arada as Arada moved her stuff to the top bunk Erik set his stuff on the bottom. Once they were done Erik turned clearing his throat addressing everyone "You all know the tests at this school are hard right? You need to be on your toes, never let your guard down and train both mind and body if you want to get through. I'd help you all if I could but that could get you kicked out for cheating if I trained you. He pulled a map out of his bag "However if you were careful to keep this out of site the first test would be easy. The first test in seven days is the forest, you can easily get lost in it, you have to find maps drawn up to relics and bring them back safely to pass this test" He handed the map to Arada "This Map will help you all stay on the right path, You have to stick together though, if any of you stray you could be lost forever understand?"

@Rias Silverburgh (I can't remember who all is in the room besides Rias O_O)


The vice principal decided to take a walk outside in the courtyard tired of listening to the principal go on about her great plans for the students

She sighed when she heard a rattling she seen a girl over by the gates, she walked over addressing her "Are you a late arrival? You must be wary of the principal.

Do you have your registration papers? I know I'm technically not supposed to do this but its better than letting you be caught by the principal." part of what she said was her seeming to ramble to herself. Her mind was occupied by a lot.

@The Otaku Diaries
"Registration papers...? Oh!" Harumi searched her bag. Papers, watch, ouch! A pencil! Then finally, she found the papers deep inside her bag. The female scanned it once before handing it to the person behind the gates.
The vice principal took the papers and quickly checked them over to make sure it was all filled out, She quickly opened the side door near the gate "Quickly get inside and be quiet. The doves are the only ones with free spots open" she pointed to the dove dorms then told the girl which dorm room it was "Go quickly now, if you get caught I can't do anything to help you" she hurried back inside to sneak the papers into the folder.

@The Otaku Diaries
Rias peered over at Mizuki who sat on Arada's bed reading a book. ".. Mhm, I think at least. I am.. so confused right now. So, you're saying, that.. guy, is her lover..?" Rias asked, seeming ever so confused, as she raised her eyebrow. She gently planted her sword down on the floor, letting it rest against the wall, before wrapping the blankets around her properly, and lied down on her bed.

Mizuki nodded "They had been together when Arada was in the doves as the leader of the stealth team. She had caught a member of her own team kissing him though so she had fled and thats when I found her"

@Rias Silverburgh (she already moved from Arada's bed but eh whatever. Lets just say shes on a empty bed close to Rias)
RegalWindstar said:
The vice principal took the papers and quickly checked them over to make sure it was all filled out, She quickly opened the side door near the gate "Quickly get inside and be quiet. The doves are the only ones with free spots open" she pointed to the dove dorms then told the girl which dorm room it was "Go quickly now, if you get caught I can't do anything to help you" she hurried back inside to sneak the papers into the folder.
@The Otaku Diaries
"Thank you!" Harumi said before walking inside the building. The female walked to the doves dorm room and opened it. To her surprise, wrong door. Then wrong door. Then wrong door again. Finally she knocked on the correct doves dorm room, expecting for someone saying: "Come in!" Or something like that.
Once again Rias was confused, why would Arada kiss the other boy, if he cheated on her? She shook her head "So, basically he cheated on her? I saw them kissing a few moments ago. Now that makes no sense" Rias said, shrugging her shoulders.

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