Dove (OPEN)

Tejina decided to try and help, instead of just standing around like usual. After all, why wouldn't he?

Tejina turned to the group, thinking to himself about what should be done...

"So, there's a mysterious man that attacked then vanished..?" Tejina questioned

"If so, shouldn't the best course of action be to go back to where he was found, to see if he'll try and come back?"

@Stamper @Rias Silverburgh
Arada shook her head "Right now we don't have the time to try and find that man." she pointed to the clock they could still see even so far in the forest "We only have an hour left we need to get that relic map back" she bit her lip "I did see old castle ruins when I was chasing the guy though. They could perhaps have a relic map, that is if someone else hasn't gotten to it first"

@Deity of Ice @Rias Silverburgh
Rias nodded towards Arada, agreeing with the girl. They would only waste their time chasing that guy, and it would not really be worth it. Right now, the group had a much more important task. "Agreed. We would only waste our time chasing that guy. I suppose those old ruins might be worth checking out, hrmm..?" Rias suggested to the group, clearly eager to get her hands on that map.

@Stamper @Deity of Ice


Mika smiled and gratefully shook her head. "Yes, please! It helps keep the dizzy spells away." She said gently, her vision still swimming, but beginning to clear a bit more now. She listened silently to the group as they spoke, taking in what they said but unsure of what to put forth. She hadn't seen the male and her only concern had been defeating the panther. For the moment, she was rather useless.


Arnold had stayed near the back for most of the events, silently observing. There wasn't much he could do when everyone else was after the panther so he figured the best bet was just to stand by until he was needed for something. The fight ended sooner rather than later and finally, he strode towards the group, his scythe still grasped in his hand. "Anything I could do?" He asked once he was in earshot. His expression was indifferent and somewhat wary but he waited with his full attention for some sort of command. He had heard bits and pieces of the conversation prior.

(For the sake of keeping up, I have shortened my posts)​
Arada smiled at Rias before turning to Mika "Do you want me to carry you until you recover your strength?"

Mizuki looked back huffing "So I'm stuck with this heavy sleepy...augh!"


(sorry everyone I was cooking for the first time in my life. Even with my fear of stoves I managed to make almost perfect french toast ^_^ )
The whole team had managed to safely get the map and get back to the courtyard

not long after more and more teams poured in the last group came at the last minute.

The principle collected the maps taking note which groups had one and which didn't before calling the failures forward

"You knew the consequences you worthless trash. You'd never be able to protect anyone let alone yourself if you can't even navigate quickly. You're unsuited to be hunters" she spoke before wiping them all out with one spell.

Mizuki shuddered clinging to Arada "Eighty people...dead just like that. Eighty lifes stolen away for not being fast enough. Its horrible...."

Arada nodded "Its unavoidable though, this is how the school is. There is nothing we can do about it."

The principle spoke once more "Good job to all of you who passed, But do not get cocky this was only one of the tests. Don't be proud until you are the last one standing. Go back to your rooms and rest up, if you're injured go get treated." with that she walked back inside

Arada and the others took Fa lin to the nurses and left her there to rest up, Mizuki and the others went back while Arada and Erik stayed behind in the nurses office him having stopped her from leaving. He made her sit down on an empty bed as he looked through the cabinets.

Arada watched his movements "What are you doing Erik?" He sighed turning around bandages and disinfectant in hand

"What do you think? How can you get injured so easily like that? What happened? I know those monsters wouldn't have been able to touch you"

Arada sighed "A cloaked guy sent panther monsters at us, high threat level" Erik walked over and sat next to her

"Arm" Arada sighed "I can do it myself Erik!"

He only sighed and grabbed her arm gently his grip tightening slightly when she tried to take it back "Just stay still and let me get this done"

Arada complied and Erik started treating her wound gently "What kind of attacks did the guy use? Was he a serpant"

Arada shook her head "I don't know if he was a serpant, his attacks were strange though. He was strong...really strong."

Erik frowned "Is he the one that hurt you?" Arada nodded in response "Yes, I'm sorry I shouldn't have let Fa lin get hurt"

Erik shook his head "It's not your fault, You weren't able to judge your opponent's strength and my guess is you couldn't reach her for some reason. I know if you had been in a position to protect her... You would have been worse off." soon he was finished and Arada stood to leave only for him to grab her arm again "Arada, don't do anything stupid alright? You have a team this time, you can't go solo again. You're not the strong leader you used to be, theres stronger opponents now." Arada smirked "Don't worry Erik I just have to get stronger" before shaking him off and going to the dorm room while Erik stayed behind to watch over Fa Lin.

@Unknown1 @Mycoid @Rias Silverburgh @AnarchyReins @Redrobinwing @The Otaku Diaries @Deity of Ice

(Sorry its been awhile I've been busy preparing for streaming and dealing with humans. Also sorry this post doesn't have much feeling when it comes to the couple, Its hard to get into it right now because of my own love life.)
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Rias Rose

Everything Rias ever cared about, was one simple thing: finding the map. Everything else was pretty much irrelevant to her, because she knew the consequences. Upon finding the map, one could say that she was beyond relieved, as if a sudden weight had lifted from her shoulders. Finally, she could breath out, and relax. However, that feeling of relief would not last very long.

As Rias lied her eyes on the principal she suddenly felt scared and quite uncomfortable. Once again the principal did the untinkable: killing off many of the students, right there on the courtyard, infront of everyone, showing everyone what weakness would lead to. Rias widened her eyes in shock, feeling utterly helpless. She did not want anyone of them to die, but they did, and for nothing. Rias felt more and more hate building up inside of her, towards the principal.

Rias watched Arada and her teammates leaving the area with the wounded girl, probably heading towards the nurses. The red-haired girl shrugged her shoulders, and headed inside, back to the dorms, feeling utterly angry and frustrated, she practically wanted to hurt the Principal really badly. On the other hand, she would not stand a chance against the Principal, in a single blink of an eye, she would dissapear from this world if she ever tried to confront her.

The sulking Rias headed to her bed to sulk some more, covering herself with the sheets. "I gotta' get the hell out of here.." she mumbled to herself, ever so quietly.

@RegalWindstar @Deity of Ice @Unknown1

still till a few moments ago Fa had been leisurely on the back of arada passed out. She felt her head lifting from the dizziness and opened her eyes slightly her eyes where fluttery as she still had a headache. She lifted her heavy head from the soft pillow she laid on. Still she felt dillusional and had her hands search around her feeling the real space where she was. At first everything appeared in forms of 3, zigging in and out until she could focus. She fell back on the pillow closing her eyes tightly in order to get the headeache from the lights and the charm? out of her system. Palms rubbing her eyes before she attempted to open them again. Everything was falling into place visually, and when she looked around what looked to be a place with nurses, she was lying on a soft bed *fa squeezes the covers to see if they are real*. She sat up from her position still with a headache, and looked about sleepily. "What happened?" she asked a nearby nurse. Her eyes where full of concern, she needed to know how everyone else was forgetting that the fact she was alive ment that her team made it. It did not feel right to be lying in this comfy bed, she was still dizzy and tried to swing her legs over the side.

( :D )

Arada entered the dorm room going person to person checking on them to make sure they were okay handing them bottles of water to drink to calm down, Rias was last and Arada sat on the foot of Rias's bed seeing her attention elsewhere she pressed the cool water bottle to her face "Hey" when she got her attention Arada's brows furrowed as she looked at Rias in concern "Are you okay?"


The Nurse ignored Fa Lin, but another voice spoke up at her bedside where Erik sat "You're finally awake, thats good to see. You should stay laying down though, you took quite the hit when fighting that cloaked man. Arada told me about it."

@Unknown1 @Rias Silverburgh
Rias Rose

Rias noticed how the room suddenly got surrounded by noise from the others, which added slightly to her irritation. Suddenly she felt a rather cold sensation against her face, which made her look up to the one who was responisble. It was a familiar sight, it was Arada. "Okay..? No. I'm pretty.. far from okay. All of those students.. just died, infront of us and we did nothing." Rias said, pausing for a moment, having a rather stern expression on her face, feeling utterly frustrated. "We're cowards. All of us. I.. we should have done something." Rias made sure everyone in the room could hear her, even if they did not listen.

@RegalWindstar @Anyone
Arada put a hand on Rias's shoulder "If we try we could die, we don't stand a chance against her power. If we try we could even cause more problems for the other students we don't know how she'd react. Its very risky. There wasn't much you could do either...there wasn't much any of us could do. How can we hope to stand up to that kind of magic? you see what happens to anyone hit by it. We need to get stronger if we want to face her. We aren't prepared enough yet." she stood up with a sigh looking at her arm thinking of Fa Lin "Besides now some of us are injured and all of us need to regain our strength."

@Rias Silverburgh

"huh, what are you...uh.." fa stopped herself from going further, one foot already on the floor the other was on its way. The voice, it sounded familiar and she recognized it a moment after she opened her mouth to speak. She mid-way sat there turning her head to stare at the person who had just decided to stop her, non other then the guy who actually knew how to express his feelings. "You? Your that one guy!?" she exclaimed with an agap mouth. She then covered her mouth with her hands realizing that she was not supposed to know who he was, since she was easedropping on his and the other girls conversation. Her back still ached and called for the bed, but despite his reasurrances she still could not let herself fall back. "She told you? You two must be close..." she grinned, not revealing that she knew anything. Arada had seen her but she did not believe the guy had noticed her since he was so focused on his girl, that and he did not meet her before that, Fa believed that the man must not remember her face.

she lowered her head remembering how the snake accident happened, suddenly going from happy to depressed, her bangs falling over her eyes and her lips pursed together in a feeling of unsatisfaction, she felt like she had done nothing. She felt her fist clench on her bed without thinking about it, i need to become stronger, for real. I don't want to depend on someone else.

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The nurse had gone to get Arada, as soon as she was told fa lin was awake she bolted to the nurses office.

Erik smiled "Close? Yeah we are." he watched Fa Lin's change of mood worried he didn't really know how to deal with this situation

Luckily he didn't have to as the door burst open and Arada rushed in "Fa Lin!" she shoo'd Erik out of the room having to kick him in the back of the leg because he refused to leave even with her insisting she had it, he finally left after she promised to get him if they needed him. Arada then sat next to Fa Lin's bed taking one of her hands in her own. "How are you feeling? are you alright?" Arada tried to catch Fa Lin's facial expression growing worried when she didn't lift her head "Fa lin?"

Fa had not raised her head to notice that the guy had left and that arada had arrived, she was still thinking deeply, her eyes where half closed. "i..." she continued her words.. I need to become stronger! But how? How can i defeat the snake person, no, even more, i want to be unsurpassed, i want to... now that i think about it, is he not supposed to be someone important? These days important people are strong still not noticing the person from before had switched with someone else she raised her head opening her mouth and turned "I want to be strong- arada?" she stopped, lowering her arm, and 3 black lines appeared on her face (not literally, its a cartoon emoji that represents certain characteristics)

Arada chuckled "why so surprised to see me? didn't notice Erik left?" she moved the chair so she was sitting on it backwards looking at Fa Lin "If you want to get stronger, Erik is not the one you should go to. He may be strong but he focuses more on teaching strategies and control than strength. Its also rare he'll take anyone on as a pupil, hes really busy so he doesn't have time to teach people because of his position in the doves."

a smile lit up her face "But if you want, I could be your teacher." the smile fell when she remembered no one knew just who she really was 'Would this be a time to tell someone? should I reveal it to the others? No, I must keep it secret. If they knew what I did in the past, who, what I used to be they'd hate me and might even think of me as a monster. The stealth team wasn't just intel missions afterall.' Arada scratched the back of her head wondering how to explain herself "My family runs a Dojo so I do know a lot of hand to hand combat, but not only that I know how to unlock powers aswell. my only issue is control, control is very hard to learn. You should gain full control over all current abilities before you even think of finding out what else you can do, how far you can go. Otherwise you'll just be a time bomb of power that can explode and hurt everyone around you."


Originally Fa's plan was to somehow trick the person, eric, to become her mentor using her cute child like charm. When she heard arada's words it felt as if she had been reading her mind. "control and strategys..." these words made fa feel thoughtful, she then began to think of the fact that strength may not be all in power but how it is executed, this made her think of the one time in her past she was rescued, they seemed to have great teamwork and there was no on the surface special abilitys. Fa lowered her eyes in thought then looked back up at arada, turning her body towards her legs in a criss cross position, "mm," she said in response to 'i could be your mentor' as fa thought about it. She continued to listen to Arada speak her hands in her chin, nodding at her words. "I only have... one ability, and even i have no idea what it is," fa responded honestly, thinking about what arada was saying. she did have speed but she did not notice it when she used the other power. In fact innate strength was such a rare power she had never heard of it before let alone see an example.

Fa originally had wanted eric as a mentor, the person she knew was bound to be an important person. It was not that she was arrogant and simply would not do with anyone but the leader, rather she was simply innertly competitive and knew he was a leader for a reason. But when arada said her family ran a dojo, it did not surprise her, recalling her battle moves before. It made her feel a little better, as arada had become fa's standard to become at her stay in the school, she wanted to be stronger then her one day. Fa took Arada's shoulders one by one with a unyeilding grip, and gave her a serious look. "..." she was in silence for a short while before her determined yet innocent young voice finally spoke.

"Can we train now?"

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Arada smiled at Fa's response "I think it would be best to let your body recover before we train. A weak body will have bad consequences if pushed. As it is you are in no condition to immediately train in combat. What you can train now however is your mind. Meditation and training the mind might seem useless to some, might even seem boring but it is just as important as training in the use of weapons or hand to hand combat." as she spoke she walked around the room she seemed used to this kind of speech.

"Fa Lin" Arada turned to Fa "You cannot tell anyone I will be training you. You cannot speak of any of my methods of training to anyone either. the only one who can know is Erik. If you tell anyone else not only will you lose me as your teacher but I will leave the school immediately." her face and words were stern as she spoke "You cannot ask questions about how or where I learned some of this stuff either."

She sighed "now do you understand? are you ready to begin?"

A hawk glided over the school, riding the currents. It looked almost as though it was practicing flying, as it preformed intriacte moves, weaving and almost dancing in the air. Then, as it dove once again, it was met by a much larger bird. The larger one stabbed at the hawk, attemping to hit its wing, but the hawk just flew backwards. The larer bird then began slashing with talons, and and continued stabbing with its beak, hitting the hawk in several places. They stayed up in the sky for a long time, weaving and bobing about each. If there hadn't been blood, it might have looked like they were dancing. Then, the larger brid hit the hawk just right, an the small bird crashed to ground below, one wing bent, and with a hole in it. As it hit the ground the other bird dived, attemping to spear it through with its beak, when the hawk bounced off the ground, and into the nearest window. It hit the ground and the window slammed shut, just as the larger bird smacked into the glass. The hawk laying on the floor shifted so to be in a position that did not hurt its wing anymore than it already had, and for an instant looked like a girl in the fetal position.

@RegalWindstar @Unknown1
Arada's attention turned to the Window and walked past Fa Lin kneeling next to the hawk inspecting the wounds "Not only humans are frail creatures all animals are. the difference between humans and other animals is other animals know when to rest their broken bodies, humans only know how to get up and fight again and again without training. That will be a persons downfall, if all you do is fight the same opponents without getting stronger you'll just be asking people to kill you and stomp on you" She got out the medical supplies and gently moved the bird over to one of the beds sitting next to it treating its wounds

"Fa Lin, you should rest before I train you. All you will do is strain yourself at this moment in time." She glanced over her shoulder back at Fa Lin "Once your injuries are healed enough we will train in hand to hand combat and how to unlock more of your powers. Unlocking powers takes a lot out of you, it can even feel like its tearing you apart and burning you up inside. You have to be ready for pain and it would do no good to have you ripping open a wound and bleeding out" She finished patching up the Hawk and then sent a wave of chi out towards the other bird that attacked the poor Hawk scaring it away before using the same chi magic to soothe the Hawk so it would no longer be frightened.

She addressed the Hawk with a small smile on her face always having had a soft spot for animals "When you have healed up you should leave and get stronger then get that damned bird back ten times as bad as it got you."

@Scattered Ambitions @Unknown1
What happened next came like a quick breeze, she watched as if in slow motion as the hawk fell from the sky and before she could react to arada's first comment, Fa saw her movement turn away from her. It felt to Fa that Arada was really enjoying this speech. She did not move at the sound of the hawk hitting the window but turned unable to say anything once more as arada moved on past her. She felt a bit disappointed that they would not be starting then, but the proud Fa knew that one thing she could do was meditate, despite not knowing HOW to do so, in her free time. She eyed curiously over Arada's shoulder from the bed.

Somehow she felt the speech was ment for her, as she was injured and wanted to keep fighting.

Fa winced when Arada turned back to her, as a part of her was expecting that. Fa did not bother to mention that she had secretly broken a barrier already. Merely nodded at the girl that was going to be her mentor.

(my mind is really boggily, jet lag, right now, so i'm really sorry this isn't at top level :( )
The hawk's shape shifted once again, this time flickering quickly back and forth between human and bird. A slight moan could be heard from the girl, each time the shape changed, but then the sound would subside as it became bird again.

(Sorry for the short post, I really don't know what to do.)

@Unknown1 @RegalWindstar
Arada's eyes widened "A shapeshifter? Shapeshifting magic is one of the most difficult to master and rare to have. How interesting. I've only ever known one other shapeshifter in my life." she turned back to the bird / girl and put a thumb against the shapeshifter's forehead sending a wave of chi through her forcing her back into her human form so as there was no drain on her so she could recover. The remnants of the chi started helping to speed up the shape shifter's recovery. "I won't even be at my full strength after that. She'll be fine now though, now there is only the matter of waiting for her to awaken. She of course has to rest up and recover as do you Fa Lin. Perhaps... Erik and I should train you both. I'm sure I can convince him."

@Scattered Ambitions @Unknown1

Fa couldn't help but get out of bed, she ran towards where the bird girl was next to the window and where Arada stood with her hair falling down from her face, she put a hand to her mouth. Feeling worried at first her worrys where put to ease at Aradas words about the bird. She had forgotten for a moment that she had asked Arada to help her become stronger when she spoke to her. "Aha," she looked back up at Arada in a slight daze and scratched the back of her head, she had this odd feeling of seeing Arada like a sort of teacher figure. It was not simply because she had agreed to help her but because she really did have the aptitude for one, a real one. "Yes," Fa agreed, ill do whatever it means to get stronger, even if that means rest. She thought differing from her previous rebellious attitude, the shock of the shape shifter had shifted her mind from a strong desire to train now to a certain worry over the girl. Besides, what use was it to argue now when she knew the quicker she recovered the faster she would get to train? She nearly expressed this thought but changed her mind too excited in that aspect to speak.

"Arada, is she going to be ok?" Fa asked as she decided to take a step towards Arada before returning to her hospital bed. Looking in the same trajectory where she saw Arada look down at the shapeshifter. "What can i do?" She asked carefully, her gaze hard on the 'patient', her hyperness was exerted from earlier, too calm too do anything irrational in effort to 'help'.​


@Scattered Ambitions
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Arada turned to Fa at her question with a soft smile "She should be alright if she takes her time in recovering just as you should be if you take your time aswell. It looks like you'll have a roommate in the nurses office for awhile. About your training, I'll take care of convincing Erik to help teach the both of you, I will also look into a good location to train. Though the dove mansion would have the best Dojo besides my family Dojo that is. We probably wouldn't be welcomed with open arms if we went back to my family dojo though."

@Scattered Ambitions @Unknown1
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Saturday 11:35am - 2nd test

During the days after the first test Arada and Erik helped Fa Lin learn more control over her current powers along with watching over Fa Lin and the shapeshifter as they recovered. Right now everyone was coming back from the second test they had passed successfully another 80 students killed infront of their eyes.


Arada sighed walking to the nurses office she was hoping Fa Lin wouldn't be upset over being made to sit out on the second test. Though with Fa Lin's speedy recovery Arada was happy she'd finally be able to teach Fa Lin properly now. She opened the door to the nurses office walking in the sound of her boots hitting the floor echoing through the room as she walked over to the two beds "Fa Lin? Shapeshifter? are you both awake?"

@Unknown1 @Scattered Ambitions

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