
@RegalWindstar Um, well corruption would be minor damage, such as attacks by energy. Think of throwing a ball of fire at someone or slashing them with a sword except it isn't fire or a sword but spiritual energy. Healing would be physical wounds that aren't too lethal.
@Stamper also his ability to see dead people could prove very interesting I actually want to PM you about something about that in a sec. because its partial arada storyline spoiler and I dont want to spoil it for everyone but your char could come in handy.

Btw your char isn't going to go around reaping peoples souls randomly right?
@RegalWindstar Nope! In fact, he does exceedingly less reaping than the average reaper and hates killing others. And that's alright. But he is clear for an opening post? Because I was going to make 'em at the same time
@Stamper he is clear for an opening post, I want to talk to you via pm, so be sure to check your pms when a red 1 pops up k? I really have something I want to see if your interested in doing.
I feel.. so tired all the sudden... Like I can't get a grip of my character... I'm going to take a 20 minute break, then come back to get my head back in the game.
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@Aur0ra so the furthest we've gotten is the first test.

Everyone except for Aqua's char and my one char Arada are fighting a panther monster in the forest

there is a giant clock counting down 2 hours, if people fail to get a map relic they'll be killed. 80 people (1 dorm room per dorm building) are garunteed to die

the dorm rooms are a team. (so all the players are a team)

thats whats happening now

you have missed

1. Erik and Arada revealed as an old couple + their fight

2. the introduction to the school + a student getting killed by the principal
@Aur0ra Ah, just to point a little thing out. Mika didn't use lightly, the blade was designed in gold. She used blood magic to summon a dead panther minion.
Due to a few time constraints coming up, I'm probably going to have less time to post. So for the time being if @RegalWindstar wants to skip my charrie out of the test, feel free to.

my character used lightning xD her sword is a lightning sword xD and sorry i thought there were three panthers
Aur0ra said:
my character used lightning xD her sword is a lightning sword xD and sorry i thought there were three panthers
Oh sorry, I was a bit confused when reading it ^^; Just don't kill the horribly gross looking but friendly panther xD
I'm doing other stuff today, you guys seem to be controlling the panther situation well. so I'll leave fighting the panther to you guys. Link me when your ready to continue. Arada and Fa lin are still with the guy and will still be dealing with him because Aqua has to go for awhile. Dunno how long.
sorry I haven't done any GMing today and yesterday. Yesterday I was busy with other stuff and today, I've fallen into a bad mood which I didn't want to carry into my writing. Its...relationship troubles thats got me down. Sorry everyone.
@Stamper @Deity of Ice

Arada and Fa Lin are back with the group. Please do not link @Unknown1 as she won't be able to respond for awhile.

Anyone who hasn't jumped into the RP but has a accepted CS please speak with me when you want to jump in finally, I'll help you think of a way.

I do apologize for having to take 2 days off, But I'm back so we can resume the RP, I had figured you guys would drag out killing the panther until I was back though so you had something to do while I was gone. Lets resume as soon as possible k? ^_^
I'm warning you guys in advance its highly likely I'm going to be MIA on sunday I have to go out for groceries and am unsure how long it'll take.
@Stamper @Deity of Ice

Okay I don't know why everyone has dissapeared, No ones responding to my OOC posts. Atleast I know @Mycoid & @Unknown1 reasons.

They actually inform me if they are going to be gone. I know Stamper isn't completely gone she has liked my posts, so I know shes atleast reading them.

If you guys have to go for some real life reason, can you please atleast tell me before you take off? Because its nice to know instead of sitting waiting for missing people who gave no notice.

Am I a bit frustrated? Yes.

Am I a bit angry? Yes.

If it was an emergency IRL situation and you didn't notify me before you left then its fine because THAT I can understand.

But do you have so little respect for me and this RP, do you really not take me seriously as a GM to the point you'd up and run off without notifying me of how long you'd be absent or why? Its not like you have to go in details just an "Sorry I have to go on such and such a day to a birthday party I won't be able to post then" how much time would that take you? no more than a minute. If you can't access RPN with any device, that'd be understandable too. Then when you come back finally and tell me that I'd understand. However I've seen you guys online, your activity says your online on top of that some people have been posting in other RPs. So its not like your keyboards are broken either.

If by the time I'm back from grocery shopping tomorrow no one has replied to me IC or OOC. I will continue this RP with whoever still can Which so far looks to be Stamper, and Aqua (and coid if he gets stuff in life done with). Aqua can reply once in awhile I just didn't want her too much involved since she has stuff IRL to deal with. But I know she can spit out a response or two. Which means I won't wait for you any longer. its been days of not even OOC replies, I'm fed up.

This is your only warning, if you ignore it you can't complain later.
I'm here. Sorry had to work after school until midnight all week. Then had to work all day to day. And I have to go to a work party tomorrow. So life hapened

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