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I am actually beyond confused.

Deity of Ice

The coolest guy around (get it?)
I have a few questions.

1. Do I still not have full access to the site after being registered for a year? I also have the 10 posts.

2. I am not really sure how the discord server works with the member Id and such. Id like help

Thanks in advance

1. It looks like you just got your 10th post about 30 minutes ago. The system that registers the 10 post/24 hour rule refreshes every hour or so, so it may not have refreshed yet. If it's not working for you in another half hour, reach out to an admin in admin contact.

2. Discord is only available to users once they have unlocked the 10 post/24 hour rule. Once you open the Discord program, there is a page on the right hand nav bar called "start-here" with detailed instruction on how to integrate your account and use the program. (:
Ah, thanks a ton. What really got me was the whole server reset/thing. I had thought that my 2014 posts and such would carry on.


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