Dove (OPEN)

Arnold White

So, Arnold had barely gotten settled in to the awfully uncomfortable bunks and limited amount of space the dorms had to offer and the very next day they were being thrown into a fight against each other and some monsters. Was it really fair to tempt him? It had been quite some time since Arnold had killed anyone and he had been hoping that expanse of time would continue to go on. He wouldn't lie, there was a tiny part of him thrilled at the idea of murder, as it always was. Usually it wasn't quite so loud and Arnold was usually better as ignoring it. Now it annoyed him and only proved to agitate him. Great.

Still, he had yet to actually interact with anyone and didn't really care at this point who died and who lived so long as he made it back with a scroll, or map, or whatever they were supposed to be acquiring. He'd probably know it when he would see it. Now, for the weapon. Extending his arm out, a shadowy silhouette of the scythe he used for reaping began to grow and soon, the dark matter faded away and left a simple silvery glinting scythe in it's place. Madrick, he liked to call it. Because it drove him mad, get it?

Arnold followed slowly behind the others, his scythe held in semi-relaxed way that would also leave it in a battle stance if swung the right way. It must have looked funny, this meek looking boy dressed in loose khakis and a sweater vest holding this giant metal scythe. Nobody every believed he was a Grim Reaper. It was almost funny. Shimmering images could be seen here and there, souls that had not quite yet moved on, but it was something he was used to. Most of the time, they proved to be better company than humans anyway.

It wasn't long before he heard the first monster approaching. Well, here goes nothing.

"brought it here?" Fa copied the girls movements. "... brought it here?" she saw the girl stare at something in the distance. "What is that?" she asked, an idea forming in her head, "Shall I follow? " she asked the girl. Moving away from the swipe of the panther. barely keeping her footing, she didn't want to get to far from it, but maybe they could use its speed and flexibility as its weakness? whether or not she says yes or no, i'm going after it... I have a feeling she is on some sort of path, and that thing that disappeared is it. "hmm, using speed against it.." the thought occurred to her, but she would have no time to implement her idea as it was either chase the other creature or help with this one. "Arada!" she yelled needing to hear her words.

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Arada looked to Fa then at Mizuki, she shoved the map into Mizuki's hands "Me and Feng are going to go after that person, you guys handle the panther, try not to die. If we don't come back get the map relic and go back without us, come on Feng before he gets away."


Arnold White

Everyone looked as if they never fought a thing in their lives. Why were they even here? Honestly, either they didn't understand what this school was asking or they would need a lot more training in the future. The monster was threatening he would not lie, but everything had a weakness, unless, of course, this rabies infested panther was God and he highly doubted that. Was there even a God? That was a question for another day.

It appeared some of them were to break off from the group and go chase after someone for... well, for a reason Arnold would never deem good enough. The group could barely handle the one monster here and they wanted to split up? Well, he would pray for them, but lo and behold, their God may just very well be right here! Hail the panther God!

It was all sarcasm and it helped alleviate the fears Arnold was feeling as he swung his scythe around to a defensive position and took a stance in front of a girl who had just narrowly avoided a claw swipe. To think when they were all done, they could head back, have some lunch, relax... They just had to kill this panther first. Arnold shot a sideways glance at the girl behind him, pretty much sizing her up. What abilities did she have, he wondered, and could they be useful in this scenario?


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He had been glancing around the group around the time he heard the shouts of "Behind you, and watch out." His gaze snapped forward towards the commotion. The panther's roar sent slight shocks through his ears, causing them to ring slightly. But that wasn't his worry for the time being, he took a slight step forward, putting himself partially in front of Mika; Even if the panther was more focused on those in front, he wasn't gonna take any form of chance for the time being. He was glad Balin hadn't made it out to the field today, but at the same time he was now worried for his own safety. But he was prepared to do whatever it took to survive, he had a baby sister to get home to once this was all over.

He glanced over his shoulder at Mika, splitting his concentration on half on the beast and half on his words. "Watch out behind us, we can assume that beast isn't alone. If you see something, tell me, it might save our lives." His words were stern and tenacious. He'd seen the creatures before, and now he was confronted with another; But this time he was ready, and no one he cared about was going to die on his watch. The once relaxed man was now on full guard, ready to act as a wall to keep anything from getting to his new friend. His teeth would grit slightly, and his body was tense, but for now all he could do was wait, and make sure that he was ready if the beast decided to turn its attention from Fa, to Mika.

She felt the presence of another, she glanced to her left. She caught his eye unintentionally, it was a strange moment that felt as if they exchanged words. Her braid blew into the wind, "hey, where leaving this to you!" she smiled at the guy bringing her fingers into a peace sign, she turned to Arada and nodded. "First one there is a rotten egg!" she tilted her head mischiouvously, then turning her feet to the direction the man exited in the bushes. Her feet jumped off the dirt, she wasn't using her magic fully but she was using some of it and it was fairly fast. hehehe, wish I could have a loud race but this is cause for stealth she avoided sticks, breaking one on her way, she saw the man in site, however she slowed down so he wouldn't notice her and so arada could catch up
Arada jumped through the trees swiftly without a single leaf moving dropping silently behind Feng. She whispered to her "Hes not moving fast anymore I'll go ahead of him, lets flank him, you come from behind make a distraction don't let him run." she shot off into the trees again moving into position.



Mizuki sighed in frustration "I thought she said to stay together and now she goes off leaving us with a giant hairball! Dammit Arada!" said 'hairball' growled its eyes on Mizuki "Ah... nice kitty?" she took a step back hands out infront of her eyes wide.

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Hisao's scowled as the monster unleashed its roar, the pain disorienting him for a few moments. His grip tightened around his sword as it happened, but he quickly recovered. The panther looked to him after it had leaped for one of his teammates, and charged at him. Hisao quickly dodged out of the way of its first attack and sliced across the creature's side, cutting a deep gash that began spewed large amounts of blood. He quickly unclipped his helmet from his belt and put it on, hoping that it would help dampen the sound of the creature's next roar. The panther still had the knife lodged in its head, and so as it charged Hisao again, the young man dodged out of the way and grabbed his knife as the creature flew past him, slicing the back of its legs with his sword at the same time. It sent out a second roar as it tumbled to its side, though far quieter than the last. It sprung up from its hurt position and looked for a different target, this time facing and running towards Mika.

Rias had woken up that morning, feeling slightly better than yesterday. She had tried to forget all about that student dying infront of everyone, and luckily for her, she did not think about it much.

However, after being given their first test she felt bad once again, and nervous. You could die here, today..? 20 students were going to die today. Rias looked around, she was not the only one who looked nervous, most of the students looked frightened. "I am not dying today.." Rias thought to herself, determined to fight and survive.

This would be the very first time she'd face a monster, if they actually encountered one inside. She was more nervous than usual, but she knew what she was capable of. The nervous Rias followed her teammates, staying all the way back of the line. She kept quiet and did not utter a single word, merely following her teammates. After having been inside of the jubgle for a few moments, everyone suddenly stopped, as if something had happened ahead.

Naturally Rias went up ahead to see what the commotion was all about, and that is when she saw it. It was a monster, right infront of her. Her red eyes widened in surprise, feeling herself being frozen in place, due to being nervous and scared. She could not even think properly. Rias looked at her teammates, Arada, and some other girl just left them there..? Rias was too disoariantated to even notice what was going on, covering her ears was also a delayed process.

While being completely useless, she witnessed Hisao from before actually dealing with quite abit of damage to the monster. It was certainly a morale boost for her, to see that at least someone was brave enough to face it. That is when she remembered: she had to fight to survive. For now, she observed, not wanting to get in anyone's way, if they planned to attack the creature.

@RegalWindstar @Redrobinwing @Unknown1
it was this moment in time when the young girl named fa, her watery eyes and forethwith boney body.. realized she had no weapons.

"What can you do anyway? ok, no time for questions, you know i think i got this covered!" Fa nodded at the girl, before she dissappeared into the bushes. Fa gripped her waist hold. It was a string that she liked to put there, once the girl had time to go and do something, she got it out in a tight ball in her hand.

"Hey mister, you know, i don't think your friends will like to hear it if you ran away from a girl? Actually you know what your pretty scary don't come to me." fa put up the appearance of cuteness. Running up to him, while at the same time trying to make him underestimate her thinking her fragile.

There where a pair of trees and a clearing she could see nearby, if she could perhaps lure him over there by chasing him this way?

Mika Watanabe

The first thing Mika noticed was how much the roar hurt her ears. She cupped her hands over them and still tried to keep an eye out so that if the monster decided to get in a cheap shot, per say, than she would know about it. Bas had taken stand in front of her, so she turned around so that they were back to back. Now there were eyes on both sides yet, for the moment, it seemed the panther had it's sights on different people. Should they just wait for now? It would be pretty bad if they did try and help and only managed to ruin an attack by someone else so maybe, waiting was best. And, a boy who she had not noticed until just now, seemed to be handling the beast rather well. It seemed Mika only blinked for a moment and when she looked back at the panther, it was bleeding heavily. And then, it ran towards them.

Wait, was that really coming towards them? No... Oh, yeah it was. Okay, time for some blood magic. No matter if it was her or Bas the panther was aiming at, she wanted to be somewhat protective. Mika splayed her palm upwards, towards the sky and drew the gold garnished blade across her skin two times to form a crimson 'X'. The blood flowed smoothly over her skin and spilled to the forest floor, collecting in the dirt and grass. She closed her hand in a fist downwards, forcing the blood out and began to chant some incantations in a language that has long since been forgotten. Her body slumped a bit and when she opened her eyes, only the whites could be seen and maybe a sliver of her irises. She raised both hands and brought forth the dead.

The panther by this point had closed in on the two and prepared to pounce. As it soared through the air, Mika remained still and suddenly something collided with it's side, causing the two creatures to tumble off to the side. It was another panther! This one, however, had died perhaps not that long ago. It's skeleton was visible through places where the flesh had completely rotted away and where it hadn't, it hung in rotting portions across it's body. Mika saw what it did now and the two panthers began to circle before lunging at each other yet again.

@Mycoid @Redrobinwing



Twenty people are going to die today........twenty innocent students.

The thought kept going around in Eva's head as she followed behind the others, though she didn't want to be one of the twenty student's she felt really sad for them. With a sigh she played with her long crimson hair absently and continued to walk not paying much attention to the small talk everyone else was having.

The roar of the panther brought Eva back to her senses and the young girl unsheathed her sword quickly, the blade blazed with lightening as she stood clutching it with both of her hands, she heard a guy saying that the monster might not be alone and started looking around her ready for anything, she realized that the panther now became accompanied by two more, one of them lashed at her after feeling threatened by the lightening, Eva ran towards it and lashed at it with her sword blinding it in one eye, the panther backed away slightly and Eva now looked at the others inquiring for what to do about the others​

And sadly, once again. Harumi was late to the test. Great impression she'll make on the principal! Immediately, she rushed to the forest, where the test is held and the first thing she heard, was a loud roar. She raced to the sound as fast as she can and reached a middle of the forest. Okay maybe not the //best// time to interrupt. A panther and people. The female took her spear that she held on her back and spun it by its handle. Deciding that she should join the battle, she walked out of the bushes and got into a stance. @Stamper @RegalWindstar @Redrobinwing
"Didn't I have a test or something today...?" Tejina stated to himself as he slowly got ready

"Right..I should probably get there". Tejina grabbed his sword and his jacket and headed towards the forest around all the commotion. He saw the panther and everyone from a distance, and decided that it was best to engage. He drew his katana and readied himself calmly

@Stamper @RegalWindstar @Redrobinwing @The Otaku Diaries
Tejina slowly moves the female's spear out of the way and begins to speak

"The name's Tejina. I'm a student here and I arrived late. Now is that a reason to point a spear at me..?"

"Now you should tell me who you are and say you're sorry" Tejina says while smiling

@The Otaku Diaries
Deity of Ice]Tejina slowly moves the female's spear out of the way and begins to speak "The name's Tejina. I'm a student here and I arrived late. Now is that a reason to point a spear at me..?" "Now you should tell me who you are and say you're sorry" Tejina says while smiling [URL=" said:
@The Otaku Diaries[/URL]
Harumi bowed in embarrassment. "Sorry! It's Harumi." She nervously said.
"Can't say I expected you to actually do that..."

"Miss Harumi, you should learn to take it easy, it's good to relax.."

Tejina turns away from her and focuses on the task at hand: the monster

@The Otaku Diaries

Mika Watanabe

Be the panther... Strike with your claws and lunge for the jugular. It wasn't so hard right? Mika would admit it was so much easier to take of the deceased body of a human because she knew how to play human. Animals and monsters... It was a bit more difficult to get accustomed to, but not impossible!

While Mika's mind was in the corpse of her panther minion circling the original and completely living panther, her body swayed lightly on her feet, her empty white eyes gazing at nothing. The only sign that she herself was still alive was when the dead panther did something new and exaggerated, Mika would wave her hands, her fingers curled like she was playing with a puppet. It was her dead puppet after all.

The corpse of the panther narrowed it's gaze and leaped at the other, clawing for a bit at its flesh. While the living one felt all of the pain, the dead one had long since been past such things and felt nothing as the claws scratched its visible bones. Sinking it's teeth into the neck of its opponent, Mika's minion ripped away the flesh and tore the panthers throat open. It cried out and fell on its side as the life seeped from its body.

The other panther fell too, and Mika blinked, her eyes returning to their normal state. Having lost quite a bit of blood, she was dizzy and her knees caved causing her to tumble on her side. "What a show!" Mika said in a daze, a light giggle escaping her lips.

The hooded man turned around "Girls shouldn't be following strangers, especially" he took a step forward a shadow creeping out from his feet "Dangerous strangers." the shadows crept along everything slowly forming a bubble blocking everything from view a ebon colored sword appearing in his hand.

Arada was now in position behind the man only to see him and fa lin slowly dissapearing from view into a giant black bubble

"Hey!" fa's mouth opened fangs bearing, the young girl couldn't stop in time not to run into the bubble thing, she tried to skid but her speed worked against her, she attempted to jump away from her skid into the bubble, part of her arm hit it. whats with this guy? "No playing bubbles jerk!" she yelled shaking her hand at the man once she stopped. The dust had flew all around her as she was on one knee hand on the ground. She tried running around the man to confuse him.
The man sighed "Annoying pest" he growled out flinging shadows all around him in a circle that turned into sharp solid crystals Aiming for Fa's side

Arada tried to find a way into the bubble looking for some weakpoint to get to Fa, worried about what was happening inside of it

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Fa did not know what these shadows where, however before she could make the circle she heard some sort of noise, this made her lose focus for a second before something stung her. She grabbed her side, feeling sweat and body heat up. However she couldn't stop, the injury was in a place that made her feet unstable. "oish," she flinched, she tried stopping and going towards the guy. "Your lucky I wasn't paying attention," she felt dizzy, aiming a kick at the guys face as she ran quickly up to him speed pounding in every step, the dirt left with punctures. She wasn't happy.
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the man was doing well against Fa lin's attacks dodging each kick thrown his way, his guard being let down as he laughed "its so cute how you think you can even HIT me. You think you can join any group like that? You can't even begin to compare with anyone else here, out of everyone The monsters would eat you alive, Pathetic girl."


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