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  • Users: Glob
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  1. Glob

    Orlea Academy [Inactive]

    Eleni mock-pouted."Aww, you had to ruin the fun," she joked, "It's entertaining trying to figure out who's born to who."
  2. Glob

    Kingdom of the Deathless Heroes [Inactive]

    "Hope so. People tend to pay good money for monster slayers."
  3. Glob

    Kingdom of the Deathless Heroes [Inactive]

    Ardon looked at the newcomer who'd just sat next to him. With all the heavy armour the guy was wearing, Ardon couldn't help but feel somewhat intimidated. Not that he'd ever admit it, of course. "Sure is," he replied.
  4. Glob

    Orlea Academy [Inactive]

    "Yeah, it's pretty hard to your head around, but you get used to it. So first year, huh? I guess you'd be needing a tour guide." Eleni grinned. "I'm actually in my second year. Perhaps, after classes, I could show around?"
  5. Glob

    Orlea Academy [Inactive]

    Eleni inwardly chuckled at the slight dusting of red gracing Jack's cheeks. "I'm Eleni," she replied, taking Jack's offered hand.
  6. Glob

    Kingdom of the Deathless Heroes [Inactive]

    ((Internet problems >.<)) Walking into the tavern, he was buffeted by an onslaught of heat and sound, a stark difference from the outside chill. The bar was doing a roaring trade and Ardon just managed to snag himself an available barstool. The menu board sported the names of many alcoholic...
  7. Glob

    Orlea Academy [Inactive]

    Eleni heard someone move behind her. Turning, she saw a blond man sitting behind her. "Hey," she greeted.
  8. Glob

    Kingdom of the Deathless Heroes [Inactive]

    Ardon grinned. He walked down the street on the left she had told him to and was grateful for her instructions. He would've had trouble finding the inn if it wasn't for the tavern next to it, just as she had said. It was doing a roaring trade and the ruckus from inside could be heard from the...
  9. Glob

    Kingdom of the Deathless Heroes [Inactive]

    "Made you smile," he said, a triumphant grin on his face, "And thanks. Perhaps I'll see you around?"
  10. Glob

    Orlea Academy [Inactive]

    Eleni felt as a thin body crashed into her side as she was about to enter the classroom, sending her stumbling and scattering her books all over the polished floor. Looking for the cause of the accident she saw some creepy stick.. thing standing next to her, hurriedly shooting out an apology...
  11. Glob

    Orlea Academy

    Roleplay's started (in case you didn't know)
  12. Glob

    Orlea Academy [Inactive]

    Eleni strutted into the academy, her heels clicking on the hard wooden floor. With a swish of her head, she casually observed her surroundings, watching as other students milled around her. She smirked, flattening out her white shirt. Gods, she thought, They're just like insects. She...
  13. Glob

    Kingdom of the Deathless Heroes [Inactive]

    ((Didn't realise the roleplay had already started *derps*. Warning, I tend to ramble on a lot. Sorry in advance.)) Ardon strolled into town, looking for any sign of an inn. A place of this size would surely have at least one, probably more. He knew that it'd be on the main street, as most inns...
  14. Glob

    The Lewis Academy for the Gifted

    *gets nudged by QuixoticKitten* Name: Danielle Goodreau Nickname: Dani Age: 16 What makes her/him "gifted": She has the ability to control water. Physical appearance: Personality: Danielle is pretty chill and nonchalant. She is also very sociable and charismatic, and somewhat...
  15. Glob

    Orlea Academy

    Name: Eleni Theodori Age: 19 Gender: Female Species: Siren Parents: Phorcys, Cetos Power(s): Her singing voice has the ability to charm men. She rarely uses it though as she finds it more fun to do things the 'normal' way. Dorm#: 4 Crush: None yet Appearance: Sexuality...
  16. Glob

    Kingdom of the Deathless Heroes

    Name: Ardon Halk Age: 24 Job: Although he has no permanent job, he is often willing to take up any small tasks or bounties. Appearance: Gender: Male Class, Sub-class: Warrior, Knight History: Ardon grew up on a farm. His father first taught him how to use a sword so he could protect...
  17. Glob

    Kingdom of Zayfiden

    Name: Alcom Horpe Gender: Male Age: 28 Looks: Rank: Knight Bio: Alcom serves because he chooses to. To him, his life is a debt that can never be repaid and he owes it all to the Zayfiden family.
  18. Glob

    Anime Mania High School! (All animes) ~Hosted by Hatsune Miku [Inactive]

    Takuto was close enough to smell burning meat when the announcement for the start of school rang out. Shrugging his backpack straps higher up his shoulders, he rationalised that he probably didn't want to see what they were grilling. Very few things made him glad he was dead but the school's...
  19. Glob

    X-Men: The Next Class

    (Posting is already non-existent >.< Where did everybody go?)
  20. Glob

    Anime Mania High School! (All animes) ~Hosted by Hatsune Miku [Inactive]

    Takuto Kira strolled into the school grounds. It was his third year attending Animania High School, which he found somewhat insulting considering it was a higher Shinigami's idea to enrol him. As he walked through the school, he noticed that there weren't many people around. He assumed there...