X-Men: The Next Class

" What can you do?!" She asked frightened. The shadows were catching up to them, and quickly. She needed something to buy time. She shook the boy a bit while running, " Tell me now!" She looked at the boy in the eyes with concern. She teleported once more, and tripped a bit. Jinx was able to put her pace back up.
Noah was a little put off by the girl. Shaking him and demanding things.... Not very friendly. "I m-mainly control air and wind." Noah says stuttering when they teleport or are shaken when they dodge another black shadow tendril. Noah notices a tendril appearing next to them. Assuming that they are dangerous since they are running from them, Noah took a deep inhale. Pausing for a moment to focus Noah expels the air in a strong gust with enough force it blows the tendril away. Noah gets a little out of breath after.
Skyler sat alone in the Common Room, not wanting to be tormented by those interested in his power and recent events. His mind kept wandering, along with his height, going through a cycle of grow... DON'T THINK ABOUT IT, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT... and then back to a recent event, from Jinx's destruction to the hooded man. He kept thinking there should be a coincidence...

In the Common Room there is a long table in the middle, with pizza, salad, and dining utensils and plates, with tables to each of its sides. In the back was another table labeled "Food Pass Only", with items for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and breakfast cereal, to name a few.

Skyler couldn't eat his pepperoni pizza; his mind was focused on other things. Every so often he'd take a bite, but each one had less flavor than the last. I don't want to be in danger, he thought.
Nellie smiled at Travis as he walked back. "Well then, i guess we better go get food stuff." she said, slightly blushing. She grabbed his hand then melted into the crowd of students that were heading for the cafeteria. Once in there she paused, eyes searching for a empty table. She saw one towards the back corner and headed that way, still grasping Travis's hand tightly. "Table in the back work?"
(Hey, i'm not going to be able to post for awhile. I have so much going on in the real life it's making me stressed. I swear, if it wasn't towards the Winter i'd run away from home and never come back. With school being a jerk, the parents fighting and taking it out on me, and everything else i need to take a break. i'll be back around two weeks from now. Let's just say my Halloween sucked this year. Sorry!)
((Okay then, it it's okay with you, I'll have Travis talk to some other peoples. :P ))

Travis blushed as Nellie grabbed his hand and led him through the crowd. He bit his lip, and shrugged. "Sure. I'm going to go get something to eat first." He said, waving her off and heading to where he smelt food. He walked blindly, his hands sweating a bit. No girl had ever held his hand before. He wasn't used to people. His father has isolated him all the time. And everyone was always to scarred of him. But now that he was away from his father... and he was with people who had strange powers too... so maybe it was time to start a new life. Although it would take him a bit to register everything.

"Ki-Mill lets go get some food;I'm pretty sure you haven't eaten all day....I knew it!"Lilly appeared to be having a conversation with herself,but she was actually talking to her pet panda,who rested atop her head.Lilly and Ki-Mill's chi link allows them to transfer their own language to the others,but only they can understand them,unless they add another person to their link.While Lilly made her way through the mansion/institute she bumbed into Travis,"Oh Sorry....What's your name?"
Travis turned around, and smiled behind his mask. Second time today he's been bumped into. Haha. "Who me?" He teased. "I'm Travis. Some people call me T.L though. It doesn't matter though." He shrugged, and 'looked' at the girl. "And you?" He waved to her. Although Travis couldn't see her, he knew she was very attractive. He could tell that in a person. Since he was blind, he could pick up a lot of things.
"Wow you rather...open.I didn't expect that,but I am Lilly,nice to meet yo-"Ki-Mill launched himself from Lilly's head and attached himself to Travis' face,with a low roar.Lilly eyes almost popped out of her head as she snatched the small panda off of Travis' face,"I'm so sorry.He just got mad that I didn't introduce him as well,but this is Ki-Mill my pet panda!"
Travis' face was being hugged. Or... attacked. Travis tried to pry the... thingy or whatever it was, but the animal dug his nails into his face. Travis moaned as Lilly took the animal off. It was a panda. Travis blinked and felt his face. There was a bit of blood. Travis wiped it away. "Ha. Ki-Mill? Cool name." Travis blinked again. "Well, hello there." Travis said to the panda, "I'm uh, Travis." He said, behind his white mask.
Victor walked into the already packed cafeteria. Looking around he realised that the kid he had talked to was gone and he couldn't help but feel offended. He didn't smell, did he?

He picked up a plate and piled it with slices of Hawaiian pizza. He was starving, and the pizza looked absolutely heavenly. He searched the room and found an empty table at the back. After sitting down and taking a bite, he contemplated how the pizza tasted as good as it looked.
"He patting you on the leg to tell you are doing a good,as you were younger or below him!Oh and Ki-Mill wants to know if you are blind?"Lilly's cute sculpted face jerked in surprise after she finish translating.The young lady looked from right to left,"I'm sorry!It is not very polite to ask people quiestions like Ki!"Lilly scolded her panda as she grabbed Travis' hand to say sorry.
Jinx teleported once more, the furthest she ever had so she could escape. Nearly a mile. It stressed her body to extent, especially having someone else with her. This was her first time ever with having luggage.


Jinx opened the door with the boy on her back. " Stay quiet and don't draw attention, we are going to my room, where I will patch you up and we can start explaining things there." She slowly turned the handle, " Beginning with apologies."
Noah was shocked at the sudden change of scenery. They were now somewhere different so quickly. Did this girl have the ability to teleport? How? As they entered a new building, Noah nodded at her command, and silently held still on her back as they make their way to a room.
(Will be gone from Friday to Sunday. Posting will probably be non-existent during that time.)
((Well I am with Noah. Going inside. So I am waiting for anyone to do something else so we dont just spam the rp.))
((Weird, I wasn't getting alerted for a while. Might've had the same problem Verrici had.))

Skyler slouched in his chair, still unsure about whether he should eat or not. With his mind distracted, he looked out the window and saw someone with apparel that reminding him of Tron with a young teenage boy on his back. Both looked tired, and the boy looked confused. His thought cycle spun faster. No one seemed to care about his lack of control over his power, but he did get a few looks. Skyler tried to divert his thoughts towards his slice of pizza, and started gobbling it up.
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