X-Men: The Next Class

"Rotten brats shouldn't play with fire!"The panda,that was recently small had grown in size to about 7 feet tall,charged through fire un-scathed.The panda clawed at Jinx in a giant arc horizontal arc,then bring his right claw down out of the air,"GRRRAW!!"

Lilly appeared above the panda's head,spinning and throwing 3 horizontal fire,"Burn you psychopath!"
Nellie watched Lilly, impressed. She wished she could help, but as it was she wasn't fire proof. Unless the chic wanted a kiss, there was nothing to do. "Get her girl-who's-name-i-don't-know!" she yelled in support.
-Jinx disappeared from the attacks. " HEY KITTY GO DO US A FAVOR AND PUT YOUR TOY AWAY THIS IS A GROWN UP FIGHT!" The voice could be heard from once again, the tallest part of the academy. The girl grabbed the weapon to her right side. A bright pink 3 barreled mini gun with kitty ears on it. " Let's see what Pow-pow thinks" She started up the chains and bullets sprayed from the pretty death machine!
Nellie ducked a headed for cover from the bullets. "THIS IS CRAZY! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" she screamed at the girl with the pink colored hair. She was starting to regret leaving the safety of the hot tub, and wished she could run back. But she didn't want Travis to think her a coward, so she stuck in the fight.
" I'm crazy!. . . " Jinx laughed and pulled something else from her belt. She blew her bright blue bangs out of her face and smiled form ear to ear. " I have a doctors note. . ." She finished.
Nellie slowly went out from cover and looked up at the girl. "Well then, just cuz you're crazy doesn't mean you have to destroy things. Sure, its fun as hell but still chica. What's your name?" she asked the girl curiously as she walked out, holding up her hands to show she was unarmed.
((Dang it I missed most of the action -_- ))

Skyler concentrated harder than he had ever done and soon was taller the Institute itself. He had never grown taller than this size before. The girl kept teleporting around and shooting her arsenal of guns. Eventually Skyler grabbed the girl and shook he violently so that it started raining weapons.

((gtg, my next class is starting.))
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" Woah there big guy!" She disappeared once more on top of his head. " Skyler! You've. . . gotten big." She laughed and teleported behind Nellie, instantly kicking her in the back, toppling over. " This one is Ang-." Before she finished she teleported behind Lilly flat out laying on her. Jinx had a childish tone" And this one is the little chi girly." She yawned and got off the girl. She the stretched her arms and started picking up some of the weapons. " I thought I would be impressed. To bad the freshmen don't know teamwork." She started walking away.

" See you guys in class. . ."
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((Back 4 now then gone again :3))

The girl knew my name... How did she know...

Skyler pondered about this crazy girl. He didn't remember much between his first experience with his power and before he was released and sent to boarding school, the last thing he remembered were two men in blue uniforms giving him a syringe...

"Well, how are we going to clean this up?" he said, still at giant size.
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The girl stopped in her tracks. She gets asked every time she does this. " Don't you think I know what I am doing. " She pushed back a ponytail, " I did kick your guy's asses. So you would think I knew how to put up a stupid wall." She kept on walking. Though she does have fun, she still has to deal with the idiotic questions freshmen give.
Nellie slowly stood up again and stared at the girl. "Who are you?" she asked curiously, not at all angry at her. Then she looked down and realized she was still in her bikini, only now her knees were covered in grass. She blushed and shifted feet. Shouldn't have worn such a revealing bikini, she thought to herself.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/tmp_images(17)-1912825365.jpeg.b245e8248d8725ff6248e1232d19b5c5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8639" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/tmp_images(17)-1912825365.jpeg.b245e8248d8725ff6248e1232d19b5c5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"The name is Jinx." She said looking at the slutty girl. " Wow, never met someone whos' regular outfit was that." Jinx laughed, turned around and walked away.
Lilly easily dodged the lazy attack,"Hmph,correction you didn't kick my ass,I don't know what to say about them!"The young martial artist screamed obviously offended a bit.The panda's height began to decrease from 7 feet tall and bulky,to small and frail.
Skyler didn't like Jinx's ways of "I'll do everything my way and everything will be all right." There was a hole in the wall of the Institute, it wasn't going to fix itself. He put his hand on the tallest tower of the Institute and pondered. Then he got an idea. He didn't need to do anything, he'll rely on, shall we say, an old friend. He'll easily build a barrier.

Skyler looked toward the horizon. The sun was about to set. He should be receiving dinner soon. He looked down at everyone else. They looked tiny. A flick of the finger was powerful enough to kill even the most hardy human. Skyler enjoyed towering over everything, but he knew he was dangerous.

Skyler watched everything around him for a few more minutes. Everyone started heading inside the Institute. Skyler shrank to normal size and joined them. "You fought very good," he said to Lilly. "What are you, a magician?"
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As Jinx was walking to her own apartment, people knew she was able to take care of herself, and she saw the sun growing distant. She skipped here and there, for her faster pace. She finally was able to reach the building. The girl buzzed the door, breathing heavily as the sunlight disappeared from the rooftops. The doorman unlocked the door from the desk. Jinx nearly through herself in. Her hands stopped shaking when she held them in front of her. She didn't like the dark, because of her past. She collected herself and waved to the doorman, Alexander. She went up the elevator and slowly walked down the halls and stopped at her doors, to hear someone already inside. She slowly unlocked the door, with even more harsh breath cycles. She slowly turned the handle and gently moved the door.

" Welcome home. . . Sis. . ."
((O O, I missed the action! Well, let's say Travis fell asleep... in the hot tub.... ok whatever!))

Travis heard the sound, and the impact was amazingly loud for him. Travis jumped up in the hot tube, almost slipping as he did, and jumped out. He ran, leaving his clothes on the floor and just wearing his trunks. He ran to wear the damage was done, and he stood there. He could fell the damage, even though he couldn't see it. "What the heck is going on?!" Travis alerted. He jogged to wear everyone was, making sure his mask was still on his mouth. He starred at nothing, and spoke, "What just happened?" He repeated.

Travis' trunks!:
Nellie turned to Travis and giggled. "Glad to see I'm not the only one under dressed. Chic named Jinx attacked the school, hence the missing wall.'' she motioned to it. She suddenly sombered and hugged herself. "God my power was so useless..." she muttered, staring at the ground and shivering.
((T-T Homework sucks))

When the wall exploded, Victor did the logical thing; he dashed for cover. It wasn't like he could help, with his underdeveloped telepathy. If asking the crazy lady in the real world didn't work, then there was no way she would appreciate his voice doing the same in her head. As if the universe was rewarding him for his wise choice of self preservation, he was gifted with what could only be described as the world's greatest catfight (+ Skylar) that only got better as it progressed. When Nellie entered in that black bikini he almost melted.

But alas, all good things must come to an end and soon the fight was over. He walked over to Nellie and handed her his jacket.

"You should wear that more often," he said, nodding at her outift, "If this jacket isn't warm enough, feel free to use me instead."
(( This post will be a bit confusing, but it is dialogue between Jinx, and the figure in her room. Which greeted her with sis. -P.S. I will be updating my characters background regularly when I do show something in this RP. Soo, if you are confused about something with my character,please refer to my character's skeleton. ))

The figure was seen in front of the balcony. The light was directly facing Jinx, so all she could see was his outline. She new exactly who it was.

" It's been a while Calious." Jinx said, trying to act calm.

" This act of yours isn't working."

" Are you saying that I am afraid of you?" The girl quietly grabbed her taser.

" You think that the puny little gun you made is going to hurt me." Calious turned around looking directly at Jinx, but his details could not be seen.

" Let me get down to business. . . You are tarnishing the family name staying with such a puny school for the 'gifted'. You could do so much more with us little bl-"

" Don't call me that!" Jinx's voice seems harsh and scarred.

" As I was saying. . . We don't want to have to do something we don't want. We are ones to make a scene you know. So I will give you one year. Until you get to decide. I convinced the rest to make it that long, so don't waste it by going to the county fair or falling in love by the lake. One year. . ." The figure slowly melted into the shadows. Jinx fell to her knees. She had to tell someone they were here. 'They' are the ones responsible for cities being destroyed. The girl who made her reputation over the years to be a bad ass crazy chick, wept.
Nellie giggled and rolled her eyes at Victor. She took the jacket with a smile and zipped it up all the way. "Thanks for the jacket, but I assure you you do not want to be flirting with this girl.'' she said pointing to herself. She might as well get it over with and let everyone know what she can do early on.
" I need to tell them! . . But. . . then that means they know I was once, and still technically part of that group." Jinx argued with herself. A elderly woman came to the door to see the commotion.

" Ms? . . Are you. . ?" The elderly woman slowly walked towards the confused girl.

" GeT aWAy FrOm ME!" The girl threw her arm out, and the woman disappeared with some pink smoke. Jinx tremebled, she looked at her hands as if she just killed someone. Technically she did, because she could of had the woman go off a cliff, or some where with not so nice people. She stared at them and Jinx knew what she had done. She immediately started running towards the main lobby. Strangely she forgot about her powers and pressed for the elevator, she waited for a few seconds and looked around herself and ran towards the stairs. She started screaming, holding her head with one hand, and another towards the railing. She was interrupted by a teenage boy walking up stairs. She instantly teleported behind him and then remembered she had her powers. She jumped over the railing and started to fall. ' Ten stories, seven, five, three, one' She thought, and teleported into the lobby. She collected herself and a crowd formed around her quickly. She screamed and scared them away, crying now she ran as fast as she could towards the academy. She teleported here and there. And finally got to the main entrance, teleported inside. But passed out immediately from the stress on her body.
Nellie saw Jinx appear, then she suddenly dropped. She hurried to her side and kneeled. "Jinx? Are you alright?" she asked worriedly, shaking her lightly. When that didn't work she shook her harder.
Jinx was able to mumble,' One year. . . and they. . .come.' The girl had so many weapons on her body that she made a pool of bullets and gadgets the slowly formed as they weren't supported by her thin body. Jinx's bright blue bangs flew into her face and looked as if it comforted her. Her pale body against the floor looked so helpless, it didn't help that she looked anorexic. She would assure you she ate, a little to much. But now was not the time, because of the fear and stress of what her last conversation was, it was for her to slow down and explain. The girl fluttered her eyes and the girl above her. . " The bikini girl. . " She mumbled those last words before she was out cold.
Nellie swooped the small girl up and headed inside. She set her down on a couch ignoring the other student's glares and whispers. "Yeah I'm helping the girl who attacked the school, get over it." she snapped to the crowd and glared until it thinned out. Then she turned back to Jinx, remembering the last comment the chic made to her. "Wake up and explain!" she growled and slapped the girl, hard.
Jinx woke up from the slap, felt her cheek. She didn't care where she was at this point. The riffled girl looked around and saw the girl, knowing that she was the one who slapped her. She raised her hand to slap the chick back but then realized that she had good intentions. Jinx saw the crowd around her and wondered how the hell she got here. But then she remembered, and had shorter breaths. She must of looked crazy, not completing her introduction so it looked like she was just a random girl who attacked the school, and now. She looked at the girl who finally had something else on. Though it was a jacket, she still had her legs exposed. Buuuut, Jinx should be talking. Technically she is wearing a thick bra and short shorts. She laughed, forgetting about what the girl had asked her.

(( I am showing this for the new people and references: http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/Hi1kUdreiWk/maxresdefault.jpg ))

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