X-Men: The Next Class

Travis shrugged. "Sure." He said, trying to act cool. I mean, he was sort of a bad-boy. But he was social and friendly. He guessed. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, and sat down with a struggle. He raised an eyebrow, "This room is nice. Big. I guess." He grinned behind the mask. He cleared his throat and shook of his hood, and rubbed his neck. He didn't look at the Nellie, "Travis." He held out his hand, hoping he did it in the right direction. He cracked his fingers at the same time, just by bending them. He chuckled. "So, how do you like it here?" He raised an eyebrow.
Skyler wasn't good with introductions, especially when he's one of the youngest in the group of newcomers to the Institute. He saw the girl and the boy she ran into earlier in the day, and got an idea. "You two put on quite a show," he said to them, standing outside the door to the dorm they were in. "Mind if I come in?"

((I'm available from 4:30 EDT on if you want to speed this up.))
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Nellie shook Travis's hand and smiled. "It's all just....different." she said softly. Then she heard another boy at the door comment on what happened downstairs and ask if he could join them. She immdeiately grew awkward. "Sure i guess. I'm Nellie." she told the kid. As silence filled the room, she figited. "So, what are your gifts...." she asked. "or curses...." she added in a mutter, looking down.

(Okay guys end of the world in rl!!! So, ya'll gonna have to work with me, our internet is out and being wonkers. At this moment i'm at the library using their computer. They're open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays so until my internet starts working again that's the only time i'll be able to post. I'm so so sorry, but things are just very stressful right now!)
Skyler was caught off guard. "Well, um... how should I put it?" Thinking about how to explain his power activated it, and his head hit the ceiling so that he broke his concentration. The boy and the girl just stared at him. "I sort of have a hard time controlling it. I'm Skyler by the way."
Nellie shook her head as she laughed nervously. "Huh, that's neat. My power's a little.....um" she paused, trying to word it. "Different." she finally finished, debating how she'd show them.
"Well, so is mine!" Skyler blurted out awkwardly.

((My face when I thought today was Tuesday. HOW COULD I MISS HUMP DAY?))
"Yeah, I think that would be for the best," Victor handed the bag over to Vale's outstretched hand, "Don't want her to think I'm like some sort of desperate creep. I'm Victor by the way," he flashed her a smile, "And you must be a parking ticket because you've got fine written all over you."
Vale couldnt help but giggle when his intrest shifted oh so suddenly. Moving her hair gently to expose her slender neck, rounded shoulders, and her other curves. She was just as big of a flirt as he was, but taking a more subtle seductive approach to flirting suited her better.

Licking her lips before speaking. "It's very nice to meet you victor. Now... let me guess your charm is your power?" Vale giggled softly as she rested a hand nonchalantly on her hip. Assesing him as he stood there, her big beautiful baby blue eyes ran up and down his tall frame.

'Huh... not even bad looking.' She thought as a grin pulled the edges of her lips up in approval.
Lilly could hear Vale and Victor clearly and their pick up lines were so cheesy,it made her giggle a bit.

A parking ticket...REALLY!?

Lilly giggled and screamed inside of her head,then her eyes perked up as she noticed her pet was missing.She was so excited about getting here that she forgot to check on him on the way,even though he tends to sneak away at times.Lilly walked up to Vale and Victor,"Hi,but could you help me find my pet panda...He seems to be missing!"The young mutant groaned a bit,as she tucked her silver hair behind her ear,and fixed her mini-skirt.Lilly had the tendency to adjust things when she is frustrated,but her golden eyes began to glow a small bit,as she looked around,while she straightened her cut off shirt.
Victor was about to reply when that orange eyed girl he saw earlier walked up to him and Vale.

"Could you help me find my pet panda?" she asked.


Did she just say pet panda?

"No, I haven't seen a panda," he replied truthfully, pretty sure he would've remembered if he'd seen one, "It wouldn't be that hard to find, they tend to stand out. Just like you."
Vale rolled her eyes Victor was again trying to charm a girl in front of her. Mearly laughing it off under her breath.

"No im sorry I havent seen it, but I'd be happy to help you look after I return this bag to it's original owner" smiling kindly at the girl. Vale set out to find the room in which Nellie had nested in. On her way there she bumped into a tall boy with white hair. ((@Nalakitty01 decided to show Ash some love))

"Oh im sorry in shuch a klutz sometimes." She said after backing away to look him in the eyes, and remove herself from his personal space.
((Oh god so sorry! I had a really busy last couple of days and i totally forgot I was even in this -_- thanks for tagging me, stripes :) ))

Ash flinched back a little when someone walked into him, his shield automatically springing up over his chest and stomach beneath his shirt. He rubbed absentmindedly at the little patch of blue that had crept up to his neck as he made it go away, smiling a little. "It's all right. Nothing damaged, and it's as good a way to meet someone as any." He grinned sunnily and held out a hand. "I'm Ash. What's your name?"
((No problem at all :D ))

"I'm Vale. It's nice to meet you Ash." Her smile was warm and welcoming. Assessing his physical appearance as he stood infront of her, Vale quickly noticed his blue eyes.

"Not to sound creepy or anything, but you have really beautiful blue eyes." She ran a hand subconsciously through her hair and moved it out of her face.
"Oh?" Ash touched his fingertips to his cheekbone just beneath his eye, instinctively, then just smiled. "Well, thank you. And you have very lovely hair." He figured it was safe to comment since she'd already done it to him, but didnt reach out to touch. He might not have much of a sense of personal space himself, but he knew others did.
"He,trust you won't be able to spot him out unless you were looking for him specifically.You could say he is a 'ninja in-training'"Lilly chuckled as she looked around the room in curiosity.Lilly turned back to Victor,"I'm Lilly by the way,and he panda's name is Kinny,he only goes to a few people.Wait,what's your name?"
((Sorry I wasn't able to post for a bit. Ar... busy with stupid homework.))

Travis heard a male's voice, and turned his head in the direction. He kept quiet, as he felt vibrations in the room. The voices of Nellie's and Skyler's voice bounced off the walls, and he 'saw' Skyler stretch to the ceiling. He nodded, as if agreeing it was different. He turned to Nellie, knowing where she was in the room. "Different?" He finally spoke, raising an eyebrow. He cleared his throat, and gave a sideways smile underneath his mask. "Here. I'll show mine." He whispered, and ripped off his mask. Normal mouth. Lips thin and soft, totally kissable. He then, opened his mouth, and his rows of teeth showed. His mouth looked like a sharks. Crooked teeth, some bloody, some yellow, sharp and horrible. His tongue also like a snake's. It curled out, an it was forked, split in half a bit. His tongue was purple and flat, much like a wip. He flicked it at the air, and then took a large bit out of the chair. He crunched it like the metal and wood of the chair was toast. He gulped it down, and closed his mouth. He placed his mask back on, and sighed. "I also have super senses, to help me with my blindness." He frowned behind the mask, ashamed about his curse. "Sorry about the chair." He whispered, and ran his fingers through his hair. He shivered at the thought of how he received his curse. His father actually mad hi this way. Memories of sharp tools, blood, bright lights, and his father's evil face came rushing in. His father was very evil, and a lot of the time, was crazy with alcohol.
(Internet's working again lolz)

Nellie watched Travis, not a bit disgusted. ”It's fine, chair was a bit ugly anywhos.” She replied, laughing a bit. Then she looked around briefly, then focused her eyes back on Travis. ”I have two powers, both that I hate. I can show you one, but the other you'll just have to trust me with. I get that you Travis probably won't be doing any kissing in the near future, but Skylar, you don't want to kiss me. Ever.” She said, voice flat with only a bit of sadness creeping in. ”If you did you would be dead in about five to six seconds. You would go into cardiac arrest. Your heart would stop, your organs would shut down then you'd stop breathing. You'd internally bleed from every organ afterwards, and your veins and blood would turn black, your skin grey.” She whispered, staring down as her hand slowly went up to her face to touch her own lips without her realizing it.
Travis let her words sink in. He nodded. "Hm. That's interesting. I once watched a movie who had a girl with a power like that, only she sucked people souls out when she kissed them." He chuckled a bit, as if the horror was funny. He registered her comment of him never kissing anyone. He could.... in he controlled himself. You see, he did have normal teeth, but when he 'demon' can out, his teeth changed into shark's. His tongue though, never changed. Also he could learn how to control that. Or never french kiss. Travis was here to learn how to control his... 'gifts' so that maybe one day he could maybe, kiss someone. He never had, for his father turned him when he was only ten, and never kissed a girl. He'd lived with this, and often craved someone to hold and to kiss. But that's what all teenagers felt, right? Travis blinked, going back into reality. "What's your other power?" He asked Nellie, thinking she never told her second one.
Nellie blushed, then took a deep breathe. ”Travis, hand me that remote beside you.” She asked calmly, her voice melodic and soft as an angel's as she let her powers show through in full. It was a voice you wanted to hear, to please. Made you want to ask if there was anything else she needed, toprotect and cherish her. To love her. To.....kill for her.
"I wasn't considering it," Skyler replied to the subject of Nellie's first power. He wasn't sure what was more terrifying, Travis's teeth or Nellie's kiss.
"Well thanks." She giggled. Her hand brushed over the gun holstred to her thigh double checking it was there.

"So is this your first year here?" Being overly curious was one of those reasons that got Vale into trouble more often than not. Vale twrilled her hair around her fingers. It was nice to meet some more 'typical' looking mutants.

"Its nice here i don't feel out of place."
Nellie let Travis deal with her request(@RadioActive) then she turned to Skyler. ”Regretting interacting with us yet?” She asked only half joking, as she sadly smiled. ”You don't have to stay, you can leave if you want.” She added, not wanting him to think he was stuck with them.
Travis blinked, and without hesitation, handed Nellie the remote. "Here." He said blankly, like a zombie. He starred at Nellie, with his unseeing eyes, for what seemed like forever, and then he shook his head, as if coming out of a coma. He scratched his neck and took a step back. He nodded, agreeing with Nellie. He wasn't really thinking about what they were saying, he just felt like nodded. He was drifted off, confused on what the heck just happened. He cracked his neck, ad sat down on the bitten chair. He started at the chomp he took out of it earlier. It looked like a sharp bit it. Terrifying. Was the work that came to him mind. He must be really scary to look at. A monster. A freak.
Nellie took the remote silently, and set it back down beside her. ”My voice can make people do things. I once almost killed a boy on accident. I'm a freak...” Her voice sounded small and pitiful as she let out a dry laugh. Her eyes filled with unshed tears as she looked away from both boys. ”I'm sorry for making you do that.” She whispered to Travis. ”I wouldn't blame you if you hate me.”

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