X-Men: The Next Class

Travis heard the word. The word that seemed to follow every person here. Freak. Travis looked up, and listened to Nellie's soft words. "No. I don't." He said, not looking at her anymore. "I don't hate you. Just... shaken up." Travis held himself for a moment, trying to stop the shivers. He sighed, and stood up. "I need to do something." He announced. "I hear there's a pool. Wanna head?" He asked, both to Skyler and Nellie. He grinned behind the mask.
Nellie grinned and wiped her eyes, glad to be given something to do. ”I actually packed for that! Sounds great!” She exclaimed, heading over to her stuff and pulling out a swimsuit. She dissapeared into the huge bathroom, and changed before putting her hoodie and jeans on over the plain black bikini. Then she hurried back out. ”Ready.” She stated happily.
Travis couldn't see her, but he knew he wanted too. He nodded, staring at her, but not seeing her. "I'll go get mine." He said, and found his bag he left outside Nellie's room. He hadn't found a dorm yet, but would later. He grabbed his trunks, and put his bag in her dorm. "Mind if I put my crap her until I find a dorm?" He asked, and held his swimsuit. "I'll change when we get there." He turned his head to Skyler. "I'm heading there with Nellie, come when you're ready. I mean, if you want to come." He chuckled, and walked out the door. "Coming Nell?" He asked, he new nickname for Nellie.
Nellie nodded and followed Travis. For some reason she felt safe with him, as if they had a bond. ”Water better not be cold. Ooooh what if they have a hot tub?” She grinned broadly at the thought, skipping alongside Travis, letting him see a side of her she never usually let anyone see.
Travis grinned. "Oh that would be heaven." He chuckled. He was a teenage boy, so being in a hot tube with a girl probably in a bikini was sweet. He arrived there, and heard the water and even smelt the bleach. "Ah." He sighed out, sucking in the air. He unzipped his jacket and threw it off. He pulled off his shirt, and yanked off his jeans. He left his underwear on because well, he couldn't changing nude. He then slipped on his swimsuit. He didn't want to go in the locker room, because there was usually old naked men in there, and just the thought of it... ew. Travis would see them, but he knew they were there. He felt them there.

He kept his mask on, not wanting to drink the pool whole. He stood there, bare chest and all. He had muscles, the six pack and all. He wanted to be fit, so he'd worked out a lot. And it payed off. Travis sighed, and turned to Nellie. "Is there a hot tube? I can't tell." He chuckled.
Nellie didn't, and couldn't answer. She was too busy staring goggly eyed at Travis in his swimming trunks. She ran her eyes down slowly, taking it all in. He. Was. Ripped. Like, six pack ripped. Then she realized he asked her something, and she tore her eyes away from his body to his own eyes. She blushed brightly. ”Er....um...” She stuttered, quickly rewinding to figure out what his question was. Then she looked around, and saw three different hot tubs off to the right beside the huge pool. ”Yeah.” She finally answered dumbly.
Travis threw his hand in the air, making a fist pump. "Sweet." He smiled. His hair hung in his eyes, and he regained himself. "Okay, I'm heading over there. Hopefully I don't lip." He teased, and tip-toed a couple feet to the hot tube. "Oh I can feel the warmth!" He gushed, and stepped in. He groaned at the pleasantness of it all. He sunk in body in all the way, and laid there. He wondered if Nellie was coming. "You coming chika?" He yelled to her. "Well, you don't have too." He added, thinking he was sounding pushy. He didn't know what Nellie looked like, but probably hot and... in a bikini.... but they were both dangerous. He couldn't kiss her because she was dangerous, plus Travis might bite her head off... but he could just hand with her. Be a good guy and what not.
Nellie giggled. ”Yeah give me a minute!” She called over. Then she slid out of her pants and hoodie. Next she folded them up and stuck them on a small table. She walked carefully over to where Travis was. ”Oh my god, you weren't lying!” She gushed, and slowly slid in across from him. She bit her lip and let out a moan. ”Erg, never getting out!” She said on a sigh.
Travis laughed. "We'll die if we stay in too long. I saw a video on how a couple sat in a hot tub too long and burned up. It's was interesting." He chuckled, thinking a girl like Nellie wouldn't probably run away screaming if she watched that video. He sighed, and closed his eyes. "So, you like this place? I mean, and how's that Skyler?" He asked her these questions, not wanting it to be boring and quiet. He wondered if she'd liked anyone yet...
Nellie tipped her head back and let her hair fall into the water. ”Hmmmm, I wonder if they were cooked.” She muttered, making a mental note to look that video up sometime. She closed her eyes and thought on his next question. ”It's okay here so far, interesting. And Skyler...” She laughed as she thought of something to say. ”Let's just say so not my cup of tea. To......self loving.” She said, but her mind wanted to say 'Too cocky and full of himself.'
Travis smiled. "Cup of tea huh? Then who is?" He pushed his question further. "I don't know about me, for I can't see them." He chuckled. He did care about looks, I mean who wouldn't, but he also hadn't met that many girls yet. He laced his fingers behind his head, and let his hair fall. He looked at Nellie now, and raised an eyebrow.
Nellie blushed and evaded the question. ”You never answered you own question, how are you liking it here? And what do you think of Skyler?” She asked lamely, glancing up to see him looking at her. This made her blush brighter and she flipped her hair to cover her face, and mainly her light blue eyes.
"The name's Victor. So he's a ninja in training? Guess I better help you look for him. I can't bear to see such a beautiful girl in need," he replied, casually scanning the room for any black and white bears before turning back to Lilly, "Your name suits you, by the way. Lillies are such pretty flowers."
((I missed too much D:))

Skyler wasn't very fond of the abilities of Travis and Nellie, he felt awkward being near a "vampire shark man" and someone who could make you do anything she wanted just by asking for it. He didn't want to be controlled... or eaten. When the two of them decided to leave for the pool, although he thought swimming would be fun, he went back to the first room. There were still a small group there. He decided to "make an impression" by making himself grow enough to only slightly tower over them, by a couple of feet or so. "Hello," he said to the group (@Mitaku @Nalakitty01 @Glob @Earning_my_stripes ) and nothing more.
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(( @Steven Rogers , you read my description on the building!!! Yay!!!!))

Travis laughed, "Okay Okay, I'll answer my questions." He paused, thinking about it. "Well, your entrance I found was amusing... um, there's that Victor guy I met who seems cool... overall, I guess this has been a good first day. I can't wait for our first class. Boo yeah." He said, not excited about the last part. Having to us his powers... he disliked it. He was forced to be this way, and whenever he used his powers, it brought back bad memories. Travis gulped, and continued, "And Skyler? Seems cool I guess. I bet you five dollars he's scared of me. Not sure he'd want to be my pal." He shrugged. "Am my last question?" He thought for a moment. "You know, I'm not sure I like anyone yet. It's my first day after all, but there's nice girls here. One girl whispered and giggled at me..." He chuckled, and let his hair cover his eyes also. He knew Nellie's face was covered, because his voice had bounced off her body, and he heard her hair move. He could also hear her blink, her soft eyelashes falling to her bottom eyelashes.
A strange, oozing noise could be heard behind the main entrance. A girl with bright blue hair in two long ponytails was holding a giant paint brush and a neon pink paint bucket. She was dancing around and writing in big letters " JiNx WAs HeRe!" And a strange symbol that she must of made up. It was a giant x with the lower left half missing, and a giant thick line under the whole thing. She was humming a tune saying the same words over and over again. The girl would skip around have her two giant guns and some secret hidden weapons clashing and making noise. Jinx didn't care about getting caught, she actually wanted to. It would be more fun and they could play a giant game of chase! Oooooh tag would be fun! " I-I could be the mouse, and they can be he big fat cat! But" Jinx laughed insanely. . .

" . . . They don't know that the mouse has some tricks up her little paws!" The lunatic started walking away, laughing and skipping.
Nellie nodded and let out a small sigh. "I never did get my other bag back from the first room. It's probz still in there." she said almost sadly. It held her change of clothes. That meant when they were done here, she'd have to go get it in her bathing suit. Just thinking about it made her groan. She slipped down farther into the tub and studied Travis, her only friend so far. He had cute slanted eyes, a red and deep gold mix. His dirty blonde hair fell in his eyes, the nds wet from the steam. He had a cute long nose too. She thought back and let out a random giggle. "Dirty blonde..." she muttered then started giggling again.
Lilly looked and turned to the taller man,as her panda came barreling down from the ceiling and landing neatly in her hands.Lilly hugged him tight and smiled to the taller appearing,"Hi,nice to meet you,I'm Lilly.Your pretty tall....What's your power or mutation?"Lilly asked the rather tall stranger,Skyler.
The girl who introduced herself as Lilly seemed impressed with Skyler's height. But her keeping a pet panda? Weird. Skyler started to believe this Institute is just a place for freak shows. He ignored all the new terms such as "X-man" or "mutation".

"Oh, my power is this," he said to Lilly, shrinking back to normal size, smaller than anyone in the group. "I could've grown bigger if I wanted to. I'm Skyler, by the way." Skyler felt more control over his power, maybe the Headmaster was wrong. "It will be tougher for you to become and X-Man, for it will be hard to control your power," he was told back near the elevator. "What's with the panda?" he asked Lilly.
"Bang. . . " A giant missile started heading towards the institute. It was a normal bullet shape, but massive. It was painted all over and hate a cute wittle face on it! " This will be fun! Let me get a closer look!" The girl slammed a cask of thinned paint and pink mist went everywhere. As it dissipated, the crazed girl was missing. No where she could be found, until her big mouth showed her location. She was on the highest location of the building. She leaned forward with her hands in a way to make her voice louder. " Here we go!" As the last word left her mouth, she did a back flip and landed on the ground as soon as the missile hit the side of the wall. creating a huge black explosion.

(( I have permission to do this, don't worry!))
" He is my pet of course,"Lilly explained before for wiping something from her unnatural golden eyes,as the panda whipped his way through her silver hair,"I have had him since I was little and since then we have formed a psychic link with each other,but he hasn't seemed to get older or larger by natural means!"Lilly huffed with a slight smile,which was interrupted by the paint explosion.

Lilly rushed out the front door and noticed that the institute was covered in paint by a blue-haired girl,"HEY!!STOP YOU MEGALOMANIAC!!"The young mutant screamed at the opposite girl.
As Skyler talked with Lilly, he heard a high pitched noise from outside the Institute. It grew louder and closer. "Here we go!" a voice rang. Skyler knew this wasn't good. "GET DOWN!" he shouted and dove towards the center of the room as an explosion formed, destroying a large portion of the side wall.

Skyler's ears rang, but he was fine. Everyone else... he couldn't tell. Adrenaline rushed through his body. Standing up, he notices a girl with blue hair with what appeared to be a missile launcher. Here's my chance to be a hero, he thought, reminding himself of his obsession over superhero movies. "Hey you!" he shouted at the girl. "Put the weapon down!" Skyler marched through the hole in the wall, enlarging himself as he does so.
Nellie jumped at the sound of an explosion. She turned to Travis with wide eyes. "Did you hear that?" she asked him, then without waiting for an answer she climbed out of the hot tub. "Someone could be hurt!" she exclaimed. "I'm going to check it out, be right back." she muttered, concerned. She headed down to the first room, still in her black bikini and dripping water. Then she noticed the hole in the wall. "WTH is going on?!" she yelled to the nearest person
" I have a name lub-nuts!" Jinx shook her head back and forth to get some dust out of her hair. " One, or two. Maybe three. . . NAH" The girl started humming the tune or inny-mini-miny-mo. Stopping on her belt. " Ohhhhh, this will be FUN!" She grabbed out a bright eletric blue object. " Zap zap!" She activated the weapon and a thin long beam shot out, made of pure electricity. She spun around, spewing the beams from the gun everywhere around her.

After a tiny commotion, a ring of three feet high flames rose around the girl. " Hey you, short kid!" Jinx taunted at the cocky boy. " Choose how you gunna die. . . " The girl laughed and tapper her foot waiting for his answer.
Nellie ducked from a beam. Then she spotted the girl with the blue hair. "Stop shooting the school!" she commanded shoving every once of her power in her voice as she could. She marched over to the girl and got as close as she could without being burnt. This chic was crazy!

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