X-Men: The Next Class

Murmurs rushed through the crowd. Skyler thought he saw a familiar flash of blue hair. Jinx. Well, that was fast, he thought. Nellie was the first to take action, saying, "Jinx, are you alright?" as she kneels by Jinx's side. Jinx's mouth started moving, but he didn't hear anything. Immediately Nellie picked up Jinx and slapped her on a nearby couch, demanding answers. Why did she change her mind?, he thought. What did Jinx tell her?

Skyler knew this was important. He blazed a trail through the crowd, saying, "Excuse me, pardon me, coming through," repeatedly, until he was next to Nellie standing over Jinx. She didn't look well. Her body was pale and her breathing was shallow. "We should take her to a hospital. We need answers," he said.
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" Don't be an idiot, I am naturally like this. . ." She said laughing,but without strength. The laugh quickly died and turned into a cough. Jinx sighed and looked around, " Any freshmen that looks at me for another three seconds gets a bullet in their head!" The crowd of freshmen quickly vanished, but Skyler and Nellie stayed there for some strange reason. Jinx looked at them with a stern, "Better do something and get an upperclassmen who knows what he is doing!"

The girl dismissed them, she didn't need their help. They were useless freshmen. Jinx turned and faced the back of the couch, burying her head, thinking about Calious.
Travis ran his fingers through his messy and wet hair. He saw Victor hitting on Nellie, and Travis blushed. He bit his lip, and then walked over to the new girl... who 'blew' up the school. He towered over her, and looked the girl in the eyes. He couldn't see her, but could make out her shape through the sound waves. He gulped. "Who are you?" He cocked, his head. "Why'd you blow up this school? I mean, what the hey?" He asked, cracked his knuckles. Travis's tongue licked his tongue, and his stomach grumbled. He needed food. Metal. Wood. Something. He looked up, embarrassed. "Uh... excuse me." He walked away, quickly. He felt as if this need was a drug. He turned a corner, and stood by a wall. And then it happened. Travis opened his mouth wide, and his sharp teeth came out. An ugly image. Travis' tongue flicked out, and wrapped itself around a door. Taking it in like a snake eating a large meal, Travis broke the door. It was steel. But it broke like a toothpick. Travis began eating it, hoping no one saw him this way. He dropped to the ground, and began munching on the steel. He moaned, he need for this slowly disappearing for the moment. He would need to feed later, but for now, this was good.
Jinx heard the slithering voice above her, it was the freak who devours humans whole. She had kept a careful eye on him since he even planned to go the academy. The girl was sent out as a scout to find mutants, she always wore a dark hood so she didn't get caught, and would quickly vanish if seen by someone. She would follow people to a horrid degree, finding out their secrets and past lives.

It was tedious work, but someone had to find mutants. Especially with shark boy's degree. She snapped back into reality, and remembered the boy was above him. She turned around quickly holding the taser in her hands. But he wasn't there. " Damn, I still need to put back the wall. . the others will get mad at me for not getting it up in a couple hours.
((I have contacted a few. Most are busy. One person, @Nalakitty01 , doesn't know who to get in. I told them that someone else would rp with them on here, but that person in inactive in rpnation. So yeah.))

Travis finished his 'meal' and burped. He blushed at the sight of the mess. His mouth slowly closed and he teeth turned back to normal. Almthough he tongue stayed the same as always. He wiped his mouth, and sat down. Mutant. Freak. Scary. Everyone he'd met in his life was afraid of him. ((sorry for the short post))
Nellie watched everything that was happening on the sidelines. She sighed, then left to go search for her bag. She found it in the commons room, then went up to her room. She dressed in jeans and a black tight fitting tank top, then grabbed the jacket Victor gave her then went back down where there was still a small crowd. She searched the room quickly for Travis, but didn't see him. She walked around a bit, but saw him in a different hall. There was a bit of a mess and a door was missing, but she just looked down and grinned at him. "You disappeared on me." she joked, offering a hand to help him up.
Victor initially was curious about Jinx; after all, she did just teleport into the lobby she partially blew up, before passing out. But when she threatened death on anyone who remained staring at her for the next three seconds, he moved away like mostly everybody else. She was one crazy chick who looked like she was the kind to carry out such a threat.

Now that the initial excitement was gone (along with part of the wall and Nellie), Victor... didn't know what to do. Watching TV was definitely out. He decided it was wise to not go anywhere near the crazy blue-haired girl lying on the couch. Seeing a short boy with brown hair (@Nalakitty01), he idly strolled up to him.

"That.. was weird," he said. It wasn't the best conversation starter, but most of his preprepared ones were directed at the female audience.
Jinx was finally able to get up, she wasn't down for long. And thats what they taught her, to never get down for anyone! Though she did freak out and 'got down' because of the boy she did get up. Ironic, she is using their tactics to get over them. Jinx shot up from the couch, only the upper class men understand here, ' I promise I am not normally like this. . . I . . . I am scared. . . and. . . ' the girl fell back into the couch. Hopefully there weren't any of those stupid telepathic children in here, otherwise she would look like a giant slab of emotion.

She stared at the fan and finally got up, she needed to get out, and the best excuse for her in that way was to search for 'more'. She grabbed a small brown object under her bra. And she unfolded it until it became a giant cloak. She put it on, knowing no one was really looking at her because of her threat. And she started walking towards the main door.

(( Is there anyone with telepathy here?))
Travis sighed, and took her hand. He flushed red, embarrassed of his condition. "Hey." He gave a half heartily grin. He rubbed his neck, and still wasn't dressed he realized. He blushed more. "I uh..." He began, but didn't know what to say. "Sorry about disappearing. I needed a break I guess." He chuckled a bit, and yawned. "So what's with that other girl? The one who blew the school wall up." He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Kaldern, upon hearing explosions and general battle sounds, had fled quickly and carefully away from all of it. He'd thought he was safe, staying out of the fight and away from people, but as he'd tried to shut himself off from all of it so he wouldn't create an incident, he didn't notice someone approaching. When a voice spoke up next to him, he jumped, stepping quickly away and spinning on the ball of his foot to face the stranger in what was not quite a fighting stance, each hand curled around a palm sized rock at his sides since they were easier to create sparks with. He made himself relax, gradually, when he saw only another student, and one that wasn't actively trying to attack him at the moment. Still, he remained on guard. ". . . that's relative." Nothing was normal here.
Lilly walked up to Jinx with a smile,"Are you OK?I just wanted to know because if I looked at your chi for a bit it appears as if you were running away from something......or someone....."Lilly's smile evaporated as her sentence came to an end.The young martial artist did not know anything about the blue-haired girl,but she felt compelled to befriend the psychopathic girl,well at least she appeared crazy;however her face appeared to be molded to hide facts and secrets from the rest of the world.

Ki-Mill the small panda ran up and hugged Jinx's leg,which in his own words means that,"He wants to be your friend too,if you will allow us?"Lilly explained with a sincere look plastered across her face.

((@Verrici ))
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Victor took a moment to reflect on the boy's words. "Good point..." he replied, trailing off when he realised he didn't know his name.

Although he would never admit it, he was initially scared when he saw the guy ball his hands into fists. Though he was shorter than him, as far as Victor could tell, he was able to shoot lasers from his eyes, grow up too 100 feet tall and mentally cause his head to literally explode. Victor was half expecting him to conjure a missile launcher from hammerspace.
Kaldern relaxed a little bit more when no threats became apparent, letting his arms relax at his sides so that the sleeves slipped down to cover most of his hands, balled around the rocks he held. He had gotten used to having clothes that weren't strictly his size, since he scrounged up what he could get most of the time, so it didn't bother him much. The other boy had trailed off, and Kaldern wasn't good at conversation, so he said nothing as well, just looking around a little to be sure there were no other threats. He wasn't sure but he thought it might be safer outside. If he could break away from this conversation without someone getting mad at him, maybe he could go there.

((Missile launcher from hammerspace? xD ))
It became very apparent that Jinx wasn't very fond of him, so Skyler decided to make avoiding her a top priority. The others started forming groups, undoubtedly talking about Jinx and recent events. As Skyler went to approach one, a terrible, impossible thought came to him. Could it be?

No. He shook it off. He refused to believe it.

Suddenly a bell rang, one you hear in an old school when it is time to change classes. A voice came from the intercom: "All students please report to the Common Room for dinner hour." Skyler didn't hesitate and followed the crowd up some nearby stairs.
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Jinx, of the hooded female seems to float across the floor. Her footsteps did not make noise, nor have her whole body move up and down. It was like she was floating. The hooded figure teleported outside, and prepared her search for more mutants. She felt the wind change, she smelled the new air. Somethings wasn't right with what was going on already, but she was used to this. This wasn't anything to Jinx. She teleported on top of the tallest skyscraper, she took off her hood. And she had a helmet of some sort, which gave the feel of a motorcycle helmet, but with the symbol on it, and the hood completely flew off from wind. Revealing her mutant hunting outfit. Jinx had multi-personality disorder, which wasn't fun for a mutant. She acted. . .different in some situations. But she took this job very seriously.

Inside the helmet she had heat vision. Mutants gave off a different heat signature than humans. The laser figure disappeared once more and appeared from building-top to building-top. It would be one direction one second, then another the next. Nothing was new, until she heard beeping inside the gear. She quickly activated the suit, to reflect heat and all signs of her there. Something was hunting, the hunter.

Something was out here, and had a grudge against Jinx, a reason to follow here. . .

(( http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-i6_DG92E4xI/TeZGnFlPuDI/AAAAAAAAA2g/QAVNIWwfUBk/s1600/tron_strip.jpg )) - For her mutant hunting outfit.
Nellie nodded and grinned. "Yeah, I know what you mean. And I don't know, last time I saw the girl was on the couch." she said with a shrug, and realized Travis was still not fully dressed. "You should probz get dressed......or you can stay that way. Doesn't bother me." she said quickly, blushing.
Travis nodded, wondering if he should introduce himself to her. And then he blushed too. "Oh um... really?" He sort of chuckled, and rubbed his neck. He 'looked' away from Nellie, thinking that if he was turned to her direction, he would blush even more. Travis chuckled again, and walked away slowly. "I'm going to go get dressed quickly. And maybe pick a dorm real quick. I'll be right back." And with that said, Travis walked to Nellie's dorm. He grabbed his bag, and picked the dorm next to hers. He opened the door, and quickly UN-packed some of his belongings. He quickly got dressed into a casual outfit, but just a little dressy. He quickly closed his dorm door, and walked back to where everyone was. He glanced at the new girl, Jinx, and then walked to Nellie. "Back." He blushed again.

An awkward silence enveloped them for a few seconds, broken by the sound of a bell tolling.

"All students please report to the Common Room for dinner hour," a voice sounded over the intercom.

"Guess we better go," Victor shrugged. He had no idea where said 'Common Room' was, but he was guided by the sight of those who knew, stomping up the stairs to the second floor.
Kaldern let the other boy walk away, just sitting down on the floor where he'd stood and letting everyone pass him by. He hated crowds, and moving crowds were worse than just being in a room full of people. He would wait it out until most everyone was gone, then finally follow. The people that had brought him here tended to get irritated when he skipped meals just because he didn't want to be around people. Apparently they intended for him to become more 'social' so he wouldn't blow things up so often.

((Just a quick reply before bed :) Night))
"Something is not right. It says there is someone in front of me, but no one is. Not eve a heat signature." Jinx shook it off. The helmet detached from the rest of the suit, and she grabbed it holding it by her side. The suit changed color, form black to deep brown. A mutant was in the ten mile radius. Did they just come from town? Or are they traveling through. No need, Jinx needed to take the newly found mutant to the academy.
Noah was wondering around, clothes slightly dirty, and eyes puffy. His wound had healed since the incident in which he lost his parents. He sighed to himself as he trudged along the sidewalks of the streets of town. Noah looks around and realizes he was not anywhere familiar. He has been wandering for a few days. Noah decides to try and lighten himself up by whistling a little cheery lullaby. The air in front of his mouth became distorted and sounds accurate pitches to the sony in his head. Noah continued walking along, unaware of the nearby mutant.
Jinx felt the presence again. Someone was defiantly here. She looked down at the streets, since she was on a rooftop, and saw a boy. She didn't even care if he was someone she knew, someone she didn't. He was young, looked beat up, and with this horrid feeling near her, she didn't take the chance. The armor instantly flew off her body as she teleported to the ground. Right behind Noah to be correct. With a horrid clunk and clatter, she stood up. She probably doesn't look like a good welcoming party, but the high tech brace around her taser was going off. Three mutants in the area. ' Me. . the boy. . . who. . .' A strange noise started to come from the darkened skies,coming towards them. Calious. . . The girl teleported to Noah, and held him in her arms. She started dashing down the street as giant shadows crashed down into the pavement like giant tentacles. She teleported here and there avoiding the monstrosities, while holding the boy. He was probably scared to death, but it was his life in the lines. Well now both of them. Hopefully someone was able to guarantee their chances of safety, but it was all up to her. She knew how Calious worked, the figure in her room. She looked down at the boy, not able to read his expression.
Noah heard a loud clunk and clutter. Looking at the noise he saw a women. Before he could react he was swept off his feet, and teleported around. While they were running Noah got to take a look to see what they were running from. He saw tentacles of black darkness that didn't look like they were going to help them. Noah assumed that the women holding him was an ally. Mainly from hunger, Noah was more confused rather than scared. Who was the girl? What was chasing them? Where are they going? Many questions. Noah was able to get out a few words. "What's going on?"

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