X-Men: The Next Class

Skyler was slightly intimidated by the face of the Headmaster, but he didn't show it. He followed the hooded man and the Headmaster through the corridors of the Institute. None of them said a word. They eventually reach an elevator, whose doors swung open without notice, as if it reacted to someone's presence.

The hooded man walked off without a notice. Before he turned around a corner Skyler noticed him start to take off his hood, revealing a patch of messy blue hair.

The Headmaster and Skyler walked inside, and as the Headmaster pressed the button marked "5", he said in a gruff voice, "I should warn you, Skyler, it will be tougher for you to become an X-Man, for it will be hard to control your power."

"A what?" Skyler asked, with no reply. The elevator started its journey.
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((Well, I'm back if anyone wants to reply to either my two :) I can send Ash back out after he's done unpacking if anyone's looking for interactions))
((Ok cool. And I'll send Travis over to Kaldern since my charrie is just standing around.))

Travis held the tinniest sound and flicked his head around. His ears perked up, and he walked toward the sound. His body felt waves, but was being blocked, so he knew someone was in front of his. He took a step back, hoping he wasn't too close. "Hello." He said, not noticing how large the boy's clothes were because he was... well blind. "I'm Travis. But I'm not working here, so no tour from me. I'm just another student that's lost in this huge building." He grinned, but the boy couldn't see because of his mask.

((You guys can also pick your rooms, there is no assigning them.))
Kaldern stopped walking when someone approached him, because it was clear by the glazed eyes and slightly unsure walk that the boy wasnt able to see. He didnt want to be touched, and people walking into him was touching, so he'd tried to avoid it. That, unfortunately, only opened him up to a conversation. He looked up at the boy, an unreadable, blank expression on his face like usual, and tilted his head slightly to the side. ". . . Lost?" He parroted, quiet and with only a little note of curiosity in his voice, and looked around a bit, as if noticing his surroundings for the first time. "It's a big building. . ."
Lexi entered the building with her guitar swung behind her back. Her headphones were resting on her neck and her hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her hair was a dark red, and it seems realy red in the sun. She wore stressed jeans with hip hop shoes that went up to her ankles. She wore a sleeveless leather vest and looked pretty hardcore. She looked around, seeing how large the old fashioned building was. She began walking around, and she also had drumsticks on her back pocket of her jeans.
Travis heard the... something... in the guy's voice. He nodded, "Yeah, it is. I can hear sound waves bouncing off objects, so I think I have the just of the building." He stopped talking because he knew he probably sounded like a nerd. He heard the front doors open, and heard footsteps. He looked over the guy's shoulder, who's name he didn't know, and felt someone was there. He cleared his through and returned his attention to the boy he was trying to get to know.
Kaldern watched the taller boy's attention shift away from him, but was used to being ignored, and didnt feel any pressing need to find out what Travis was looking at. "Then . . ." He started slowly, "you're not lost?" Kaldern wasnt sure what hearing sound waves meant, maybe something to do with the taller boy's mutation, but if Travis knew the building then he couldn't be lost, could he? Kaldern wasnt really sure. Travis had already contradicted himself, and Kaldern wasnt very good at understanding normal people.
Travis nodded. "Well, I don't know what every rom is for.I'm blind, so it's kind of hard for me, you know?" He shrugged it off as if it was nothing. "I can super senses. That's why I can feel the sound waves and all." He added, realizing the guy was confused.
Kaldern nodded a little, because he had already deduced the boy was blind, and that some sort of echolocation was involved, just because of how Travis had talked. Seeing no need to respond to either statement and just say that he'd known, Kaldern shifted a little on his feet, glancing away. ". . . Okay." He said, and turned to start walking quietly away again. . . No one had ever accused him of having good social skills.
Travis frowned. He felt the slightest breeze as the boy walked away. He turned around, and was about to call to the boy, but then thought it was be no good use. He sighed and turned around. Did I make awkward? Travis thought to himself. He rubbed her neck, realizing he was starving. But he didn't want food, he wanted something harder and more. Something to calm his teeth. "Metal." He whispered.
Lexi heard the boy with the mask whispernsomething. Sohe decided to play a littke trick on him, she then whispered something quietly, "Hello, Mr. Mysterious." She teased. She walked past him, her hair flowing. He's kind of cute. She thought to herself. She curled a strand of hair around her hair, and giggled to herself.
Nellie blushed fiercely as everyone fussed over her. She stood and nodded at their questions. I'm okay i'm okay, now go away! She thought breifly and started to back away. She didn't know how to reassure them without speaking, but she guessed introducing herself wouldn't hurt. As everyone started talking, she suddenly did too. ”Sorry to run into you...” She whispered to the boy with the mask, her voice hoarse from not using it for a long time, but it still held the melodic tone to it of her power. ”I'm Nellie.” She added, making sure not to let her power take over her voice, but all the guys could still feel the glamour. It made them want to like her, get to know her.
"Im Vale. It's nice to meet you Nellie." She extended a hand to the girl. Surveying the room as she waited for her to shake it. The hooded boy with a face mask had walked away and was now in a conversation with another boy. Groups of students spoke to each other getting to know one another so it wasn't so awkward at the time when lunch came. This is what she hated getting to know new people, making new friends. Why did everything always have to change just when you got settled things always changed. Vale was curious though she was dying to know what everyone else's powers were. In some students it was obvious due to their physical appearance in others it was hard to tell they were different at all much like herself.
"I'm Nellie," the girl on the floor said and Victor felt his heart race. There was just... something about that her and the way she spoke that made him want to get to know her better. The fact that she looked so cute when she blushed didn't help at all.

"I'm Victor, as you've already heard," he replied, putting on what he hope was his most alluring smile, "And there must be something wrong with my eyes, I just can't take them off you." He knew it was ridiculously cheesy, but sometimes the worst ones worked the best.
Kaldern wandered off on his own to move through people and find the library again. He'd been here for a couple of weeks already, having been too 'dangerous' and 'unstable' to be left on the streets until the rest of the students were brought in, so he knew where most everything was already. Once he'd found the library, he picked a book at random and found a place to curl up and read, feet tucked in beneath him to keep them warm. Here in the quiet, he was more comfortable.

Ash unpacked rather quickly, since he only had two bags, and left the door to his room open to let others know the other half of the room wasn't taken. He didn't really own anything worth stealing, anyway. What he did have was in a small box that locked, so it wasn't in any danger. He walked back out of his room and down to the first floor where everyone was still gathered, looking about to try and decide who he should attempt to speak to first. He knew some would probably shun him immediately, as mutantkind were often used to being loners, but he also knew that some would just be happy to have other mutants to be around. He hoped to find more of those people.
Nellie groaned and looked away. It was already happening, her powers were taking over. "Nice to meet you both. I have....I have to go." she muttered not even bothering to grab her bookbag, just hurrying away down the nearest hall. She found a nice enough room and left the door open, then hurried to the bed and flopped herself on it. She hoped her room mate was going to be a girl, her powers didn't seem to affect other girls. She sighed again and stared at the ceiling, debating on whether or not to head back to get her bag.
Travis heard the girl with the ponytail and guitar whisper to him. He raised an eyebrow, and felt the girl walk away. He blinked, needed to blink even though his eyes were of no use, and he turned to hear another voice. But this one seemed to put him in a trance. He gulped, and felt frozen for a moment. And when he heard the girl who bumped into him leave, he followed. He was now by her door, breathing and wondering if to say hello. He cleared his throat, knowing the girl was just in the next room, which the doors were open. He turned around, and knocked on the wall since the door was open. "Hello." He said in a husky and attractive voice.
Nellie glanced up and gulped when she saw the cute boy with the mask covering his mouth. "H-Hello." she whispered, surprised. "If it's the room you want, the other side is available." she added, not wanting to seem rude. Then she noticed the way his eyes were unfocused, and stared straight ahead. He's blind, a voice said in the back of her head. He won't only like her for her looks. But, he's not deaf, she thought sadly. Her voice alone would allure him.
Travis laughed. "Oh, that would be awkward if I slept here." He chuckled and blushed. "Hey, um sorry for bothering you..." He said, wondering if he was weird sneaking around and looking at girls. Well, not exactly looking at girls but not everyone knew he was blind. He rubbed his neck, stumped. "I was just... I just wanted to know if you were okay from the fall earlier." He said, finally thinking of a way to start a small conversation.
Nellie smiled. "It was thoughtful of you to ask, but yeah I'm fine. Made myself look stupid was all it did. No physical harm. And you're not bothering me, i'm actually enjoying the company. I'm Nellie by the way." she said kindly. "Oh, you can come in if you'd like. There's a chair to the left of you facing my way if you'd like to sit." she added, sure he probably felt wierd just standing there.
Nellie groaned. She actually groaned, Victor thought in disbelief as she rushed off. It wasn't that bad, even though it was pretty cheesy. Realising that she had left something behind, he crouched down and picked up her bag. It reminded him of.. Damn.

"She left her bag behind," he told Vale, showing her Nellie's bag while he went to retrieve his own from the couch. He prayed no one had stolen anything from it. "Do you know which way she went?"
"I think she went to find a dorm... do you want me take it you seem a bit crushed that she didn't fall for that cheesy pick up line." Vale said flashing a playful smile. Moving her hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. She extened her right hand infront of her while her left hand rested on her hip.

"Im Vale by the way. I didnt catch your name."
((Sorry about my inactivity, also doing The Avengers RP and personal business))

*DING.* The golden elevator doors opened upon Skyler and the Headmaster reaching the fifth floor, a long hallway that seemed to stretch all the way across the building, with a ladder at one end. Skyler slowly followed the Headmaster's pace, and expected the Headmaster to walk in the direction of the ladder, but instead they went the other way. The Headmaster stopped and turned to face the wall. Unexpectedly, he placed his hands on the wall, and a large portion of the wall glowed white and disintegrated, revealing a small room with two opposite facing chairs.

"Have a seat," the Headmaster said as they walked inside the new extension. Skyler sat down, while the Headmaster turned around, put his hands up to the exit of the room, and a wall materialized. The Headmaster hobbled to empty chair. Neither of them spoke for a minute.

The Headmaster broke the silence. "Do you remember three years ago?"

"What about it?" Skyler replied.

"Do you not remember when you first knew you were different?"

Skyler remembered, but tried not to focus. "Yes." He paused. "But I don't want to."

The Headmaster's face remained blank. "You don't know the meaning behind what happened. You can benefit greatly from what you can do, or be harmful to those around you. That's why you're here."

Skyler paused, reflecting on how much damage he had done just to get revenge on a playground bully. Just thinking about what happened caused his body to expand proportionately. "Skyler," the Headmaster said, and Skyler snapped out of his daze.

"What worries me is how often this happens to you. I want you to be able to activate your power only when you truly want to. The brain is hard to control, especially since you are in preadolescence. I don't think this would mix well with your abilitiy. Listen carefully to my words. During training period, you are to report to my office here on the fifth floor to train with me personally. Do you understand?"

Skyler nodded his head. "Good. Try to find the other newcomers. They're touring the building, I imagine they'll still be on the first floor. Hurry." The Headmaster quickly took down the barrier he made, allowing Skyler passage to the elevator. "Oh, by the way," the Headmaster called. "You should try to make friends. Being shy won't get you anywhere."

When he arrived at the first floor, there was still a large crowd. He noticed a group leaving the room, and started to run after them.
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