The Lewis Academy for the Gifted

Name:Inotia Rowe

Nickname (if applicable):Ti


What makes her/him "gifted":She is very knowledgeable in the art of well art and crafting and building and designing. That type of thing

Physical appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8beb06ff5d_download(4).jpg.c9c58125981bc08f50ef76a9f77d8c4f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8beb06ff5d_download(4).jpg.c9c58125981bc08f50ef76a9f77d8c4f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
If that isn't enough I'll do more



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Name: Arya Goodreau

Nickname: N/A

Age: sixteen

What makes her/him "gifted": She has the ability to control fire.

Physical appearance:

Personality: Normally, she is a shy and quiet girl that keeps to herself. However, she is also loyal to a fault and will do anything to defend herself and her family/friends. She's angered easily, especially when people insult her. When that happens, she can't control herself from lashing out and using her powers.

Social standing in the Academy: She's an outcast.

Siblings in the Academy: A twin sister, Danielle, who perfectly controls water. They are polar opposites. (if anyone wants to RP as her I'd be very happy *nudge nudge* :3)

Back story: Up until she was ten years old she lived a normal childhood. Then, she discovered her power. Her parents did everything they could to hide it because they didn't want anyone to know she was a "freak". However, she was known to have uncontrollable fits of flame at random times. Though she did everything she could, when she was fifteen, there was a freak accident at her summer camp where a row of cabins were burnt to ashes. On her sixteenth birthday, she had most of her memory of the event wiped and was sent to the academy.
Required sign-up:

Name: Xander blood crowwe

Nickname (if applicable): Fang

Age: 1600 (16)

What makes her/him "gifted": he is a vampire, a harbinger of death, (see my character on my profile)

Physical appearance: (preferably a photo, but not necessary) *attached*

Personality: very charming, persuasive, homicidal when mad the rest changes with time

Social standing in the Academy: your popular i-know-everone-whos-anyone kid, but not always, he's not cocky, and he drinks from people every night.

Siblings in the Academy: None, except his bloodmother, and she isnt related to him except the blood she inserted into him

Back story: [FILE NOT FOUND]

Other: dont ask too many questions, you may die in the process......... 
wanna rp, anyone?? (ooc)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8beb4c8a2a_onlyonegod.jpg.b96a60a68005b6e7c63ec7f0636d4461.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12776" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8beb4c8a2a_onlyonegod.jpg.b96a60a68005b6e7c63ec7f0636d4461.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Rose floran

Nickname: (none)

What makes him/her gifted: telekinesis and master knives and martial arts


Personality: happy, cheery person says and does whatever she want and doesnt care who she ticks off. If she hates the person, that person will see only see her rude side. If she like the person she is kind and sweet and help the person out. If there is someone in trouble or is being bullied she helps the person out.

Bio:When she was young she was 5 she discovered her powers. She showed it to the kids, but they and their parents got scared. She was called names. When she was 10 she stopped caring what they said about her and started shooting comment back at them. Soon they started attacking her. Her parents send her off to a martials camp for the summer so she can defend herself. She also ended up carrying some knives as weapons because the kids attack her with weapons. The attacks started to get more frequent and herbparents became worried, so they sent her of to the academy in hopes of safety and a good education.

Other: she doesn't use her powers unless needed to or threatened.

((If she too powerful tell me and inwill adjust her))
*gets nudged by QuixoticKitten*

Name: Danielle Goodreau

Nickname: Dani

Age: 16

What makes her/him "gifted": She has the ability to control water.

Physical appearance:

Personality: Danielle is pretty chill and nonchalant. She is also very sociable and charismatic, and somewhat selfish.

Social standing in the Academy: She's pretty popular, thanks to her personality and her control over her powers.

Siblings in the Academy: A twin sister, Arya, who controls fire. They are polar opposites.

Back story: For a decade, her life was nothing extraordinary. Then, when she was ten, she discovered her powers sometime after her sister. Unlike her sister, however, she had little trouble learning to control it. Although she wasn't actually there, she had heard about the incident at the summer camp and had her suspicions that her sister was behind it.

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