Orlea Academy





Species: (Demi-god, creature, double-demi,or half breed)











Age: 17


Species: Demigod

Parents: Demeter

Power(s):Power of life and growing things and stuff like that



Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebd19a90_download(14).jpg.e11310cabe620254ee13d67039b9055a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13031" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebd19a90_download(14).jpg.e11310cabe620254ee13d67039b9055a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Likes:Nice People

Dislikes:Mean People

Bio:Aslin lived in the woods almost all of her life. It was her home. She loves the fresh air. She lived in a giant tree in a tree house. She loved that tree house. But one day it burned down. The principal found her and brought her to the academy. She then figured out she was the daughter of the godess Demeter.


Captain fordo]Does he have to have a crush or sexuality? [/QUOTE] Nope. [URL="/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebd19a90_download(14).jpg.e11310cabe620254ee13d67039b9055a.jpg said:


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Ok good , in that case :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.f14a6b047c93e24ad9e1a006bdb5c208.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13032" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.f14a6b047c93e24ad9e1a006bdb5c208.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name : ratakl

Age : 22

Gender : only existing member of his kind , so this fact is unknown , however he acts as if he is a male

Species : human/insect hybrid

Parents : he seems to think he was created by Zeus , however no one truly knows.

Powers : super-strong (think Hercules level) and can use wings to fly.

Dorm : #7

Crush : none.

Appearance : see above

Sexuality : unknown , no other beings of his kind he has ever seen.

Likes : enjoys his own ability to fly , weapons , learning

Dislikes : being called a bug.

Bio : he lived in deep catacombs in Olympus in a dormant state for an unknown amount of time , and then was somehow released 22 years ago by an unknown something , then came to earth and hid himself for several years until he was found by one of the teachers from orlea , and invited to join the school. Since then he has been doing... We'll find out , won't we?

Other : at some point I want him to find out what in hades (pun) he is and who made him.



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Name: Jack

Age: 18

Species: Demi god

Parent: Aries

Powers: top notch weapon user old and new and a crack shot

Dorm: #3

Crush: no one yet

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebd4599b_images(2).jpg.cfc6c6476da0672f8d88f86cb7794435.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebd4599b_images(2).jpg.cfc6c6476da0672f8d88f86cb7794435.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

but with brown hair and hazel eyes

Sexuality: straight

likes: video games, books, movies, and friends

Dislikes: jerks even if there from Aries

Bio: is the Demi god son of Aires and a woman who didn't want him. Left at a foster home from birth and at age 17 he ran away and a year later a hooded figure gave him a letter of acceptance to the school.

Personality: distant at first glance, but nicer and more caring than the other children of Aries. Tryst to not get to close to people for a fear of them abandoning him.



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Name: Eleni Theodori

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Siren

Parents: Phorcys, Cetos

Power(s): Her singing voice has the ability to charm men. She rarely uses it though as she finds it more fun to do things the 'normal' way.

Dorm#: 4

Crush: None yet




Likes: Music, the ocean

Dislikes: Eating fish, cold weather

Bio: Eleni was found at the Mpalos beach in Crete. Maybe they knew she needed the education, or maybe they just wanted to get her out of there before she did something really bad; whatever the reason she was invited to join the school.

Personality: Eleni is naturally mischievous and charismatic. She has no qualms with 'using' people.
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Name: Katherine "KK" Kerrin

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Half-breed (Half Demi-god, half tabby cat)

Parents: Aphrodite (Mother), Damien Kerrin (Father, deceased)

Power(s): Can talk to cats, can influence others easily if they listen to her

Dorm#: #6

Crush: None


Sexuality: Homosexual

Likes: Cats, solitude, independence, the sun, sleeping in the sun, climbing trees, fish, milk, yarn/string, lazers, books, computers, quiet, peace, clean areas

Dislikes: Dogs, messy areas, loud noises, swimming, baths, people who constantly ask her questions

Bio: She was born when her father, a hybrid between a human and a tabby cat, did "it" with the goddess Aphrodite. She grew up living a normal life. She was homeschooled for most of her life. When she was fifteen, her father was hit by a car and died. Since then, she had to take care of herself, which made her become independent.

Other: She will almost never wear skirts or dresses (She just happens to be in the picture)
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Name:Kuro Tenshi

Age: 20?


Species: Demi-God/Double-Demi?

Parents: Yammat(Father, and kind of a Demi) and Nichole (Mother, and human)

Power(s):Umbramancy and summoning the beings of Iniquity



(That's right, it's frikin' MADARA!)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Likes:Weapons, animals, humans, both, his umbramancy, overall magic, enchanting weapons, eating, sleeping, drawing, and writing

Dislikes: Excessive activity, loud noises, uncreative ideas, the sci-fi genre, racists, prideful people, the idea of world peace.

Bio: Kuro's father, Yammat, was born of Hades' and Are's blood...not what your thinking. Hephestus harvested their blood, put it into a shell, and Yammat was born. Yammat met an attractive mortal named Nichole and fell in love with her. A while's latter when Nichole and Yammat got married. Yammat was cursed with a spirit from his mother ,though. The curse is that, "The Spirit of Iniquity will always be bound to your bloodline, and be passed through your firstborn. Should you not have you legend continue, than it will be spread to the next sibling, then through their first born, or they will claim immortality". This was the burden of Kuro' s bloodline: doomed to possession.

Other: This is Iniquity. Iniquity will manifest if Kuro is overwhelmed by wrath or despair. While in this form, he simply gains additional strength to what he already has, but he loses all sense and reasoning. He will attempt to destroy any-and-everything, until he either calms, or gets greatly wounded.


He also has a sword called dakhun: He can channel his magic through it to enhance it's strength.
Name: James Wilson

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Species: Demigod

Parents: Nyx (greek goddess of night) and Thanatos (greek god of death, yes I know he's Nyx's son, but this is the kind of thing they normally get up to anyway :P )

Power(s): Necromancy - He can summon the dead, and control solid shadows.

Dorm#: 7

Crush: None yet.

Appearance: Dark hair, pale skin. Usually wears dark clothes, imbued with magic to make his powers stronger

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Solitude

Dislikes: Annoying people


Name: Allen Morales

Age: 16


Species: Nephalem (angel/demon hybrid)

Parents: Felicia(demon) & Victor (angel)

Power(s):Telekinesis & Elemental Manipulation

Dorm#: 9



Sexuality: Straight

Likes: meat, music & drawing

Dislikes: big crowds, mornings, & war

Bio: He lived in a castle for most on his life. His parents thought he wasn't ready for the world. He really didn't talk to people but when he did he was polite. He used his free time to draw and make imaginary friends. It made him feel safe. Being a Nephalem Allen is very powerful but, he never uses them. He doesn't want know his full potential. He thinks knowing his full power will make him a threat and threat will be put down. At the age of 16 his parents thought he was ready to leave the home. He was sent to a school for his kind.

Other: when using his powers this eyes look like this:
Name: Coralynne "Cora" Coopers

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Demi-god

Parents: Aether (light god) and Mae, who died in childbirth

Power(s): Can make light behave as if it has mass, and can brighten or darken an area at will. She tends to do this accidentally, depending on her mood.

Dorm#: 5

Crush: Open :)



Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: The sun, airy, open rooms, people, life

Dislikes: hypocrites, pessimists, crowds

Bio: Her father did truly love her mother, and would have sacrificed anything for her. However, upon her death, his heart was shattered. Not simply broken, where it can be fixed with time, but shattered into millions of tiny pieces. He cannot bear to look at Cora, for she has her mother's eyes. He has never revealed himself to Cora, and she doubted that he was her father until the school sent her the letter. Her aunt, Rosalind, told her all about her father, but she has never met him and wonders if she is truly a demi or simply a gifted human. She received the letter and set off the next day, with a wonderful send-off from her aunt and the community in which she was raised. She is a very happy girl, but is starting to grow more and more curious about her parentage.

Name:Issler Akron

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Species: Halfbreed

Parents: Son of a daughter of artemis called Jane Asillia and a Sharkman called Gordon Akron

Power(s): very skilled with hunting knives and bows. is learning how to use a hunting rifle but doesn't like to use one while hunting as they are noisy. he is also part shark so he can breathe underwater and swim very fast

Dorm#: 10

Crush: none (not very interested in relationships)

Appearance:He has dark brown hair and light blue eyes. He is of a light build and isn't physically strong. He is 6ft 1in


Likes: water, hunting

Dislikes: Relationships, being beaten in a fight or competition and being disturbed while hunting

Bio:He is very un-sociable and likes to keep himself to himself. as a result he isn't heared from for periods of time (i sometimes am away for a long time). Not much is known about issler, the only person who knew a lot about him was his dad(but he died a few years ago). he only really seems cheery when hunting or fighting. the rest of the time he seems depressed and unhappy.

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