Orlea Academy [Inactive]


Latula submitted a new role play:

Orlea Academy - Academy of the Legends

s you arrive you see the large, castle-like school sitting in the heart of a forest as it rest between two large hill's. The sound of the ocean fills your ears yet you cannot see it, you assume it rests behind the school and the forest.
You follow the rest of the students as everyone walks into a large auditorium and sits, the lights dim as a large spot light brightens the stage. A tall, slender woman stands there; she smiles as she walks to the podium. "Welcome students to Orlea Academy." She...
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Aslin walked up to the doors of the Academy. She had lived there for atleast a year now. Her hair was in a fishtail braid and she was wearing a dress. It was the first day of school once again and she had to look her best. She walked inside of the school and went to her first class, chemistry
Eleni strutted into the academy, her heels clicking on the hard wooden floor. With a swish of her head, she casually observed her surroundings, watching as other students milled around her. She smirked, flattening out her white shirt.

Gods, she thought, They're just like insects.

She absently wondered how many guys would rush at her if she simply opened her mouth and sung. Heck, she didn't even need help to get attention. Her loose fitting, low cut halter top paired with skinny jeans were doing their job quite nicely. For the millionth time, she wondered why she agreed to enrol. Then she spotted a rather hot guy. Oh yeah, that's why. She headed off to her first class (Chemistry, by the way), though not before checking her appearance with her compact mirror.
Jack walked into the academy a bit impressed thinking to himself, " how in the world did I in up here, oh well at least I have something to do now." he looked down at his schedule and saw he had chemistry first, he sighed he has never been to a school with chemistry and this being a school for the gods children he had a hard time thinking what's going to go on in there he justed sighed again and walked to chemistry.
Ratakl walked in as we'll , characteristically cocking his head to the left. He deeply hoped no one was judging his insectoid appearance , since he couldn't help it anyhow. In any case , it impressed him the size of the school. He looked down at his directory. set up dorm room. Already did that , what class? Chemistry class. Lucky for him , he has great aptitude for that, then tech , history , biology and geometry. If there was anything else he forgot , he'd be screwed up anyhow. In any case , the first thing he managed to do bad was run straight into Eleni entering chemistry class , apologizing quickly saying "I'm so sorry , uhh what is your name? Mine is ratakl."
Jack took his seat and waited for class to start, he notice ratakl bump into Eleni and watched wanting to see how this played out, while he was watching he grinned. He thought to himself," i wonder how this will turn out a insect lookin dude vs a hot girl this should be interesting." as he watched he couldn't help but chuckle a bit, hoping no one would noticed
Katherine walked into the academy, her tail swishing behind her. She had her clothing for the next few days, as she would be moving into her dorm room in a little while. She had gotten disapproving and distgusted looks as she walked in, as she gave off an aura that told others that she was a half-breed. She tried her best to ignore the looks and got to her first class.
Jack saw Katherine walk in and noticed how people looked at her and got a bit upset. So he got up and walked over to her and held out his hand. " hi names Jack I'm new around here, what's your name." he smiled at her warmly hoping she was nice
Surprised that a normal demi-god was talking to her, she didn't say anything for a moment. She said, "my name's Katherine Kerrin, but you can call me KK." She shook Jacks hand, making sure she didn't accidentally scratch him.
He notice how she seemed set back," well nice to meet you kk and do I have something on my face because you seemed a bit surprised that I came and said hello." he chuckled a bit and noticed how the other students looked at him as if he just murdered someone. " did I do something wrong cuz people are looking at me weird.""
Eleni felt as a thin body crashed into her side as she was about to enter the classroom, sending her stumbling and scattering her books all over the polished floor. Looking for the cause of the accident she saw some creepy stick.. thing standing next to her, hurriedly shooting out an apology with his pincer-like mouth. Eww.

"I'm Eleni," she quickly replied before crouching down to collect her books, hoping her disgust didn't register on her face. What the heck were the headmasters thinking, letting that... freak in?
"Er... No, you don't." She sighed. "They can tell that I'm a half-breed. We're shunned, called disgusting-" She was cut off as someone yelled, "you are," making her look at her boots.
Jack looked back and said," shut up." he turned back looking at kk and put his hand on her shoulder," look I dont know why people do that to you but today is a good day because you made your first Demi god friend." he smiled at her and chuckled a bit then he whispered, " I dont care what anyone else says were friends now ."
Kuro walked around the halls looking for his roommate Kathrin. Finally, he found her talking to someone who seemed friend. When the bystander yelled, 'You are', he glared at them and said, "I'm not very fond with the likes of you...and it's bad enough that they had to deal with this outside of scholl, but now?" Kuro walked close to the bystander as they looked at Kuro with an irritated look. The bystander questioned, "Why are yo standing up for her? Her kind are freaks, animals, and unruly monsters!" Kuro stood back and replied, "You may think that, but I say, that they're smart, cunning, intelligent, reflexive, and much more keen than humans." Kuro smirked.
Jack looked at kuro and grinned he then walk behind him and grinned at the bystander , "and by the way buddy if we hear you making fun of or insulting any of them me and my friend here will hunt you down and lets just say it won't be pretty." he grinned devishly at the bystander and said, " the best thing for you to do now is to sit and be quiet." he then looked at kuro and grinned, "ain't that right buddy."
Katherine smiled. Her ears perked up and her tail swished happily. "Thank you," she whispered back. She looked up when she heard someone else talking about her. She felt even happier when she saw that the newcomer and Jack were sticking up for her. She giggled slightly as Jack threatened the bystander.
Jack looked back a kk and motioned for here to come over," come kk the guy over here has something he would like to tell you and I think you'll enjoy what he has to say." he looked at the bystander and grinned," you do have something to say to her right."
Kuro smiled at Katherine and said, "The name's Kuro. Kuro Tenshi. So your the half-cat here? I've heard nothing but racism from fools like that idiot, but from the teachers, they have high hopes for you." He looked at Katherine's friend and added, "And I do have something else to say. Honestly, I'm a big fan of your kind. You're smart, cunning, reflexive, and much keener than humans." He turned to this new friend. "You're Demi-god too? That makes two of us."
Jack turn to kuro, "names jack son of Aries nice to meet you." jack held out his hand and smiled ," I'm just glad not everyone in this school is like that jerk over there well nice to meet you kuro ."
Kuro shook Ares' hand and added, "Really? My father was made by fusing Hades' and Ares' blood...not like that! I'm more of his grandfather..." He smiled and added, "...but what's your actual name?"
Jack laughed really hard, " I'm sorry man but you got to listen my name is jack and I'm a son of Ares." he stopped laughing and grinned," I have a question for you are all the children of Ares as nice as me or am I a breed apart?" jack looked around and noticed people muttering amongst themselfs and looking at him with a wild curiosity
Allen run frantically through the door of the academy , know he was late he runs straight to his first class(chemistry). Not looking he sits in any old random seat. He sits a seat away from Aslin.
Jack smiled "that so huh." he laughed a bit and grinned "well anyway we better take our seats now." he walked over to his seat and sat down in his seat right behind eleni
Eleni heard someone move behind her. Turning, she saw a blond man sitting behind her.

"Hey," she greeted.

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