Kingdom of the Deathless Heroes [Inactive]

Mortakai gestures Knight wolfs to follow. He heads to the library and gazes in awe. Ghe knowledge on these shelves must be near the gens of thousands. "Impresive..."
"I suppose," Kazuto laughs it off as he sits on the edge of a table. "So, first question for you, is that scythe really your main weapon?"
Mortakai looked at his scythe and explained, "Well, it can turn into whaever weapon I want, I just like scythes for their artistic nature." He swirved his hands around his weapon as a dark aura was given off from it. Inside the dark tornado, the weapon turned into a sword.
"I only have two more questions, and since you came earlier then expected I might be a bit rusty but, would you please fight me out front? We'll stop before any major injuries."
Mortakai widened his eyes in surpries. He was slightly offended having revealed his weapon to him, and not a single thing about him. "What of your wepons? What's their trick?"
"Go get my things please." Kazuto says to a servant. "My weapons are two short swords, one is meant for power and one is meant for speed. Ones meant for torture, one is meant for blood." Kazuto finishes while sliding on a black shirt and black cloak, also a solo black and silver cross on a chain was slid on around his head and down to his neck. He then grabs to sheathed blades and attaches them in a crossed form to his back.
Mortakai smiled with anticipation. "Very well. I accept your challeng. Knightwolf. I don't mean this in a rude wat whatsoever, but can you read?"
"Ill have a servant help him on our way out. Lets go," Kazuto begins to lead the way but is stopped by a servant. "Kazuto... what about this?" The servant holds up a black katana in its sheathe. "Ah put that up, i wont be using that tonight. Also help wolfboy to read, but call him Knightwolf just in case he gets angry." He laughs it off and continues walking.
Kazuto shut the front door of the mansion behind them. "Sorry bout my words a minute ago, I try to make my servants smile and have fun so their not completely miserable... " Said Kazuto as he begins to draw his short sword with the wooden hilt.
Knightwolf saw the servant grab a book and walk towards him but with a little bit of fear in her step she opened up the book when she got closer to him and started to teach him while they was walking
((Didn't realise the roleplay had already started *derps*. Warning, I tend to ramble on a lot. Sorry in advance.))

Ardon strolled into town, looking for any sign of an inn. A place of this size would surely have at least one, probably more. He knew that it'd be on the main street, as most inns were, but other than that he was completely clueless on were to go. He was faced with two options.

1. Wander around until he chanced upon one.

2. Ask for directions and save his feet from any further work (which were already aching as he couldn't afford a horse and he had travelled quite a distance).

Logically, he went with the latter. His eyes combed the streets, searching for anyone to ask that didn't look like the type to drag him into an alleyway and mug him, not that they would be able to. He was far too skilled to fall victim to any petty thieves. One person caught his eye; a good looking female dragging her bow behind her. Score! He strutted up to her and put on his most charming smile. Completely missing her bandaged hand, he noticed she didn't look so happy but hey, nothing that he can't fix, right?

"I just can't bear to see such a beautiful girl looking so blue," he started off softly, staring into her eyes, "Brighten up the world a bit and unleash that wonderful smile of yours. By the way, do you know where a lonely traveller could get some rest?" he added offhandedly, hoping for some free lodgings.
Giggling slightly, she said, "there's an inn down that street, right next to the tavern." She pointed down a street to her left. Why is it that boys always come to me?, she asked herself.
"Made you smile," he said, a triumphant grin on his face, "And thanks. Perhaps I'll see you around?"
Ardon grinned. He walked down the street on the left she had told him to and was grateful for her instructions. He would've had trouble finding the inn if it wasn't for the tavern next to it, just as she had said. It was doing a roaring trade and the ruckus from inside could be heard from the cobblestone street. Distantly, he realised he didn't know her name, then he mentally shrugged. He'd ask if he saw her again. If he didn't, then it didn't matter that he didn't know her name, right?

He went and paid for a room in the inn. It was relatively cheap, probably due to its noisy neighbours. He didn't go to sleep just yet. He knew that taverns were good places to find work and the one next door was definitely open. Leaving his non-essentials in his room, he visited the tavern.
Axius had just finished brewing a new draft of ale, for the tavern. He always did it for free, as long as they gave him the equipment to do it. He poured himself just a small cup, and sipped it as he went out behind the bar front to help bar-tending. It was his off day so he was just relaxing having fun in the city, though he still had his weapons on him. He wrote the new draft's name up on the menu board, and quickly got a few orders for it. He liked the occasional extra money, it helped with new arrows. He had lost a couple yesterday, while fighting a boar-wolf. Who knew that those two species could even breed together. Either way they were a pain to fight, and Axius was glad to sleep easy tonight.
After a humiliating fight with a dragon Heatray it is falling out of the sky. He lands in front of Kazuto. "No fair you stupid ass dragon I just woke up!"

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Knightwolf saw someone fall from the sky and he was yelling at the sky he decided to go help him up Knightwolf walked from the bench to the man and pulled him up and then off to the side"are you okay"

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