Kingdom of the Deathless Heroes [Inactive]

"Anything. Anything you ever wanted." She snickered at the fact that he turned around. "Maybe even me." She let slip out of her mouth. She was killing herself on the inside for saying that.
"Hmmm...." Mortakai seemes interested, when he through his scythe at her and got her in a position where he could slit her throat. "Your offer would work on a fool, but I'm smarter than that. I have low self-esteem. Also, to get out of character that quickly? I would never believe a princess would go porstitute."
"I didn't mean it. My mother taught me in those ways. " she said looking down. "Forget it." She said walking away
"Your mother...? continue." Mortakai knew this was a bad idea, but maybe this was the case. "You speak truth?"
"You defeated a witch? What, was I supposed to be impressed? " Mortakai raised an eyebrow. "Anyway...let's go. We have a monster to slay." Mortakai started walking off.
Arindoria was secretly listening in on their conversation. As she heard them start to come closer, she flattened her back against the trunk of the tree, which was luckily wide enough to hide her. A light wind blew, blowing her pink-purple hair into plain view. ... Shoot, she thought. Hoping nobody saw, she stuffed her hair into her hood. Crouching, she started to move backwards from the trail.
Knightwolf woke up in the woods he didn't know were he was this was all a new place to him. he get up off the ground and started to explore the new place that win he accidentally ran into Mortakai he backed up and didn't say anything because what he saw they were he new that they will attack him so he did nothing
Kazuto Kirita, age 19, climbed into the rich looking carriage. "Well Master Vergo sure does know how to touch things up a bit." The boy tells himself. He pulls out a letter from his pocket and begins to read over the steps written in his head. So, he was supposed to sneak me in as representative of the family Tsuno. Next, I'm supposed to go through this carriage ride to a land with a princess. There I will build a house with my coin by paying the villagers , or buy a nice house off of a current resident. Then I'll get close to this Princess, and I believe after this kill... Kazuto folds the note and slides it into his pocket s the carriage ride begins. Then, I will be able to surpass him. The killer of my family. Afterwards, he begins looking out the carriage window, watching the environment pass by.
Mortakai felt a bump at his front and looked at who he bumped into. He appeared human, but something was off. Mortakai tilted his head and asked, "Who...are you?" He looked at this 'human' with caution.
"Knightwolf you not afraid of me"he looked down upon the human usually people attack him or runaway this make him wonder how the rest of the people act towards him"what is a realm called that I am in"
Kazuto had been riding for many hours in his carriage until he came upon a city, with not many big houses, but enough to satisfy the human life. He saw only one building that could satisfy his fake royalty and a kingdom far into the distance, as he was about to tell the carriage conductor to continue to the kingdom, he saw a beautiful lady with a crown. "The princess, eh?" He said to himself. "Here would be fine!" After yelling out to the carriage conductor, he hops out of the carriage. Kazuto stops, noticing two men in front of the princess. One with a scythe and long dark hair, while the other, tall and broad. Something was off about the second man though. After thinking this through, Kazuto takes off one of his black gloves and unsheathes his wooden-hilted short sword. Slowly and cautiously, like the assassin he was, he sneaks behind the taller man and rest his blade upon his neck.

"Now now, let's not worry the princess. Walk away cautiously so nobody gets hurt you two."
Mortakai looked around. "This place in particular is called The Dark Forest. Were simply trespassers in a land of savages." Mortakai smiled at this 'Knightwolf' character an said, "About being afraid, I've been through a lot worse...and you act very civil." He walked off and gestured the princess to follow. Mortakai waved bye to the wolf. "You don't scare me Mr. Terrible assassin..!" He snapped his fingers, then Ice encased the attacker.
Kazuto watches the dark long haired man walk away. After assuming nothing would happen, he runs after the man, putting an arm on his shoulder. "Hey there!"
Mortakai turns to the stranger with a curious gaze. He drew his scythe at him and readied for battle. "You dared challenge me at my own game?"
Kazuto quickly smacks the scythe to the side, but not out of the mans grasp. "Calm yourself. I just a have a couple questions to ask. I'll sheathe if you just withdraw."
Knightwolf sniffs the air and smelt 4 trolls coming near them"guys we have more company"he got ready for the fight he only get out two greatswords
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Enza was a little scared when Mortakai was hostile. "Um let's not get too hostile.." she warned. The alley was scary a bit to her. Especially when she was with someone she barely knew. 
I'm out of this rp
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After safely getting away without being spotted, Arindoria continued on the path that led deep into the Dark Woods. She wanted to see if what the butcher said was actually true. As the sky disappeared from view, covered by branches, it started becoming hard to see. She tried getting adjusted to the dim lighting. Hearing a twig snap, she looked behind he to see nothing. Turning forward once again, she was met with a rabid boar-like creature jumping on her and trying to bite her throat. Surprised and terrified, she let out a scream.
As Kazuto was about to ask the black long haired man the questions he had interest in, he heard with his quick ears, the faintest of screams. "Hold that thought, I'll be right back!" Kazuto yells while sheathing his sword and running through the city. The man ran all the way through the city as quick as he can, still hearing the faint scream in the distance.

In the woods? Kazuto thinks to himself, turning into the dark, but creepy, woods.
"Help!" Arindoria cried out as the boar-thing managed to bite her hand. The pain was immense. She pushed the thing off her, quickly taking out a daggar from a pocket in the back of her boot. As the thing jumped on her again, she tried to stab it, but it was moving too quickly. Again, she cried out for help.
Knightwolf heard the scream he ran in the direction with his enhance speed it took awhile before he can get there though but when he did he saw a board Upon a girl he kept on running he run into the boar knocking it off the girl"are you alright"
Kazuto finally had reached the scene. He stopped himself from giving up his position. Stopping as he watched the scene of a very beautiful girl being saved by the big man from earlier who he had his short sword to.
Mortakai heard the screams to. He ran toward the source to find that woman from before, but being attacked by a boar. he snapped his fingers then the boar was encased in ice. He Turned to night wolf and said, "Thanks for the help Knightwolf. Your fast. Are you alright." He turned to the person who wanted to ask questions, then the princess. "I think we should head to the bar to straighten things out.
Kazuto begins to turn and walk away as the man with the long black hair returned to also save her from the now frozen boar- thing. As he walks away he thinks to himself, damn why couldn't I have gotten here quicker.

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