Kingdom of Zayfiden








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebbb9251_images(100).jpg.76d289d882f2650e3895f1350746ac52.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12979" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebbb9251_images(100).jpg.76d289d882f2650e3895f1350746ac52.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Aevea Zayfiden



Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebbbb011_images(42).jpg.bc2157ea2085af9d7a8bcb6d949dd797.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12980" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebbbb011_images(42).jpg.bc2157ea2085af9d7a8bcb6d949dd797.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Bio:She's very wild and curious. She is very stubborn. Aevea is a princess. So yeah, she doesn't want to be



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Once a slave...

Always a slave.

It is the saying that I must live by. It created me – it dominated me – it dissolved me, and so I am nothing more than a being to serve others, for my will to escape cost me my body. Now I am nothing but a wolf in a pack.

My whole life revolved around slavery; I was born into a third generation of slaves from a land so greatly beyond this realm that it is beyond comprehension. The mother who brought me to this world whom I never knew was barred to give me a name. When I was taken away from my family to a life of imprisonment, I had no thoughts of my own. No will of my own. No knowledge, no ideals of my own except for serving my masters.

Imagine a world like that... Imagine a life like mine. Few could comprehend it as well as I did...

For I was but a number to the world - A number just to serve.

For years, I lived like this; I worked in labor farms, lived in slaver boats and cages, serving my masters unquestioned, and other cruel forms of duty. Whenever I made a mistake, I was always deeply punished for my sins against my masters, and I have learned to only live out as nothing. I never learned to read or write, to truly speak and have allies, even to know how to make my own decisions. For sixteen years, I lived a number's life...

Until my seventeenth year on this world came to be.

One day, I saw my own kind – just like me – roam free and play and cheer outside on the grass and in their own homes when I was in a cage on a wagon traveling to a secluded village in a well known slaver district. Just watching them have joy and happiness, being gay and glee in the sunlight... I wondered to myself, if slaves like them become free in the world, then what will come of me?

My thirst for freedom began there. For those next eleven months, I already begun to make plans to escape, to be free of my life-long course that pained me. But then there came a day where I wondered, what would I do once I'm free? I have no true intellect to aid me in the outside world, authorities would probably find me, nor would I have any idea of what I could do once I'm free. I pondered it for hours, but, given the situation, I decided that it would be no use to escape. I slumped down on the floor once I realized this. So I rested quietly in my cage, pouting on the metal bars.

But the next day would be the day that my life completely changed forever.

During that day, when I was cleaning my master's royal robes made out of a wolf's coat outside one of his majestic buildings, an old man came to me. He seemed calm, innocent, and sweet at the moment, taking a high interest at the pelt. Even though I barely understood him, one sentence he spoke sparked my attention.

“Do you wish to be free, young lad?”

The rest of the conversation became interesting there. I told him it would not be worth, for I had no reason.

He spoke of a reason.

“A family.”

“A family,” he said? I never really thought about it at the time.

He continued on. “You can have a family – your own wife and children – in a place where you can not be harmed, a paradise for your sons and daughters to be happy, to be free of these cruel social societies that keep their own people as captives to the nobles that call themselves 'humans.' What do you say, to be a wolf in your own pack?”

I thought I understood what he meant, and the idea of a safe family of mine away from slavery would bring more joy to my unpleasant life then any amount of gold could buy from me. A family...

He reached out his hand to bring the agreement to a fold. At the time, I did not think of the consequences that could unfold if I did agree, nor if I could trust him. I was just so happy for a chance to live a true life, not one in captivity. To have a family...

I dropped the pelt shook his hand.

I felt pain shoot out from me – I felt something shoot out from me. I started to feel hair on my body, my bones cracking and squeezing from shifting and changing. My eyesight changed drastically in a matter of seconds, my ears enlarging from my head.

I looked at my reflection from a nearby window... My form completely changed.

I was now an Inherited, a fusion of animal and man – In my case, a wolf.

I looked at the once sweet old man, now a horrible figure to be sighted. He was the Inheritor, a cruel djinn who sought nothing more but the servitude of the known gods and the end of the rule of man.

“... to be a wolf in your own pack...” A trick!

He destroyed my old Master's mansion, took the youngest child, an new born of five weeks in age, and slit its throat in front of me, kicking its dying body with a smile. “This is what family is,” he said in a cruel voice, “Trash to be disposed of, left to rot in a hell it deserves, just like freedom itself.”

I looked at him with disdain unlike any man has every felt. In response to this, the Inheritor grabbed me by the throat, mocking me, and then proclaimed “Once a Slave... Always a slave!”

The Inheritor was my next master. Dragging me to a large enslavement construction area of other Inherited, I was forced to build along with them the Arch-Castle, the largest fort ever made built with refined quartz to make it float up. For five long years, I worked with these Inherited to dig out the quartz to create this monstrous creation under conditions far worse then my previous life. I lived without hope, knowing that I will never have a family.

But as time went on, when thousands of more Inherited were showing up, we planned a revolution against the Inheritor. I was but the infantry of it all, so I barely had a say with it.

My final year there ended in bloodshed. The Inheritor, too cocky that hundreds of Inherited could not stop him, quickly saw that tens of thousands of Inherited could do that, no matter how many of his spawns could be brought up. In the final storm, we took the Arch-Castle and killed him with me as the final blow.

I was the only one who heard his final breath.

“You will all suffer now...”

He slumped back into death. Our forms were returned back to humans, followed by cheers and awes. Out of everyone in joy, I was the one in fear. I ran out from the building just before it collapsed on all thirty thousand slaves, killing every last one of them. I knelled in painful sorrow, only glad that I was finally a man again...

Until I saw in a puddle that my Inherited form returned.

I pouted for minutes at a time, knowing my hope for freedom was once again removed along with my chance to have a family. My tears drenched the barren, war-torn sand below me, drowning me in the sorrow that has consumed me for my entire life. My will to be free cost me so many lives for my entire life. I realized that my only purpose in life was to be a slave...

Once a slave...

Always a slave.

That is when I saw him.

My ally.

My new master.

His name is Bellator, the an undead buccaneer (Who deferred from being called a “pirate”) who wore a skull mask. He saved me several times during the battle, even helping me getting inside the Arch-Castle. I saw at that moment that my loyalty was to him alone, and I proclaimed him my new master (for he was the only person insane enough to accept a Half-Wolf, Half-Human). He told me multiple times that we are just “friends” and that he rather sees everyone as equal, but he soon accepted the truth. In a sigh, he said “Okay, mate. If ye be, we're a crew.” He asked me my name, but I told him my number. In a slap of his own face, his grey eyes staring at me through the mask, gave me the name “Knightwolf.” And so I accepted it and moved on with him.

An odd thing with my new master is that he rarely calls me a slave nor pronounces me as one to others.

In the following years, we were part of a crew, mainly me, Knightwolf, the Capitano, Bellator, and the Cat-Eared Marksman, Slyyy. We traveled around the land from the Pirate homes of Syracuse to the dictated lands of the Royal Empire, making a name for ourselves as “The Three Buccaneers.” In certain places, we were cheered. In others, we were hunted. But we grew to be one of the most well known adventurers in the world.

But then one day, Bellator left.

He took his ship, The Sword of Storms, and left through the winds of the world to “a calling,” as he said. Me and Slyyy waited nine months until we embarked on his direction on a small sloop. I remembered at one night of travel, I was sleeping inside the sloop when everything was deteriorating around me. I saw Slyyy as he disappeared unto the darkness. Fear swept me as I, to, was vanishing.

Then everything went black.

I woke up on a strange land filled with mountains and strange wildlife along with odd creatures and sentients wandering about.

I woke up in Zayfiden.

I went to search for my master from there on.

Once a slave...

Always a slave
Name: Alcom Horpe

Gender: Male

Age: 28


Rank: Knight

Bio: Alcom serves because he chooses to. To him, his life is a debt that can never be repaid and he owes it all to the Zayfiden family.

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