Search results for query: *

  1. Nymeria

    One x One Survivors of Alderaan

    Thanks for making the thread! I will start putting my character together as soon as possible.
  2. Nymeria

    A Few Worlds

    I would love to hear what you have in mind in regards to a Star Wars scenario!
  3. Nymeria

    Star Wars: Defiance

    I am definitely interested in this if you're looking to do this with more than one person. If you aren't, though, it's perfectly fine! I could gush to you about how much I loved the new movie, but I'll stop myself short before I talk your ear off.
  4. Nymeria

    1x1 Werewolf RP M//

    I am very interested in this and I would love to hear what you have in mind in regards to the plot! :D
  5. Nymeria

    To be honest, I have no excuse for vanishing. A mixture of school and stress forced me to step...

    To be honest, I have no excuse for vanishing. A mixture of school and stress forced me to step back for awhile. Getting back into things :)
  6. Nymeria

    Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

    I want to apologize in advance if my replies are scattered, we're having some friends over for dinner, so I might not be able to to be on as much as I would like to be tonight :P
  7. Nymeria

    Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

    Ayaka had hung on nearly every syllable of the Captain-Commander's speech, despite the fact that what he had said were all things that she had heard before. She stood quietly, her hands folded behind her back, tapered fingers laced together and spine as straight as steel as she listened to the...
  8. Nymeria

    Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

    Alright, @HornedGhost, I altered my stats! Now that you mention it, it makes a lot of sense that we would want only a few specific Captains to be at the very top and I think it makes it more interesting if everyone doesn't start off at an incredibly high power level. I can't wait to get...
  9. Nymeria

    Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

    I agree with most of what has been said so far, I think that mostly everyone in the Gotei would be sort of familiar with one another, or at least know everyone's names, but I think it could be interesting to add in the factor of past relationships as well so we're not starting completely from...
  10. Nymeria

    Original Harry Potter?

    Whoa, I'm super interested in this! If you're still looking for a partner, let me know and I'll shoot you a message because I would really love to do this with you :)
  11. Nymeria

    Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

    You know, none of the characters really ever bothered me that much. Orihime got on my nerves a little bit in the beginning, but she's definitely grown on me. I'm still torn up about Gin though D: Also, just to let you guys know, I'm not sure when we'll be starting, but I do live on the eastern...
  12. Nymeria

    Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

    Hello everybody! I just wanted to stop by and say good morning and all that. I'm really looking forward to getting this started because we have such an awesome cast of characters :)
  13. Nymeria

    Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

    General Information Full Name: Ayaka Nakahara Nicknames and Aliases: Close friends, family, and her superiors will often shorten her name to Aya, which she has no qualms with, but she does insist that her underlings and subordinates address her more formally with the proper honorifics...
  14. Nymeria

    Fandom Bleach

    I would love to be a part of this! :D I've really been itching for a good Bleach roleplay for awhile, and I really like what you have as the plot for a sequel! Could I, perhaps, reserve the spot of the Captain of the 3rd Division, please?
  15. Nymeria

    Fandom Star Wars?

    I would definitely love to do something Star Wars based with you, it'll help make the waiting for Episode VII go by a little bit quicker.
  16. Nymeria

    Looking for a few partners after work-induced hiatus.

    Unfortunately, I am also not that great at playing canon characters, so while I am very familiar with the MGS universe, I'm not exactly sure that I would be able to give you the experience that you're looking for. Normally, I wouldn't chicken out from the challenge of portraying a canon...
  17. Nymeria

    Hi! I'm new!

    Hello! :) I wish you good luck in your search for an awesome roleplay. There are a lot of options here, so I'm sure you'll find something to your liking quite quickly!
  18. Nymeria


    Hi there, Pie! I'm still quite new as well, as you can probably tell, but this site is pretty great from what I've seen so far :) I wish you the best in the search for awesome roleplays!
  19. Nymeria

    Hello, hello!

    Well, honestly, it's up to you. There certainly are quite a few benefits to joining someone else's roleplay, but I think there are just as many to starting your own. It all depends on whether or not you have an idea that you've really been itching to explore. If you have any ideas that you want...
  20. Nymeria

    Hello, hello!

    Thank you! It's always a tie between Nymeria and Daenerys for me. Those are my two favorite names, I'm not sure if I could pick just one (o'v'o)