• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth


The Travelling Storyteller

  1. Cannon personages are not allowed in this RP, so I expect to see some amazing OCs (if you are wondering as to why the 1st Division is composed of characters from the actual series - it is because both are NPCs created for the sole purpose of handling out assignments and progressing the story)

  2. Claiming character spots happens based around the principle "first come first serve"

  3. After reserving a spot you are given a 3 day period to submit your character sheet (even if its just a WIP, in which case you are granted 2 more days to fill it in completely). If this deadline is exceeded without any notice then the spot will be freed and possibly given to someone else

  4. There is no character limit per rper

  5. The four types of playable personages are shinigami, arrancar, fullbringers and vizards

  6. A roleplayer may not have two characters of the same type (as in two arrancar or two fullbringers). However, one of each is allowed

  7. The above rule when it comes down to shinigami is a bit different - a person can have two soul reapers if he wishes since both captain and lieutenants are allowed. And yet, a single rper may not be in charge of two captains or two lieutenants

  8. Well-balanced and well-rounded characters, written and fleshed out in a detailed fashion is mandatory. I do not expect for all participants to write a novel out of their character sheets, but to simply go in-dept

  9. Do not overpower your character. Make their ability as epic as you wish but also grant it weak points so as to not end up with a complete overkill

  10. All types of powers are allowed so go crazy as well as creative

  11. You can style the character sheets in whatever way you wish



General Information

Full Name:

Nicknames and Aliases: [anything from what other people call them to what your character insist to be referred as goes here]

Age: [here add their actual age combined with their "human" one appearance-wise]

Species: [if you chose this CS, then they are a soul]

Occupation: [if you chose this CS, then they are a shinigami]

Affiliation: [if you chose this CS, then that is Gotei 13]


Seat: [captain or lieutenant]

Outlook Information

Appearance: [here include a short description regarding their physical features together with a picture]

Attire: [describe their uniform and any special accessories they carry on their person]

Personal Information

Personality: [don't just list traits but give a brief clarification as to how your personage acts]

Personal Philosophies: [optional! if you choose to include this point, then share their life mottoes and beliefs by which they live]

Fears: [the minimum is one]

Likes: [the minimum is three]

Dislikes: [the minimum is three]

Background Information

History: [keep in mind that souls, especially shinigami, don't usually remember their time on Earth. However, you can still mention what their existence as a human used to be]

Reputation: [what other people think of them]

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name:

Zanpakuto Spirit:

Zanpakuto Element: [it can be anything from fire to kido to illusions. Go creative with this one]

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities: [add the release command here as well]

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities: [for captains only! add the release command here as well]

Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 1 being "terrible" and 10 being "superb". Also, if you wish to you can go in debt about their skill after each point listed bellow. This is, however, only optional]

Spiritual Power - x/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - x/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - x/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - x/10

Kido - x/10

Offense - x/10

Defense - x/10

Intelligence - x/10

Overall - x/80

[on average captains are 65/80 while lieutenants - 55/80]

Miscellaneous Information

[any additional info you want to share goes here, whether it relates to their talents, thoughts, relationships, etc. Also, you can insert a theme song here]

1st Division

Captain - Shunsui Kyoraku (NPC played by @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)

4th Division

Captain - @Shippo)

5th Division

Captain - @GabrielD921)

Lieutenant - (open)

7th Division

Captain - @The Servant)

3rd - @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)




It has been decided that the visored will be shinigami in the beginning so, please, do claim a spot as either a captain or lieutenant. In a later ark these characters will betray Soul Society and go through hollowfication to boost their power, thus beginning a war. Hope this is okay with everyone.

General Information

Full Name:

Nicknames and Aliases: [anything from what other people call them to what your character insist to be referred as goes here]

Age: [here add their actual age combined with their "human" one appearance-wise]

Species: [if you chose this CS, then they are a soul]

Occupation: [if you chose this CS, then they are a shinigami]

Affiliation: [if you chose this CS, then that is both Gotei 13 as well as (secretly) The Visored]

Outlook Information

Appearance: [here include a short description regarding their physical features together with a picture]

Attire: [describe their clothing and any special accessories they carry on their person]

Hollow Mask: [here insert its appearance]

Personal Information

Personality: [don't just list traits but give a brief clarification as to how your personage acts]

Personal Philosophies: [optional! if you choose to include this point, then share their life mottoes and beliefs by which they live]

Fears: [the minimum is one]

Likes: [the minimum is three]

Dislikes: [the minimum is three]

Background Information

History: [keep in mind that souls, especially shinigami, don't usually remember their time on Earth. However, you can still mention what their existence as a human used to be]

Reputation: [what other people think of them]

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name:

Zanpakuto Spirit:

Zanpakuto Element: [it can be anything from fire to kido to illusions. Go creative with this one]

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities: [add the release command here as well]

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities: [for captains only! add the release command here as well]

Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 1 being "terrible" and 10 being "superb". Also, if you wish to you can go in debt about their skill after each point listed bellow. This is, however, only optional]

Usual Form

Spiritual Power - x/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - x/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - x/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - x/10

Kido - x/10

Offense - x/10

Defense - x/10

Intelligence - x/10

Overall - x/80

Hollowfied Form

Spiritual Power - x/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - x/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - x/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - x/10

Kido - x/10

Offense - x/10

Defense - x/10

Intelligence - x/10

Overall - x/80

[if the visored was a former lieutenant, they would go up to probably 65/10, while captains all the way up to 75/80]

Miscellaneous Information

[any additional info you want to share goes here, whether it relates to their talents, thoughts, relationships, etc. Also, you can insert a theme song here]

1st - Ryuuga Hiroshi, captain of the 2nd Division (played by @IG42)

2nd - Tanaka Ayame, lieutenant of the 11th Division (played by @HornedGhost)

3rd - Kisuke Shinichi, captain of the 8th Division (played by @gogojojo331)

4th - (open)

5th - (open)
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  • General Information

    Full Name

    Aihara Hayate

    Nicknames and Aliases

    Despite most people feeling more comfortable with dubbing the man captain Aihara due to his status, he always insists on being addressed through his first name. The main reason is that the meaning of Hayate is smooth, something he usually describes himself as with a big grin plastered across his face. Instead of having his wish granted, however, most of his subordinates call him Jiji, which translates to "old man"


    Despite being a little over 1000, the man has the appearance of a person in their late 30s to 40s






    Gotei 13





    Outlook Information


    Standing at the looming height of 6'2 (1.90 m) and weighing 176 lbs (80 kg), most of which is muscle mass, Hayate comes off as a rather intimidating man. His crude features - rough, large hands and hairy arms with obvious scars on them, broad shoulders and large chest, gelled hair, as well as square face with seemingly permanent stubble, made even more sharp through bushy eyebrows - further the initial impression of him being a nasty individual, a delinquent. And that godawful grin... that unnatural smile that constantly plasters his visage definitely makes the 5th division captain an unnerving person. Thus, it is no wonder that many shinigami generally avoid this weird man.

    However, if one takes the time to actually pay attention to his features, one would notice Hayate's eyes, which are the direct opposite of any of his other characteristics, for they are full not of creepiness but rather a sense of relaxation and easiness. They are the only friendly trait of this man, the only thing that reveals his actual personality.


    As a higher-up, Hayate was granted the captain's haori by the Gotei 13 apart from the average uniform. However, the man didn't do well with their original appearance so he took to personalizing his clothing.

    Thus, he ended up carrying on himself a brown striped shirt together with black dress pants that fit his tastes better. And yet, still having some regard to being a shinigami, the man draped the black haori over his shoulders and then layers the white one on top of it, securing both there. Thus a rather odd leisurely combination of modern and traditional was born - something that quite appeals to the 5th Division head and a thing he prides himself on. However, he absolutely refused to include the hakama and sandals plus sandal socks into this mix, deeming them "uncool".

    Something that he didn't views as "uncool", on the other hand, was his additional accessory - a black eye-patch that he has been carrying on his person ever since being a child and throughout all these years it has always been one of the feathers in his cap, something he thinks makes him seem more "awesome". Another add-on of his, which is hardly an accessory but can be viewed as such in Hayate's case, is a cigarette pack. The man simply always has one tucked away in some pocket of his, alongside a lighter.

    Personal Information


    Confident, Laid-back, Caring, Friendly, Quick-witted - Cheeky, Unreserved, Absent-minded, Secretive, Overly-protective

    Hayate is the type of person people would define as an extrovert - talkative, confident, outgoing and definitely friendly to a fault. He is that guy one can have fun with while out drinking or celebrating, the life of the party who cracks godawful jokes and gets laughed at, while simultaneously giggling along. Calling him a party animal would be too far-fetched, seeing as he is also extremely lazy, and yet it is true that the 5th Division captain has little to no inhibitions or manners for that matter. Whether this is due to the surrounding in which he grew up or just his personality, the fact still stands that Hayate is not someone to follow rules, use honorifics or obey higher-ups. This is not to say that he is rebellious, since the reality is quite on the contrary. He simply doesn't believe that there is any difference between people in various social classes. They are all equal in his eyes so why should he treat a certain cast in a specific way? If he likes you, he will be all buddy-buddy and chatty. If he doesn't, which is a rare occurrence, - he will avoid you. Social status has nothing to do with anything to him. However, it is true that in his longing for equality Hayate can go overboard and thus act very cheeky. And yet, he is generally a relaxed person. After all, this is an attribute he is know for all throughout Gotei 13.

    Hayate spends most of his time resting somewhere in the cool shade, lost in thought and being as carefree-as ever. When in such an absent-minded state everyone in his Division knows that the captain should not be bothered, for even if he is he will not respond due to currently being somewhere up up in the clouds, thinking, contemplating. This is one of his faults, really - the fact that he becomes unresponsive when lost inside his head, which happen regularly. And, to top it off, once he is done daydreaming, he refuses to share anything with others, thinking it best to keep everything to himself instead of burdening outsiders. The same comes down to strategies and even battle plans in times of crisis. Hayate is just someone who works on his own.

    Well, in the very least, with this relaxed atmosphere he is good company for times of quiet and rest with the careful way he treats those around him, especially all of his subordinates. On the other hand, though, he can go over the line with his concern for others, hence becoming overly-protective and clingy. A nice guy, nevertheless...

    Personal Philosophy

    "Life is simple. We're the ones who make it unnecessarily complex."


    Hayate, as steams from his appearance, isn't a particular fearful man. However, as is the case with every being, the man carries in his heart one sole thing that terrifies him. And that is death. It might be kind of ironic for a god of death to feel cold shivers in the face of the reaper, and yet the truth is that the 5th Division captain hates to think about his demise, to the point that his eyes actually start swelling with tears if his thoughts somehow drift off to this gloomy future event (quite embarrassing really...). Yes, he fears death... or rather he fears passing away before living his life to the fullest.

    Another thing that is unnerving to him, though makes him angry instead of terrified, is the idea that people younger than him will pass away before him. This particularly applies to everyone in the 5th division.


    Lazy Days and Hot Weather || Smoking and Drinking || Chatting || Good People || The 5th Division


    The Nickname "Jiji" || Snobbish People || Making Something Overly Complicated || Unnecessary Fighting || Getting Into Arguments

    Background Information


    Hayate doesn't really remember anything from his life down on Earth as a human being. The only thing he is aware of is the fact that he passed away at an extremely young age, around 5 years old, and then suddenly found himself in Soul Society, leading a completely different lifestyle as one of the delinquents in Rukongai's 77th District - a slum, which the man now describes as an "absolute shit-hole" while smiling and laughing. Since, in spite of leading a tough existence together with a make-shift family of accomplices that he pulled together, the years as a thieving child were some of his best. Running around barefoot and doing whatever he pleased whenever he pleased was heaven. Plus, he wasn't as boisterous as some of the other kids around the area seeing as even at an early age captain Hayate was a rather laid-back and peace-loving individual, who stole only to provide for himself and those close to him, as the people he loved he loved wholeheartedly and would do anything for them.

    Thus, it is due to his "brothers" and "sisters" that he decided on becoming a shinigami so that he could lead a better life, which they asked of him... In all honesty, he had never favored the soul reapers with their high-and-mighty attitude with which they looked down on everyone. And yet, as a spiritually gifted individual, he got among these snobby people at Shin'o Academy quite easily. And, even more surprisingly, he excelled beyond many of his peers due to his wits, which had been acquired in the good ol' slums. Well, he was definitely not a genius as he even stayed at the academy an additional 7th year instead of 6 due to his lazy way of handling everything. And yet, in the end, the careless Hayate at last graduated and was immediately accepted into the 8th Division, in which he served under Shunsui Kyoraku with whom he became close friends. Another person with whom he developed am inseparable bond was Renzo Tahara, though the two men had actually met each other before in the past. During his days of misery and theft, Hayate took on any chance to get his hands on some spare change to provide for his "family". Thus, when he spotted a wandering man one day, with solely a wooden sword in his hand, he immediately assumed this stranger to be an easy target. Boy, was he wrong... The man in front of whom now stood Hayate possessed strength to rival that of the crude delinquent, thus Hayate never managed to gain the upper hand but, instead, for every hit he delivered, he received one right back. After a while, the whole situation became exhausting and soon he realized that it was all pointless. Thus, in a fit quite expected of his persona, Aihara began chuckling, then looked up at his opponent and began complimenting his strength. Truly, the thief had never before met someone to beat him up this bad, so he was pretty impressed as well as surprised. However, something even more surprising was bumping into this same exact person decades later. To top it off, both of them had become shinigami, which Hayate found to be a hilarious coincidence. As a result, he began hanging around Tahara a lot, enjoying the man's company and annoying him. In the meantime, when he was not chatting away with the then captain of the 8th Division or Renzo, the man was quickly going up the ranks until he reached the 3rd seat and was then out of the blue suggested as a possible captain by his head. The promotion into a commanding figure of the 5th Division took some time since the other higher-ups judging his skills and personality were not too sure whether he would be fitted for such a responsible post. And yet, in the end, his protective behavior towards his comrades won them over, though he likes to think that it was his "charm and good looks" that played the biggest role in the final decision.


    Among his casual comrades, Hayate is viewed as someone irresponsible and unpleasant, an unwanted ally, due to the first impression the man leaves, which makes outsiders assume him to be an air-headed, way too outgoing creep. In reality, however, his own division knows their captain to be an impressively strong shinigami as well as skilled leader, who wholeheartedly adores as well as protects his subordinates. For this reason, combined with his rather old age, Hayate is referred to by them as Jiji

    Zanpakuto Information

    Zanpakuto Name

    Kossori Tora

    [sneaking Tiger]

    Zanpakuto Spirit


    Zanpakuto Element

    Illusions - Dulling of the Senses

    Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities

    In its sealed form Kossori Tora takes on the outlook of a very average elegant black katana, with its only eye-catching and unique characteristic being the fact that there is a golden tiger on its sheath, signifying the specific Zanpakuto. In relation to abilities, the weapon remains most usual. Now, the thing that plays the role in its effectiveness and power is the skill of the wielder.



    Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities

    "Kiku, Kossori Tora!"

    ["Stalk, Sneaking Tiger!"]

    Upon its initial release, the Zanpakuto sword shrink considerably and turns into dual golden claw knuckles - a weapon that not many opponents would consider lethal. However, that would be a simple delusion as the special ability of Kossori Tora is illusions.

    Fortunately enough, Hayate is extremely skilled at close range combat and thus primarily delivers blows to his enemy using the dull and blade-less knuckles, while in the meantime his hallucinations begin taking place. With each blow the senses of the opponent are dulled and hindered, with the first one to start fading being that of touch and primarily pain, meaning that the person getting their ass whopped don't even realize that captain Aihara is hitting vital spots and damaging them to a deadly extend. That is the main trick behind Kossori Tora - it renders its victim ignorant to its deadliness until it's far too late.

    On top of all, with more and more punches more senses begin vanishing - smell, taste, hearing, eyesight - till the moment the opponent finds themselves severely handicapped. However, said perceptions do not vanish completely in this state of Hayate's Zanpakuto. They are simply dulled to an extreme extend.


    Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities

    "Furui Tora!"

    ["Old Tiger!"]

    Once in its Bankai state, Kossori (now Furui) Tora takes on a very vicious appearance that contrasts with its previous one, while a golden surge of power (faintly resembling a tiger's shape) envelopes Hayate. Said outlook is that of heavy gloves with three blades as long as a human arm on each of the two. This formidable weaponry is not something that Hayate is too happy to possess and thus refrains from this final release. However, these articles combined with the man's powers match perfectly.

    For now, with each cut, the enemy loses not only a piece of their perception but also a body part or organ. In reality, said hit thing isn't useless after only one blow but instead there weights an illusion over it that it has been completely cut off. Quite a gruesome phantasm this is - to make people assume that they have been decapitated or are missing an organ. And, if Hayate manages to deliver a hit in the head region of his opponent, then this will render them useless, plagued by the delusion of having died. Of course, if they have enough will-power they will be able to keep on fighting. But, there is another problem to be dealt with - the fact that this time around the 5 senses truly disappear completely.

    Captain Aihara... detests Furui Tora. And yet, there is one good point to it in his eyes - the fact that it makes its victim unable to continue fighting if the head is hit, which leads to the fact that the 5th Division leader doesn't have to kill his opponents since they think they are dead and the illusion wears off after a while (depending on the hurt one's strength - the minimum is 12 hours). He can simply leave them lying there, as weak as an "old tiger".


    Abilities Information

    Spiritual Power - 10/10

    Being a captain, Hayate possesses immense spiritual strength purposefully kept at bay. Despite not being as destructive as the reiatsu of some of the other commanders, the greatest asset of this spiritual power is its crushing and suffocating effect once released

    Zanjutsu - 10/10

    This is a discipline in which the 5th Division captain excels due to his Zanpakuto, which requires a skillful wielder. Thus, it is also one of his preferred ways of fighting, though Hayate would much rather not engage in battle at all

    Hakuda - 10/10

    The other mastered style of combat in this case is that concerning close range. In actuality, through much practice, the man has become so masterful over the years that he mainly employs Hakuda even over Zanjutsu

    Hohou - 3/10

    When it comes down to speed, the man's skills are lacking and hence he gets ridiculed for this constantly. However, the reason behind this is that he never found it important to be great with this technique

    Kido - 7/10

    Being a captain, Hayate once deemed it important to keep his Kido spells up to date. Thus, despite not being particularly talented, he still continues practicing and polishing his skills to the point of relying mainly on spells for defense

    Offense - 9/10

    Striking his enemy being a vital part of his Zanpakuto's ability, the head of the 5th Division possesses great attacking abilities as much as he detests battling and hurting others that have done nothing to him or his loved ones. The whole situation is kind of ironic...

    Defense - 6/10

    Defense is vital, yet not too much. As long as he knew some cheap Kido spells, Hayate never seemed to pay much attention to actually improving his own bare protection too much

    Intelligence - 10/10

    He might not be fast and he might not be too good with defense, but Hayate doesn't need these things as long as he still has a clear mind, for logic and strategics are the man's biggest asset over any opponent. Being a sharp-witted, intelligent individual (thought he might not look it...), the captain can deal with pretty much any tough situation

    Overall - 65/80

    Miscellaneous Information

    • Hayate suffers from an extremely rare condition known as CIPA aka "Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis", which hinders not only his pain receptors but also all nerve-related sensations, meaning that he experiences neither pain nor heat nor cold, etc. In some people's eyes this might seem like an advantage for a warrior to have, yet that would be a misunderstanding as this disorder means that the 5th Division head is much more prone to hurting himself in ways that would be prevented otherwise if he had the natural protection of knowing pain.This is why he has to be exceptionally careful so that he doesn't end up killing himself out of carelessness. In actuality, he once got close to doing exactly that while he was still a child in the 77th District. The boy simply tripped and ended up gauging his left eye out on a sharp spike that could have otherwise impaled and gone through his head. For this reason, Hayate now wears an eye-patch that was made for him by his family back in Rukongai... However, there is an upside to this tale since he deems said eye-patch to be very "cool" and also enjoys freaking people out by dramatically removing it on occasions (usually when he is a bit too drunk)

    • His theme song is "Defying Gravity" by Gramatik



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General Information

Full Name: Koujiro Kenpachi

Nicknames and Aliases: Prefers to be called 'Ko' or Kenpachi although he was oncertainly known as "The Man-Eating Tiger", he's fine with his Lieutenant calling him Ken but that's about it.

Age: Actual age is 237, but he appears to be in his mid 20's

Species: Soul

Occupation: Shinigami

Affiliation: Gotei 13

Division: 11th

Seat: Captain

Outlook Information


Standing at 6"2', Koujiro has quite the imposing figure, with a medium muscular build on top of that.

Attire: Koujiro wears the traditional Captain's haori. His left arms is wrapped in a specialized cloth that helps keep his reiatsu in check, as it has a tendency to do him harm if he pushes his limit for too long. Also on that same arm he has a special makeshift gauntlet on it, which he can use as a defense against swords or other weapons.

Personal Information-

Personality: You wouldn't think that Koujiro was a Captain if you didn't know it already. He has a tendency to procrastinate on his duties and even hand off some of his responsibilities to his Lieutenant. However, when it comes to matters involving fighting, he becomes like a god of war. He believes that just about any problem can be solved with violence, and that if it doesn't work than you were too weak to solve the problem. He is short-tempered and easily goaded or roused. When he's not fulfilling his duties or handing them off to his lieutenant, he is usually somewhere napping. He's has quite the care-free attitude when not engaged in a serious confrontation, but as soon as the situation becomes serious, his whole demeanor becomes a whole lot darker. His Zanpakuto has a tendency to be moody, sometimes only responding to him when he has become enraged, which leads him to mostly using it in its sealed form until the situation becomes quite dire.

Personal Philosophies: "I do what I do because I enjoy it. I am a warrior, and it is the way of the warrior to fight against insurmountable odds...not that there is anything that I can't cut down, that is."

Fears: Losing those close to him because of his inability to protect them, and that there may come a time that he becomes a danger to those that he is meant to protect.

Likes: Fighting strong opponents, Freeing up his day by passing off his workload, Lounging around other Captains, Cats, Sour foods.

Dislikes: Sweet tasting foods, Paperwork of any kind, Dogs, Meetings, Anything that doesn't require the use of force.

Background Information-

History: He can't recall his life on earth though he would like to think of himself as probably the best at everything he did, he doesn't dwell on his earthly life that much since he can't recall anything about it. As far as his life in Seireitei, he did everything in his power to become a shinigami from the moment he knew he could possibly become one. He wanted nothing more than to take the position of Kenpachi, and trained himself to the bone trying to reach that particular goal. His spiritual powers were already something formidable, but the training help refine his wildfire aura into a more controlled weapon...after some trial and error, of course. Byyako, his Zanpakuto's spirit, liked his wild side, being a wild blood thirsty beast itself. Their relationship is quite the symbiotic one when both of their intent is to vanquish their opponent, however, the combined reiastu of both of them at full force is extremely bad for Koujiro. That is evident by the blue flame-like mark that has appeared on his left arm, that has been kept from spreading by the cloth that now covers it.

Reputation: He's most known for his overbearing reaitsu, which could be felt throughout Seireitei, if he were to release it at full strength all at once. He was handed the title Kenpachi for a reason, after all

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Byyako

Zanpakuto Spirit:

Zanpakuto Element: Blue Fire

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:
Nothing really special about it in its sealed form, as he usually uses it in this manner at the beginning of every fight to get a grasp of his opponent's fighting potential.

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities:

Taberu jikan, Byyako (Time to eat, Byyako!)

Moe g?on (
Burning Roar): Blue flames encircle the blade, and upon slashing, a rather large blue crescent flame is sent scorching toward the opponent with devastating cutting and burning potential.

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities:

"Kuiiruy?ni mimasu" (Devour)

Saish?-tekina g?on (final roar)- All of his reiatsu is absorbed into the blade, and a single swing of his blade carries the weight of 100% of his strength, capable of cutting through almost anything. As the name suggest, this move is a single-use only move, as any usage afterward has a power drop off of 30% while dealing massive recoil damage to Koujiro.

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 10/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 9/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 7/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 8/10

Kido - 1/10

Offense - 10/10

Defense - 4/10

Intelligence - 6/10

Overall - 70/80

Miscellaneous Information

Koujiro is ambidextrous and will usually use his sword's sheath in his left hand, but if things get to become serious, his left hand becomes his sword hand. He doesn't really use his Zanpakuto's shikai form, as Byyako doesn't believe in half measures, feeling that the form means that his heart isn't fully engaged in the fight. Byyako's full potential can be brought to the surface when Koujiro activates his Bankai and uses his left hand, which has become afflicted, the arm and sword becoming engulfed in Byyako's blue flame. Koujiro doesn't believe that the blue marking would kill him if he allowed it spread any further, but at the same time he doesn't want to take an unnecessary risk if he doesn't have to.


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General Information

Full Name: Ayaka Nakahara

Nicknames and Aliases:
Close friends, family, and her superiors will often shorten her name to Aya, which she has no qualms with, but she does insist that her underlings and subordinates address her more formally with the proper honorifics. Whether or not they obey her wishes, however, is up to them.

Appearance wise, Aya looks to be in her early to mid-twenties, and while her true age is a carefully guarded secret, she's just recently celebrated her 278th birthday.


: Shinigami.

Gotei 13.



Outlook Information


Appearance: Standing at about five feet and four inches, Ayaka's build is thin and narrow. Her shoulders are drawn in and her hips are very slight. If anything, her build is actually quite boyish and her lack of distinguishing feminine curves or prominent assets only adds to this fact. Sharp featured and fair skinned, Aya's face is almost hawkish in how heavily it is defined. High cheekbones pull into a sharp jaw that meets in a very slightly rounded chin that sits beneath thin, taut lips that pull up into a very narrow, pointed nose. Her sharp face is framed by long waves of auburn colored hair, which rarely leaves it's tight knot upon the crown of her head, and shallow set gray eyes rest beneath thin but well-shaped eyebrows.

While Ayaka does conform to traditional Captain's garb, it should be noted that both her shihakush? and her Captain's haori are lacking sleeves, which leaves her arms exposed. She does this simply because she believes that the extra fabric only gets in the way when she's engaged in battle.​

Personal Information

Personality: Strange and a bit mysterious, Aya is often a very difficult card to read. She can come off as a bit odd and maybe even a little aloof, and while her intentions are sometimes baffling, they're rarely ever anything but good. Polite and generally soft-spoken, Ayaka tends to keep to herself. She prefers to observe rather than participate and spends more of her time listening as compared to speaking. While she is quiet and her demeanor is often perceived as rather complacent, Aya is a bit nosey and she has a nasty habit of eavesdropping. If something big is happening she's usually the first to know about it, and while she will rarely spread rumors or false information, if asked, she will almost always willingly divulge most of what she knows, unless it's a fact she believes to be too sensitive to share. While she puts up a friendly and open front, Aya rarely ever shares anything about herself and keeps all of her emotions very close to her chest. She's naturally very reticent and while she does enjoy the bond she shares with her subordinates and her underlings, it's quite unusual for her to be emotionally open with them. Occasionally, her true feelings will slip out into the open, but when this does happen it's usually very awkward and it can come off as insincere. She is loyal to a fault to her division and to the Gotei 13 as a whole, and while she would never say such a thing aloud, she would willingly lie her life on the line if it would spare any of her colleagues or her underlings from harm.

Personal Philosophies:
"There is not a single soul in this world that you can trust more than yourself."

Ayaka's greatest fear would be letting down her comrades or disappointing her division in some way. She might not be able to show it very well, but she feels instinctively very protective over her subordinates, and letting them down or allowing them to fall into harm's way would absolutely crush her. She also has an unusual fear of snakes, but that's a fact known only by herself and maybe two other people.

Cool weather, she's very partial to winter because she loves the snow, reading, baking--it helps her to alleviate stress--long conversations, gossip, stargazing, the smell of freshly turned earth and lemonade.

Warm weather, if anything Aya hates feeling sweaty, arrogant or prideful people, chocolate, snakes, bees and bodies of water that are so deep that she cannot see the bottom. For some reason, that really irks her.

Background Information

History: Ayaka remembers very little about her life in the world of the living, and what little she can recall she chooses to ignore. Brought up somewhere in West Rukongai, Aya had to--like many other souls--struggle to survive. She spent the majority of her younger years living on her own, mostly by choice, but she realized from a very young age that she was gifted with exceptional reiatsu and that the only way she could ever hope to make something of her life, was to become a shinigami. From then on, Ayaka dedicated all of her free time to training and, after taking the entrance exam three times, she landed herself a position in Shin'? Academy. Her skills only flourished there, and while she stumbled when it came to kido, she excelled in most of her classes and quickly gained mastery over her shikai well before her peers. During her time at the Academy, Aya, once again, isolated herself. She rarely reached out to her classmates and spent the majority of her time training and brushing up on her skills. She had a singular goal in mind, graduating and becoming a full-fledged shinigami, and she allowed herself very little time to do anything other than train. After graduating, Aya was immediately placed in the 10th Division, where she quickly worked through the ranks until she was capable enough to take a seated position for herself. It wasn't until the seat of lieutenant opened up in the 3rd Divison, that she made the decision to change squads. Ayaka has only just recently ascended to the position of Captain, due to the unfortunate demise of the 3rd Division's previous Captain, and while she's still getting the hang of things, she's quite comfortable with her new title.

Honestly, people think she's a bit odd and unusual, but she's come to terms with that. She's reliable and a great source of information, but she's very aware of the fact that her social stiffness makes a lot of people very uncomfortable around her.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Arashi no kami (God of Storms).

Zanpakuto Spirit: Arashi no kami has no real shape or form, but, just like the wind, it is constantly changing. Every visage that Arashi no kami appears in is wispy and translucent, as though it is not quite solid, which isn't all that far from the truth. Most commonly, however, Arashi no kami takes the form of a great eagle, so large that it could very easily carry a full grown adult or two upon it's back.

Zanpakuto Element:

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:


Ayaka's sealed zanpakuto has no special abilities, however, it should be noted that her blade is rather short and is much more reminiscent of a wakizashi in terms of size as compared to a katana.

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities: Howl*, Arashi no kami! Aya's shikai allows her to strike with a surprising speed and precision. She is able to move so quickly that it is difficult for even the well trained eye to keep up with her, but it is not impossible to match her pace, only extremely difficult. When her shikai is released, Aya gains the ability to send small, but powerful, blasts of air at her opponent by slicing through the air with her blade. Arashi no kami does not change its appearance at all in this form. *Howl as in the sound of strong gust of wind, not the sound an animal makes.

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities:


Split the heavens, Arashi no Kami! Once more, Aya's speed is greatly increased as is her striking force. At this point, she is so fast that keeping up with her is a nearly impossible task, and that's only if you can manage to follow her movements without her slipping out of sight almost completely. With her bankai released, Aya has the ability to kick up large gusts of wind to both distract and topple her opponents and the small blasts of air that she was able to utilize with the release of her shikai are now full-fledged torrents capable of sending her opponents through walls. However, the use of her bankai can leave her greatly weakened and can even cause her physical harm if she abuses its powers, so while she is quick and deadly while Arashi no kami is released, she refrains from using it as much as possible. In this form, her zanpakuto is, once again, shortened even further, but it is still at a long enough to be considered a wakizashi.

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 9/10

Like most Captains, Aya possesses incredible spiritual strength, but it is to be noted that her spiritual pressure is just a touch lower than the average Captain. This is mostly due to the fact that her powers are still unfolding and developing, and while she has a good hand on her abilities, there is no guarantee that where she is now is the very extent of her strength.​

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 8/10

Ayaka is an incredibly talented swordsman, but she certainly prefers hand to hand combat, mostly because the shortened length of her zanpakuto can make it quite a challenge for her to take on opponents with much larger weapons.

(Hand-to-hand Combat) - 10/10

This is a skill in which Ayaka excels. Her shikai and her bankai demand that she not only be skilled in the art of the blade, but that her hand to hand combat skills be almost perfect. Her zanpakuto relies greatly on her ability to get close to her opponents and strike when they least expect it and while she doesn't physically appear to be very intimidating, due to her willowy figure, she is deceptively strong.

(Footwork and Speed) - 10/10

The nature of Ayaka's zanpakuto demands that she be quick upon her feet. Her small, narrow build allows her to slip away very quickly, and her speed is almost unmatched. There are very few people that have managed to keep up with her for more than just a few seconds.

Kido - 5/10

Kido is not Ayaka's strongest suit. She greatly respects anyone that can manage to master the art, because she has very little talent for it.

Offense - 9/10

Ayaka spends most of her time fighting on the offense, because she has a very weak defense. Her zanpakuto demands that she move and strike constantly and consistently, and she usually finds it very easy to find a hole in her opponents defense and expose it. Her offense is not perfect, but she prefers to avoid going on the defensive, where she feels as though she is the weakest.

Defense - 5/10

Aya will do anything and everything in her power to avoid going on the defensive. She can protect herself, but her zanpakuto is geared much more towards offense and so she struggles when it comes to defensive tactics.

Intelligence - 9/10

Battle strategy is one of Aya's strongest skills. She finds it very easy to remain level headed and calm under pressure and in intense situations, so putting together a quick plan of action isn't very much of a challenge to her. She's sharp-witted and is usually very well informed, so she can usually deal with anything you throw at her.

Overall - 65/80​

Miscellaneous Information


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Full Name

Masaki Yamaguchi

Nicknames and Aliases

His comrades, higher ups and family usually call him 'Masa' as they have dubbed that his nickname. He doesn't mind if his subordinates call him that as well, as long as it is in the privacy of their divisions grounds.


Masaki doesn't care about showing his age, if people ask for it. He is 153 but has the appearance of a 16 year old boy.






Gotei 13

Previous: Kido Corps


10th Division



Outlook Information

Appearance: Masaki is of average height, standing at around 5ft 6inch. He also has an average/slightly muscular build.

His eyes are a rose-red in colour and he has white hair.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.00cbc06adfd5d0cfb4f239c36ffc3ca1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70848" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.00cbc06adfd5d0cfb4f239c36ffc3ca1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Masaki wears a long sleeved captains haori with his divisions insignia on it's back. He usually has the haori opened up so that his shinigami robes can be seen. They are black in colour but have no sleeves and he has a white sash tied around his waist.

Masaki usually wears a pendant with his divisions insignia on it as well.

Personal Information


Masaki is an incredibly kind and thoughtful person, he would do absolutely anything for his comrades, especially his subordinates, if anyone were fo harm them he would leap at the first chance he got and find out who did it. Masaki, being a Captain, is in charge of a whole division, and he takes this very seriously. Although he finds his work very important, he feels that keeping a strong bond with those in his division is even more important. He is under the strong belief that if he didn't have a good bond with his subordinates, his division would lack in every necessary quality, and would probably end up as the weakest. He also keeps the bond and morale high in his division as he doesn't want his subordinates to feel alone on the battlefield, he wants them to know that they have each others backs.

Although Masaki is a very kind guy, he is also very serious about his work, and will always get the task done. Although he shows the utmost kindness to his subordinates, he is still their Captain, and asks that he is taken seriously at all times. That doesn't mean he won't joke around of course. Masaki is quite intelligent, and although he is rather young for someone of his rank, his skill speaks volumes. He absolutely hates being underestimated and/or mocked by others for his young age and appearence, as he believes that age does not define who someone is, and he will gladly show his capabilities to prove this. Masaki has also proved to be very secretive, in this case, with his Bankai. Only the Captain-Commander and a few other Captains have seen his Bankai, the reasoning as to why he hardly uses his Bankai is unknown, people have tried to find out in the past but have always had no luck.

Unfortunately, Masaki can be very quick to anger, and is easy to tease. Thus during meetings and such, the other Captains would probably tease and annoy him just because they know he would respond like the child he is.

Personal Philosophies

"You cannot truly stop evil. You can only defend yourself from it."


The biggest thing Masaki fears, is the fall of the Gotei 13. He believes that should they fall, the world would spiral into complete chaos. He also doesn't like the idea of his comrades getting killed the comes with the so called "fall"


Helping subordinates and other comrades learn Kido- as most people seem to struggle with it, he loves to give them a hand in any way he can. Lengthy fights, worthy opponents, a challenge, the quiet, his underlings/subordinates, training, freshly baked food- he adores the smell of pastries.


Being underestimated for his appearance, pointless fights, people insulting his Division, people giving his subordinates grief- he would most probably go on a hunt like a protective father should this happen, dishonesty, deceitful people, and unkindness.

Background Information


Masaki, much like any other Shinigami, has no recollection of his time on Earth. He just doesn't remember. All he knows is that he died during his teenage years and isn't happy about it. He's always been under the impression that he was simply unlucky, and that he died with his whole life ahead of him. Yet he feels that his time was simply at an end.

His life as a Soul however, he knows about as clear as day. Growing up in West Rukongai, he had to scavenge and struggle to survive. He lived in a small house with two of his friends, Rin and Satoshi, who were just as unfortunate as he was. Growing up, he would steal food, clothes, pretty much anything just so he could survive. In the hopes of pursuing his dream. Becoming a Shinigami.

Eventually, he began to notice his spiritual power, and regrettably, left his two friends behind in order go enrol into the academy. Rin and Satoshi were happy for him, but Masaki just didn't want to leave them alone, so he promised to protect them should he become a Shinigami. And eventually, he did. During his days at the academy, he was always two steps ahead of his peers. He was regarded as a child prodigy, this was because he excelled in the Kido arts, which are generally quite hard to master. He always fell behind in the Hakuda classes, but this didn't really bother him. And It still doesn't.

He managed to gain use of his Shikai rather quickly, and graduated from the academy rather quickly and became a fully-fledged Shinigami. Due to his skill in Kido, he was placed in the Kido Corps And would quickly rise in it's ranks, devoping a very close relationship with the Grand Kido Chief, who even tutored Masaki personally, and helped him hone his skills. After about 6 months of being in the Corps, the position for Captain of the 10th Divison came up after the former Captain died in battle. The Captain of the Kido Corps at this time entered Masaki as a candidate, as he/she could tell that he had great potential and wasn't suited for the Kido Corps any longer. Due to the secretive nature of the Kido Corps however, Masaki had to promise not to tell anyone about his time within it, or share any of their intel, he has kept that promise, not even sharing anything with the Captain-Commander. Masaki ended up passing all the necessary tests and ended up getting the title as Captain.

He has been the Captain of the 10th Division for a few months now.


People know of his skill with Kido, and that is really what has gained him his reputation. What his comrades think of this however, he does not know. (You guys are free to think how you want^w^)

People know him as a caring captain, who would die for any of his comrades, especially his subordinates. Without question.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name

Kaminoikari (Wrath of God)

Zanpakuto Spirit

Kaminoikari takes the form of a large, graceful white tiger with bright yellow eyes with strange runes imprinted onto her paws. Kaminoikari is regarded as a beautiful spirit, simply because of her elegance. Her personality is exactly like Masaki's, which is why they get along so well.

Zanpakuto Element

Kido- White light.

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities

When sealed, his Zanpakuto doesn't have any special abilities.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.226c8fe4cf4ae0360ae97f6a580c158a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70845" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.226c8fe4cf4ae0360ae97f6a580c158a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities

Terashimasu, Seinaru Hikari! (Illuminate, Holy Light!)

When in it's Shikai form, Kaminoikari gains the ability to send pulses of scorching hot light towards an enemy, which can blind the target if they look at it, and has incredible burning capabilities. Masaki can fling balls of this light towards an enemy as well as beams of it. Masaki hardly ever goes into his Bankai unless he really needs to, as his Shikai is already pretty powerful as it is. Only a few other Captains have managed to see his Bankai in action, none of his subordinates have so far. Except his lieutenant of course.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.dd3477347d537cce6dabe70f5b8452aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70846" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.dd3477347d537cce6dabe70f5b8452aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities

Kiyomemasu, Kaminoikari! (Cleanse, Wrath of God!)

When in it's Bankai form, the attack range is increased significantly as well as the power of the light used. One ball or beam gains the power to completely burn through the area of the enemy it hits, leaving a hole there. The light that can be emitted with the balls/beams of light is much brighter. Upon activating his Bankai, Masaki gains the ability to send slashes of the white light when in Bankai, which have incredible burning and cutting potential as well as a much greater speed than the beams used in Shikai. This is his strongest attack with the Zanpakuto. He doesn't like using his Bankai as he thinks that it is unfair. This is because when using it's abilities it's very hard, if not impossible in some cases, for the opponent to even get close to him. Although, he doesn't tell anyone about this as he thinks they'd view his concern as pathetic.

The main reason as to why he doesn't use it however, is because with each attack, the beams/balls produced increase in speed. At the maximum speed, it is near impossible to evade, and the opponent has to either block the attack or take it. Masaki deems this trait overpowered, he also dislikes it as it ends fights almost instantly. He likes a good, long fight.

It is to be noted that his eyes change from rose-red to gold when his Bankai is in use.

(It is a scaled down version of the picture below, it is the same size as his Shikai and Sealed one)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.af8f0becfe3a9245ae1812cb135bf9db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70847" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.af8f0becfe3a9245ae1812cb135bf9db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 10/10

His spiritual power is immense, which is to be expected of someone of Captain ranking. When releasing his spiritual power, the energy is incredibly fast, and it can whip up currents of strong wind around him. People tend to be surprised by this. His reiatsu, when released at it's full potency, usually leaves opponents stunned, and it's destructiveness can leave lower level Shinigami fearful and paralysed. It can even leave some Shinigami complety incapacitated due to it's immobilising properties. His Reiatsu is gold in colour. It is to be noted that his Reiatsu isn't as intense as the Kenpachi's

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 10/10

He is very proficient with Zanjutsu, he is very talented when it comes to it. And can prove to be very dangerous. Although he usually attacks at range, he can fight using his sword. And isn't afraid to either, he does prefer fighting at range though.

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 1/10

This is the area of combat he lacks skill in, for some reason, he has never been good at it. He is still trying to learn it now. But for this failure, he makes up with his skill in other things. It is lucky that he doesn't have skill in this though, as his abilities are made for ranged attacks and not close range. The other captains sometimes mock him for his poor skill with Hakuda.

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 10/10

He is very agile and very fast, combining this speed with his mastery of Kido, he can prove to be a very dangerous foe. He is also an expert of Shunpo, able to stay at range in order to attack.

Kido - 10/10

He is known for his skills with Kido over everything else. His time with the Kido Corps has given him great knowledge of the art. As well as being tutored by the Grand Kido Chief him/herself. He can use many high level Kido spells with ease be it bakudo or hado, and if he needs to, he can use the incantation to improve it's power. Throughout Soul Society, he is one of the leading authorities on Kido and is usually called upon when Kido related situations have occurred. Although this annoys him, as he believes that advising on Kido is not one of his duties, so he usually says, "Well why have you not contacted the Grand Kido Chief? Or the Corps itself, for that matter? It's what they're for."

Offense - 10/10

His offense is one of his strongest traits, considering his Zanpakuto is an offensive type, mixed with his use of offensive Kido, which is his favourite type. He tends to use Hado over Bakudo when in fights, but does sometimes use an equal amount of the two.

Defense - 6/10

He has an never really been an expert on defending himself physically. If he needs to, he can just use his Kido spells for this.

Intelligence - 8/10

Masaki is very quick witted and can adapt to situations quickly. However his greatest trait with his intellect are his observational and analytical skill as well as his ability to judge peopls characters. He is very good at memorising peoples attack patterns, which helps a lot when (if) he is using his Bankai.

Overall - 65/80

Miscellaneous Information


-He is the youngest Captain of the Gotei 13, and for his age he is incredibly mature.

-He still has a good relationship with his old comrades of the Kido Corps, even though he is no longer a part of it. He regularly contacts the Grand Kido Chief through private letters as well.

-He loves sweet foods, especially cakes, and he has never drank alcohol in his life.



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General Information

Full Name: Shirokami Midori

Nicknames and Aliases: She prefers her first name to be used during most situations. For those she considers her equals or allies, referring to her by her nickname Mido will do just fine. As for those who are her subordinates, Midori when in casual situations. The use of her surname, Shirokami, is typically reserved for more formal environments.

Age: She is about a decade shy of being a century old; though she appears to be no older than a teenager.

Species: Soul

Occupation: Shinigami

Affiliation: Gotei 13

Division: 8th

Seat: Lieutenant

Outlook Information

Appearance: A small, frail looking girl, Midori's lack of physical prowess is supplemented by her litheness and flexibility. She stands at about 167 centimeters tall, and has a fairly thin build. Though she is an athletic sort, and is far from being scrawny. She is built for speed, maneuverability and being able to preform acrobatic feats.

Midori has a pale complexion, and dull grey eyes. Her hair is an off-white color, and can appear either white or light-grey depending upon the lighting. Her neutral expression typically expresses her annoyance or irritability.

Attire: Midori wears a modified version of the Shinigami uniform. She does not wear a hakama, instead wearing a taller kosode that acts more like a short dress. She wears a white sash at her waist that is tied into a bow at the back. She wears solid black stockings to cover her legs. The sleeves of her kosode are longer than typical, enough to completely conceal her hands when her arms are resting idle at her sides. Beneath the long sleeves, Midori wears black finger-less gloves. As for footwear, she wears a pair of plain black slippers.

As far as accessories goes, Midori keeps it fairly simple. She wears a band on her left arm that carries her Divisions insignia. Atop her head, she wears a black hairband, adorned with a small bow. Around her neck, Midori wears a black ribbon.

Personal Information

Personality: A rather inanimate girl, with a stern and detatched outward appearance. Midori seems to be stuck in an endless cycle of annoyance and boredom. She tries to maintain an air of indifference about her, and acts distant and cold towards others. Midori lives by a code of attacking first and asking questions later. She's got a sharp tongue, and isn't afraid to spill some blood. She can be fairly reckless, and eager to prove herself.

It is rare to see Midori emote anything beyond a twisted smirk, or a deep frown. Though, she is capable of expressing feelings other than just vexation. Most notably, her temper. Easily annoyed, Midori will often lash out violently. It is usually best to simply avoid her during one of her tantrums. Although she would like to think she acts like an adult, Midori seems to still be an emotional child at heart.

Despite her shortcomings, Midori is actually a hard-working and dedicated individual. While she can certainly be stubborn sometimes, Midori does not stop when she has set her mind to something.

Personal Philosophies: "It's better to act quickly, than to hesitate until the time for action is past. Hang the consequences!"

Fears: Becoming irrelevant, being perceived as useless, or seen as a failure.

Likes: Collecting knives, cooking, stormy weather, the color black, and indulging in a bit of shenanigans or pranks.

Dislikes: Hot days, wasting time or having nothing to do, physical contact, quiet or silence, and fish.

Background Information

History: Like so many others, Midori cannot recall her life as a Human. While there have been times when she thought she saw glimpses of her past life in her dreams, she can never remember any details. Midori believes she died while still fairly young, and feels she was killed early in her life. It is from this that her fears were born, that feeling of having led an unaccomplished and empty life. From this, she desired nothing more than to become a person of import.

Living in
Rukongai, in the 71st district, Midori found herself in a gang of rowdy and mischievous children. While the others never really seemed to get hungry, Midori often had to steal food from others. Evidence that the young girl possessed some Reiryoku. It was from this that Midori tuned her skills for speed and stealth, as getting caught would warrant punishment. However, the prospect of continuing life as a thief was far from glamorous, and Midori wanted more meaning to her existence. When she learned of the Shinigami, Midori knew that was where she would belong, and where she might find some deeper purpose for her being there.

Midori trained for a few years before attempting the entrance exam of
Shin'o Academy. Her first attempt ended in a failure, as she was unable to brute force her way. For a time, Midori had almost given up. She believed she was not strong enough to gain admittance into the Academy. However, it was not long after when she had an encounter with a rather brutish thug. Finding that her very life was in danger, Midori used her skills to outplay her would-be murderer. It was on that night that Midori discovered her strength was not in physical combat, but in her ability to maneuver around the field. With her resolve reignited, Midori tackled the entrance exam for a second try and succeeded.

During her tutelage at
Shin'o Academy, it was clear her talents lie within the Hoho form of combat. It is there she began learning of Shunpo, and would practice until exhaustion. As for her Zanpakuto, she would not learn of its name until a year before her graduation. Much like Midori, Jishinju is a beast of purpose and pride. He tested Midori's resolve, witnessing that she possessed as much a stubborn will as his own. From then on, Jishinju promised the young woman the boon of his protection.

Graduating from
Shin'o Academy, Midori chose to join the Gotei 13, enlisting in the 8th Division. Having already proven herself a talented Shinigami, Midori was appointed the 7th Seat within the Division. Following a few decades of work and effort, Midori was promoted to the 2nd Seat only recently. Eager to continue to prove herself, Midori dedicates herself to managing the day-to-day operations of of the 8th Division.

Reputation: Hard-working and dedicated, though typically avoided due to her antagonistic attitude. She is not known for her friendliness, or ability to work well with others. What she is known for, however, is her impressive speed and agility.


Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Jishinju

Zanpakuto Element: Kido: Defense-based.

no slide
no slide Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities: In its sealed state Midori's Zanpakuto appears to be a fairly ordinary looking kama, or hand sickle. It has a steel, curved blade and a solid black hilt. At the end of its hilt, there dangles a small steel chain, about 20 centimeters in length.

no slide
no slide Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities: It's Shikai command is "Stampede" (Satto), and upon release transforms into a kusarigama, or a chain-sickle. A very long chain extends from the sickle's base, and off its end hangs a spiked-weight. This can be used as a mid-range bludgeon, or to tangle around an opponents weapon or arms.

Serpents Hide


Hebi Kakushimasu


It's special ability encases the wielder in a light-weight, flexible chitin-plated armor that provides substantial protection without sacrificing speed or maneuverability. In addition to the armor bonus, the chitin plating is capable of camouflage, allowing the wearer to blend in with their surroundings. While the armor is great protection against piercing or cutting damage, Midori is still susceptible to blunt force damage.

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities: Unavailable at the moment.

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 8/10

Midori has an above average level of Spiritual Power, though it is considered typical for a Lieutenant.

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 5/10

She has a common understanding of typical swordplay, though there is certainly room for improvement.

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 3/10

Midori possesses a basic understanding of hand-to-hand. Although she rarely engages as such, and thus it is rarely practiced.

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 10/10

Certainly her strongest trait. She is acrobatic, nimble and can execute dexterous feats very quickly. She is also an expert at


or Flash Step technique.

Kido - 6/10

Midori has a slightly above average understanding of Kido. She mainly knows


spells, typically of the defensive type such as barriers.

Offense - 4/10

While not her strongest suit, Midori can handle herself in most offensive fights. However, her success in battle is typically determined by her ability to outmaneuver her opponent, not overpower them.

Defense - 9/10

Definitely a more reserved combatant than an offensive one, Midori's skills and talents are focused on more defensive abilities. She excels at outlasting her opponents.

Intelligence - 5/10

While no genius, Midori possesses average intelligence. She is still fairly young, and prideful, and has still much to learn.

Overall - 50/80

Miscellaneous Information

Aside from being known as the cold Vice-Captain of the 8th Division, she is also reputed to be a competent cook. She often boasts her takoyaki is the best in the entire Soul Society. As of the moment, being ninety-something years old, she is currently the youngest among the Lieutenants.


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  • OBK3089.jpg

    General Information:

    Full Name: Kiruchu

    Nicknames and Aliases: Nikuya

    Age: 1910, appearance resembles middle-aged man

    Species: Hollow

    Occupation: Shinigami

    Affiliation: Gotei 13, Previous Espada, Visored

    Division: 13th Division

    Seat: Captain

    Outlook Information:

    Appearance: Kiruchu appears as 6'2 man with a muscular build fit in his prime, despite his old age. Portions of his body are unnaturally stitched together by dark threads, including his mouth, which gives him an eerie glasglow smile. Underneath his mask he has shoulder length hair and green eyes with an abnormal red sclerae.

    Attire: Kiruchu wears a long dark overcoat that covers most of his body with its high length collar and long sleeves that extend past his hands. Underneath this coat he wears a sleeveless vest that exposes the stitched masks on his back. He also wears an unusual set of combative pants instead of the usual hakama.

    Hole: Located on his upper left chest where his heart is.

    Number: 3, located on the center back of his neck.

    Personal Information:

    Personality: Kiruchu is far from a talkative individual, preferring to speak only when it's necessary. He has very little tolerance for others when it comes to any kind of annoyance. When he's annoyed, he has fits of rage that are only quenched with killing. He doesn't have any emotion for any of his subordinates and will use abilities that will harm them if they get in his way. He has very good self restraint when in combat, as well as a level-headed mind when he's not enraged. Even if he's enraged, he still retains control of the situation. The only time when his personality and combat style changes is when he loses total control of a combat situation.

    Fears: Kiruchu fears losing control of any combat situation. Once he loses control, he'll begin to overestimate his opponents abilities and drastically change his attitude and battle tactics aggressively.

    Likes: Disciplined Subordinates, Total Control, Healthy Organs & Stolen Zanpakutos

    Dislikes: Wasting Time, Weak Opponents & Talkative Individuals

    Background Information:

    History: Captain Getsuya Kasumi 'of Gลrudoyoku' and high ranking members of his division arrived at the area where the distress call was made. Their arrival time was very quick, and the distress call was made less than ten minutes. What lay before them, however, were the mangled corpses of multiple shinigami that appeared to be missing certain organs. The captain already figured that whatever caused this massacre must have been a hollow. The only strange thing is that most of the dead shinigami were missing their zanpakutos as well. They reported their findings back to the Gotei 13 and continued on with their duties. However, this wouldn't be their last encounter with this supposed hollow.

    Captain Getsuya and his division had discovered many more corpses over the years. Their investigations could only turn up the same results, time and time again. No matter how fast they were to any distress call, they were always too late. They reported their finding to Central 46 and demanded a manhunt or bounty. Central 46 declared the crimes to have been committed by hollows and ordered an increased amount of shinigami to patrol outside of the Gotei 13, but neglected putting out any activate manhunt or bounty. Because of the growing amount of deaths and fear, many shinigami nicknamed this murderous 'creature' Nikuya. (Butcher)

    Despite their continuous efforts to convince members of the Gotei to begin a manhunt for Nikuya, Getsuya and his squad saw no progress for their goal. Acting against his higher authority, Getsuya took his fabled blade and few loyal squad members with him and went out on a hunt on their own. Getsuya hadn't returned, nor the members that went with him on their search. The Gotei 13 finally realized that he had gone missing after he failed to attend to a captains meeting. They began a search for him and his division members for many weeks following.

    Although they never discovered the captains body or his men, they discovered a reliable information through an undisclosed witness. The witness explain that the creature they believed to be Nikuya wasn't a hollow, but instead a cloaked man who was very similar to the shinigami he fought. Nikuya could harness the use of shinigami techniques and wielded many different zanpakutos that were believed to be stolen. Getsuya fought valiantly for a prolonged period of time before he was too fatigued to fight. The captain was killed swiftly and his zanpakuto was stolen. It's also been reported that a distress call was made, but the signal was blocked off by a large amount of reiatsu.

    Since the series of events, both the Gotei 13 and Central 46 have abolished the legend of Nikuya almost entirely. Of the few that do remember treat it as nothing more than a scary story to tell in the dark.

    Reputation: Many low level shinigami fear the rumors of Kiruchu for his fits of rage. Many say that he has killed four of his lieutenants in under a week because of their lack of discipline. However, no one has proven any acts of violence to Central 46. Higher level shinigami can see him as intimidating and usually avoid him. For the few that don't fear him are generally intrigued by his unnerving nature.

    Zanpakuto(s) Information:

    Kokushibyล Techniques


    Zanpakuto Name: Kokushibyล

    Aspect of Death: Greed

    Sword Element: Dark Threads

    Kokushibyล Possession:

    Kiruchu's Kokushibyล has the potential to control a users zanpakuto for an indefinite amount of time. The procedure to control a zanpakuto depends on a number of things. First off is that the user must be distant from their zanpakuto spiritually, as well as physically. Secondly, Kiruchu must have the zanpakuto in his possession before he can root his Kokushibyล Threads inside of the zanpakuto. Once he has done this, he gains control of the zanpakuto and seals the zanpakuto spirit away in one of the many masks laced in his back. Because he contains and controls the zanpakutos spirit in his masks, he can summon a shikai at will without any incantation.

    The downsides to this ability is that the zanpakuto can only be released up to its shikai state. It's impossible for Kiruchu to use its bankai. Secondly, if it's returned in any condition to its previous owner, Kiruchu will no longer have control of it and can no longer use his Kokushibyล Possession ability on it ever again. Lastly, if the mask on his back containing the zanpakuto spirit is broken, the zanpakutos spirit is released. Once it's released, Kiruchu's control of the zanpakuto is nullified completely. All damaged zanpakutos eventually recover no matter their condition.

    The maximum cap of stolen zanpakutos Kiruchu can have at any one point is

    Kokushibyล Threads: Kiruchu has the unique ability to seal his hollow powers in black threads instead of the usual zanpakuto which most arrancars use. These threads are laced in multiple parts of his body,. The threads are detachable and can extend to incredible lengths. They're able to penetrate skin and flesh easily depending on the victims spiritual power. Additional abilities from Kokushibyล Threads is that he can reattach the limbs of allies and himself. He can also extend his forearms and hands far distances from his body. Because of the way his Kokushibyล threads work, he cannot use his hierro to completely cover his to its full potential.

    The maximum amount he can cover his body at one time
    simultaneously with his hierro is [40%].


    Kokushibyล Devour:

    Kiruchu's Kokushibyล Threads have the ability to root themselves inside another persons organs and harvest them for himself. Because of this he can extend his life indefinitely. The length of this procedure depends on the organ he's harvesting, as well as the strength of the victim. It's extremely easier to harvest any organs from a corpse than it is from a live victim. Hearts are a unique organ in which they must be harvested from a victim that's alive. His Kokushibyล Threads also have the ability to steal memories from opponents for himself if he attaches the threads into their brain system. This leaves the victim in temporary amnesia. Their recovery time from their amnesia depends on their strength and willpower.

    If a victim still has their zanpakuto in their possession, their zanpakuto spirit may also decrease the amount of time it takes to recover their amnesia.


    Zanpakuto Name: Akaokui

    Zanpakuto Element: Reiatsu Suppression

    Zanpakuto Shikai Abilities: Akaokui is an unusual zanpakuto that's constantly released in its shikai state. Its origins are unknown, but it's believed to have been the second zanpakuto in a dual zanpakuto set. Its properties consist of something sinister, as it eats away at virtually 90% of the wearers reiatsu and any other reiatsu based abilities that come into contact this his/her skin. Because of this, one could successfully conceal their reiatsu and be almost invisible, while nullifying any reiatsu ability-based properties from them self. The downfall of this ring is that it limits the wearers abilities considerably. Should the ring be removed, it'll unleash a large amount of the consumed reiatsu, which can cause a large amount of damage to both the wearer and a large area of affect around them.



    Zanpakuto Name: Gลrudoyoku

    Zanpakuto Element: Fire Absorption

    Zanpakuto Shikai Lore and Abilities: Gลrudoyoku is a fabled zanpakuto that belonged to the member to one of the earliest generations of captains, Captain Getsuya Kasumi. Many tales say that his techniques with his zanpakuto were legendary for his time, and that his bankai could unleash hellflame. How it came into possession of Kiruchu is generally ignored, as the blade is mostly forgotten to the current members of the Gotei 13. Only senior members can recognize the blade.

    Gลrudoyoku has the ability to absorb any fire-based ability that comes into contact with the blade. When it absorbs any fire-based ability this way, it becomes charged up to a cap. When it is fully charged, Gลrudoyoku can relaunch all of the energy absorbed back in the direction the tip of the blade is facing. The relaunched energy forms as a black fireball with a speed and size that solely depends on the energy consumed. The blade also can remove most light sources in a medium-sized vicinity. Its bankai currently remains unknown.

    Shikai Appearance:


    Abilities Information:

    Spiritual Power - 1/10 - 10/10

    Kiruchu has one of the lowest spiritual energies in the Gotei 13 and is basically invisible to most detection. However, when his ring seal is removed, his true spiritual power is revealed. Many described the sensation of his reiatsu to be mixed with many different overwhelming energies. This may be due to the organs and zanpakutos he's stolen.

    Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 4/10

    Despite having a large arsenal of zanpakutos, Kiruchu's combat skill with them are subpar at best. The only notable skill he has with a zanpakuto in zanjutsu is a decent defense against
    front line attacks.

    Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 6/10 - 8/10

    Kiruchu displays a very competent understanding of hand to hand fighting. This is further amplified without his ring.

    Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 6/10

    Kiruchu has a basic understanding oh Hohou, although its effectiveness is shadowed by his sonido.

    Kido - 8/10

    Kiruchu has studied many different forms of kido in his lifetime. He recognizes most forms of kido and implements it in his offensive tactics almost flawlessly without incantations in most cases.

    Offense - 9/10

    Kiruchu's overall offense and defense are at equal strength.

    Defense - 9/10

    Kiruchu's overall offense and defense are at equal strength.

    Intelligence - 10/10

    With a lifetime of battle experience and a high intellect attributed by age and through his use of Kokushibyล Devour, Kiruchu has a vast arsenal of techniques with the knowledge to execute them. Kiruchu also recognizes most forms of kido based weaponry and abilities.

    Hierro - 10/10

    Kiruchu's heritage of being a powerful vasto lorde has granted him an almost impenetrable hierro. Because of this, he has a huge advantage against zanjutsu users. The only downfall is that his hierro is extremely weak against lightning based weaponry and abilities. The maximum percentage he can cover his body with his hierro at one time is 40%

    Sonido - 10/10 Kiruchu's Sonido is his greatest feat as a fighter. He has displayed unparalleled mastery over it and can keep up with even the fastest of opponents. The only users that can match his sonido are those who specialize in speed techniques.

    Regeneration Speed - 6/10

    Kiruchu has a naturally high regeneration thanks to his arrancar heritage. Combined with his Kokushibyล Threads that are capable of stitching his body parts back together and the additional ability to steal organs with his Kokushibyล Devour proves him an extremely difficult opponent to mortally wound.

    Overall - 100/120 (Arrancar Rating)

    Miscellaneous Information


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Full Name: Rosa Kodeosu

Nicknames and Aliases: Mistress Rosa, Rose

Age: Nearly 500 years old, though barely looks a day over 30

Species: Hollow

Occupation: Arrancar

Affiliation: Espada

Rank: 1st

Outlook Information


Attire: Rosa favors loose and flashy garments, rarely ever caring about appearance or defensive ability.

Hole: Directly under her breasts.

Hollow Mask:

Number: The number one lies on her neck connecting to her shoulder.

Personal Information

Personality: Calm, analytic, cold and sinister. Many regard Rosa as downright unnerving, everything she does is with a hidden purpose. She studies those around her extensively with a casual grin, often picking on selective individuals she finds amusing. Rosa's basic thirst for both entertainment and control itself is unquenchable, causing her to never feel content. Sometimes she can become completely absorbed in her personal vendettas, loosing sight of her originally intended plan.

Personal Philosophies:
"I wonder if you can fill the void in my chest...maybe just a taste."

Never filling the emptiness inside her. She also has a crippling fear insects, though she could just as easily destroy them with a thought.

Beauty, Drama, Power, and will often indulge herself in eating...anything.

Disobedience, being controlled, things that are ugly or unsightly.

Background Information WIP.

History: Rosa's background is mostly shrouded in mystery as she had only recently appeared in the last century. From what most can gather, though they dare not ask her directly, is that she was an upstart who came forth once the rejoining of the Espada had begun. She was not the first one to decide a reorganization, but Rosa intended to control it.

Her past is like that of many others, cruel and desperate circumstances brought only by desolate wasteland. Only the strong survived, with the sacrifice of others. However, Rosa was different from other arrancar. She reveled in the carnage as blood lust and desire drove her. Her outright brutality and power was eventually recognized as word spread. Out of all the arrancar, she was known as the most frightening. No one knew how she killed as not a drop of blood was wasted on the afterward. The woman has always consumed the corpse whole, bent on getting her fill.

As her infamy rose, a certain group of conspiring arrancar took interest. They approached her with an invitation to join the newly founded Espada, founded by a man supposedly the strongest among her people. It is unclear as what happened after that, due to all 15 members of the Espada disappearing. Only Rosa emerged, claiming to be the new head of the Espada, ensuring her tyrannical reign.

Feared, loathed, worshiped.

Sword Information

Aspect of Death: Gluttony

Sword Name: Sed De Sangre

Sword Element: Blood

Sword Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

Sed De Sangre, like its master, has an unyielding hunger. The longer it goes without a 'meal' the more agitated and powerful it gets. The blade itself is an embodiment of Rosa's own desires and hunger, and as such can never truly be content. However, as the blade is given more food it steadily begins storing up energy. Once at a high enough threshold, Sed De Sangre's true power can be released. By internal conversion, the food once inside the blade is condensed into a form of blood that can be controlled by Rosa at will. There, she can condense and crystallize it to be as strong as diamond, liquidate it, boil it, and change its very form.

Resurreccion Appearance and Abilities:

This is where the same power from before is increased to a much higher level, but is used very differently. Instead the blade itself is liquidized and melted down into a pool. From there it envelopes her hands up to her shoulders, forming scarlet and black gauntlets. As before where the blood itself was used as a weapon, now it is used to enhance Rosa's own abilities. However, there is three total forms of her unsealed power, and the draw backs can be severe. After two minutes of time her body would have accumulated enough energy to form a single tail of scarlet energy. Each tail she obtains slowly restores a portion of her original power. At three tails she can consume them to unlock a hidden portion of her power, a stage. Once consumed, the tails disappear and will have to start from the first tail once again.

The tails can be consumed ONLY at three tails, six tails, and 9 tails for various different effects. Each also have their own draw backs, but ultimately just using a single stage brings great fatigue to Rosa. Time during a stage does not count toward more tails, so only once the time end on a stage does the timer start again.

-Stage One-

Crimson Armor

The tree tails that were accumulated are consumed and large pools of blood surround Rosa's body. Once they have filled out enough they begin to fully envelop her, shielding her from all damage. Thick blood encases her like armor, making her nearly indestructible. During this time her speed is reduced even further to the point its hard to levitate, fly or even jump. Her weight transcends to that of 5 tons and is hard to move with PHYSICAL force. The Crimson Armor lasts for 3 minutes.

This stage harbors little to no drawbacks, though the armor removes her ability to regenerate during its use.

-Stage Two-

Dark Orbs

Opposite from the defensive oriented first stage, this is her most offensive 'form'. Six tails are consumed and the six tails of energy break off from Rosa's person and float in place. They are condensed until becoming the approx size of a basketball. Now they can be controlled at will by Rosa to do her work for her. Just like the unsealed form, they can be reshaped, condensed even further and crystallized, but that is not it. They can be made to explode, scatter into hundreds of shards, droplets, ect, used like a magnifying glass for her Cero, and be quickly devoured to enable an even more powerful Cero. This lasts for six minutes.

This stage requires adamant concentration and can be very draining toward Rosa's mental state. It also weakens her spiritual energy greatly.

-Stage Three-

The Great Devourer

The most dangerous of Rosa's three forms and a last resort that can only be used once in a single fight. This form requires 9 tails to be consumed, and has a slight chance to fail should she not have enough strength to use it. The 9 tails of energy are absorbed into her body and a transformation will begin. Currently I do not have a image of what she will look like, but its generally her original form. She has a huge increase in power and regenerative skills. (The rest will be explained later, as they are largely unnecessary currently.) This lasts for nine minutes.

The damage to her mind and body would be too much for her to continue using forms. Her blade would automatically seal again as would her power.

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 10/10

Swordsmanship - 10/10

Hand-to-hand Combat - 10/10

Offense - 10/10

Defense - 9/10

Intelligence - 10/10

Cero - 10/10

Bala - 10/10

Sonido - 10/10

Hierro - 8/10

Regeneration Speed - 10/10

Descorrer - 6/10

Overall - 110/120

Miscellaneous Information

Forgive me, it won't let me just put the single part. So skip to 5:15 for her theme. ^-^

Uh...I don't know what happened with the spoilers there. But I promise all the information is somewhere in that jumbled mess xD

Update: Had to remove all but one spoiler since for some reason it copy and pasted itself throughout the entire sheet. It was literally a spoiler, in a spoiler, in another spoiler...in yet another spoiler with only one sentence in it.

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General Information

Full Name: Vikas Reiniku

Nicknames and Aliases: Vikas prefers the nick name Rei given to him by Rosa. He is also know as ,but doesn't prefer any of the nicknames his comrades have thrust apon him, the black dog, and Reaper.

Age: 713

Species: Hollow

Occupation: Arrancar

Affiliation: Espada

Rank: 2

Outlook Information





Attire: Blue tattoos of fangs come off the sides of Vikases mouth. Vikas generally wears a dark gray shirt, along with black pants and a white tattered cloak. His hair is a dark grey and messy.

Hole: Vikases hole changes position along with his form. In human form it is covering the heart, in his second form it is on the right side of his chest, and in his final form it is on his tongue.

Hollow Mask: The mask consists of two wolf ears on top of his head. The white part leads down to the top of his right eye, but the rest of the mask is broken.

Number: The number two is on his neck on the left side of him. No fancy font, just a bold, block text 2.

Personal Information

Personality: Vikas is a man who doesn't enjoy to fight, and instead, would much rather take a nap or converse with friends. He is a very happy go lucky kind of guy who doesn't have much to worry about. Vikas isn't pissed off easily. He is very loving and protective of his pact.

Personal Philosophies: "I know nothing, except that i know nothing" "Life is a long, unfortunate, occurrence of problems, and the afterlife isn't much better." "Enjoy when you don't have a problem, for one will find you soon enough"

Fears: Vikas is afraid losing the pack and being alone.

Likes: Vikas enjoys many things, but his top three are long naps in the wind, Games played with others, and reading manga.

Dislikes: Vikas is somewhat passive compared to other arrancar. He doesn't like needless violence, or when his pack is being hurt. However the thing he doesn't like the most is the righteous soul society twats.

Background Information


Reputation: Most of the arrancar think he is very out of place, and often wonder how he could become so powerful. Vikas is only friends with a few of the arrancar including Rosa, who don't mind his quarkiness as an arrancar.

Sword Information

Aspect of Death: Misfortune

Sword Name: Naka (heart)

Sword Element: Night

Sword Sealed Appearance and Abilities: His sword appearance and forms go hand in hand with each other. The unreleased form of his zampakto goes with his human form. The released form goes with his second form, and in his final form him and his weapon become one.

Unreleased- In its unreleased form Naka is a katana with three charms coming off of it. each charm has a special meaning to the swords power. The star charm on the katana allows the sword to fire and manipulate cero like blasts form a slash. The fang on the sword embeds the sword in the cero like aura. And the moon creates an after image of Vikas.

Released- The released form retains the ability's from its last form, but amplifying them by ten. This also has a new ability to manipulate parts of the blade its self.



Resurreccion Appearance and Abilities:(both forms were put on the appearance part of the cp)

form one- This is what Vikas looks like when not in battle, his human form. He is very skilled in swordplay, and hand to hand combat. In all of his forms, he is most likely the fastest member of the espada.

form two- In vikases second form, it looks as though vikas is somewhat armored. He gains more speed, power, and an ability to perceive time more slowly then before. This is his most durable form.

Final form- His final form is the only form that vikas is his true self. this is the only form that vikas can use cero, and is on par with some of the strongest in the espada if not better. Vikas becomes one with his weapon Naka, so he can now use its ability's on himself. While in this form there is an additional bost in speed and power, along with Bala, and sonido performance. Vikas, however cannot keep the ability from his second form to change the blade its self.

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 10/10

Swordsmanship - 10/10

Hand-to-hand Combat - 9/10

Offense - 9/10

Defense - 9/10

Intelligence - 8/10

Cero - 1/10

Bala - 10/10

Sonido - 10/10

Hierro - 9/10

Regeneration Speed - 10/10

Descorrer - 8/10

Overall - 103/120

Miscellaneous Information

[/media] theme song<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Aranchar.jpg.805c28ada0cd4384a33b1ba1237454c8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70937" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Aranchar.jpg.805c28ada0cd4384a33b1ba1237454c8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Aranchar1.jpg.b2ea5dfdd4c4b9db848a80ade16b3ff6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70938" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Aranchar1.jpg.b2ea5dfdd4c4b9db848a80ade16b3ff6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/aranchar3.jpg.73a4e1e9188889c363e78c60472a2938.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/aranchar3.jpg.73a4e1e9188889c363e78c60472a2938.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c42f22080_zanpaktosealed.jpg.24a241d2ea74459691297f2a63a880ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70945" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c42f22080_zanpaktosealed.jpg.24a241d2ea74459691297f2a63a880ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c42f25d60_zanpaktounleashed.jpg.064f8ca8a4c7125e5d5759cbe1aff4d1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70946" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c42f25d60_zanpaktounleashed.jpg.064f8ca8a4c7125e5d5759cbe1aff4d1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Tokonatsu Ukihashi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Virgilia.full.618507.jpg.cd87a040c4b3bd56a11e76b8514b1dbe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Virgilia.full.618507.jpg.cd87a040c4b3bd56a11e76b8514b1dbe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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    Full Name: Tokonatsu Ukihashi (ๅธธๅคๆตฎๆฉ‹) (Tokonatsu is her surname, Ukihashi is her given.)

    Nicknames and Aliases: Everyone calls her Tokonatsu-taichou, but she permits those close to her to call her Uki. Her admirers call her Natsu-hime.

    Age: 1174, appears in her 20s-30s

    Species: Soul

    Occupation: Shinigami

    Affiliation: Gotei 13

    Division: 4

    Seat: Captain


    Ukihashi is an extremely tall woman, being 6โ€™5. She is curvaceous and on the slender side, but covered by her clothes is an extremely muscular body. Her hair is a light silver-blue mix, and she never opens her eyes. When she does, itโ€™s revealed that Ukihashi has bright sky-blue eyes. A demure smile is always dancing on her lips in any situation.

    Attire: Ukihashi wears the typical Captainโ€™s haori with sleeves, and the typical Shinigami uniform underneath it. Instead of the ordinary sash on the uniform, Ukihashi wears an obi. She also wears an orange safflower hair ornament on the side of her head, but changes her hair ornament occasionally.

    She occasionally enjoys dressing herself up in Victorian-style clothes when she isn't working. She also enjoys dressing up others in fancy dresses, whether they be male or female.



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General Information

Full Name:
Ryota Hisakawa

Nicknames and Aliases: He prefers to be called Ryota at all times, but will except Ryo or whatever his Captain chooses to call him.

Age: He's a little over 250 but appears to be in early 20's

Species: Soul

Occupation: Shinigami

Affiliation: Gotei 13

Division: 5th

Seat: Lieutenant

Outlook Information


Attire: Standing at 5"10'; Ryota wears the traditional lieutenant garb, but with a few modifications. His uniform is sleeveless though he doesn't wear it over his shoulders, choosing instead to allow it to hand down behind him over his white sash. He cut the robe open down the middle around the legs, giving view to the black cargo pants that he wears beneath, he prefers a comfortable modern look than the whole traditional boring look. He opted out of of the sandal socks and samurai sandals and instead chooses to wear a comfy pair of sneakers, he doesn't quite understand the whole socks and sandals look. He also has a set of matching earrings in his right and left ears, wears a skull cap with a red target symbol on the front and has a pair of wireless headphones. He has brown hair that's cut low and close to the skin and a mesmerizing pair of golden eyes that add depth to his delinquent visage. On his right arm, there are 70 tally-marks, which he had put there as a reminder of rougher times. On his right arm, sets of numbers that hold personal significance to him.

Personal Information

: Ryota is tough on those he has to oversee, not allowing anyone to slack off or fall behind. That being said, he doesn't pick-on or bully those that he considers to be the weakest links, but rather encourages them to do and be better...although sometimes his methods aren't conventional. He can be seen as pushy and rude and overbearing and demanding at times, but all those that look up to him know for a fact that he has their best interests in mind and would most certainly, though he hope it never came to that, die for them.

Reputation: He has no idea how others outside his own division see him, but figures that they would consider him to be a troublemaker, as his appearance may suggest and he can, in fact, be sometimes.

Personal Philosophies: You don't have to as strong as your weakest link, if you reforge the whole chain with something stronger than it was. A chain is only as strong as the material you use, and becoming complacent in your forging is what allows for chinks and breaks in links.

Fears: Seeing those he looks after die & Becoming useless or a hindrance to his captain.

Likes: Music, overcast skies, comedic manga, his squad, and spicy foods

Dislikes: Sushi, indecisive people, rude women, weak men, and those who feel a sense of entitlement

Background Information

: Ryota doesn't recall his life as a human, and although he believes he caught glimpses of it in his sleep before, he doesn't heed them any mind come the next day. All he's known since he arrived in the North end of the 79th District of Rukongai was struggle. Everyday was a struggle for survival; you had to steal if you planned on eating and fight if you planned on surviving. This lifestyle, on a daily basis, is what helped shaped Ryota into the man he is today. In his time spent in the 79th District he became the leader of a gang, which started out with 4 others and slowly grew to a staggering number of 70. They weren't your everyday delinquents that simply caused trouble for the satisfaction of it, but were more of a large family hellbent on surviving their circumstances. His life there is what forged and shaped him into the competent lieutenant that he is today, and although it was a rough time back then, he wouldn't have traded the experience or the hardships for anything.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Ny?d?-b?zu

Zanpakuto Spirit:

Zanpakuto Element: Lightning

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:
In its sealed state it is nothing more than a normal katana.

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities:

"Detekuru to uchimasu, Ny?d?-b?zu!" (Come forth and strike down, Ny?d?-b?zu) The abilities of this released form significantly increase the offensive power of lightning based Kido, as well as generally increase the striking power and speed and agility of the user, covering both the blade and the user in trickles of electricity. The released state, however, is a timed state, as it slowly whittles away at Ryota's stamina. The longer the fight goes on, once released, the faster he runs out of stamina.

Sand?kurappu (Thunder Clap)- This is the most powerful move that can be used in this state. This move can be used in a few ways; 1. Lightning accumulates around the blade, and can be pointed and fired directly at opponent. 2. With the weapon raised toward the sky (during overcast or stormy weather) Lightning can be summoned to rain in torrents in the relative area of the opponent. 3. A Kido spell, Byakurai, can be cast on the sword amplifying its lightning effectiveness to the max as well as the user, the user then moves as fast as lightning slashing their opponent multiple times as the sound of thunder can be heard with each slash, and at the end of the attack, each successful slash violently erupts lightning through their opponent and back into the sky.

These 3 abilities having a rise in their effectiveness with #3 being the most powerful and #1 being the least powerful. These moves quickly exhaust the user depending on the number of times used.

Ryota's ability to use these attacks: #1- 8 times; #2- 2 times; #3- 1 time...exceeding these numbers puts Ryota's life in danger as he well receive a great amount of recoil from the lightning itself.

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities: N/A

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 7/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 5/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 10/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 6/10-10/10 (With help of Shikai)

Kido - 8/10

Offense - 6/10

Defense - 7/10

Intelligence - 8/10

Overall - 57/80

[on average captains are 65/80 while lieutenants - 55/80]

Miscellaneous Information


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Full Name: Ayumi Yatamuri

Nicknames and Aliases: [anything from what other people call them to what your character insist to be referrers as goes here] Ayumi

Age: [here add their actual age combined with their "human" one appearance-wise] 121

Species: [if you chose this CS, then they are a soul] soul

Occupation: [if you chose this CS, then they are a shinigami] shinigami

Affiliation: [if you chose this CS, then that is Gotei 13] gotei 13

Division: 4th division

Seat: [captain or lieutenant] lieutenant

Outlook Information

Appearance: [here include a short description regarding their physical features together with a picture]

brownish red hair , light blue eyes. 5'4" 124lbs. Has a light scar on her right wrist

Attire: [describe their uniform and any special accessories they carry on their person] the basic gotei 13 uniform. Except for a red ribbon choker she wears around her neck. Which was a gift she recieved from a friend for making lieutenant

Personal Information

Personality: [don't just list traits but give a brief clarification as to how your personage acts]

she kinda layed back unless she on the job.

She prefers to stay back and let others lead in battle.

She is strict one thing and that's making sure everyone in her care is completely healed.

Personal Philosophies: [optional! if you choose to include this point, then share their life mottoes and beliefs by which they live] her philosophy is to protect her comrades no matter what.

Fears: [the minimum is one] closed in spaces. She has an extreme version of closaphobia. Which if she cant manage figure a way out she has panic attacks.

Likes: [the minimum is three] 1.likes the trees and nature around rukongai. she often climbs trees in district 1 area known as junrinan

2. Both Likes and respects her captain

3. Likes sweet candy of the human world

Dislikes: [the minimum is three]

1. Dislikes people that treat her squad like they are useless .

2. Dislike drinking alcohol and smoking

3. Close in spaces

Background Information

History: [keep in mind that souls, especially shinigami, don't usually remember their time on Earth. However, you can still mention what their existence as a human used to be]

she does not remember her life in the human world. Her earliest memories is of growing up in the 64th north district of the rukongai. She grew up stealing from those she felt didnt deserve what they had. She had very few friends during this time.

By the time she join the

Shin?reijutsuin either thoughs friends died or had abandoned her out of jealousy of her reiastu level.

When at Shin?reijutsuin her grades were high in Hakuda, Hoh?, and Kid? but only adverage in zanjutsu. It here she discover her talent for medical kido aka

Kaid? and barrier kido aka bakudo.

She graduated in her six year and place 5th seat in her squad. She continue to impress the gotei 13 and her upper squad mates. Recently she became lieutenant after the previous one died during a mission. She blames herself for this and tries to live up to his memory.

Reputation: [what other people think of them]

her reputation is that she often to childish for her seat said by others in other squads.

The 4th division views her as respectable and someone to live up to. She demands respect above all else from her under squad mate. She never been known to ask them to do something she wouldn't do.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: hira no seiryuu

Zanpakuto Spirit:

Zanpakuto Element: [it can be anything from fire to kido to illusions. Go creative with this one] kido type

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:



Iyashino ?ra - healing aura that surrounds her and her allies it appears light blue . It restores health small amounts heals over time at 4% reiastu loss


Shinkuuhazan - it a slash of wind that creates a vacuum not always effective cause she not very skilled using her zanpakuto in combat

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities: [add the release command here as well] (ignore the writing in the photo )release command is roar hira no seiryuu


First two abilities are here as well but are greatly increased in healing ability and power.

3. Gisei no shinkuuhazan - creates cuts all over an opponent body where reiastu leaks from. She then takes it combining it with reiastu to heal her and her allies. Can quickly exhaust her.

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities: [for captains only! add the release command here as well]


Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 1 being "terrible" and 10 being "superb". Also, if you wish to you can go in debt about their skill after each point listed bellow. This is, however, only optional]

Spiritual Power - 8/10

She has a fairly good amount of reiastu to

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 6/10

She not bad with swordmanship but she better at kido so thst where she focusing.

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 4/10

Not good at all . But not horrible. She lacks any strengh to do enough damage.

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 8/10

Like her caprain she believes she need to be fast to be useful. She mainly uses her hohou for dodging

Kido - 8/10

She great in kido spells. She strong enough to combine several kido together. Her biggest strengh is her barrier and healing kido.

Offense - 4/10 although great in a surprise attack. Her best bet is to let someone fight while she heals

Defense - 8/10 knows alot barrier kido that protects her and her allies while she heals them.

Intelligence -9/10

Overall - 55/80

[on average captains are 65/80 while lieutenants - 55/80]
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Renzo Tahara

  • Full Name: Renzo Tahara

    Nicknames and Aliases: Captain Renzo (for formalities), Butcher of Hollows (very old nickname, only few people remember that), Renzo (only called by close friends)

    Age: 1117 years old, looks around 35

    Species: Soul

    Gender: Male

    Occupation: Shinigami

    Affiliation: Gotei 13

    Division: 6th

    Seat: Captain

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General Information

Full Name
: Chizu Kaneshiro

Nicknames and Aliases: She has been called both Chi-Chi and simply Chi by both Black Dog and Rosa, but prefers if others would simply call her Chizu, as she feels the other two are pet names.

Species: Hollow

Occupation: Arrancar

Affiliation: The Espada

Rank: #3

Outlook Information


Attire: Stands at 5"4' 1/2. Her top is a crop top form of the Arrancar uniform with an opening just under her neck line. She wears the standard white pants, has a pair of fingerless white gloves that go up her forearm, and wears no shoes.

Hole: Her hole is located where her bellybutton would've been

Hollow Mask:

Number: Her number is located on the back of her neck.

Personal Information

: Spiteful, disconnected, and cold. Her feminine wrath doesn't even come close to Rosa's, but that doesn't mean that one should end up on her bad side. She can be both manipulative and vindictive, smiling in your face one moment and stabbing you from behind in the next. She is impulsive and reckless at times, while on the other hand, she can also be cruel and calculating. Her mood tends to sway back and forth depending on the issue at hand; Arrogant, egotistical, impatient, short-tempered, overconfident, vain, and manipulative.

Personal Philosophies: "The weak are devoured by the strong, so become the strongest or face becoming someone's meal."

"There's something beautiful about the absolution of Death, although being the dispenser of that absolution has its perks too."

"Kill or be killed...it's a lifestyle, and one I plan to be on winning side of."

"Always fight as if you knew you were destined to win, mind of matter can make thoughts into reality."

Fears: Becoming a play thing to either Rosa or Black Dog

Likes: The look of frustration on an opponent's face, the look of shock right before she finishes someone off, being a wrung higher than the other 6, and sparring.

Dislikes: Being told what to do, Losing to Black Dog, being called Chi-Chi by Black Dog and Rosa, outsiders, anyone who is not an Espada getting tangled in their business.

Background Information

: [keep in mind arrancar are simply were born of a Menos Grande, which is composed of many hollows. Thus, they will possess no memories of life as humans]

Reputation: [what other people think of them]

Sword Information

Aspect of Death
: Absolution

Sword Name: Owari (The End)

Sword Element: Illusion

Sword Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

The sword activates its unique ability once it clashes with the weapon of her opponent. The sword gives off an invisible and undetectable aura that slowly attacks the mind of her opponent. The result of this slow hypnosis is to slowly discourage the opponent; it may appear that she's become faster, their wounds more severe, energy rapidly depleting, an overwhelming sense of exhaustion, pain doubling or even quadrupling, and an overall sense of their impending death, which if they reach that state and stay in it for a long time will eventually come to terms with their soon to be death and welcome a finishing blow with little to no resistance.

Resurreccion Appearance and Abilities:

This state amplifies the effect of the former ten fold, the longer the battle draws on the quicker her opponent reaches absolution. The illusions work on the level of Mind over Matter...what the mind believes the body will percieve, thus her opponents mentally cause they're own downfall.

Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 1 being "terrible" and 10 being "superb". Also, if you wish to you can go in debt about their skill after each point listed bellow. This is, however, only optional]

Spiritual Power - 8/10

Swordsmanship - 10/10

Hand-to-hand Combat - 2/10

Offense - 4/10

Defense - 9/10

Intelligence - 7/10

Cero - 10/10

Bala - 10/10

Sonido - 6/10

Hierro - 7/10

Regeneration Speed - 4/10

Descorrer - 9/10

Overall - 101/120

[the average strength depends on the arrancar's rank - for example, the 5th Espada is 95/120]

Miscellaneous Information

The color of her aura is black and dark pink, her eyes are a hot pink, and her hair goes from black at the top and slowly gets a tinge of pink coloring as it goes down to pink tips.
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SoulFire said:

General Information

Full Name
: Chizu Kaneshiro

Nicknames and Aliases: She has been called both Chi-Chi and simply Chi by both Black Dog and Rosa, but prefers if others would simply call her Chizu, as she feels the other two are pet names.

Species: Hollow

Occupation: Arrancar

Affiliation: The Espada

Rank: #3

Outlook Information


Attire: Stands at 5"4' 1/2. Her top is a crop top form of the Arrancar uniform with an opening just under her neck line. She wears the standard white pants, has a pair of fingerless white gloves that go up her forearm, and wears no shoes.

Hole: Her hole is located where her bellybutton would've been

Hollow Mask:

Number: Her number is located on the back of her neck.

Personal Information

: Spiteful, disconnected, and cold. Her feminine wrath doesn't even come close to Rosa's, but that doesn't mean that one should end up on her bad side. She can be both manipulative and vindictive, smiling in your face one moment and stabbing you from behind in the next. She is impulsive and reckless at times, while on the other hand, she can also be cruel and calculating. Her mood tends to sway back and forth depending on the issue at hand; Arrogant, egotistical, impatient, short-tempered, overconfident, vain, and manipulative.

Personal Philosophies: "The weak are devoured by the strong, so become the strongest or face becoming someone's meal."

"There's something beautiful about the absolution of Death, although being the dispenser of that absolution has its perks too."

"Kill or be killed...it's a lifestyle, and one I plan to be on winning side of."

"Always fight as if you knew you were destined to win, mind of matter can make thoughts into reality."

Fears: Becoming a play thing to either Rosa or Black Dog

Likes: The look of frustration on an opponent's face, the look of shock right before she finishes someone off, being a wrung higher than the other 6, and sparring.

Dislikes: Being told what to do, Losing to Black Dog, being called Chi-Chi by Black Dog and Rosa, outsiders, anyone who is not an Espada getting tangled in their business.

Background Information

: [keep in mind arrancar are simply were born of a Menos Grande, which is composed of many hollows. Thus, they will possess no memories of life as humans]

Reputation: [what other people think of them]

Sword Information

Aspect of Death
: Absolution

Sword Name: Owari (The End)

Sword Element: Illusion

Sword Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

The sword activates its unique ability once it clashes with the weapon of her opponent. The sword gives off an invisible and undetectable aura that slowly attacks the mind of her opponent. The result of this slow hypnosis is to slowly discourage the opponent; it may appear that she's become faster, their wounds more severe, energy rapidly depleting, an overwhelming sense of exhaustion, pain doubling or even quadrupling, and an overall sense of their impending death, which if they reach that state and stay in it for a long time will eventually come to terms with their soon to be death and welcome a finishing blow with little to no resistance.

Resurreccion Appearance and Abilities:

This state amplifies the effect of the former ten fold, the longer the battle draws on the quicker her opponent reaches absolution. The illusions work on the level of Mind over Matter...what the mind believes the body will percieve, thus her opponents mentally cause they're own downfall.

Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 1 being "terrible" and 10 being "superb". Also, if you wish to you can go in debt about their skill after each point listed bellow. This is, however, only optional]

Spiritual Power - 8/10

Swordsmanship - 10/10

Hand-to-hand Combat - 2/10

Offense - 4/10

Defense - 9/10

Intelligence - 7/10

Cero - 10/10

Bala - 10/10

Sonido - 6/10

Hierro - 7/10

Regeneration Speed - 4/10

Descorrer - 9/10

Overall - 108/120

[the average strength depends on the arrancar's rank - for example, the 5th Espada is 95/120]

Miscellaneous Information

The color of her aura is black and dark pink, her eyes are a hot pink, and her hair goes from black at the top and slowly gets a tinge of pink coloring as it goes down to pink tips.
I greatly look forward to picki-...working with you~

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    General Information

    Full Name:

    Haruka Batsura

    Nicknames and Aliases:

    She will always prefer to be addressed by her first name, but her closest friends can call her "Haru". She also doesn't seem to mind it when someone she knows refer to her by "Sister".









    Outlook Information


    Haruka presents features very common in for a girl her age. She stands at an average of 5'5 and weights a total of 126 lbs. Her skin tone shows small hints of some small sun-bathing, but at the same time isn't far from the pale tone. Haruka's jet black hair is always kept above the shoulder level as, according to her, long hair is more of a problem to keep tidy. A very remarkable feature of her's is the pair of dazzling green eyes that lay above her nose and, if one looks hard enough, the fire of excitement that dances inside the black voids that are her pupils. There's also a small presence of makeup scattered across her facial being the light pink lipstick and her shaded eyes.


    Haruka's clothing diversity seems to be almost none existent. She is mostly seen wearing a plain white sleeveless shirt combined with an maltreated looking black tie, a checkered red and black skirt and a pair of lengthy pair of dark-grey heeled boots with a checkers pattern very similar to that of the skirt. When it comes down to accessories Haruka has a wide variety of them including her long black and white stocking with a stripped pattern, a pair of stripped patterned black and red protective sleeves, a very loose black leather belt with a golden buckle in the shape of a heart with wings, a red collar around her neck from which a golden locket hangs and a deep blue officer hat with a golden button with a "V" engraved into it. Haruka can also be seen carrying a bag similarly colored to her hat everywhere she goes as it contains many objects she prefers to keep within her reach (Such as her moon pin, the book in which she writes, a picture of her and Akita, etc).

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    A very ordinary looking pin shaped out to look similar to the moon during its Waning Crescent part of the cycle. It's made out of stainless steel and dyed with a very silver-like color. Because of Haruka's passionate care for this pin it always looks as if it were brand new.

    Fullbring Released Appearance and Abilities:


    The moon pin's released form is a very unexpected one to say the least. For starters the needle will point downward before its height drastically grows to the point in which it almost surpasses its wielder. The newly grown snath will be then covered in a material that looks very similar to porcelain and feels almost like glass. Attached to the end of the snath is also be large dreamcatcher from which stringed feathers hang freely. The moon's pin will also suffer some major changes as it becomes the blade of Sandman. Its edge will become as sharp as that of a sword, but weights light as a feather. The material from which the blade is made is very similar, if not the same, to that of Sandman during its sealed state, and it looks as clean and stainless as before.

    When it comes down to its powers Sandman becomes both a powerful weapon and an useful tool. These skills are:

    Dream Manipulation:

    A skill whose uses are far from direct combat and instead focus on the deterioration of a foe's mind. Upon its activation a pale blue light will emanate from the dreamcatcher and wielder's 's eyes, which will enable them to pin-point any nearby individuals that are sleeping during the time of the activation. After this the wielder will be allowed to infiltrate his/her victim's mind and freely manipulate their dreams, which could lead to the creation of scarring nightmares if the victim is frail enough. Whilst the wielder is inside the mind of its victim its body will fall into a state very similar to sleep, leaving his/her very open to attacks. Though the wielder can leave the mind of its victim at any given time there are two things that will force him/her back to his/her body, which are: If the victim suddenly wakes up OR if his/her body takes any kind sort of damage during its "sleeping" state.


    Similar to Sandman's other skill this one heavily relays on the victim's psyche, but its used for more offensive purposes. After Sandman manages to cause an injury with its blade to an enemy the wielder's appearance in the eyes of the damaged victim will slowly change and eventually become the victim's biggest fear, but with a humanoid shape. If the victim has no physical fears (Like the fear of being lost) the scythe will simply turn the wielder into the figure of one of the victim's loved ones (Do keep in mind that only the wounded victim will see the wielder like this, so in a sort of they this skill could be considered an illusion). This skill does not enchant any of the wielder's abilities and it heavily depends on the victim's mental power to fight their biggest fear and/or damage a loved one.

    It's worth noticing that there's a big downside to Sandman. The longer the wielder holds the fullbring during its released form the sleepier will she/he feel. If used for extended amount of time the weilder will experience the same effects as sleep deprivation such as: Impairment of judgement, forgetfulness, slower reflects, etc.

    Abilities Information

    Spiritual Power - 8/10

    Among the other Fullbringers Haruka's Reiatsu is very much above average and it doesn't take much for it to be sensed. Haruka's Reiatasu is blue with a golden outline.

    Swordsmanship - 10/10

    This is her fort. Seeing how Haruka knows the limitations of her Fullbringer she practices her swordsmanship in order to cause larges amount of damage in short periods of time.

    Hand-to-hand Combat - 3/10

    Her worse area when it comes down to offensive and defensive power. Haruka is extremely dependent of her fullbring and without it she is rendered almost useless to fight.

    Speed - 8/10

    Haruka's flexible body allows her to perform usable stunts to avoid attacks such as backflips and running up walls for a very short period of time. Even though Haruka isn't lacking on this area she isn't the best at it.

    Offense - 9/10

    Without a doubt Haruka is someone who prefers dealing damage rather than taking it. Combining her speed with her swordsmanship allows her to make devastating blows to her enemies in a short window of time.

    Defense - 7/10

    Though she may not be bad at it defensive plays don't suite Haruka very much. She knows how to avoid incoming blows by using acrobatics and protect herself with Sandman, but a scythe isn't a weapon meant to be used for shielding purposes, so it isn't the easiest thing to do.

    Intelligence - 5/10

    If it were for Haruka she would probably run straight into a battle, even if she knows that wouldn't be the best course of action. Instead she always leaves the planning to the smarter Xcution members before executing the plan to the letter.

    Overall - 50/70
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General Information

Full Name: Ryuuga Hiroshi

Nicknames and Aliases:

Age: 288, appears 24

Species: Soul

Affiliation: Shinigami

The Vizored

Outlook Information

Appearance: Tall and slender at 6'4 with a thin layer of muscle. Has some minor scarring on his arms and chest from his time in the 11th division


Attire: Prefers to wear his Onmitsukid? uniform under his haori and augments the otherwise plain clothing with an elaborate scarf.

Hollow Mask:
Personal Information

Personality: Ryuuga performs his duties as captain with dedication but remains light-hearted in almost everything he does. A strong believer in the ends justifying the means he's happy to ignore the rules without a second thought when it's perceived as necessary.

Personal Philosophies: It's only a crime if you get caught.

Fighting with honour is a way to feel good about dying.

Fears: Being discovered performing illegal activities and disgraced publicly.

Likes: Sneaking up on people, studying the World of the Living, when a plan comes together

Dislikes: 11th Division, bureaucracy, people without a sense of humour

Background Information

History: Ryuuga started his time in Soul Society as a thief in the middling districts of Rukongai with great success as he leveraged his burgeoning powers until he became overconfident enough to try stealing from a Shinigami. After being easily captured Ryuuga was press-ganged into the Shinigami academy at the point of a Zanpakuto but found much to his own surprise that he seemed to fit the position.

Joining the 11th division looking for active fighting experience he moved quietly through the ranks until the initial release of his Zanpakuto and discovering that it's type didn't fit the 11th's preference for physical Zanpakuto leading him to transfer to the 2nd division.

Propelled upward by his easy acceptance of the division's cloak & dagger style and stealthiness from his thieving days Ryuuga initially served in the Executive Guard of the Onmitsukid? until he was promoted to the Lieutenant position and command of the Patrol Corps.

Ryuuga's final promotion to captain came when the previous head of the 2nd division was moved to the 0th and he successfully demonstrated his Bankai in the captain proficiency test.

Reputation: Ryuuga is fairly well respected among the second division and most of the others with the exception of the 11th which considers him a traitor or a coward for transferring away so quickly. Nobles who know about his shady origins distrust him particularly considering his position.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Desusut?k? (Deathstalker)

Zanpakuto Spirit:


Zanpakuto Element: Poison

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities: Wakizashi style blade


Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities: "Skitter, Desusut?k?." (Deathstalker)

The blade transforms into a scorpion roughly 15cm long, sometimes called "the smallest Zanpakuto ever" it is directly controlled by Ryuuga who can see from it's point of view making it an ideal tool for discreet scouting and spying. In combat it is used to approach and sting the enemy while Ryuuga occupies the enemy with his Hakuda skills.

The venom causes paralysis of the body and the victim's ability to manipulate their spiritual power though individuals of higher strength and skill with their energy can mitigate the effects.

The remaining hilt gains a spike on the bottom that is also capable of injecting the venom into an opponent.


Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities: "Let them see you, Mujihina Desusut?k?." (Merciless Deathstalker)

The scorpion attaches to Ryuuga's body and forms chitinous plating over his body providing increased physical strength, heightened speed and greater defence. The armour also blocks spiritual energy from leaking out making it undetectable while the plating is intact. The tail presses against the back and covers the head like a helmet while not in combat, when fighting the stinger is capable of delivering much larger doses of venom capable of incapacitating almost any target.


Abilities Information

Usual Form

Spiritual Power - 7/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 7/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 10/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 10/10

Kido - 5/10

Offense - 8/10

Defense - 6/10

Intelligence - 9/10

Overall - 62/80

Hollowfied Form

Spiritual Power - 10/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 8/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 10/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 10/10

Kido - 6/10

Offense - 10/10

Defense - 8/10

Intelligence - 9/10

Overall - 71/80

Miscellaneous Information

Due to the biological nature of his Zanpakuto both the Shikai and Bankai stages can be 'repaired' through conventional healing methods. Ryuuga is a lefty.
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IG42 said:
General Information

Full Name: Ryuuga Hiroshi

Nicknames and Aliases:

Age: 288, appears 24

Species: Soul

Affiliation: Shinigami

The Vizored

Outlook Information

Appearance: Tall and slender at 6'4 with a thin layer of muscle. Has some minor scarring on his arms and chest from his time in the 11th division


Attire: Prefers to wear his Onmitsukid? uniform under his haori and augments the otherwise plain clothing with an elaborate scarf.

Hollow Mask:[I] [here insert its appearance][/I]

Personal Information

Personality: Ryuuga performs his duties as captain with dedication but remains light-hearted in almost everything he does. A strong believer in the ends justifying the means he's happy to ignore the rules without a second thought when it's perceived as necessary.

Personal Philosophies: It's only a crime if you get caught.

Fighting with honour is a way to feel good about dying.

Fears: Being discovered performing illegal activities and disgraced publicly.

Likes: Sneaking up on people, studying the World of the Living, when a plan comes together

Dislikes: 11th Division, bureaucracy, people without a sense of humour

Background Information


Reputation: [what other people think of them]

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name:

Zanpakuto Spirit:

Zanpakuto Element: Poison

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities: [add the release command here as well]

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities: [for captains only! add the release command here as well]

Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 1 being "terrible" and 10 being "superb". Also, if you wish to you can go in debt about their skill after each point listed bellow. This is, however, only optional]

Usual Form

Spiritual Power - x/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - x/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - x/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - x/10

Kido - x/10

Offense - x/10

Defense - x/10

Intelligence - x/10

Overall - x/80

Hollowfied Form

Spiritual Power - x/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - x/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - x/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - x/10

Kido - x/10

Offense - x/10

Defense - x/10

Intelligence - x/10

Overall - x/80

[if the visored was a former lieutenant, they would go up to probably 65/10, while captains all the way up to 75/80]

Miscellaneous Information

[any additional info you want to share goes here, whether it relates to their talents, thoughts, relationships, etc. Also, you can insert a theme song here]

You're going to need to find a new squad to be the captain of, I'm already captain of the 11th...or perhaps you meant former captain of
SoulFire said:
You're going to need to find a new squad to be the captain of, I'm already captain of the 11th...or perhaps you meant former captain of
i thought there couldnt be any cannons of the people in the original show as far as being someone
SoulFire said:
You're going to need to find a new squad to be the captain of, I'm already captain of the 11th...or perhaps you meant former captain of
Former member of I reserved 2nd

Full Name: Shinohara Kyosuke

Nicknames and Aliases: Most just refer to him as Captain, though many in secret call him the 'Crimson Cobra'. He however takes offense to such a name.

Age: 230 Years old, has the wisdom of elders but the appearance of 40 year old man.

Species: Soul

Occupation: Shinigami

Affiliation: Gotei 13

Division: 12th

Seat: Captain

Outlook Information


Attire: Shinohara wears the traditional clothing provided for him, though he made sure to apply a few of his chosen touches. On top of his normal black uniform he wears scarlet body armor with several different insignia aligned down the side. Something of his own creation, its made with the strongest material and empowered with his own energy. The inside of his Captain's uniform is scarlet red as is a short cape that rests on his shoulders. The red addition to his attire has been known to be called tacky or flashy, but he views it as a necessity. However, for reasons unknown his sandals have an elongated length. He is always carrying various books and papers on his person at all time. His eyesight can be poor at times, so he has spectacles should the need arise.

Personal Information

Personality: Confident, brave, indefatigable, rational.

The most basic of attributes one could muster when speaking of Captain Shinohara. Every step he takes is with a bit of swagger, a confident grin always plastered on his face. Generally the man is quite egotistical and arrogant, but has a kind heart and cares for others deeply. Shinohara's work keeps him busy most of his day, keeping him away from social contact. If he's not in his lab, he's in the study, if not in the study he's in his personal library. The man has a restless nature and simply has to be doing something important at all times.

Rather than have his lieutenant be a personal assistant, he gives them the responsibility of looking after his assigned men. Well respected, but not quite understood, other shinigami seem to find it hard to approach him.

Personal Philosophies: "If you don't have an answer to a problem...invent it! Let nothing stop your progress." He also prefers "Every failure is like finding the correct road to success. If something breaks and I find the reason why it did, I am that much closer to reaching my goal."

Fears: The misuse of his intelligence by those above him.

Likes: His work, reading and creating riddles.

Dislikes: Boring subjects. Talking about his past. Hollows. He especially dislikes mocking him or his work.

Background Information

History: There isn't much in Shinohara's background. He joined up to be a shinigami simply for the chance of a higher living. As he was, he had no chance to pursue knowledge of any kind. If he could successfully manage to become a soul reaper, that chance of knowledge could very well be in his grasp. In his younger days of a shinigami, he trained his hardest to ensure his dream come true. He excelled far more than expected by his supervisors, and showed promise. Due to his natural talent and skill in combat, he was offered to join the 1st division where 'His abilities would be best suited'. Despite the offer, Shinohara turned it down and stated his interest in joining the 12th division.

Granted the chance to join the division of his choice, he continued to work towards his goals. With the division much less centered on physical strength, he found that it was the best fit for him. He has resided in the division ever since, declining any promotion or role that would have him removed otherwise. After some time, he moved up within the 12th division before being placed as lieutenant by the previous captain. With the captain's strange disappearance, Shinohara was promoted and now spends his days with endless research.

Reputation: While not known for his valor or expertise in combat, many know who to look to for any amount of information. Shinohara's vast intellect and wit has earned him the respect of his peers.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Kiba Ejji

Zanpakuto Spirit: Medusa


Zanpakuto Element: Venom

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

Shinohara's katana is rather normal in appearance, save for the snake themed fittings.


Snake Whisperer: (Less important, but I thought it should be noted.)

As if his calling, he has always had a knack of controlling reptilian creatures. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, he would find various lizards and snakes clustered along the borders of his home. Later on in life, through study, this was only strengthened. He now has learned absolute control over them, and has various snake as pets.

Venom of the Cobra:

The serpent themed fittings on his blade begin to slowly coil and hiss. At the head of the snake a deadly venom will begin to drip from its fangs. Shinohara himself is immune, but should the liquid touch others it could be deadly. It's acidic enough to melt stone (Not anything like metal, or an energy shield however. That would be insane. >->) and if it enters the body, it wont cause death but a crippling paralysis.

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities:

"Show them cold death, Kiba Ejji!"


Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities:

With Shinohara's Bankai, his speed and precision increases dramatically. He also gains several new abilities.

Medusa's Gaze:


As you would expect from him, he borrows Medusa's eyes. His sight is clearer, he sees everything in slower motion. Nothing can escape his sight EASILY, making it nearly impossible to surprise or hide from him. He can see energies, maneuver in the dark easily and see from great distances. Looking into his eyes directly will cause you to freeze, unable to move. You will not turn to stone as the ability is a type of illusion, relying on fear, insecurities, and confusion to cripple you. The eyes are active at all times during Bankai, but over-use will cause great damage to his already bad eyesight. (Now that I think about it, this is starting to sound a lot like the Sharingan. Believe me when I say this was all original thought for me.

Limited to one? Hah!:

Shinohara has many different bows at his disposal, all with various effects and abilities.

Haipageiru (Hyper Gale)- His strongest bow and the one used by Medusa herself.

(Others will come later.)

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 10/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 7/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 7/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 10/10

Kido - 6/10

Offense - 10/10

Defense - 4/10

Intelligence - 11/10

Overall - 65/80

Miscellaneous Information

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General Information

Full Name:

Zira des Derume

Nicknames and Aliases:

Little Boy (he don't like this name)


His real Age is 700 years but he looks like 14








4th Espada

Outlook Information


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-127.jpeg.98abdf25760d103ecbb267eb3065f510.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71591" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-127.jpeg.98abdf25760d103ecbb267eb3065f510.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He appears to be rather weak.

He has Dark Red hairs and Yellow eyes.

He isn't very big (rather little). With a Height of

4''8 foot and inches (143 centimetres), he's the midget among the Espada. That's why the other Espada (or even other Arrancar and Hollows) tease him. Some Arrancar call him 'Little boy' cause he's... Yeah... little, but he don't like this Name and sometimes even Rages out.


A vest and a pair of shorts with the style of the arrancar Uniform.

He wrapped his feet in bandages and is not wearing shoes, cause he's faster without them (he said).

He wears two black bands on each arm.


He hides his Hole (it's in the center of his belly)

Hollow Mask:

You can't say what his Hollow Mask was, you only see that it's on his Nasal Bone.


It's on his upper right arm

(You don't see the number in the picture)

Personal Information


Zira is a very friendly guy. Some of the Female Arrancar like him, cause he's cute... With Cute, I mean: like a Kid.

He don't like it when the other Arrancar call him little boy. Sometimes he even rages out when the other Arrancars call him little boy.

Personal Philosophies:



He Fears that the other Arrancars don't respect him.


He likes the the other, higher ranked Espada cause he want to beat them one day, but now has to learn from them.

He likes Hueco Mundo, cause he grew up here and has friends here.

He likes the Menos Forest, cause he thinks that the Gillian are funny.


He don't like Vasto Lorde, cause they

Reminding him on his past.

He don't like Adjuchas, cause they Reminding him on his past too

(He didn't liked to eat them to get a Vasto Lorde)

He hates The Sun, cause he grew up at a dark place. As he saw the sun the first time, he wanted to cry cause it burned in his eyes.

Background Information


He doesn't talk much about hid past.

The only thing you know is, that he was the weakest Vasto Lorde.

After his transformation into an Arrancar, he wasn't able to control his Powers cause his Powers were sealed as he was a Hollow. But he managed to control them and even became the 4th Espada. But Zira wasn't happy. He knew that he's able to become the 1st Espada, but his powers make this impossible. Even if he has one of the strongest Hieros, he loses it if he rages out, but gets a strength boost. If he loses Concentration, his Hiero get weaker. He thinks, that his powers aren't on the full level, cause he's one of the younger Arrancar. That's why he started to learn from the other, higher ranked Espada.


Sword Information

Aspect of Death:


Sword Name:

Llamas rayo (Flames Lightning)

Sword Element: It's a Fire Electric Type

Sword Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-51.jpeg.398d22266af1570ef70a6bde1726aca5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71607" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-51.jpeg.398d22266af1570ef70a6bde1726aca5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It has the Ability to turn into a Red Light Spear and Blast Red Fire beams that are surrounded with dark red Lightnings.

Resurreccion Appearance and Abilities:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-172.jpeg.26c56abb204c2400753f46d1dd00aa3c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71610" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-172.jpeg.26c56abb204c2400753f46d1dd00aa3c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-gets the ability to summon Red Light Spears to throw them on the enemy

-gets a big Speed boost and a little strength boost.

Resurreccion Phrase:


Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 10/10

Swordsmanship - 8/10

Hand-to-hand Combat - 9/10

Offense - 9/10

Defense - 9/10

Intelligence - 6/10

Cero - 10/10

Bala - 5/10

Sonido - 10/10

Hierro - 10/10

Regeneration Speed - 7/10

Descorrer - 4/10

Overall - 97/120

[the average strength depends on the arrancar's rank - for example, the 5th Espada is 95/120]

Miscellaneous Information


His Gran Rey Cero is Orange and Surrounded by Red Lightnings. He created a Cero that looks like a Getsuga Tenshou, only two times bigger and he's able to fire it like Balas. He calls it Cero Hoz. He fires his Cero with a Kick or a Punch. In his Resurrecciรณn, he fires it out his Wings. His Normal Cero is Red.



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(hows my fullbringer?)


General Information

Full Name: Kisuke Shinichi

Nicknames and Aliases: Ki-chan

Age: 18+god knows how long.

Species: Soul


Souls Society( captain 8th)/Visored

Outlook Information


Hollow Mask


Personal Information

Personality: [don't just list traits but give a brief clarification as to how your personage acts]

Personal Philosophies: [optional! if you choose to include this point, then share their life mottoes and beliefs by which they live]

Fears: Loss of his people he swears to protect

Likes: [the minimum is three]

Dislikes: [the minimum is three]

Background Information

History: [remember that visoreds are ex-shinigami so don't forget to tell us about their time in Gotei 13, what division they come from, what seat they occupied, etc]

Reputation: [what other people think of them]

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Melchsee

Zanpakuto Spirit:

It is a being of many shapes and sizes.

Zanpakuto Element: energy

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

Melchsees force

shown on first picture No abilities in its basic form.

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities:

Melcsees speed

Increases his speed exponentially


Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities:

"Open up to me. MELCHSEE'S Door!"


His zanpakuto shatters into 7 pieces, and out of that, this deadly bankai is formed.

These balls are pure energy made manifest, an unstoppable force to be sure. They can be stretched to be swords and lances, move autonomously at breakneck speeds. They have many uses that even he does not even know about. The downside is that they cause great stress on his body in human form, and can be only sustained for 10 minutes.

Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 1 being "terrible" and 10 being "superb". Also, if you wish to you can go in debt about their skill after each point listed bellow. This is, however, only optional]

Usual Form

Spiritual Power - 8/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 7/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 5.5/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 8/10

Kido - 8/10

Offense - 8/10

Defense - 8/10

Intelligence - 8/10

Overall - 59.5/80

Hollowfied Form

Spiritual Power - 10/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 8/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 6/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - `10/10

Kido - 8/10

Offense - 10/10

Defense - 9/10

Intelligence - 9/10

Overall - 80/80

[if the visored was a former lieutenant, they would go up to probably 65/10, while captains all the way up to 75/80]


General Information

Full Name:
Charles Everlue

Nicknames and Aliases: Shiftier


Species: Human

Occupation: Fullbringer

Affiliation: Xcution

Outlook Information


Appearance: Charles is a lean man of medium height. His hair is unkempt and short, which isn't a problem for some, but it can offend others. He usually is laid back in his posture and speech.

Attire: [describe their clothes and any special accessories they carry on their person]

Personal Information

Personality: He's usually an active and friendly person to everyone. He is kind and understanding of any situations that affect everyone, and tries his best to make them feel better. When he's in his acting, he can become a different person entirely.

Personal Philosophies: none yet

Fears: Death




Making people happy


Scary movies

Bitter food

Sour food

Food that's too spicy

Background Information

History: As a kid, he worked with a love and care for helping people through tough times and choices, even at the cost of his own body or reputation. He was know school wide as the go-to guy if you wanted something carried out in a fast and honest fashion. Then, when he hit his 16th birthday, he felt something strange. He could sense strange happenings behind him, having some feeling that something was happening behind the corner of his eyes. This sense is compared to The Silence in doctor who. He can turn around and see whats happening, but he forgot it soon after. But the more and more he saw things, the more and more he could remember, and the sense got stronger and stronger until he could see them. Hollows, reapers, all of them. He observed them under the guise as an innocent bystander. Then, one day, he was a bystander no more. The day he realized his parents had been dead all along. The day they truly met their demise. The day he joined Xcution.

Reputation: The nice guy

Fullbring Information

Fullbring Name: Becoming the Mask

Fullbring Element: An advanced version of illusions.

Fullbring Object and Appearance: Its a small key-chain on his keys with a little mask on it.

Fullbring Released Appearance and Abilities:


Once he dons the mask, he can turn into anyone, be it human, hollow, or reaper, as long as he sees them. Along with that, he can create faulty versions of their abilities and memories if he hits them with his 'mark of the mask' that he can shoot at them silently and from a distance. Combined with his enhanced improv skills, he seems to be undetectable to some of the lesser of intelligence. This ability allows him to make himself the perfect spy or scout.

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 7/10

Swordsmanship - 6/10

Hand-to-hand Combat - 7/10

Speed - 6/10

Offense - 7/10

Defense - 7/10

Intelligence - 7/10

Overall - 47/70

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General Information

Full Name:

Somei-ra Hairenyuki

Nicknames and Aliases:

Ra-chan, Somei-san, Captain Hairenyuki.


She appears to be 16, but is already 300 years old






Gotei 13


7th Division



Outlook Information


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/2015-07-25-12-26-14--518450029.jpeg.c48b4c23a17c2655dd6e004d1f057253.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71809" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/2015-07-25-12-26-14--518450029.jpeg.c48b4c23a17c2655dd6e004d1f057253.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She looks rather weak but has a serious and strong look on her face Everytime, in every situation. She's 5''0 foot tall.


She has a Tattoo on her left upper arm and her hairs normally aren't bounded together to a Pony Tail or something. She wears the standard Shinigami uniform with the standard Captain Robe.

Personal Information


She isn't that type of Person who want to make friends or want to be social. She doesn't care about who's her Lieutenant or new Members in her Division. The only thing that is important for her is her training.

But she's able to be friendly I'd enough friendly people are around her and us even able to laugh. That changes nothing on the fact that she doesn't like people who aren't serious.

Personal Philosophies:

Don't make friends. They'll die anyways. That's her Life motto.


She Fears the Dead. That's why she only loses fights if her foe is really strong.


She likes Blood, Sweat and wounds... cause she thinks this ate the Results for a Good Training. And she likes her training.


She doesn't like people, who aren't serious.

She doesn't like Sweets, cause they are Sweet and sweet things Reminding her on funny things.

She doesn't like Hollows.

Background Information


Rukongai... hard live... never trust anyone... Don't make friends... don't trust your 'friends'.

That were the things that Somei-ra learned in Rukongai. Everytime, guys attacked her and her 'friends'. She thought that she could trust them and won't harm her, but one day they kidnapped her and brought her to a place where the guys who Atracking them were unseen. They said to Somei-ra: "Sorry, but our lives are important! We want to be Shinigami!" After that, they vanished and the Guys start to harm Somei-ra. She survived it and wanted to walk back to her home, but she decided to walk to Seireitei to become a Shinigami and kill her 'friends'.


Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name:


Zanpakuto Spirit:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/2015-08-30-01-20-53--1709207495.jpeg.5cd0b7cd11955d03bdd1da50669c5a57.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71873" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/2015-08-30-01-20-53--1709207495.jpeg.5cd0b7cd11955d03bdd1da50669c5a57.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zanpakuto Element:

It's a special Zanpakuto:

In the sealed and in the Shikai form, it's a Melee Zanpakuto. In the Bankai, it's an Ice Element Zanpakutoh.

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/2015-08-30-01-19-46--1190153117.jpeg.815f54d916f656454f4ff4b81641d14a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71874" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/2015-08-30-01-19-46--1190153117.jpeg.815f54d916f656454f4ff4b81641d14a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-120.jpeg.ce4f31fdc7f266575c8ee6dd8cabe1ec.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71875" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-120.jpeg.ce4f31fdc7f266575c8ee6dd8cabe1ec.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Deceruma doesn't has any special abilities in the sealed form. It's only tall (4''5 foot)

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities:

K?chiku, Deceruma

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-17.jpeg.c89d055914ea0082e0a5c38a52f09148.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71878" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-17.jpeg.c89d055914ea0082e0a5c38a52f09148.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Deceruma gets smaller (3''9). It hasn't special abilities anyway.

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities:

Deceruma no kurimuzon ha

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-119.jpeg.bd3e7667a9a7e63aa90815debc0837d9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71880" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-119.jpeg.bd3e7667a9a7e63aa90815debc0837d9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Deceruma turns into a Ice Element Zanpakuto after the Bankai. Now, the wielder us able to use a attack named

Kurimuzon tsumetai ha (Blood Red ice tooth). It looks like a Cero and Freezes everything towards the user. The wielder of Deceruma gets a scarf that looks like the spirit of Deceruma, White Gloves and the horns of Deceruma's spirit. Deceruma gets bigger in the Bankai and is now 5''5 foot long and 2 foot wide. (Way too big for Somei-ra)

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 7/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 9/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 8/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 10/10

Kido - 2/10

Offense - 10/10

Defense - 9/10

Intelligence - 10/10

Overall - 65/80

[on average captains are 65/80 while lieutenants - 55/80]

Miscellaneous Information




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