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Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

Full Name: Hisoka Jajan

Nicknames and Aliases: In the underworld gangs etc. is known as Sinister Clown. Prefers to be called by his name or last name.

Age: 23

Species: Human

Occupation: Fullbringer

Affiliation: Xcution

Outlook Information

Appearance: Hisoka stands at 6’2ft and has a lanky but built body type, takes a some what ‘colorful’ appearance having purple hair with slightly brighter tone of purple at the tips. His nails can be seen as feminine and are grown quite long


Attire: Often carries a deck of cards and has a black tongue piercing.

Personal Information

Personality: Hisoka is portrayed as entirely self-serving, self-absorbed, and selfish; he does whatever he likes as long as it pleases him in some way. His insatiable love for spilling the blood of powerful fighters in combat and his enjoyment of extreme pain while doing so fuels his seemingly sadomasochistic desires. In order for them to grow to their full potential (so as to improve the pleasure of killing them later), Hisoka allows the main protagonists to live in situations wherein he is easily able to kill them. Likewise, he grows excited to meet any new people he deems worthy of fighting or anyone with potential to be a good fighter and entertain him in the future. With his manipulative and self-centered nature, Hisoka is essentially a sociopath.

Personal Philosophies:

“A beast in human's clothing understands better than anyone how people want to be treated.”

“Right now, I'm letting you live. And I'll continue to keep you alive... until you've grown enough to become worth killing.”

“Love and hate are two sides of the same coin.”

“It takes a mere second for treasure to turn to trash.”


-Dying from any means besides battle


-Large Spiritual powers


-Toying with others





-Wise cracks

-Those who think peace is achievable


Background Information



As a child Hisoka lived with a poor family, his mother dying during his birth his father struggled to supply him and were often hassled by common thugs who exhorted his crippled father for money on a weekly basis driving Hisoka as a child to grow strong enough to stop this from happening this leading him to learn martial arts which he discovered he was natural at and with this still continued his dream as a famous magician.


Hisoka become stronger fast working his days on his physical capabilities along with still learning his hobby as well as doing well at school as soon as Hisoka got a job he had began paying money to the thugs in his father’s stead. It wasn’t until one night he had left for his martial arts grading the thugs had come back to his house in attempt to exhort more money resulting in the death of his father being butchered at their front door step. When coming back home discovering this the thugs were still waiting and greeted him with a sinister grin upon this Hisoka rushed and tried taking the thugs down but was halted when being repeatedly stabbed a total of twelve times, by some miracle Hisoka had survived an ambulance arriving not long after, it seemed one of the neighbours heard the loud noises coming from their house. Waking up in the hospital bed Hisoka soon drove down into a pit of despair. He was sent to a foster family and grew mute for a period when going back to school no one had recognised him for who he was the change was drastic.

-Late teens-

After coming out of mute Hisoka had yet again continued his dream in magic and set out alone living by himself he had also got himself in a lot of ‘underworld’ business and was rumored to have been apart of an infamous gang in Tokyo. When Hisoka found out about his Fullbring powers he used this for his own greed taking over the Gang and tearing it down the same. Once realizing what he could do he put this new found power to use to complete his dream despite his now more sinister desires he continued as a magician and becoming widely known across most countries he spent these days in luxury.


Putting a stop to his career as a magician Hisoka now sought his old desires growing tired of the life he lived and seeked to further his powers and grow in them, this was when Xcution had found him and Hisoka was instantly intrigued joining not long after. The secrecy of his true identity was so well hidden that when Xcution asked him to further the organization's secrecy in society Hisoka had pulled strings within the government and underworld gangs alike to assure that the identity of him & the rest of the Fullbringers remain anonymous.

Reputation: Most find Hisoka’s presence ‘unsettling’ despite his kind gestures and his rather elegant appearance he has a knack for making those around him edgy. Among the fullbringers Hisoka is seen as somewhat of a genius and is a key member due to his connections in the real world.

Fullbring Information

Fullbring Name: Bungee Gum

Fullbring Element:

Fullbring Object and Appearance: Plain black ring

Fullbring Released Appearance and Abilities: Black ring turns into the black glove. (seen in the picture above)

Molecular Acceleration: Hunter has the power to take the potential energy stored in an object and convert it to kinetic energy thus “charging” that item with explosive results. He prefers to charge smaller objects, such as his ever-present playing cards, as the time required to charge them is greatly reduced and they are much easier for him to throw

Enhanced Agility: Hunter's ability to tap energy also grants him superhuman agility and dexterity which gives him an added edge he has used to his advantage by developing a unique acrobatic fighting style.

Hypnotic Charm: Ability to "charge" the kinetic energy within a person's brain, allowing a subtle influence over any sentient mind. This power allows Hunter to compel others to believe what he says and agree with anything he suggests

Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 1 being "terrible" and 10 being "superb". Also, if you wish to you can go in debt about their skill after each point listed below. This is, however, only optional]

Spiritual Power - 10/10

Among the other fullbringers Hisoka’s was seen as one of the strongest and terrifying having a purple base with a pinkish outline much like his hair color.

Swordsmanship - 1/10

Hisoka in swordsmanship is the most useless of the fullbringers only having very basic knowledge and next to no training with blades.

Hand-to-hand Combat - 9/10

Even before realizing his Fullbring powers Hisoka exceeded in hand-to-hand combat being known in the ‘underworld’ as among the greatest hand-to-hand artists adapting a unique style.

Speed - 9/10

Along with his acrobatic style and swift movement this is also another strong aspect of Hisoka having an impressive speed even without using fullbrings ‘High-movement speed’ which he hasn’t yet learned.

Offense - 8/10

Hisoka prefers to chop his opponents down to size meaning he will often deal damage over time having very specific choosing of when he strikes but when he does makes it count.

Defense - 7/10

Hisoka prefers to avoid most damage at all costs but for some of his ‘tricks’ will take damage on purpose for a tactical advantage for his next maneuver and can only withstand an average amount of damage among Fullbringers.

Intelligence - 8/10

Although Hisoka personally prefers a more basic approach and just go right in but despite this Hisoka is very capable of planning and is pretty good with tactics. His greatest perk with this is his charm.

Overall - 52/70

Miscellaneous Information

Hisoka is an expert magicianist being known world wide as a magic phenomenon and is actually pretty famous.

Has connections within underworld gangs & government alike and is also rumored to rule a part of the Mafia.


(I might make some other edits to this adding more to personality and going more in depth in background)
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Something Unique

General Information:

Full Name: Haruka Kasumi

Nicknames and Aliases: "Gatekeeper", "The Last Kasumi"

Age: 336, Appeared as middle-aged man still in his prime

Species: Soul

Occupation: Previous Shinigami

Affiliation: Gotei 13

Division: 13th

Seat: Previous Captain

Status: Deceased

Outlook Information:

Appearance: Many described the captain to look very serious in most of his duties, but had a playful look about him when he spent time drinking with fellow captains.

Attire: Haruka wore the standard shinigami attire along with a traditional captains coat over it.

Personal Information:

Personality: He was described as a man with an undying passion for those around him. He'd sooner die for someone worthy than take a life of someone unworthy. He'd serve the Gotei 13 in any possible way he could, including personal therapy with shinigami who suffered from stress caused by the war, to comforting the loss of those who had close relatives or friends that died in the war. He was also great friends with many captains and would occasionally get drunk with a few certain ones. During any of his downtime he'd research about different techniques that the Quincies used during the war and tried to see if it was possible for shinigami to harness them.

Fears: He feared failing his squad.

Background Information:

History: Haruka Kasumi was one of the legendary captains that both fought and survived the Great Quincy War. His non-violent war contributions vastly outnumbered his kill count. He'd rather tutor his pupils on how to survive the war with defensive techniques rather than try to induce a beserkers rage, like some divisions below his. Although he was mostly a pacifist, one of his most famous act of courage earned him the nickname of 'Gatekeeper' as he manged to prevent the Grand Quincy Invasion for two days straight in combat with his powerful zanpakuto. This allowed many of the divisions of the Gotei 13 to prepare their defenses and ambushes to their full potential, which is considered by few to be one of the many acts that helped them win the war.

After the war had ended, Haruka hadn't stopped fighting the Quincy threat. He had aided many of his comrades and pupils in recovering from the devastation that the Quincy caused. Whether it was from simple therapy to great meditation, many of those who fought in the Great War survived on believing that rebuilding the Seireitei was the greatest trade-off for the destruction and loss the war had caused them. After many weeks of helping shinigami recover and beginning to rebuild the destruction of the Seireitei, Haruka had heard a horrifying signal alarm that hadn't been used since the war. The signal came directly from his divisions barracks. When he arrived at the scene of distress inside the barracks, he discovered his lieutenant was forced to make the distress call before being mercilessly killed. Infuriated with his lieutenants death, Haruka drew his legendary zanpakuto and called out for the man who murdered his subordinate.

In response to his immediate summon for the murderer, a cloaked man mysteriously revealed himself. His face was almost entirely covered over with a mask. The only things that were revealed were his demonic red eyes. His entire division with a few other members from other divisions gathered at the distress call a few moments later and unsheathed their blades in order to confront the cloaked man. But Haruka demanded vengeance with his own hand and didn't want to get any of his subordinates killed. He quickly ordered all shinigami from both his divisions and others to stand down. Because of his large reputation which many respected, everyone did as they were told and stood down.

Using the unique opportunity to his advantage, the cloaked man declared that he would take the 13th Division through a trial by combat. Shocked by this sudden challenge, Haruka had finally realized that the only reason why his lieutenant died was to summon both him and many shinigami before them so the man had witnesses for taking over his position. He felt a sudden fear inside himself. But they called him the Gatekeeper for a reason. He wasn't going to allow this murderer get away with killing his subordinate and take over his squad.

He accepted the challenge and arranged for them to both fight in front of all the spectators in the 13th Division courtyard. Among the few hundred spectators that watched were also a few captains that kept the situation under control. Because of the large amount of comrades surrounding him, Haruka felt a familiar confidence like he did in the war. He drew his mighty zanpakuto and aimed it towards the cloaked figure, asking him for his name. The figure remained disturbingly still for a moment, before he replied.
"Kiruchu." The cloaked figure revealed a familiar zanpakuto before the entire crowd of spectators. Haruka instantly recognized the blade as G?rudoyoku, a zanpakuto that belonged to one of his great ancestors, Getsuya Kasumi.

Before he could question the cloaked figure on how he attained the zanpakuto, the figure moved very quickly towards him. Haruka tried to dodge his attacks but they were too fast and relentless. He could barely think for every inch of steel that was coming at him. For every counterattack he made felt as if it was countered instantaneously. How did this man know so much about his move set? Haruka had no other choice but to use his bankai. He didn't even have the chance to release his shikai. After the flurry of attacks on his front, the cloaked man gave him a small window of time to perform the incantation to summon his shikai. But before he could even utter out a single word, the man appeared instantly before him and crushed his throat like a twig.

The surprising strength and speed had caught Haruka off guard completely. Haruka could only muster enough strength to put a small distance between them before he clenched his throat. Whoever this man was, he knew every single move Haruka was going to make before he made it. But how? Haruka's thoughts were quickly blown away as the cloaked man launched a black flamed projectile at him through his zanpakuto, G?rudoyoku. The crowd could only watch in horror as they were forbidden to intervene. Sprawled out on his back, he turned to look at the crying faces of horror before him. He smiled one last time at his fellow comrades before his ancestors zanpakuto decapitated his head from his body.

Reputation: He was praised by most shinigami for his contributions in the war and was recognized as a war hero during the Great Quincy War. He was always sought after for his wisdom and comfort after the war as well. Many fellow captains that served with him considered him to be the 'Older Brother' of the Gotei 13.

Zanpakuto Information:

Kami no Tsukami

Zanpakuto Name: Kami no Tsukami (God's Grasp)

Zanpakuto Element: Sealing

Zanpakuto Shikai Abilities: [WIP]

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance


Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance


Abilities Information:

Spiritual Power - 8/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 8/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 4/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 6/10

Kido - 7/10

Offense - 9/10

Defense - 6/10

Intelligence - 8/10

Overall - 69/80

Miscellaneous Information:


I thought I'd introduce something unique that I haven't seen in a roleplay yet. For those who haven't realized yet, this is a deceased character and is apart of Kiruchu's past. The reason why I posted this is so some of you who have senior captains can make references to this character when interacting with Kiruchu.
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Mousie said:

Something Unique

General Information:

Full Name: Haruka Kasumi

Nicknames and Aliases: "Gatekeeper", "The Last Kasumi"

Age: 336, Appeared as middle-aged man still in his prime

Species: Soul

Occupation: Previous Shinigami

Affiliation: Gotei 13

Division: 13th

Seat: Previous Captain

Status: Deceased

Outlook Information:

Appearance: Many described the captain to look very serious in most of his duties, but had a playful look about him when he spent time drinking with fellow captains.

Attire: Haruka wore the standard shinigami attire along with a traditional captains coat over it.

Personal Information:

Personality: He was described as a man with an undying passion for those around him. He'd sooner die for someone worthy than take a life of someone unworthy. He'd serve the Gotei 13 in any possible way he could, including personal therapy with shinigami who suffered from stress caused by the war, to comforting the loss of those who had close relatives or friends that died in the war. He was also great friends with many captains and would occasionally get drunk with a few certain ones. During any of his downtime he'd research about different techniques that the Quincies used during the war and tried to see if it was possible for shinigami to harness them.

Fears: He feared failing his squad.

Background Information:

History: Haruka Kasumi was one of the legendary captains that both fought and survived the Great Quincy War. His non-violent war contributions vastly outnumbered his kill count. He'd rather tutor his pupils on how to survive the war with defensive techniques rather than try to induce a beserkers rage, like some divisions below his. Although he was mostly a pacifist, one of his most famous act of courage earned him the nickname of 'Gatekeeper' as he manged to prevent the Grand Quincy Invasion for two days straight in combat with his powerful zanpakuto. This allowed many of the divisions of the Gotei 13 to prepare their defenses and ambushes to their full potential, which is considered by few to be one of the many acts that helped them win the war.

After the war had ended, Haruka hadn't stopped fighting the Quincy threat. He had aided many of his comrades and pupils in recovering from the devastation that the Quincy caused. Whether it was from simple therapy to great meditation, many of those who fought in the Great War survived on believing that rebuilding the Seireitei was the greatest trade-off for the destruction and loss the war had caused them. After many weeks of helping shinigami recover and beginning to rebuild the destruction of the Seireitei, Haruka had heard a horrifying signal alarm that hadn't been used since the war. The signal came directly from his divisions barracks. When he arrived at the scene of distress inside the barracks, he discovered his lieutenant was forced to make the distress call before being mercilessly killed. Infuriated with his lieutenants death, Haruka drew his legendary zanpakuto and called out for the man who murdered his subordinate.

In response to his immediate summon for the murderer, a cloaked man mysteriously revealed himself. His face was almost entirely covered over with a mask. The only things that were revealed were his demonic red eyes. His entire division with a few other members from other divisions gathered at the distress call a few moments later and unsheathed their blades in order to confront the cloaked man. But Haruka demanded vengeance with his own hand and didn't want to get any of his subordinates killed. He quickly ordered all shinigami from both his divisions and others to stand down. Because of his large reputation which many respected, everyone did as they were told and stood down.

Using the unique opportunity to his advantage, the cloaked man declared that he would take the 13th Division through a trial by combat. Shocked by this sudden challenge, Haruka had finally realized that the only reason why his lieutenant died was to summon both him and many shinigami before them so the man had witnesses for taking over his position. He felt a sudden fear inside himself. But they called him the Gatekeeper for a reason. He wasn't going to allow this murderer get away with killing his subordinate and take over his squad.

He accepted the challenge and arranged for them to both fight in front of all the spectators in the 13th Division courtyard. Among the few hundred spectators that watched were also a few captains that kept the situation under control. Because of the large amount of comrades surrounding him, Haruka felt a familiar confidence like he did in the war. He drew his mighty zanpakuto and aimed it towards the cloaked figure, asking him for his name. The figure remained disturbingly still for a moment, before he replied.
"Kiruchu." The cloaked figure revealed a familiar zanpakuto before the entire crowd of spectators. Haruka instantly recognized the blade as G?rudoyoku, a zanpakuto that belonged to one of his great ancestors, Getsuya Kasumi.

Before he could question the cloaked figure on how he attained the zanpakuto, the figure moved very quickly towards him. Haruka tried to dodge his attacks but they were too fast and relentless. He could barely think for every inch of steel that was coming at him. For every counterattack he made felt as if it was countered instantaneously. How did this man know so much about his move set? Haruka had no other choice but to use his bankai. He didn't even have the chance to release his shikai. After the flurry of attacks on his front, the cloaked man gave him a small window of time to perform the incantation to summon his shikai. But before he could even utter out a single word, the man appeared instantly before him and crushed his throat like a twig.

The surprising strength and speed had caught Haruka off guard completely. Haruka could only muster enough strength to put a small distance between them before he clenched his throat. Whoever this man was, he knew every single move Haruka was going to make before he made it. But how? Haruka's thoughts were quickly blown away as the cloaked man launched a black flamed projectile at him through his zanpakuto, G?rudoyoku. The crowd could only watch in horror as they were forbidden to intervene. Sprawled out on his back, he turned to look at the crying faces of horror before him. He smiled one last time at his fellow comrades before his ancestors zanpakuto decapitated his head from his body.

Reputation: He was praised by most shinigami for his contributions in the war and was recognized as a war hero during the Great Quincy War. He was always sought after for his wisdom and comfort after the war as well. Many fellow captains that served with him considered him to be the 'Older Brother' of the Gotei 13.

Zanpakuto Information:

Kami no Tsukami

Zanpakuto Name: Kami no Tsukami (God's Grasp)

Zanpakuto Element: Sealing

Zanpakuto Shikai Abilities: [WIP]

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance


Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance


Abilities Information:

Spiritual Power - 8/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 8/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 4/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 6/10

Kido - 7/10

Offense - 9/10

Defense - 6/10

Intelligence - 8/10

Overall - 69/80

Miscellaneous Information:


Very unique and something I actually welcome. You, my friend, have good ideas.

Full Name: Riyoshi Nihoma

Nicknames and Aliases: Yoshi, Riyo.

Age: 800 but he looks like he would be mid 30's.

Species: soul

Occupation: shinigami

Affiliation: Gotei 13

Division: 9th division

Seat: Captain

Outlook Information

Appearance: Riyoshi is a tall man standing at a height of 9' even. He does tower over the other shinigami, but he finds it troublesome when he wants to relax and be alone. He weighs a total of 425 pounds and is extremely fit.

Attire: His attire is the basic shinigami uniform with the addition of his captain's haori. The only modification is the pointed collar upon his uniform that stands straight up behind his head. He typically does not wear sandals or any other foot wear, but he mainle goes barefoot everywhere, even in fights.

Personal Information

Personality: Riyoshi is a pretty territorial of his division's barracks and does not like other captains walking in all willy-nilly. This trait tends to follow him into battle leaving him in a one on one battle. But through all of that, he is extremely loyal to his friends and his underlings. He would be the first one into battle if that meant his friends would not be hurt.

Personal Philosophies: Don't touch my things and I will not bite you.

Fears: the kenpachi and his unstoppable will.

Likes: the kenpachi is on his side. He likes the solitude of his captain's quarters, but he does not prefer it. And he also likes getting information around soul society to place into his newspaper.

Dislikes: Vegetables, disobedience, and hates to be late to anything.

Background Information


It all started from a young age for Riyoshi. Growing up in a royal family and everything made it easy for him, well, that is what you would think, but that is not how it happened. He may have been in the same household as the royal family, but he was nowhere near being a member of the royal family. He in actuality, was a member of the workforce, well he was the son of one of the workers. His mother was the maid of the main household and he had certain allowances, and he was able to watch the royal family from the shadows. It was until his 12th birthday, when Riyoshi began to grow in height, to which he was not able to watch from the shadows. Seeing that Riyoshi was of a pretty decent height and build, the royal family was going to force him into labor while Riyoshi felt he should not be forced into that labor. Taking off from the royal house, Riyoshi arrived upon the outskirt of Soul society.

This is where the main story for Riyoshi would take place. His animilistic nature would make Riyoshi the social outcast to many people, but there was an elderly family out on the outskirts that benefited Riyoshi's arrival. Riyoshi was taken in by this family, and he was able to use the skills that he learned from watching the Royal family when they trained. Using his new skills, to which i will proudly say, was close to nowhere near perfect, but he was able to use them to catch food and provide dinner. Throughout the next 5 years, he continued to grow until he was about 8 foot and his weight was near 285 pounds. His speed was top notch, but it would not be comparible to captains, but it was pretty dang fast. It was upon what would be his 18th birthday, to which Riyoshi was scouted by one of the captains. This captain was none other than Komamura. This man, would be the turning point in Riyoshi's life. Riyoshi would end up joining the shinigami academy under the recomendation of Komamura.

Over the next 5 years, Riyoshi flew through the academy and graduated to become the 5th seat of the 9th division. Riyoshi was a bit of a slacker but he would do anything that his captain told him to do. It was not until the quincy attacked, that Riyoshi would step up and claim the captain's position. His skills had risen exponentially and his prowess in being the captain would be next to none. He had always thought of being the captain of the 11th squad, but that was stunted when the kenpachi would go full out. That is when he felt what true fear was, the moment that when Kenpachi would start to enjoy the fight, their power would rise to a limit that Riyoshi would never have thought possible, but i digress.

Reputation: He tends to be the do gooder. the go getter, the teacher's pet (so to speak).

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name:


Zanpakuto Spirit:

giant three headed dog


Zanpakuto Element:

Flame. It is no ordinary flame, it can be controlled remotely with the wave of his hands.

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:


Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities:


The more power used with the sword, the hotter the blade gets. When it gets to 80%, it will start to release flames from the edge of the blade itself with every swing of the blade.

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities:


Come forth from the underworld and incinerate our enemies.

Summons cerberus from his inner world.

Ability#1-Rampaging beast. Basically what the name says, Cerberus will go on a rampage towards the enemy.

Ability#2-Divide and conquer. Cerberus will split into 3 dogs. This dogs will follow every command given by Riyoshi.

Ability#3-Roaring fire. Upon the death of the dogs, they will explode into a roaring fire that Riyoshi will be able to control freely.

Has yet to perfect the final form of his bankai.

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 10/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 9/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 5/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 10/10

Kido - 10/10

Offense - 9/10

Defense - 6/10

Intelligence - 6/10

Overall - 65/80

Miscellaneous Information

He loves a good scratching behind the ears, that is if you are able to sneak up on him.
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General Information

Full Name:

Makira Yakitsu

Nicknames and Aliases:



Looks like she's 23 yet in reality, shes 223






Gotei 13





Outlook Information



If you ever see Maki from far away, you'd think she was a tall, light skinned beauty with deep black wavy hair that was waist length. When you get closer and closer, you'd see she's not at all that tall. Instead, she stands at about 5'5, barely taller than her own captain. She weighs nearly 130 lbs, filling in her hour-glass figure a bit. If her body interests you more than her looks, which are on equal levels, then you wont be disappointed. She's well endowed in both the north and south equator. Always giving the boys something to pay with. If it's her actual looks that you're into, then once again, her genes don't disappoint. Her misty grey eyes grabs anyone's attention and it can be difficult to look away. If you stare long enough, you may see her childish nature poke out. Stare too long and you might fall in love. Never is she seen without a childlike grin on her face or the deep dimples in the middle of her cheeks. Almost anytime someone looks at her, they would see a mischievous girl about to cause some kind of ruckus.


Along with the standard shinigami attire, she wears a green and yellow scarf around her waist. Sometimes it'll switch up to hold her hair back, other time she'll tie it around her arm. There's a necklace that hangs from her neck in the shape of two doves. She's never seen without it, since it was a gift from her brother. Adding on to the list of things she's almost never seen without, an unlit cigarette is one of them. She thinks it makes her look cool so she just lets it hang there. When she gets tired of it, something else will be put in place for her to chew on like a Pocky stick. Of course her zanpaktou is always with her, dangling on her left hip.

Personal Information



It seemed as if she never grew up. Well, that's not fair. She has grown up, just into an immature adult. If there is anything she lacks it's seriousness. Nearly everything is a game to her. If she's ever in combat, don't expect her to act as if she could die if she didn't be serious. She knows that and doesn't necessarily care. If she's bored, there's lots of things she likes to do. One of her favorites is bothering people. While being child-like, she does know boundaries and respects (most of the time) them. Unless it's her captain, then there are no boundaries.


Ever since her discovery of sarcasm, she's developed it into her own lifestyle as if it was a second language. Majority of the time she will only use it when someone asks her a dumb question. If you didn't think it was dumb before, she'll let you know by her response. Why she uses it so much, she doesn't even know but perhaps it's a better alternative than punching someone for a dumb question. Either way, it's her bestfriend and she wouldn't hesitate to use it.


If there's one good thing about her personality it'd have to be the fact that she is very independent. She doesn't rely on anyone to do anything for her. Yet this may also be her downfall. Sometimes she can't tell the difference for when she might need someone. For example, while in the Soul Society, she may not need anyone to play chess with but if she's in combat being beaten, she doesn't know that she will need help. It's not her fault, it's just the way she was taught the meaning of 'independence'.


The one trait she uses to her advantage. Nearly everywhere she goes, she'll flirt with anyone whom she deems worthy. The only people she wouldn't flirt with would be scrubs, people she saw beneath her, or her higher up. Though occasionally she'll send them a wink or two. In context with the childish part of her, she will do some childish things to get your attention. It's just her way of saying 'Hey guess what? You're worthy enough for me to flirt with'.


Despite all of her flaws, she does care about the people she comes in contact with. Sometimes she'll act like she's a cold-hearted bitch but in reality she's a warm teddy bear. She never wants to see anyone hurt, so that may be why she tries not to rely on people helping her. It all comes from her past and some things stick better than most.


Sometimes this girl will go on a rampage. While they are rare, they do happen. There's very little that pisses her off and if you do one of those, she'll most likely try to chop your head off. If you hide from her after making her upset, she'll tear apart the whole Seritei looking for you and when she finds you, you better hope she shows mercy. There are very few people that can calm her down, the main being her captain because she's one of the few she respects.


One of the traits that show some type of promise is her will. She won't stop until she has reached her goal or done what she set out to do. Nothing and no one will ever be able to change her mind once it's made up. Which makes her someone who is excellent at making tough decisions. If there is ever one thing someone would want to remember about Makira, it would definitely have to be her will to succeed; her will to surpass any and everyone, and her will to be the best she can.

Personal Philosophies:

"To live each day like it's your last. Forget the rules for a few hours, abandon all thoughts of a civil society and live."


Even though she may seem like she isn't afraid of anything, there's plenty that scares her. Ironically, death doesn't. Instead, it's falling in love. She's done it before and it didn't really go as she thought it would, thus leaving a huge scar. Another thing she fears is losing people around her, people that she's very close with. Those are the two main things she will ever fear in her lifetime.




||Seriousness||Strict Rules||Annoying Questions||Being Poked or Touched||

Background Information


Makira was the third and final child to be born into the Yakitsu family. Though her mother and father would want more, they would never get the chance. All her life, Makira was mischievous, getting her and her siblings into all sorts of trouble. Her older sister and brother would try to take the blame for all of it, but Maki never could keep her mouth shut. Or maybe it's because she didn't want anyone to take credit for the mischief she had caused. Whatever the cause, she never allowed her siblings to take the blame. She had a pretty easy going, normal life. Nothing out of the ordinary would happen to her for a while. The only bad thing that would happen to her would be the fight she got in when she was younger. It was with two other girls who were jealous because Maki's siblings were going to the Academy and theirs weren't. So they tried to make her feel bad about it. She knew it was nothing to feel bad about but she just couldn't help it. The only thing that made her blood boil was the fact that they were talking about her family. So, in return she beat them both up. After that, she was practically shunned for a while. Why, she never knew but she didn't care. She had just defended her family's honor so she was all set

A few years later her life took a turn for the worst. Her family were all apart of the 13 Court Guard Squads. There was a mission they, along with many others, had to complete. Menos and Menos Grandes were appearing everywhere in The World Of The Living as well as hollows. It was all overwhelming. Her father and sister died from protecting some younger Shinigami, leaving the family in distress. Her mother and brother were estranged from one another, her mother more than her brother. That's when she just up and disappeared. No one knew where she went. It was as if she left the world completely. All that was left was her brother. Thankful to have him, they developed a bond, closer than the one they had when she was younger. When she became of age, she decided to go to the academy, becoming fifth generation of her family. When she was accepted into Squad 7, her rollercoaster of a life went down again. While out sparring with her brother, they were attacked by figures in black. Long story short, he died protecting her. Or so it seems. Just like her mom, he disappeared. This may be where her independent trait came from. She was left alone, half her family dead, the other half missing. To cover up the pain, she covered it up with a facade of happiness until it consumed her, until it became who she is now.


Everyone has their individual ideas about Maki but the one thing she's known for is brightening up everyones day. If you're down, she will force you to be happy considering how much she hates people being sad.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name:

Kage no Pansa

Zanpakuto Spirit:


Zanpakuto Element:

The ability to use the shadows to their advantage.

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:


Not much of a difference than any other Zanpaktou.

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities:


Smother out the light, Kage no Pansa

Allows her to manipulate the shadows into what she needs them for. Whether it be to hide her from her enemies or to surround them in darkness.

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 5/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 7/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 7/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 8/10

Kido - 4/10

Offense - 5/10

Defense - 5/10

Intelligence - 8/10

Overall - 49/80

Miscellaneous Information


Full Name: Daichi Yamamoto

Nicknames and Aliases: "Lil Yama" "Yama" "The hidden dragon"


Species: Soul

Occupation: Shinigami

Affiliation: Gotei 13


Seat: lieutenant

Outlook Information

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.da0b68cdac7e8e11f5206815fe0239c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72238" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.da0b68cdac7e8e11f5206815fe0239c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.eb29c718d1c257ec165aae1d2b2b4c42.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72239" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.eb29c718d1c257ec165aae1d2b2b4c42.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Daichi has a very gentle yet masculine face that while male, one can see how he could be confused for a female. For those aware of Daichi's sex it is commonly thought that he is a "pretty boy" with dark hair that shines with a purple-ish hue and stunning sky blue eyes he easily gains the attention of those who would glance in his direction. Keeping his long hair constanly in a ponytail that hangs over his right shoulder it Adds to his slightly feminine look that accompanied by the dedicated but gentle expression that is perpetually on his face, has made him a bit of a heart throb in his short time after emerging from Muken.

Attire: Daichi wears the traditional uniform of a soul reaper with great pride only adding a plain white scarf that he keeps wrapped loosely around his neck. Daichi does this for reasons unknown to others but otherwise considered as "a comfort thing".

Personal Information

Personality: Daichi's most prominent trait is his determination, fearing very little in the way of challenges he continuously strives to overcome whatever obstacle decides it's a good idea to be in his way. Daichi's second most prominent trait is a tie between his loyalty and his honesty, always speaking the truth Daichi does this out of respect for the people around him believing that to be truly loyal you must always tell the truth even if it isn't what the person wants to hear.

Personal Philosophies: "You must be the strength for those who are weak"

Fears: Failing those he is sworn to protect. His own power. Disgracing his grandfather

Likes: Chocolate, Good honorable people, protecting others even if he doesn't need to.

Dislikes: Chaos, Death, destruction, Ruthless people friend or foe.

Background Information

History: Daichi is the adopted son of the late Head captain Genryusai Yamamoto who was found on a mission to investigate the source of a reportedly massive and menacing spiritual pressure. When the members of the group assigned found a young boy they were perplexed having been prepared to face a powerful enemy they had no idea how to proceed when the bright eyed child greeted them with a smile. Deciding on taking him back to the seireitei in order to asses the boy the reapers had a hard time trying to suppress Daichi's power, a massive backlash occurring as he naturally reoiled at his power being restrained. It took the convincing of a gentle female reaper to explain that his power may scare others to get him to tolerate their attempts. Hours later the group had finally returned to the seireitei further perplexed by the blade that had appeared once Daichi got his power down to a more reasonable but still intense level. It took a full week once at the Base of the court guard squads to decide what would happen to the boy. Coming to the conclusion that the head captain should meet the boy to decide. When Daichi was brought before the head captain he was initially intimidated expecting a terrifying man (which by all rights would be Genryusai) but Daichi's response was unexpected and inexplicable. Upon seeing the elderly man Daich gasped smiled and proceeded to run up and hug the man clearly quite fond of him. Somehow swayed by the boys behavior and the obvious potential to be a soul reaper, Yamamoto decided on the adoption. Intending to train Daich and knowing full well of the dangerous levels of power the boy had Yamamoto made another controversial decision and ordered a facility built in Muken the lowest and largest level of the seireitei's prison. Once built Daichi was moved there to begin his training under Yamamoto and other top reapers. Setting up a series of tests life went on for the soul society unaware of the young man continuously training under their feet not to reign in and be able to use his power to become a protector for the Seireitei. Ever since he was placed down in Muken Daichi has grown and learned to control his great power reemerging now after completin said training and shattering the final barrier that had kept him from the world above.

Reputation:Has only been above ground for a few months not having much time to build a reputation, though many have noted his quiet kindness and honesty, as well as his frightening determination.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name:Jigoku no ryu

Zanpakuto Spirit:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.c447c3992ce57957b15c837a44d14f47.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72152" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.c447c3992ce57957b15c837a44d14f47.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zanpakuto Element: Sprirtual energy sepcifically Daichi's

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.3078bb8057fa6bf535e875198aa167bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72214" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.3078bb8057fa6bf535e875198aa167bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A blade that is black except for the metallic silver edge it has a circular black cross guard with a dragon designed into it the head and crest colored in gold. The handle itself is also black with a soft but easily held wrapping.

Jigoku no ryu is a zanpakuto that weaponizes it's master's reishi turning it into a violent force that can be expelled in a wave that cuts and crushes simultaneously.

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities: "Hakari, Jigoku no ryu." (Destroy, hell dragon)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.15f78245d6767c62f6bb4049a7937207.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72223" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.15f78245d6767c62f6bb4049a7937207.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jigoku's power changes dramatically requiring Daichi to raise his spiritual power exponentially he has to force it out to the point where being anywhere near him would be like being near a concussion bomb going off. Once the transformation is complete all that power is gone, or seems to be. In reality all of that great power had been compressed and then suppressed into the shape of the sword above. It is a blade that shares a resemblance with only one other zanpakuto, Captain Byakuya Kuchiki's Senbonzakura. This resemblance comes from the fact that while it takes the form of an actual sword it can become one with Daichi's reishi loosing its shape and taking on others in the form of armor in his body. This "Armor" is actually Daichi's weapon featuring two clawed gauntlets, knee high "boots", and a mask reminiscent of the Espada Hallibel a mask covering his mouth and throat before curving along his collar bone and ending on his shoulder. All of this is formed out of Daich's pitch black reishi. The reishi in itself visually moves thou it retains ithe various shapes along his body. Each piece of his garment have a special skill that while accessible without using the armored form are much more potent.


Pitch black and always flickering like black flames the gauntlets feature clawed fingers that are extremely sharp and bladed elbows that have a wicked curve which shares the same sharpness.

Special attack: Terror claw- an attack that expels reishi in sharpe crescents, they move faster and will cut deeper than other blades of Daichi's reishi. (Can be expelled from claws or elbow blade. The limb must be swung in order to use the skill)


Having the same appearance and properties as the gauntlets they only differ in shape having pointed claws on his hidden toes and a blade along his shin that comes to ain't over his knee. The boots also have a blade jutting out behind Daichi's heel.

Special attack: Dragon's step- an attack it sends a shockwave of forceand reishi which uses concussive force to batter and crush opponents. (Must be used against a surface though it can be used on any surface it will send the shockwave throughout the surface in a dome not coming back at Daichi. Limited to a twenty foot area of effect)

Mask and shoulder pads:

The mask is a black reishi version of Hallibel's with sharp teeth that part on occasion. The shoulder pads are simply there for protection and allow for this piece of armor to have a secondary skill.

Special attacks: Dragon's breath- A beam of reishi generated from a black orb in front of his mouth that burns it's target it is a linear attack that will go in the direction it is aimed. (Daichi must take a deep breath before using it as it pushes air away and doesn't Allow for easy breathing.)

Dragon's plunge- An attack that uses the shoulder pads' energy to form a conical point in front of Daichi, it is defensive and while possibly usable for attack it would require Daichi to charge the opponent causing a blast if he can strike with it. ( The shoulder armor will not regenerate unless Daichi has enough energy to form and sustain it.)

This energy glutton of a Zanpakuto spirit is the reason why Daichi has such a high amount of power, when in use it is constantly eating away at his power and f used for too long or if Daichi is put in a bad enough condition his zanpakuto' voracious appetite will kill him.

Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 1 being "terrible" and 10 being "superb". Also, if you wish to you can go in debt about their skill after each point listed bellow. This is, however, only optional]

Spiritual Power - 10/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 6/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) -7 /10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 6/10

Kido - 6/10

Offense - 7/10

Defense -6 /10

Intelligence - 7/10

Overall - 55/80

[on average captains are 65/80 while lieutenants - 55/80]

Miscellaneous Information

Talented cook and musician. (the kids a natural with the piano)

Theme songs (couldn't pick just one):



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Full Name: Dakota Hunt

Nicknames: Squirt(dislikes it though)

Age: 112/14

Weight: 93lbs

Height: 4‘ 7“

Species: Soul

Occupation: Shinigami

Affiliation: Gotei 13

Division: 9th

Seat: Lieutenant


Starting off with her oak colored skin, Dakota’s light blond hair seems very vibrant against such a ton. Often kept neat, her hair is thick and often clusters together. Not like dread locks, but just thick and wavy. Her mild green eyes match this and makes for an appearance that is soft on the eyes. Her clothing is to code, with the only modified appearance being the light wraps around her arms and her chest. These wraps function just like a tank top. Lastly, her physique may be small, but for her size she is rather athletic and has definite muscle tone. She tends to be stronger than most men twice her size.


Dakota kind of has split personality. On one side, she is kind and caring, would help anyone that is injured and would risk her own life for those she considers important. Yet on the other side, she can be extremely violent and cold blooded. If you brought something upon yourself, or acted stupid and get hurt, she may just leave you to die. When it comes to getting information, or dealing out punishment, she is the first to get physical and will not hesitate to beat it out of someone. But if you mess with someone or something she holds dear, you better be willing to put your life down as a wager, cause Dakota plays for keeps.

  • Personal Philosophies:




    Losing everyone important to her. She wants to protect everything she holds dear, even if it cost’s her own life.


    Just hanging and doing nothing with her captain, Eating hand crafted foods, practicing her hand-to-hand combat, Socializing with some of the other Lt’s and punishing her underlings.


    People who are loud when she’s trying to relax, Imitation mass produced foods, using any type of kido, hanging out with underlings, and being punished by her Captain.

    Background Information

    History: Her history is lost to her. She doesn’t remember anything of her life before being “born" in soul society but was recognized by other shinigami pretty fast for her extreme spiritual energy. It was enough so it had began killing off the residence of District 24. At first they thought it was an enemy but soon realized it was just a little 8 year old child.

    There began her trials and tribulations of the Gotei 13. Besides her obscene amounts of energy, she worked for everything she achieved; both in part to hard work and her ruthlessness, though nothing outside of Seireitei rules. Moving fast up the ranks, she finally came upon 5th seat. Her goal nearly within grasp.

    That was until she clashed head to head with the Lieutenant one afternoon. They had disagreed many times and finally, on that fateful day, was the breaking point. The, at-that-time, Lieutenant had been known for killing newbies and caring little for anyone weaker than himself. A hit turned into back talk, into verbal argument into a full blown duel. This was not a fight for a spot, it was a fight for survival and after the dust settled, Dakota sliced him clean through. Battered and beaten; for her it was a fight to survive, but to all those who watched, including her own captain, it was a fight for promotion. She still resents it even to this day.

    Now at only the age of 12, she was along side with some of the other Lieutenant who were barely just kids. It’s been quite a few years since that happened. No one challenges her and while she wants to one day be captain, she swore it would never happen like that again.

    Many people give her crap because of her American name. Dakota is one of the few people who, along side her name, has an English release for her zanpakutou.

    Reputation: Ruthless, blood-thirsty and demonic among the other divisions. A cruel murdering little girl that would kill you if you so much look at her wrong. In reality, she is very nice and loving, just likes to make sure others dont slack off, while slacking herself.

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General Information

Full Name:Liu Xander

Nicknames and Aliases: Li, for the ladies it is Lulu

Age: 274

Species: Soul

Occupation: Shimigami

Affiliation: Gotei 13

Division: 12

Seat: lieutenant

Outlook Information


Liu has purple hair, very light blue eyes, and well tanned skin. Liu generally wears a sleeveless black gi and metal under armor. He is about 6'1.

Attire: Liu has a pendant on his neck in the shape of a star.
Personal Information

Personality: During official business, Liu can be somewhat stern with his subordinates, but to make up for this he gives advice when something goes wrong. Liu is a very kind, honest soul. Generally he gets along with everyone who has a deeper philosophy then simply "kill or be killed". Liu loves any form of music, and can be caught off in his own thoughts when it comes to it. When off duty he is very relaxed and friendly. He holds strong bonds and the truth above all else.

Personal Philosophies: "The world is not in black and white, but many shades of grey" "There is never a moment in your life that you cannot learn something"

Fears: Big spiders

Likes: Liu enjoys learning anything he can, no matter what that might be. Liu also enjoys a good strategy game. And although he may look like a nerdy wimp, Liu enjoys a good sparing match or fight.

Dislikes: Liu dislikes people who don't think enough, Spiders, and

Background Information

History: (will have this part done. sorry, i like to think of these things as the story progresses.)

Reputation: To most he seems to be a very strict, fun hating person. He would much rather be in the lab then out with friends. However the way he acts on duty and off duty are very different. to those who know him off duty, he is the life of the party! He plays wonderful music, often plays well with the ladies, can hold his own in drinking, and often loves the night air within a busy town. He is well trusted by all, and is known for his intelligence on and off the field.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Kokolu Ongaku

Zanpakuto Spirit:

Zanpakuto Element: Healing kido, offensive kido, defensive kido.

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

The blade of this sword goes no further then from lius shoulder to his wrist.

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities: Sing, Ongaku


When released Ongaku takes on the form of a guitar.
The way this guitar works is that it is actually a sword and shield, with the "scabbard" being connected to the inside of the shield. The shield looks like a ravens wings taking flight at you. The sword is a broad sword that has a pentagram on the rain guard. The strings on the guitar are made out of Liu's spiritual pressure, so he is able to change the tuning, volume, tone, and shape of the stings on it when he pleases. This makes it easier to draw his sword and shield with ease. The sword has 8 holes with revolving doors and these holes allow air to flow through the staff and create a beautiful sound. Meanwhile on the shield, there are 6 holes on the front of the shield and one on the bottom. using the same his spiritual pressure he pulls air through the bottom hole, so the shield acts as an ocarina. This music can have multiple kido like properties to them that can be used offensively. Offensively there is a kido cannon, wind manipulation, energy slash, multiple forms of bindings. Defensively there is a condense energy shield, healing, support kido, and a sort of sonar that can also mislead enemies with sounds. Due to the nature of the zanpakto being music, Liu can "sense" what his opponents next move will be due to the rhythm of their bodies and moves before hand.

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 4/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 8/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 4/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 7/10

Kido - 9/10

Offense - 8/10

Defense - 8/10

Intelligence - 9/10

Overall - 57/80

[on average captains are 65/80 while lieutenants - 55/80]

Miscellaneous Information

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If anything bothers you, or if I did something you distaste, please say so.

Full Name: Igatsu Tokugawa

Nicknames and Aliases:

Age: 201; looks 20

Species: Soul

Occupation: Shinigami

Affiliation: Gotei 13

Division: 13th

Seat: Lieutenant


Outlook Information


Resting eyes, ruffled dark hair, and a very average body constitution, covered by the black garments of a Shinigami.



Personal Information


A quiet person, both on the outside and the inside. Igatsu holds a very outlander-ish perspective of the world around him, which gives him great peace of mind. He believes that natural change has to be accepted, so he avoids forming close bonds with other people, as he knows that one day they might be gone. When asked why he joined the Gotey 13, he claims to have no special reason, claiming that he joined simply because he could. Despite this empathy towards his life choices, he is loyal and responsible, and never forgets his duties and his place.

Igatsu likes the simplest things, and has an eye for detail. Despite being rather apathetic and not much of a talker, it's somewhat pleasant to be around him, although awkward sometimes. All in all, he is a good person.

Personal Philosophies:

"I live in the present. The past is no longer mine. The future never will be."

"The world I live in… I embrace it. All that can change will change, it is still the world I live in."

Fears: Loosing track of himself; Wasps

Likes: Igatsu enjoys the simple things, mostly because it's something he can do whenever he pleases. Things like walking through the gardens, quiet mornings, and even pleasant conversations are but a few.

Dislikes: Anything loud is usually a nuisance to him. Despite not saying it, paperwork doesn't please him either.


Background Information


Like most, Igatsu has no memory of how or what he was as a human, except for one detail he never forgot: A book of poems. He ignored the author and who it belonged to, but everything that was written there stayed with him up until today.

While enrolling in Shin'o Academy, he took part in an incident which caused the death of a close friend of his, that dated back years before entering the Academy. He felt uneasy and with a heavy consciousness for a great deal of time, as he felt responsible for the loss he had suffered, and had no way to repair his mistake. Some of his colleagues and mentors tried to help him dampen some of his uneasiness, but it still lingered by. With nothing else, he called back to the book he never forgot and the poems in it, writing them down whenever he had the chance.

The poems constantly mentioned the passage of time and the changes it brings, and the perspective of someone who accepts these changes as a fulfilled, complete person. It were they that provided him the strength of mind to carry on and accept all changes, along with the ideology he holds so dearly in the times of today.

According to him, it is a very odd story and he doesn't enjoy sharing it that much.

Reputation: Igatsu can be seen as an oddball sometimes, due to his alien like attitude, but people consider him a very pleasant person to be with and talk to, although sometimes they wish he tried a little bit harder to interact with others.


Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Yosai

Zanpakuto Spirit:

Naturally, not as big


Zanpakuto Element: Reiatsu

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:


He prefers to carry it on his back


Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities:

The Shikai takes form of a massive, round, black shield, with numerous engravings over it. To Igatsu, the shield is quite lighter, so it's easy for him to move around with it. When the shield takes a hit, it nullifies a small amount of the damage, absorbing it. The inscriptions will slowly start to glow as they absorb this damage, and when it reaches a certain point and all of them glow, the shield will propell a massive blast forward. Igatsu can't hold the blast or control it, he can only keep track of how much more damage he needs to proc it.

Igatsu's spiritual power is consumed by the shield in order to increase its resilience and create what can be called spiritual magnetism, which forces all forms of spiritual energy attacks to be aimed at the shield. To take bigger attacks and/or create stronger magnetism, Igatsu needs to provide more Reiatsu to the shield, which, as a consequence, tires him much faster, so it works on a proportionate relation of "more defense=less time" This also affects the amount of damage it takes to proc the blast of energy mentioned above. Should a spiritual attack attack be too powerful for him, the spiritual magnetism will have no effect.

Under normal expenses of Reiatsu, Igatsu can proc two great blasts.

Under a greater expense of Reiatsu, he can proc only one, but much stronger than normal.

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities:


Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 9/10

Igatsu has a large pool of Reiatsu, which allows him to use his Zanpakutou very effectively.

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 5/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 4/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 5/10

Kido - 8/10

Quite proficient in using Kido, being able to spell them out quite fast and even using one or two more advanced techniques

Offense - 3/10

Defense - 10/10

Intelligence - 8/10

Igatsu has good in-battle knowledge and knows how to use the field to his advantage.

Overall - 52/80


Miscellaneous Information


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General Information

Full Name:

Kiyoshi Kiryuu

Age: 365 Looks 20

Species: Soul

Occupation: Shinigami

Affiliation: Gotei 13


Seat: Lieutenant

Outlook Information


(Please disregard the furry collar, he does not have a furry collar, shame on you if you think he wears a furry collar. Because he doesn't)

Appearance: Has a Somewhat shaggy black hair, Dark green eyes and fairly white skin.In terms of attractiveness, he's an 8-8.5/10. Stands 6 feet tall and maintains a stern, somewhat gloomy look at his face most of the times, but Smiles near people he consideres friendly, While he does have a Muscular body, his arms and legs are long and thing, almost giving the impression he has a lanky body. He has a brithmark at his right pectoral in a shape that reminds of a Bull.

Attire: He wears the standart SHinigami attire except for it's right side being ripped apart revealing his right pectoral that is coverend By bandages, hiding his birthmark. While on a Gigai, he wears a Black T-Shirt, a Neck chain and Green Camo Pants with Black Boots.

Personal Information

Personality: "I'm not gonna like this at all...Am I?" Kiyoshi is Paranoic, Lazy and Pessimistic, Normally acting cold and aloof in order to not get attention(Which gets him even more attention from others). He would normally skip duty and take walks around Soul Society until found by an superior which he would act in one of these ways:

1.Run away from the Superior, before the later would have the chance of catching him.

2. Trick the Superior and Run away while the later is distracted.

3.[Only works on those attracted to males] Seduce the Superior and wait until they lower their guard to run away.

4.[super Ultra Rare Occasions] Obey the Superior's Orders and Return to his Duties

He's mostly scared of others, though not showing, as he believes that anyone could be out to get him at any given time, Maintaining himself alert and thinking of "Escape plans" to every situation, even going to the Bathroom. His main traits are his Inteligence and quick wit, which are the only things that maintan him at his post, even though he would give up on it, easily.

He still has a sense of duty and will not run away if it is a situation in which might cost something dear to him(Be it a friend,object or Philosophy)

At the end, if it's not a "boring job", he'll do it with pleasure.

Personal Philosophies: "Live your live to be as confortable as possible and make sure others are confortable as you."His Beliefs are that everyone should live life ,not to it's fullest, but to at point they think it's alright to maintain it at. This might be due to his lazyness more than everything, but he passionately maintains his beliefs. He also avoids Stressful situations and Relationships due to it.

Fears: The 3rd Division Captain, Ayaka Nakahara

Likes: -Spicy Noodles

-His Drinking Buddies

-Kabuki (Normally sneaks out of Work to Watch some)

Dislikes: -Women he considers "Scary" or "Troublesome"

-Sweets like cakes, Pies and Other things

-Working in general


-Tricksters ((Hipocrisy, I know, but this makes him funny))

-Furry collars

-Being in Dept with someone

-Someone being in Dept with him

Background Information

History: Having no Memories whatsoever of his Past life, Kiyoshi was forcefully enrolled into the shinigami academy so he could pay a dept. His grades were average at first, with the instructors not seeing him at his full potential. They decided to give him a small test, saying if he didn't do it, he would be expelled from the Academy and his Dept would go triple. Once he finished his test the intructors were Baffled at his performance and he went from one of the Worst to one of the best students, academically, which it wasn't to his biggest interest. After graduating from the academy he was put in the 7th Division of the Gotei 13 and went back to his lazy habits being again, threatened by his superiors of being expelled from the Gotei 13 and having his still unpaid dept raised five times. This almost happened until a Hollow Outbreak occured and he was thrown in the middle of the Battlefield, showing again the skills honed by his SHinigami training and his Tactical wit, taking out most hollows and Liberating his Shikai for the first time. He was acknowleged a Hero and a Ceremony was marked in honor of his deeds, but he ditched it in order to drink with his Friends.

Reputation: He's known by many titles, Notable exmples being "The Legendary Ditcher", "Loser King" and "A complete waste of Talent". He's known for his deeds, sure, but people still class him as a Lazy Idiot who only does thing if he's really forced at. At his home district, however he's seen as a Hero and is Welcome in Many bars. He also has a somewhat love/Hate relationship with his Division's Captain, often arguing with him, but working together, nonetheless

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name:Ame no Junin (Rain Dweller)

Zanpakuto Spirit:


((Yeah, Yeah... A floating horde of Teru Teru Bozus))

Zanpakuto Element: While sealed, it's a Melee type and released becomes a Water type

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

While still sealed, it's just a Normal Katana. It doesn't have anything special about it and it gets dull very frequently.

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities: "Ascend from the Dry land, Ame no Junin!" When released, the blade itself disappears as if it would evaporate and only the hilt remains, if the user swings the hilt Downwards, rain begins Falling at the direction the hilt was swung. The water drops from the rain are like bullets to it's victims.If it's released when it's raining, then it's power gets at it's peak, changing the raindrops directly at the opponent's direction. As it's directed at a single target only, the Effects aren't good on a 2vs1 situations, and iit leaves him heavily unguarded.

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 7/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 9/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 5/10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 7/10

Kido - 7/10

Offense - 9/10

Defense - 1/10

Intelligence - 10/10

Overall - 55/80

Miscellaneous Information

It's a really good singer and Actor, although mostly uses his acting to Charm and/or trick people.

Is straight, even though he is more of a Tsundere with women.

Theme Song: Yes-Roundabout


(If anything's wrong, tell me how to change him.)
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