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Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth


The Travelling Storyteller

Gotei 13 Headquarters - Seiretei

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The war was devastating, as every war is. Sure, everyone while going into it was very well aware of the fact that this would end tragically, yet the damage was too much to bare even for the most emotionless, blood-thirty warriors. The war brought on destruction like never before, disruption in the balance that had been guarded loyally for centuries, death and loss of close friends, family, comrades in battle, innocent civilians. It burned down not only the homes and temples of the people, but it also completely incinerate their wills to move on. Rebuilding all that had perished would be too much of a burden, starting from nothing over again was an unbearable thought for most that had fought.

However, as is the case with every war, this one also brought on change... It's kind of ironic in a twisted sense when you come to realize that without the two world wars humanity would never have advanced in technology and science, or that the movement for human rights might have never existed. And, in an identical way, it's darkly humorous to suppose that the shattered Soul Society would have never bettered itself were it not leveled to the ground first, since from the ashes of the past emerged the heroes of tomorrow.

Many things have changed now as these people with hope ignited within them begin their journey, however change is the only true drive of life.


Death and Rebirth
Kyouraku Shunsui shifted uneasily in front of the 11 formidable people before him. The man still felt... uneasy in his new position as captain-commander and he knew that not everyone approved of him taking up such an important post. And he didn't judge all those that looked down on him, since he understood where their assumptions came from - Shunsui was a laid-back peace-lover, not someone to raise his sword unless such a thing was unavoidable. On the other hand, he was also someone willing to do whatever it took to guard Soul Society, even if that meant engaging in taboos and overlooking the pride of Gotei 13. Surely, this side of him had clearly shown through in the now finished war. However, even if the battle may have ended and the shinigami emerged victorious, the scars inflicted by the quincies ran deep and would take a while to heal. And that was exactly why captain Kyouraku had called in these diligent men and women to the 1st Division headquarters on this particular day - to begin the healing process.

Thus, the man suppressed his uneasiness and immediately regained his characteristic carefree spirit at once. "Welcome everyone~" the man's leisurely voice boomed awkwardly throughout the large meeting room "I know that for some of you it might be a pain to be cramped in here right now. Believe me, I would much rather be somewhere else. However..." his tone suddenly deepened "one has to neglect their own comfort for the greater good. So swallow your pride right now so we can continue... Seiretei is in shambles. Even a blind man can see as much. Me, as someone half-blind" he pointed towards his eye-patch "can assure you in as much. Thus, it is our duty to return it to its formal glory. Fate in the Gotei 13 has been broken, so carrying out our duties with diligence and accuracy is of utmost importance. It might sound weird coming from someone like me but I want everyone to give it their best". Then the tension was once again alleviated with the next statement of the new head of Gotei 13, who once again gleamed cheerfully "Anyway~ seeing as there are a lot of new faces here today, even for me, I guess we should start off with some introductions. Do your best and state your Division as well as duties, friends. I don't think it's necessary for me to do so, but here it goes either way... I am Kyouraku Shunsui, captain of the 1st Division and captain-commander of the Gotei 13. Sake and cute women are my passions~ Nice to meet you all~"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira, @Shippo, @GabrielD921, @Rayischo, @gogojojo331, @Hex, @LeSoraAmari, @Mousie, @Beaurmont

Aihara Hayate Hayate hadn't been listening too attentively while the captain-commander spoke and only brought his attention towards Kyouraku once his demeanor suddenly changed to a more serious tone. The 5th Division captain knew his former head as well as close friend Shunsui too well not to notice the fact that he was being deadly serious. Thus, Aihara felt it important to show his respect for the new leader of the Gotei 13. And the truth is that he really did look up to the carefree, laid-back shinigami since he was well aware from the years of serving under him that Kyoraku Shunsui was someone with a heart of gold and mind full of wisdom.

And yet, it would be an understatement to suppose that Hayate didn't additionally feel a little worried about his buddy. At the beginning, captain Aihara certainly took note of the odd, uncomfortable feeling to the captain-commander, which made him concerned for his comrade. Fortunately, this fit of anxiety ended once Kyouraku regained his composure and then cheerfully instructed everyone into introducing themselves. Reassured by this and confidently taking a step forward, Hayate spoke, in a loud excited voice comparable to a shout "Greetings everyone. Aihara Hayate here, though all of you can call me Hayate! I am, as some of you may already know, the one and only captain of the 5th Division!" and then with a crooked smile and a thumbs up the man finished his statement "I look forward to working with all of you."

Tanaka Ayame Tanaka looked around herself cautiously, studying all the unfamiliar faces that surrounded her. She truly didn't know any of the people cramped together in that room, or maybe she had seen them before but simply forgotten. Nevertheless, she wasn't particularly interested in getting to know the other lieutenants either way, thinking that they would just be a waste of her time and effort. The vice-captain of the 11th Division simply stood there, upright against the door-frame in silence as she awaited the ending of the captain's meeting, which the lieutenants were not allowed to attend. However, as she patiently waited for that moment of relief, with her eyebrows furrowed and expression as lifeless as ever, the pale girl went back to what the head-commander had told her prior to her arriving here.

The old man had pulled her aside, seeing as she was one of the first people to arrive due to her punctuality, and told her to get all the vice-captains introduced to each other. Then, captain Kyouraku must have thought that she agreed to his idea, for he left with a simple "bye-bye~" and didn't even wait for the girl's response. Well, she never did plan on answering him anyway. Truly, Tanaka didn't hold Kyouraku Shunsui in the highest regard and viewed him as someone unfit to lead the Gotei 13. She sometimes found herself actually wishing that Genryusai-dono was still among the shinigami. Yet, the lieutenant suppressed expressing such thoughts and just continued carrying out her duties like nothing had ever occurred. And so, seeing as Shunsui's request could be viewed as an order, the girl reluctantly muttered a while after all of the lieutenant had gathered "Tanaka Ayame - lieutenant of the 11th Division". Then she gazed over her comrades with a snobbish, stone-cold visage, awaiting their responses.

Somei-ra took a step forwards. Her looks was serious like Everytime. It's mmy be a bit awkward if you see a rather little girl with such a serious face, but she doesn't care.

"Somei-ra Hairenyuki! Captain of the 7th Division!" She said with a serious look in her face. "I want to be true: I'm not looking to work together with you when I don't have to. Means, I don't want that we'll be friends in the future." She took a step back and let put a sigh. She doesn't know anyone here, but don't to know them either. She grabbed her large Zanpakuto and Stretched, waiting for the others.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira, @Shippo, @GabrielD921, @HornedGhost ,@gogojojo331, @Hex, @LeSoraAmari, @Mousie, @Beaurmont
Ayaka had hung on nearly every syllable of the Captain-Commander's speech, despite the fact that what he had said were all things that she had heard before. She stood quietly, her hands folded behind her back, tapered fingers laced together and spine as straight as steel as she listened to the first few Captains introduce themselves. Her pale lips twitched at the 7th Division Captain's crass introduction and a thin eyebrow quirked upwards as she silently pondered what the young looking woman had said, but she kept an overall polite expression upon her hawkish face as she patiently awaited her turn to step forward.

"I must say that I am pleased to see some familiar faces, but to those of you who do not know me, my name is Ayaka Nakahara, and I am the Captain of the 3rd Division." She spoke calmly, her voice warm but her expression somewhat tired as she bowed her head, thin hands clasped behind her back. She bowed only out of respect for her fellow Captains, but it wasn't something she planned on making a habit of. "However, you may address me as Aya, if you like." She shot the gathering of new Captains a small smile before she wrapped up her introduction with something seemingly very cliche, but she honestly meant every word of what she said. "I am looking forward to getting to know all of you a little better, and I honestly hope that we can find a way to work together to return the Seireitei to its former glory."
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Swaying forward a bit, Midori found herself startling herself back to consciousness. This was far too early for the vice-captain, especially considering how late she had stayed up the night prior. Busy with important Division business, of course. How she was ever convinced to attend this meeting of Lieutenants was beyond her. Regardless, she was standing there now, shuffling to appear more attentive. Midori had managed to snag a spot near the Western wall, and had been leaning against it while she awaited the other Lieutenants to arrive. It had seemed she had fallen asleep during that time, something most embarrassing and something she sincerely hoped no one had noticed. Oh, who was she kidding? Most everyone probably saw her snoozing about. The great vice-captain Shirokami, napping on the job. What a day this was turning out to be for the young Shinigami.

She heard some faint utterance, coming from the raven-haired woman near the front. She was standing by the door, the entrance to the main meeting hall. Of course, that meeting was for Captains only. With a quiet sigh, Midori focused her attention back to the woman in front when she briefly introduced herself. She said nothing more, other than her name--Tanaka Ayame, that was it--and which Division she was assigned to. Midori may have remembered seeing this Tanaka lady somewhere before, but couldn't recall exactly when or where. With her own division to manage, Midori couldn't really say she knew any of the Lieutenants here.

"Lieutenant of the 8th Division reporting, Shirokami Midori." She replied just loud enough to be heard by the others. Her voice was plain, though there was certainly a bit of annoyance in there. It was almost as if she didn't want to be there. Midori hoped that adding her own introduction so quickly, the others might forget that she was totally just dozing off a moment ago.

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Kenpachi Koujiro wasn't one for big meetings, seeing them as a huge waste of time, but if the new head summoned them all there, he was in no position to turn down the request. The beginning of Kyouraku Shunsui's speech started off rather shakey, and for a moment there Koujiro thought that perhaps this was more of a hit to their morale. However, he quickly picked up the atmosphere, although Koujiro didn't really care too much for the childish game that he was making them play. He was certainly aware of who these others were, Captains anyway, and standing in such tight quarters with all of them seemed a bit stifling and unnecessary. He let out a long sigh as JiJi spoke, that man and his upbeat attitude seemed to always get under his skin, or perhaps it was because the man was also a Tiger at heart that he couldn't help but feel antsy around the man. He shook the feeling off as he stared around the room at the other captains, cracking a half-smile as his eyes landed on Uki, but he pulled his attention away from her to pay attention to this childish proceeding.

He smirks as the Captain of the 7th Division finished, stepping forward a bit, "
The name's Kenpachi Koujiro, Captain of the 11th Division. Looking forward to working with all of you," he chuckled a bit, casting a sly glance at both JiJi and Kido-Masa. Uki aside, the only other captains in the Gotei 13 that were on his radar were Jiji and Kido-Masa (He calls him that because of his expertise in that area), mainly because they were all 3 Tigers, and he and his became quite restless knowing that they were around. As he steps back he wonders if the lieutenants were forced to have a little get together, and holds back a laugh as he tries to picture his little Aya doing this.

Ryota Hisakwa

Ryota had raised an eyebrow as he stood among his fellow lieutenants, sizing them up a bit. His headphones around his neck, he wasn't necessarily partial to this whole get together, but he could picture how Jiji might react if he was to find out that he was playing around. With that thought in mind he straightened himself up a bit. Tanaka Ayame, huh? Seems like someone has a bit of an attitude. Those were his thoughts as the lieutenant of the 11th Division finished speaking. He quickly fixed the cap on his head before opening his mouth, "Hey, everybody! Ryota Hisakawa, lieutenant of the 5th Division." He smiled as his golden gaze swept over the others, brows shifting to a bit of a furrow as he met with Tanaka's.
"Kisuke Shinichi." He nodded slowly. "Captain of the 8th division." He st in one of the nearby chairs. "Forgive me for sitting. " He put his palm on the hilt of his sword, and scratched his hair a bit with the other hand. "I was in a bit of a party with some of my squad mates last night to celebrate...and I feel a bit of the hangover still persisting." He smiled and chuckled a bit. "Forgive me." He bowed slightly. Seemed that 8th was getting the new reputation of the 'Slacker Division' mighty quick.
Renzo stood there quietly next to the other Captains in the room, he wondered if he should've come a little earlier and not as the last one to arrive but well, it didn't bother him so much. He listened fully to the Captain-Commander's speech out of respect and curiosity on what he had prepared for this meeting. As Renzo listened he noticed the Captain-Commander's uneasiness in his words at first, but he knew very well what the reason was. As Shunsui regained his normal attitude Renzo conducted he should still listen. As he stood here and listened to the speech, he had a small smile on his face the whole time. His hands were at ease and his mind was composed. Occasionaly he eyed few of the newer Captains, but one who really seemed different to him was the Captain of 13th Division in particular, Kiruchu. However, Renzo then turned his attention towards the speech back again. As Kyoraku stopped talking the other Captains began introducing themselves. First was his close friend Hayate, then it was the Captain of the 7th Division Somei-ra, Renzo had noticed her negative attitude and wondered why she was so rejective of friends. Then there was the 3rd Division Captain, Aka. After her spoke Kenpachi, his sly eyes pointed at two other Captains were very noticable and Renzo knew that sooner or later a little fight will ignite. And the 8th Division Captain Kisuke, the fact that he was sitting on a chair when he was present at the Captain's meeting irritated Renzo enough for his left eyebrow to twitch slightly.

As their introductions ended for now, Renzo cleared his throat slightly and took a small step forward, still having the smile on his face. He then spoke out casually to the Captains in the room;
'I am Captain of the 6th Division, Renzo Tahara! I believe that now that the war with the Quincies ended we will rebuild all that has been lost in this bloody conflict...Now, you can call me Captain Renzo or just Renzo if you wish it doesn't really matter to me..As for you Captain Shinichi, you could atleast show some respect and stand up atleast for your introduction..That is all, I hope we all avoid any uneccesary conflicts,' making a small glance over Kenpachi, 'and work well together to keep the Soul Society and the world of the living safe. That is all!'. Renzo bowed slightly and made a step back.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira, @Shippo,

@SoulFire, @HornedGhost ,@gogojojo331, @Hex, @LeSoraAmari, @Mousie, @Beaurmont
Ukihashi waited patiently for her turn to introduce herself, accustomed to the tedious meetings of the Gotei 13. Kyouraku, while not being the most responsible of people, would make a fairly decent Captain-Commander... or so she hoped. His carefree and laidback spirit was, indeed, a superficial layer over his true power. And the parties he threw were not one to shy away from. She did, after all, enjoy a high-quality brew herself. Her eyes flickered to Ken, who had let out a rather loud and long sigh. Her always-present smile grew slightly from amusement. Of course he would hate this meeting... She observed the other Captains in the room, giving the new Captains a quick once-over, and lingering on Kiruchu. Each one appeared fairly competent, which was a relief and a pain in itself. She would make sure to make precautions later for each of them.

... On another note, she was the tallest Captain here.

After the Captain of the 8th Division introduced himself, Ukihashi stepped forward and bowed slightly at her waist. "Greetings and welcome, my comrades. I am the Captain of the 4th Division, Tokonatsu Ukihashi." She straightened up, and covered her mouth with her sleeve delicately. "The 4th Division is in charge of medical treatment in Seireitei. I do so hope that we will all be close compatriots in rebuilding our lovely home... In-fighting will only create weakness amongst us, no?"
"JEEZUS." He looked at Renzo, gripping his head. His voice was so loud, and the reverberating echo didn't help either. "Could you be any louder?" He chuckled. "I wouldn't be surprised if the hollows in Las Noches didn't hear that..." He go up slowly, massaging his neck. "And don't flaunt your superiority like you own me." He looked at him, eye to eye. "Rank numbers don't mean anything." He smiled. "Captain Hitsugaya was stronger than all of us, and he was lower than you." He looked down a bit in somber realization. "Though...he did turn into a zombie and die..."
Masaki looked at all the other people present, familiar faces dotted the room, yet there were also the faces of those he didn't recognise. In truth, Masaki felt uneasy being here. It wasn't that he didn't want to be there or anything, because be did, he just felt... Weird. But looking at the other captains, he quickly realised that he was still the youngest of them all. He hoped that someone younger than him was to become a captain, but unfortunately for him that wish did not come true.

The young captain looked around at his peers, taking in every word of their introductory pieces just like he had taken in everything Shunsui had said. The man fascinated Masaki, his approach to things was always very calm and he was generally just a very laid back person, a funny combination, but Masaki was pleased that he got the role, Shunsui was incredibly experienced in the world of Shinigami after all. As he listened to the few people introducing themselves he too stepped forward, he put his hands behind his back as he emitted a smile and said, "I am familiar with most of you already, but for those who don't know me. My name is Masaki Yamaguchi, Captain of the 10th Division. I look forward to working with all of you."

He then turned and caught the Captain of the 11th Division, Kenpachi, glancing at him. Masaki looked at him for a moment before looking away hastily. The man annoyed him, but he didn't hate him. Masaki stepped back as he said, "oh yes. I almost forgot. Some people call me Masa, so I guess you can call me that. Should you want to of course." He then looked at Kisuke, the man was sitting on a chair. Masaki' brow raised ever so slightly, but he kept his polite demeanour.

Masaki took a quick look at each of the Captains, although he was relatively new, only really having his position for a few months or so, he felt a tad out of place. Since most of the others of his ranking had been for a good amount of years and him being here for merely two months. He took a deep sigh when he heard Captain Shinichi speak loudly, rubbing the temples of his head together he looked at him with a smile and said. "Let's try and keep the meeting at a serious level.. yes?"

With that, he lowered his hands, resting one on the hilt of Kaminoikari, and waited contently for everyone else to introduce themselves.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira, @Shippo, @SoulFire, @HornedGhost @gogojojo331, @Hex, @LeSoraAmari, @Mousie, @Beaurmont
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Kiruchu didn't care for formalities at this point. Despite his lack of interest for the captains meeting, he knew he'd have to introduce himself to his fellow 'comrades' if he were to maintain his disguise. He was already untrustworthy due to him slaying the previous captain of the 13th Division in front of his entire division. Although the battle circumstances were very questionable, Shunsui had no other choice but to accept him under the customs of the Gotei 13. But that didn't make Shunsui any less dangerous to Kiruchu's goals. He has kept Kiruchu under close surveillance at all times. As the captains finished their exchanges, Kiruchu acknowledged the fact that it was his time to speak. His rather overbearing relaxed posture was changed into a more formal one as he straightened his back and shoulders and tried to introduce himself in a less aggressive way.

"My name is Kiruchu. I am the current captain of the 13th Division. The previous captain which some of you knew was unworthy of this position. My goals are to prove to you all that we can rebuild and maintain the Seireitei with strength." Kiruchu intended for his introduction to be humble, yet not entirely unrealistic for his personage he'd created. But he honestly had no interest in this organization or any of these individuals self goals or achievements. They were going to be nothing more than disposable pawns in the grand scheme of things to come. Every shinigami he has met in his existence has always proven to be nothing more than a nuisance in the end. Kiruchu despised annoyances like shinigami of the Gotei 13. Perhaps that's why his divisions lieutenant position is always vacant. He moved three steps backwards and resumed his relaxed posture.


Nami moved swiftly towards her next objective. She was going to be late for the first Captains meeting. She didn't want to disappoint her captain on the first day after all! It'd probably take her twenty exact seconds to make it there. But it had already started a minute ago. She shook her head almost violently as she used her best Houhou techniques to accelerate her arrival. But she knew she was too late at this point. She slowed her pace down and started walking slowly with a few sighs each time she caught her breath.

After a few more minutes of walking she finally arrived at the Captains meeting. She recognized a few lieutenants waiting on the outside of the Captains Council room. She slightly blushed as she tiptoed and stood in position to await her Captains leave.

Renzo had known many people in the hundreds of years of service as a Shinigami, but Captain Shinichi surely was one of the most annoying Renzo met. As Renzo hardly looses his temper he maintains total composure and his smile still hasn't vanished from his face. The way the man spoke was surely even louder than Renzo's and he seemed to have no shame whatsoever, his behavior was below a Captain in Renzo's opinion. Shinichi seemed to think that Renzo took him as someone of lower position than himself, that was a mistake, Renzo just dislikes a lack of respect and politely reminded Shinichi, but things turned out differently. Renzo maintained his casual expression with a smile, but the moment Shinichi looked at him in the eyes directly and mentioned Hitsugaya in such manner, Renzo thought that this was little over the line. Shinichi's attacking glance was countered with Renzo's striking look, he maintained his smile but those who know him are probably aware that Renzo became little irritated. When Shinichi finished his sentence Renzo spoke with a rather teasing tone; 'When you make a joke, be sure it's atleast funny to someone else than yourself, this room is not for jokes anyway; as for your second statement, I am not higher than you, as Captains of the Gotei 13 we are equals are we not? And please don't speak of Hitsugaya in such manner.'. He finished and then went back to his previous self. Kiruchu it seems began his introduction, but with his words he made Renzo even more curious about him, something was...weird, out of place, but that was perhaps just his character.

OOC: Oh what a mistake in the name, sorry I confused it a little xD
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He sarcastically sighed and waved his hand. "We are not equal." He chuckled, sitting back down, this time in a relaxed position. "We are on the same area, but I'm sure each one of us has a strength that trumps some of ours here." He smiled. "Call me a hypocrite if you must." He tapped his foot in the air. He yawned a bit and looked around, pausing for a second. "I had a question..." He looked at the people at the table. "Where are we on the position of fullbringers?" He rested his head on his knuckles. "I mean, Xcution didn't actually disband or anything..."
Koujiro listened to the back and forth between Shinichi and Renzo, smiling a wicked smile, finding entertainment in the men's bantering. Shinichi had a point though, they may all be on the same team but surely there were none who could stand against the might of Kenpachi. He smiled as the thought crossed his mind, the back and forth between the two making him consider starting something with Jiji and Kido-Masa. He held his tongue for the time being though, as all the captains were in attendance, and this is something that he'd prefer to do out of sight of Uki, knowing that she would disapprove of the infighting. However, Koujiro didn't see anything wrong with a little team building activity such as friendly competition.

That's when Shinichi mentioned the Fullbringers, and Koujiro scratched his head a bit. He kept his thoughts on the subject to himself though, not wanting to seem like the sword swinging behemoth that his titled implied. His thoughts on them being, find them, and cut them down; Nice and simple. However, he wasn't stupid enough to open his mouth and say that, instead he just looked over at Shinichi and cracked his neck from side to side. "
Well if they start to become a problem, I'm sure the right people will be sent to deal with them," He looked over at Renzo then back to Shinichi. "I'm interested in bigger fish..." The comment wasn't really meant for anyone to hear, as his thoughts simply became words. However, anyone who knew the man, and heard his words, knew exactly whom he was referring to. The corner of his mouth lifting into a slightly crooked smile. As he looked around the room now at the rest of the Captains, his eyes fell on Kiruchu. The guy who cut down the former Captain and took his position, he raised a brow at the man, recalling how he called the former unworthy. While true the man had lost and was killed, he simply didn't like the way Kiruchu talked about it. The guy rubbed him the wrong way just a tad.
The air in the room somehow shifted, actually catching Captain Shinohara's attention. He looked up from the documents he was reading, taking into consideration what he had been hearing. Apparently, they were to give introductions to each other. How needlessly pointless. He thought to himself, frowning slightly. With a sigh, he resigned to the orders of the Captain Commander and folded the papers away, stashing them in his back pocket. He would have to look at his notes at a later time, though it annoyed him to no end. He had been studying various ways of soul binding and enchantment magic for weeks, but nothing could be found to back his current hypothesis. He closed his eyes in deep thought for a moment as all that he read slowly came back through his mind once more. It was when the Captain of the 13th Division spoke that his train of thought broke. He opened his eyes once more as the man he had yet to meet spoke with confidence and passion. "Kiruchu...huh." He muttered under his breath, eyeing him up and down. Suddenly, he began to take interest in the matters of all the Captains.

Captain Aihara Hayate of the 5th Division, one of the oldest shinigami around and very talented to boot. We haven't spoken much, but I've heard he's quite the friendly fellow. Maybe I should catch a drink with him sometime. Shinohara chuckled silently at his own joke, he never has time for anything but work. The next that he heard speak was the 7th Division's Captain. A small frail looking girl wielding a great-sword like it was child-splay. Ahhh...Kids these days develop so fast. I just can't keep up. He scratched the back of his head, looking away from her. The captain of the 3rd Division was just as small and looked even frailer than the girl before. He must have had a shocked face as a few Captains took notice. Quickly, he regained his composure, sending his glance towards the next Cap- AN-ANOTHER YOUNG WOMAN? He asked in his head, leaning forward a bit. Wait...Wait wait wait. When did this happen? I thought- He suddenly looked around himself, a bit confused at his situation. Realization dawned on him slightly, and he placed a hand on his head. Ho...How long was I in my lab again? He had never taken the opportunity to actually ever meet with the others captains unless absolutely necessary. Even in previous meetings he never payed any attention to them.

Suddenly however, he remembered one of the more important presences around him. Casting a gaze to his side, Shinohara noticed one of the Captains he had heard about. Captain of the 11th Division, and one of the strongest men he had ever met. Kenpachi Koujiro, a man of seemingly monstrous power, even for Captain standards. Shinohara had made a mental note to have his lieutenant make a report of all the Captains in the 13 squads. Ah...if only Kenpachi would let me study him...I could probably find out so much. A bit sullen, he moved on to the next. From his memory, Captain Renzo Tahara of the 6th Division spoke next. Another of the older and much stronger men of the 13 squads, someone he respects deeply. Him and Captain Aihara were friends if he was correct, as they've known each other for a while. He continued to ignore the constant banter between the few captains, mentally compiling all that he knows of the few Captains. While on the subject, he remembered another known Captain of great age. Miss Tokunatsu Ukihashi, a definitively not so frail women who is usually composed at all times. Truth be told, he actually favors her since she leans slightly more to the intelligence side than winning through brute force. She even helped him through a difficult situation when he was gravely injured once. I really should thank her sometime for that, it's been ages since I've last spoke to her. A small smile crossed his lips as he glanced at her from across the room.

Leaving his pleasant memories and returning to business, he began searching for the last individual to speak before Kiruchi.
"Lets see..." He mumbled under his breath in thought. Ah yes, the youngest of us Captains here. Masaki Yamaguchi, Captain of the 10th Division. Despite the boy's appearance, he was supposedly quite the skilled Shinigami. He closed his eyes once more, trying to ensure he had all his information correctly compiled. After a moment, he felt like he understood the situation. Ignoring the banter between the Captains still he took a few steps forward, his hand resting on his head. With his free hand, he removed his glasses and folded them up, keeping them safe in his palm. Making sure that he kept his voice straight and his appearance composed, he spoke in a strong and confident tone. "Captain of the 12th Division, Shinohara Kyosuke. I am the head of research and development. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I don't venture around much unless ordered to, so you'll mainly find me in my lab." Opening his eyes, he made sure to gaze into each and every captain's eyes for a moment. "I'm not what you would call a very social person, but I don't turn away those that need me." His indifferent look disappeared, replaced with a playful grin. "I will make sure to remember all of you here..." Finished with his introduction, he took a few steps back and reached into his pockets to recover his papers.
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Having accidentally fallen asleep doing paper work for squad 4. Ayumi suddenly jolts awake from an alarm clock going off. " oh man! captain ukihashi going to kill for being late." Ayumi sleeps on her sandals and runs to the meeting hoping not to be to late.

Ayumi arrives seeing several lieutenants outside the captain meeting place. " hello, sorry I'm late. My name is ayumi yatamuri. I am the new lieutenant of squad 4 say ayumi." Trying to catch her breath.
A quiet, delicate laugh escaped from Ukihashi's mouth behind her sleeve at the banter between Captain Renzo and Captain Kisuke. They were like silly little children. Now that she thought more about it, Seireitei had been too quiet for much too long. It was a shame that she enjoyed the peace and quiet... It would not be long until one of these muscle-brained idiots–no, not even muscle, their brains were inflated by useless air–get themselves hurt in a battle of pride. Ukihashi noticed Captain Shinohara smile at her, and quirked her eyes into two amused curves. He had always been an... interesting man, seeing that he was the Captain of the 12th Division.

She turned her attention back to the ongoing conversation about Fullbringers. "Even a small fish will grow given time... the Fullbringers may not be such an unnoticeable dust speck in time, Captain Kenpachi," she chided softly. "What we need right now in Seireitei is unity and trust... an ancient oak tree may not fall easily, but the right factor... be it disease or fire... can kill it easily." Her eyes opened a tiny fraction, staring at the rest of the captains with gleaming, kind sky-blue eyes. She brushed a lock of hair out of her face, the scarlet flower ornament fluttering softly. Ken was too impulsive. It was one of his charms, she supposed.
Ken paused as Uki spoke, listening to her words. He let out a sigh a few minutes after she finished talking, a sign that he had indeed heard the woman and was taking her words under advisement. She was an extremely level-headed and wise woman, which is why he found himself drawn to her, but at the same time it surely put the brakes on how rowdy he allowed himself to be. He was all too familiar with having been healed minus anesthesia, and while it wasn't exactly as painful as the slashes and gashes that he would get, it is still no fun to add unnecessary pain on top of pain. He drew in a second deep breath to quell his inner fire, he had been too easily goaded by some light bantering that he had stoke his own fire. He clenched both his fists a few times to calm himself. I'm sure if I ask Jiji for a match in a day or so it won't be so bad...today just probably isn't the day for such things.

Looking over at Uki, he tilted his head a bit and grinned mischievously, "
The bigger the fish, the better the hunt ," he responded in true Kenpachi-like fashion, pausing for a moment after speaking and then smirked as he added, "As long as we have you around, I doubt that tree will fall anytime soon." Not his best line or joke or witty retort, but he just had to say something. The comment took his mind off this dragging meeting, the captain's bantering, the two other tigers in the room, the potential fun he could...he visibly shook his head as he could feel himself talking himself back into an amplifying aggressive state. He looked down at his bandaged left hand for a few moments before relaxing and waiting for the others to finish their introductions. He could feel the small nip of pain from under the bandage as he slowly opened and close his left hand. Calm down, Byyako. We will see these other tigers in due time. The feeling slowly subsided.
The banter between Captain Renzo and Captain Kisuke made Masaki sigh slightly. It wasn't out of annoyance, he just got bored of it. In truth however, without the banter between the two men, this meeting would have been boring throughout. Masaki just wanted to return to his squad, but this meeting was necessary, and he liked chatting with the other captains. Even the Kenpachi, when he isn't making the most cringeworthy jokes. The conversation about the Fullbringers came up, and a few of the captains present began to talk about it. When Ukihashi, Captain of the 4th Division spoke, he smiled. She was a very wise woman and the young captain held high opinions on her, all good of course, she was one of his favourites in the room. Although, that was probably because they both have notable skill with Kido, Ukihashi having unparalleled skill with Kaido as well as having the ability to use high-level Kido spells without the incantation, much like he can. Masaki was happy to be working with someone who also specialised in the Kido field, reminding him of his days in the Corps.

When the room was finally quiet again, he spoke up, believing that he should get involved. He took his hand away from the hilt of his Zanpakuto and put them both behind his back as he said, in a calm, relaxed, yet evidently serious tone. "The Fullbringers will be a problem. That much I know, however, there is a time and a place for everything... And their time isn't now". He let out a deep breath, he probably sounded quite rude with that statement. At least to him at least. So he spoke again, this time he scratched the back of his head as he did so, perking a slight smile. "The Fullbringers won't make their move now, that much I am certain of. So in truth, we don't need to worry about them as of yet... We need to focus on rebuilding Seireitei before anything else, then can we worry about the Fullbringers and Xcution."

With that, he lowered his hand and stood up straight, keeping his composure, and awaited for a response from one of his comrades.

Shunsui sighed as he remembered how old Yama used to maintain the silence in the meeting room through using his cane, and thus the new head-commander felt a sudden wave of bittersweet nostalgia go over his being. However, he disregarded it and decided to focus on the captains before him, some of who were bickering like small children. He guessed that he, as an adult, had to put an end to this, as much as he didn't want to do such things from the very beginning of his work as the captain of the 1st Division. However, he also didn't wish for any relationships to become strained right from the get-go. "Oi, oi, everyone, how about we calm down a little? I didn't call you all here to start a fight or rivalry. I also didn't call you here to just sit around" he eyed the 8th and 6th Division heads ever so slightly from under his hat "Didn't I say that everyone in this room should swallow their pride at the very beginning? Kids really never listen..." And with that the man unleashed a part of his reiatsu, just enough to make the dreary atmosphere in the room even more suffocating. It was just an act of show, however, thus he soon ceased with this demonstration "I called everyone here so that we can get to know each other~ And yet, there is one more thing that I would like to discuss with you. Although the fullbringers that captain Shinichi brought up have been rising in numbers at an alarming rate, this is being dealt with by other specially trained shinigami. Higher-ups such as yourselves needn't be concerned in such situations. Instead, you are to remain in Seiretei and guard it... as well as keep an eye out for hollows. Heh, it's quite a pain really~ but there has been a lot of activity in the home of our dear friends, the hollows~ As you know, Hueco Mundo has a new ruler and new elite, and yet the 10 Espada seem unable to maintain the peace and thus I need all of you to be on alert in case of an attack. Anarchy is ruling over Las Noches as of now, so who knows if some lowly seated arrancar or even the Espada themselves won't decide to target us in the future. As of now, the world of the living is being vandalized by some rogue hollows, but that situation is currently kept under control. Additionally, I fear that if the fighting on their side continues we might be forced to interfere... We are the balancers of this world, are we not? And with this, I dismiss the captains' meeting!" Kyouraku Shunsui smiled warmly, thinking to himself how much he was turning out to be like old-man Yamamoto. This thought both worried as well as relieved the captain-commander.

Aihara Hayate Hayate was having a good time for the larger portion of the meeting. In all honesty, the 5th Divison captain enjoyed introductions, greeting and all that jazz, mainly because he was an extrovert. Crowds were his natural habitat and this crowd in particular he deemed as quite enjoyable. Although he was looking forward to working alongside all these amazing captains, the otherwise peace-loving pacifist had to admit that he also couldn't wait to fight with KO and Masa. Well, it wasn't really "fighting" in his eyes, but more of a game he played together with the other two tigers among the Gotei 13 elite. In all honesty, the man didn't enjoy their rivalry as much as he simply liked hanging around with the two. Thus, when the Kenpachi's eyes landed on Hayate, he couldn't help but give off a grin that appeared more like a taunt than anything else. He surely didn't mean for it to look as it did, yet the captain had never been able to abandon the nasty atmosphere of a delinquent. The same stood even for when he also took the time to smile at the 10th Division captain - a nice kid overall.

However, as soon as the man had done so, his attention was diverged and guided towards his old friend - Renzo Tahara, the man who beat him into a pulp during his days as a thug. It appeared as though he was having a little disagreement with the 8th Division head. The whole event made a sense of disappointment rise from within, which then surfaced as an awkward expression. He very well knew what type of person Tahara was and that he would definitely react in such away in a situation as the current one, yet Hayate never truly understood this side of his friend. The 5th Division captain avoided any conflict if possible and so he thought it bizarre when people made everything unnecessarily complex and tense. "I didn't know that the elite of the Gotei 13 was made up of 12 year-olds~ Arguing with a fool only proves that there are two" he said in a calm, mocking tone. He didn't find it important to preach and step in on the argument between the two men, as he was very well aware that his opinion would only bring forth more arguments in a similar way to the interruptions from Ukihashi and Koujiro, which had transpired into a whole separate talk in on itself. Thus, he deemed this little jab to be more beneficial to calming down everyone's nerves. However, before he could continue voicing his laid-back thoughts, Hayate was cut off by Shunsui Kyouraku. After listening attentively to what the head of Gotei 13 had to say, the man put on a more serious expression and eyed all of his comrades again. The arrancar weren't really something that the 5th Divisoion captain was worried about... Truly, the other shinigami were a good company, yet he did feel unsure whether he could trust all of them. After all, an enemy from within had always been something silently resting at the back of Aihara's mind ever since Aizen's betrayal. And, despite having a few people already on his list as potential dangers to Soul Society, he decided to ignore speaking up about this for now...

Tanaka Ayame The girl's cold gaze was suddenly met with the golden eyes of a man with headphones around his neck. She was relatively startled to find him looking directly at her, yet she didn't break eye-contact and simply stared on, as though at a stand-off with Ryota. Tanaka didn't particularly like the way in which she was reflected in his eyeballs as she felt like in the presence of a rival. Sending off a death stare one more time to the 5th Division lieutenant, whom she had guessed belonged to that particular group even before his introduction due to the way he carried himself, Ayame turned her attention towards the vice-captain of the 8th Division, who had spoken up first. And then, out of nowhere, the usually cold demeanor of the girl disappeared as her eyes glimmered with excitement.

Doing her best to conceal her reaction, Tanaka swiftly turned her head towards the door and muttered "What is that imbecile Ken doing? What is taking him so long?", as if her captain had any control over the duration of the meeting. In reality, the 11th Division lieutenant simply felt flustered and wanted to think of anything else but that... that... gorgeous uniform! As as die-hard fan when it came down to tailoring, there was no way that Ayame would overlook Midori's amazing clothing, which had now engraved itself into the girl's memory. She thought about commenting on it, but realized that this would force her to break her composure. Thus, she ignored all the other lieutenant, including the two girl who arrived a little late to the meeting, and squeezed her shoulder tightly.
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The meeting was just at it's beginning and Renzo had already grown a little tired, but well it can't be helped, as much as he'd like to go and relax in a hot spring he has other duties now. Having ended the quarell with Captain Shinichi Renzo focused on the other matter at hand, indeed Fullbringers have been increasing again lately but Renzo didn't seem bothered by that, even the fighting Arrancars posed more of a threat than the Fullbringers. As the banter between him and Shinichi ended Renzo noted his friends reply 'I suppose you are right Hayate...But you know how I am, it couldn't be helped.' casually. He scratched the back of his head slightly, listening to the discussion of other Captains. It seems that the Captain of the 4th Division spoke and introduced herself, she was beautiful as usual, Renzo knew her for long as she is one of the senior Captains like Renzo, judging from her expression she seemed amused by the banter earlier. Then there was the Captain of the 10th Divison Masaki, just at first glance Renzo knew that this kid was a protidigy, he wondered if Masaki could surpass most of the Captains seeing how he became one at such age, Renzo wouldn't be suprised if he did, but for that he needs much more experience. Renzo's attention was turned to the head of the 12th Divison, the scientist in the bunch Shinohara Kyosuke, Renzo viewed him as a man with keen intellect given the fact that he was at most of the time in his lab. And as usual Kenpachi was always up for a good fight, deducting from the way he spoke he more likely ment the Espada as "the bigger fish".

Seeing how everyone agreed on the fact that Fullbringers are small fry for now Renzo was prepared to say something aswell, but it seemed the Captain-Commander had soemthing in mind too. As Shunsui spoke, it briefly reminded him of the old man Yamamoto who resolved matters such as this in a similiar way. Renzo noticed Shunsui eyeing Renzo and Shinichi, Renzo deducted that he'd better not start anything similiar for the day. Then there was that sudden demonstration of the Captain-Commander's reiatsu which made the tiny room even more unpleasant.
Even though Renzo didn't even flinch he still knew that he should behave himself. As the Captain-Commander stopped talking, Renzo replied with a confident tone 'We indeed are the balancers of this world, I also apoligize for the little quarell between me and Captain Shinichi. I would like to say something regarding the Fullbringers and the Arrancar, in my opinion the Fullbringers don't pose too much of a danger to the Soul Society nor the world of the living so I wouldn't concern myself with them for now, of course while rebuilding all that has been destroyed during the war takes top priority, I am still worried about the Espada, as the Captain-Commander noted they might try something in the future, they are still Hollows after all.', finishing his sentence he looks around observing the other Captains and waiting for their replies.
Kisuke shrugged, and tuned on his seat so his feet touched the floor, but he sill rested his hands in his knuckles. "All I'm sayin," He said, "Is that Hollows are desperate to increase their ranks, and some Fulbringers might not be sure of the rules of this world. Xcution members don't seem to care for us much anyways, so whats stopping them from becoming a army of desperation and hatred? Happened before, might happen again. Who's to say it hasn't happened, and we'll start seeing Hollow-Bringers?" He looked at Koujiro. "As much as I know you wanna run them threw with your sword, I agree with Uki-san. We need to show the fulbringers the right way. Train them, bring them here for a while, as much as I know their presence here might irritate some people here and in the Society at large. We might need to make and break laws about them, but hey, not like we haven't done that before..." He yawned. "That's my two cents everyone..." He looked at his lieutenant. "So what's next on our agenda?"

Somei-ra sighed.

"They're probably planning to attack us right now, who knows." She said and looks serious. "I don't want to die, so we have to be a key this more serious... even the Fullbringers. Nobody knows how powerful they are... and the Arrancar..."
Things seemed to be moving along, though from the what Midori could make out, things might have been getting a little heated in that Captains-only meeting. The young Lieutenant could only guess what they might be discussing. Most likely the restoration of the Seiretei.

However, Midori was certainly surprised to see her Captain be the first to exit. As soon as he appeared, Midori straightened up and she scuttled over towards Captain Shinichi. She was worried, asking herself why he might have left so early into the meeting.

"Sir," Midori began, speaking quietly so only he might be able to hear, "Someone reported to me that there's some kind of dispute in one of the Districts, but," she paused, glancing down for a moment. She stole a quick glance towards the entry way into the main meeting hall, before turning back to face the Captain. "I believe it would be most prudent to continue with the meeting. They may be discussing something important, and I would be concerned about missing anything vital." Midori spoke, almost in a scolding manner. She glanced up at Kisuke, before peering over her shoulder to the other Lieutenants. This was most embarrassing for her.
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