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Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

As Masaki continued on his way towards the 10th Division Barracks, he smiled and chuckled slightly to himself as he listened to Nami speak. In response, he quickly turned around and said, "Ah, well in that case, you can help me with the paperwork... Then after I've done that I need to observe the Divisions training exercises, luckily, I've not been called on to do anything of importance. Which means for now, I can out these two tasks as the highest priority." He smiled to Nami and waited for the Lieutenant to catch up before continuing on his way. Eventually, the 10th Division Barracks were in sight, a smile beamed across the young captains face. "Ah~ finally" he said with a sigh as he scratched the back of his head and made his way to his office to crack on with the masses of paperwork that had to be done.

Masaki sat down on his chair and gawked at the piles of paper that were sat on his desk, with a sigh, he quickly began to look through each one, signing anything that had to be signed and just doing what had to be done. Eventually he got to about halfway down the pile and saw a letter that had the Corps insignia on it. Masaki' brow twitched violently and he let out a loud huff. "I'm not even part of the Corps anymore and they still want me to perform tasks... Dammit.". He only really does these tasks out of good will, otherwise he wouldn't be doing them at all, because the constant 'requests' do his head in. "Now they want me to check on the Senkaimon? Great...that's not even my job, that's entirely out of my schedule " He huffed again, resting his head on his right hand and continued looking through the paperwork with his left. He forgot how boring this task was, he couldn't wait to help train his subordinates, or just train himself, for that matter.
Even though Renzo would like to take a bath at the hot springs in his division's barracks he deducted it wouldn't be so bad to swipe the dust of his shoulders, he wasn't in Hueco Mundo in ages and the Espada worried him. As the Captain-Commander finished his sentence it seemed that Hayate was tagging along aswell, a Captain like him would sure be useful and atleast he would have a good friend by his side. All the more reason to accept this, Renzo also noticed Hayate's awkward grin which could mean two thinks, he either figured out that Renzo knew something was bugging him or a Hayate-type weird thought had occured in his mind. Renzo smirked upon seeing the weird grin on his friends face and shook his head slightly, he then turned to Kyoraku and said 'So we are goin' to Hueco Mundo huh...Why not, haven't gone to a mission like that ever since the war ended, very well. Also, when are we to head out once we've gathered enough people?'. After that he slightly scratched his chin, thinking 'Will I be able to feed Lucian before we head out? Well either way my Lieutenant would take care of it once he gets to know I will be off to a mission, I just hope he won't give 'im the wrong food...'. He then noticed that Kiruchu is leaving the room aswell, but what seemed weird to Renzo was the stare he gave for a few seconds at the Lieutenants, but again probably just his character so Renzo turned back to the Captains in the room.

As Kenpachi made his way to his barracks, he couldn't help but take a little detour over by the 10th Division for a bit. Having left before Jiji and not wanting to go back, for fear of possibly being asked to do some inane task that would bore him, he opted to see if Kido-Masa was free. The war being over was great and all and rebuilding was certainly a major priority, but Kenpachi couldn't recall the last time he blew off steam or got a true workout in. He was looking for a good reason to sweat, and what better way than with a partner worth crossing steel with. This would also give him a more solid reason to stop by and see Captain Ukihashi, not that he needed one...but the man always found himself fumbling with words or not exactly knwoing what to say and how to act. If only everything were as simple as slashing the person before you, he let out a long exhale from his nose as he entered the 10th Division.

He leaned against the doorway of the Captain's quarters, seeing Masaki sitting and going through papers. "
Yo, Kido-Masa," he called out, not really caring if he was interrupting something important, "How bout a match? I haven't had a decent fight in a bit...wouldn't want to get all rusty," he continued to try to sell his point, "You can do that paperwork later, plus I'm sure you could use the exercise yourself." He was grinning widely and staring hard at the back of Kido-Masa's head, the mere prospect of clashing blades (and probably slashing through Kido-spells) was enough to make the man's reiastu pulse a bit.

Masaki leant back in his chair, running his fingers through his hair. The amount of paperwork was just too much for the young captain, it was sooo boring. Masaki huffed as he then sat up straight after his minute break and continued with the paperwork. Eventually, he heard someone calling out to him from outside the door to his quarters. He identified the person straight away from their reiatsu, it was the Kenpachi. Masaki looked up, putting his pen down and proceeded to stand up, he looked at the 11th Divisions Captain with a smile, and a bow of his head to greet him. Masaki listened to the man contently, sighing slightly. "You want to spar? Is that wise?" He paused slightly before saying, "I mean, the other Captains might not appreciate it, and we should really be focusing on helping the rebuild effort." Again, he paused and went over to Kaminoikari, grabbing it and attaching it to his waist. "But, I'd be happy to spar with you~"

Masaki looked at the Kenpachi with a sly smile, in truth, Masaki was looking forward to the day he would clash blades with the 11th Division Captain. Masaki was curious as to whether he'd have to use his Bankai or not, he didn't exactly want to of course, and he did want to keep it's abilities a secret. But he thought that two months of keeping it a secret is good enough, after all, he needed to demonstrate at some point.

After all, the Kenpachi would be a worthy opponent, what better chance to show his Bankai than now?

Koujiro couldn't keep from grinning, finally he was going to get a chance to see what this tiger was all about. He had been really looking forward to something like this, the only way this could be any better would be if he could get Jiji involved. All things considered, this was turning out exactly to his liking. Koujiro understood the concerns that Masa had about their match, but he wasn't too concerned with the fallout. "So what if some of the captains aren't on board," he said with a smirk, "and since we're cleaning this place up anyway, it's not like a few more fallen structures here or there will be that much of a bother. If someone wishes for us to stop, I hope they're also prepared to fight."

Koujiro had a permanent grin on his face as he stood facing Masa, "However, you do have a bit of a point. I'll let you pick the spot though, that way I can blame you for how it ends up looking later." He chuckled a bit, happy to finally get to blow off some excess aggression, and also to see for himself the strength of his comrade in arms. He wasn't sure how long they'd be able to go at it before someone eventually stepped in and attempted to ruin there fun, but he was going to have as much as he could beforehand. He had a quick flash run through his mind on how he would eventually have to explain his wounds to Ukihashi later, and considered possibly just avoiding her all together. As it would certainly become apparent who was clashing as soon as their reiatsus were released. Regardless, Koujiro was quite impulsive, more of the act now and figure out what to do later type, and so he pushed thoughts of consequences to the back of his mind and focused on just how the best way to enjoy the upcoming fight.

Masaki smiled at Ken as he spoke of not caring about what the other captains would think. In all honesty, Masaki cared quite a bit. He cared mostly about what Ukihashi would have to say about it all, she may not care, but the possibly of that seemed very unlikely in his eyes. With a sigh, Masaki listened to the Kenpachi as he waited for right opportunity to speak. Masaki scratched his head as he says, "Well, the whole idea of cleaning is to not make any more mess... So we most certainly won't be doing it nearby..." Masaki put a hand on his chin as he began to think of a place for the grand spar to take place. He didn't like the fact that the Kenpachi intended on blaming Masaki for any mess made, but he was glad that he got to choose the location. Masaki smiled at Ken, lowering his head and then saying. "How about Sokyoku Hill? It's pretty much an empty wasteland now since the Sokyoku was destroyed.. Plus, Seireitei won't be harmed if we spar there.. But they'll definitely see flashy lights and stuff.. They'll also know we're there from our reiatsu. Anyway, I'll meet you there soon. I need to leave a note for Nami-Chan~"

With that, he quickly began to write a note detailing the run down of the situation, leaving it on his desk for Nami to see, when she returns. It also requested that she notified one of the other captains on the situation, just so they know where he has gone off to. Masaki was only taking precautions should anything important happen and he needs to be fetched quickly.

Ken could barely contain his excitement as Masa picked the location, his grin growing ever wider. Ken was already heading out when Masa starting talking about what others will see and come to understand. All of that was background noise and inconsequential to him at the moment, all that he cared about was having an opportunity to see how sharp this tiger's teeth and claws were. I doubt he'll disappoint me, what do you think, Byyako. He put his spped to use, wanting to get there as soon as possible, he could feel his adrenaline surging through his body as the anticipation for this match drew closer. Now that the war had come to a close and all the powerful fighters had been seemingly dealt with, Koujiro's only option was in-fighting if he planned on keeping himself sane. He was sure that there were other captains that shared his sentiment, and would prefer a formidable sparring partner rather than simply practicing alone or with their subordinates. As long as they weren't interrupted by the captain-commander himself or another war suddenly broke out, Koujiro wasn't going to let an opportunity like this pass him up.

Once he reached the Sokyoku, he grabbed Byyako by the hilt and casually placed the sheathed sword on his shoulder. He was contemplating how we wanted to do this to get the most enjoyment out of it.
I could do this right handed...or perhaps I could go full force from the get go. No, I definitely want to see what he's capable of...I know! I'll simply match what he gives me...No, that's no fun....Yeah, A tiger doesn't play with his food...we'll see what he can do alright, but we'll see as we show him what a real tiger looks like! He swings his sword through the air a few times as he waits for Kido-Masa. He's curious more about the fighting style of this tiger, as Kidos are his mastery, he's already a bit annoyed that he's gonna have to deal with those. He was never good at them, didn't understand or see the relevance in them. In the time it took for an opponent to try to recite incantations, he could simply cross the distance between them and attack. However, there are those who can do them without incantations, and in such a case, Koujiro figures that he'll just wing it and decide if it's a situation that requires dodging or not. A sparring match is a simple thing to him, be the last man standing and you win. Sparring is simply fighting without dealing the death blow, after all, and plus he was dying to see how much he could get Kido-Masa to show him. Now while Koujiro was be no means a masochists, that didn't mean he couldn't take severe punishment and keep on going. This, however, is a usual, yet highly barbaric, form of fighting that he used occasionally when trying to find out the true strength of his opponent. How else are you suppose to know if they can even hurt you if you don't allow them to hit you, plus it has its advantages. If you take a hit from your opponent, then more likely than not they will be left wide open for an attack, as long as you were able to withstand their assault and keep your composure to strike back. While Koujiro doesn't use that as his main form of fighting, he certainly won't shy away from from taking a hit if he feels he can deliver an even stronger one in exchange. If Masa turns out to be half the tiger I hope he is, then I'm sure to have some explaining to do to Ukihashi later. I'm sure she'll understand....

"Yea then sokyuko hill it is. if you gals are ready,Then let's go says ayumi." Ayumi then takes off with shunpo to the near by sokyoku hill. Reaching it first. as she waits for the others to arrive she calms herself and ready herself for a long match. She believes even if they master different skills they were pretty much equals in their own rights.
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Masaki smiled to himself as he finished writing the note to Nami. He then left his quarters and began the walk to Sokyoku Hill. Masaki looked down at Kaminoikari with a smirk as he began to think of the battle ahead, although it was only a spar, he knew he wouldn't come out unscathed. After all, his opponent was the Kenpachi. However, Masaki most definitely had a few ideas up his sleeve, and he couldn't wait to try them out. Eventually, he got to Sokyoku Hill and saw Ken waiting there, Masaki smiled at the captain as he said. "You know, I'm actually quite excited for this match. It's been a while since I've fought someone of notable strength." He bowed his head out of respect for the captain, "Much like yourself, my fangs are sharp. I will not go down easily, and I most certainly intend on winning this. After all, If I lost after being challenged, that would be shameful in my eyes." He paused as he began to walk away from the Kenpachi, now at quite the distance, from there he spoke once more. "But no matter, whatever the outcome I just hope to have fun~ Which I'm sure you want as well". Masaki paused again as he slowly began to release Kaminoikari from her scabbard, when the blade was fully draw, he slashed it at his side and looks at the 11th Division Captain, a smile perked across his face, he then uttered the words. "Are you ready, Koujiro?"

Masaki was completely calm, yet it was evident his demeanour had changed slightly, his serious nature had gotten even more serious. He stood there contently as he waited for the Kenpachi, Masaki wanted to see how well the Kenpachi could fair against his hado spells, that would most certainly be a fun thing to see. He knew that this would be quite the battle, yet the strength of his opponent did not phase him one bit. The boy was confident, that much was evident.

"Well I guess I have been wanting to do some fieldwork lately, so I'm game for the trip to the land of sand filled shoes and dying horribly." Ryuuga replied as he was volunteered for the expedition.

We should probably check in with the people who already ducked out for more volunteers." Taking on an exasperated tone he continued. "And I'll have to go find my Lieutenant and tell her that she'll be handling the division while I'm gone, I'm sorry in advance everyone." He had deliberately raised his voice as he mentioned Makira taking a stab in the dark at her eavesdropping.

Glancing over at the 12th division captain Ryuuga realised that he had barely spoken at all, or even seemed to take notice of the world at all.

Ahem...Captain Shinohara? How long would it take your squad to prepare a Garganta?" When a response failed to come he coughed once and pulled a scrap of paper from his pocket, checking that nothing important was scribbled on it he crumpled it into a ball and lightly tossed it at the unresponsive captain's head.
Was her captain serious about her taking command of her squad or was he just saying that because he knew? If he did know, how did he know she was out there eavesdropping? 'Yeesh. Taichou always knows what I'm up to.. Can't ever do anything I swear..' She moped in her head as she crossed her arms. Then she started freaking out. If he was serious, she was going to lose her mind. That would mean no fun and work all day, considering she was planning on dumping majority of it on him and bull-shitting her way out of it. Now she'd have to sit and do it ALL. Unless they didn't leave right away, which she would be considerably grateful for cause then she could bull-shit her way out of it. For now, she went with the scenario where she would be left only to do all the work for today. Oh she was going to give it to him for trying to leave her behind. She hated having such a huge responsibility on shoulders mostly because she didn't want to disappoint yet also because it meant making sure everything was satisfactory. Oh well, someone would have to do it and she would have to suck it up.. For now, until her captain came out. "Wait until he gets out of there... Words will be exchanged."
There wasn't possibly anything more that Koujiro could've asked for right now, he was about to get to see what his fellow comrade had to show him. He had already been itching with excitement and upon hearing Masa mention his fangs being sharp, Koujiro released a good amount of reiatsu in excitement. He wasn't going to let it all out in the beginning, not that he didn't want to, but he wanted to savor this exchange for the time being. He gripped the sheath of Byyako with his left hand, unsheathing the blade, and held the sheath in his hand as if it was a second sword. Being ambidextrous had its perks after all, and this way he could further test the skills of his comrade. He figured that this was probably going to be an uphill battle as he watched Masa create more distance between them, because now he was going to have deal with that gap against a Kido expert. Koujiro grinned, his teeth showing and his face changing from controlled excitement to almost one of blood lust. He was certain that Masa was a formidable opponent and everything the young captain said backed that up, but Koujiro Kenpachi was only interested in what the captain's skills had to tell him.

So it seems the tiger does in fact have some sharp fangs," the ground rumbled ever so slightly and the air became thick, Koujiro's excitement was making it hard for him to contain his reiatsu, "Well allow me to help you make them sharper!" With that decree, Koujiro charged straight at Masa. He wasn't interested in the captain's Kido but he was interested to see what he'd do, after all he figured that all he had to do was force his way through whatever the captain had. He could feel the burning sensation in his left arm as Byyako became agitated. It seemed that his sword didn't like his was of fighting preferring him to go all out from the very start, but he knew his swords true intentions. Byyako was a fierce tiger indeed, but in its ferocity it had no qualms of swallowing Koujiro, if it would allow it to taste victory. Koujiro didn't mind his Zanpakuto's mindset, feeling that they both had a mutual understanding that when it was time to go all out that neither of them would hold anything back. However, that meant that when Koujiro wasn't going at one-hundred percent, Byyako became a little moody. Koujiro charged Masa with both hands out to his sides, his right clutching his sword and his left held his sheath, and a big grin plastered on his face as he awaited to see what Masa was going to do.

Something tapping the Captain's head woke him from his statue like sleep, removing his attention from the papers before him. He glanced up, light reflecting off his spectacles and hiding his crimson colored eyes. A small wad of paper lay on the ground next to his foot, seemingly it was thrown at him. It was then he realized the Captain meeting had ajorned and he was standing there for no reason. Ah shit, I did it again... He thought to himself, before noticing Captain Ryuuga staring at him a bit annoyed. Shinohara chuckled nervously, reaching a hand up to scratch the back of his head. "Sorry, sorry. Was there something you needed Ryuuga? You mentioned...a Garganta...correct?"

Carefully he folded the papers once more, placing them in his back pocket. The Captain adjusted his glasses till they were comfortable before returning his comrade's gaze. "Opening a Garganta would take me little effort and time, should I get prepared immediately." He stated in a matter a fact, tone. "However, if you are going to Hueco Mundo I would advise you to only a take a party of trusted members along with you." His tone was now serious for a reason. He had worked along with the Arrancar before, they were territorial as they are deadly. "One wrong move Captain and you'll awaken the hive. And catch her attention."

(I'm unsure if any of the Captain's actually know of Rosa or not, especially since she is the newest head of the Espada. So I'm going along with the knowledge they only know of the prior head. It is up to you whether your character knows.)
Ayumi can see koujiro become battle ready. Ayumi starts to feel overwhelm koujiro reiatsu as pounds on her. She remembers what her captain said to help counter this. " I have to up my reiatsu so it not so overwhelming."

Ayumi calms herself and raises her own reiatsu to a level she no longer feel overwhelmed. With one of the opponents being a kenpachi she knew it wasn't enough. "Bakudō #81 Dankū say ayumi ." Ayumi hopes it strong enough. She is excited to see this sparring match.
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Masaki stood there, silently as his gaze was fixed on Ken. He turned quickly to see Ayumi stood there, he was about to say something when she performed a Kido spell. Looking at her he shot her a smile and spoke to himself, "Dankū eh? Very impressive." He then turned his attention back to the man before him. Masaki could tell the captain was thirsty for a fight, the excitement he had succumbed to had caused him to let out his reiatsu. The young captain then stood there as the Kenpachi began to charge at him. Masaki held his Zanpakuto at his side as he looked straight into the Kenpachi's eyes and said. "You don't need to make them sharper, for they are already as sharp as they can get!". With that he pointed the palm of his free hand, his left hand forward as he said, "Hado #73 Sōren Sōkatsui!". With that, two large masses of blue spiritual energy erupted from Masaki's hand and headed straight for the Kenpachi. He kept a calm demeanour and a straight face even with the strongest of the shinigami charging at him. Masaki did intend on using Hado #88 to open the fight but he now plans to use that whilst in Shikai, for obvious reasons.

As soon as he launched the kido spell, he began to run in that direction with every ounce of his speed, which was no doubt fast. Sōren Sōkatsui was a diversion of sorts, so that for once, Masaki could get within striking distance until it is time for him to activate his Shikai, then will he be able to stay at range and fight with the best of his abilities. When he got closer he waited to see what the Kenpachi would do, he was curious as to whether he would try and cut through the Kido or not, but for whatever the outcome, he was prepared for it. Seeing as the Kenpachi was ambidextrous, Masaki knew that even with his zanjutsu skills it wouldn't be long before the Kenpachi bested him. Masaki planned to activate his Shikai as soon as possible.

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Shinichi groaned. If he had to sign another form, he was going to lose his mind! "AND THERE'S ONLY GONNA BE MORE!!!" He screamed to himself. Once reapers left for Huceo Mundo, the other were not only instructed to do their work, but sign their papers too! The extra money you got from being a temp was not enough either. He got up slowly. "I guess a little walk wouldn't hurt...." He smiled slyly. His 'walks' were anything but little. He stepped outside the door, and looked around. He felt the reisatsu of Ken, Masaki, and Ayumi. "It's only been less than 24 hours, and we've already started infighting..."
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Sōren Sōkatsui, huh? Koujiro was heading straight for the two large masses of energy, a smile on his face the entire time. There was time to dodge it if he pleased, but where was the fun in that. Quickly, he crossed his sword and sheath in front and headed straight for the blasts, almost seeming to jump right into them. The moment he dashed into the two blasts, he violently slashed outward, the initial impact of ramming into the two masses of energy had begun to carry him back but the violent nature of his slash had caused them to explode. The powerful explosion ruffled Koujiro's clothes, causing them to flap about violently, but as soon as he landed back on solid ground he charged full speed ahead. A big grin plastered his face as he saw Masa coming straight at him. He lout out a loud laugh of excitement as they began to close the distance on one another, quickly pivoting and spinning on his right foot while still advancing forward, as he came back around he was slashing at Masa with his sheath starting down by his right leg and coming up at a diagonal angle back to his left. The sword in his right prepared to attack after he saw what Masa had in stored for him.

He was curious how far he could push the captain and in turn how serious the captain could make him. He had no intentions of losing this match, and he was sure that Kido-Masa felt the same, so he was intrigued as to the heights the young captain would go to win. "
Show me those sharp fangs of yours!" Koujiro called out as he completed his rotation and executed the attack, with his sheath as a sword.

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Ayumi was at amazement the two captains would go for a simple sparring match. For captain kisuke to use Sōren Sōkatsui without incantation and it still this powerful is amazing feet in it own right.

Ayumi eyes couldn't believe it. Watching these to captains fight was like watching two equally strong animals clash for survival. She sees smiles on both their faces. She stares in disbelief when captain koujiro goes through the kido uninjured. The grounds beneath ayumi feet.
Ryota had gotten to the scene just as Captain Yamaguchi cast the Sōren Sōkatsui, having raised his own reiatsu level so as not to be stuck in place from sheer pressure of theirs. It was a sight to see, two captains going at it, and he couldn't take his eyes away. He wondered if Tanaka was actually going to show and considered trying to steal Ayumi for himself since she was present, as his adrenaline was beginning to flow from just watching. Kenpachi sure lived up to the title, as he watched the man charged full speed ahead and attack the Kido head-on. He was further impressed to see him slash through the attack and then go right back to attacking again, he was curious as to how much it would actually take to stop the man, and wondered if Captain Yamaguchi had what it took to do so.

He cast a glance over at Ayumi. At the same time he wondered if the 2nd Division lieutenant might show up here, now there was someone he wanted to cross blades with. He wasn't sure how to approach any of his female lieutenants and feared just being flat-out rejected, but he knew most of them were always up for some practice, and that was certainly a way to makes himself feel more at ease to possibly talking more openly with them. There was also Squirt, the 9th Division lieutenant, who was said to have a mean streak. There was truly so much potential, combat-wise, within the ranks of the lieutenants, but only a few women that had caught his attention and he wanted to get on better terms with. Looking at the fight unfold, he looked back to Ayumi quick, "
So who do thinks going to take this one? I mean Kenpachi Koujiro is suppose to be a beast, but he has to run out of steam sometime, right? You can't just charge head-on in to everything and expect to come out of it unscathed," he continued before she time to respond, "And if your partner doesn't get here...I'll definitely take you on...or any other lieutenant that shows up and wants to go. This battle is really getting my blood pumping!"Ryota cracked his knuckles and his neck as he continued to watch, his golden eyes shining with concentrated excitement, as he wasn't going to miss one moment of this exchange.

@Shippo @Kolchao @oLyinKingo @Hex @Mousie @HornedGhost

(In case any other lieutenants wants to come get involved in something, here's your chance)
Masaki perked a smile as the Kenpachi slashed through the Sōren Sōkatsui spell, Masaki had a feeling this would happen, considering the Kenpachi is a lover of all things that lead to violence and big explosions. Masaki continued charging towards Ken as the gap between them began to shrink by each passing second. Watching the Kenpachi's movement closely, focusing solely on his arms, he continued to charge towards him. However, seeing as the Kenpachi went to slash at him with both his sword and scabbard, Masaki quickly utilised his speed and the momentum of him charging to flip over the Kenpachi, landing behind him just as he was about to strike. When he landed back on the ground he jumped back a few feet and looked at the lieutenants that were present, Masaki sighed to himself. He then averted his attention back to the Kenpachi, his calm demeanour still present. This time, he was finally going to get serious. Masaki threw Kaminoikari in the air as the blade began to spin, whilst both of his hands were free he placed both palms forward and used another Kido spell, this time a much more stronger one than Sōren Sōkatsui, "Hado #88 Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho!". A gigantic blast of spiritual energy then headed towards Ken, impact would result in an enormous explosion. As the spell was fired, the wind whipped up was harsh, which made Masaki's haori flutter. No doubt this spell was flashy, and would most certainly be seen even from Seireitei, not to mention the noise the spell emitted. If anyone knew Masaki, they would know he is now being serious. He was also enjoying the fight, massively. He would be sure to thank the Kenpachi for this later.

Masaki then grabbed Kaminoikari as it fell down, he then pointed it towards the Kenpachi as he uttered the words, "Terashimasu, Seinaru Hikari! (Illuminate, Holy Light!)" and with that, his Zanpakuto began to glow a bright yellow, the light let out was blinding if one looked directly at it. Masaki then let out half of his reiatsu, the golden energy flowed around him violently, he then slashed Kaminoikari as the reiatsu subsided, leaving Masaki stood there with his Zanpakuto, which was now in it's Shikai state. Masaki still had that calm look on his face, topped with a child like smile, fitting for the young captains age. He quickly glanced at Lieutenants Ryota and Ayumi and nodded, before turning his attention back to his opponent.

In truth, that quick glance was just to make sure they were alright, and luckily they were. His mind then focused on his own lieutenant for a second. Masaki wondered if Nami was doing anything interesting at this very moment.

Ayumi kido begans to show signs of breaking. With the added weight of captain kisuke shikai to the mix it begining to be to much for her.

" excuse me, leutinate ryota. You might want to put a new barrier up. Mine is at the limi..." Before she could finish the sentence her kido breaks. Ayumi holds her right arm from pain.
Koujiro smirked as Masa evaded his slash, the captain was certainly a swift one. However, when he managed to turn around, his eyes quickly widened. Masa had fired two hado #88's at him, and the sheer size, not to mention the power, of these combined were staggering. The opportunity to dodge had passed the moment he fired then both off, this fight was truly becoming exactly what he wanted it to be. He was certain that if the captains hadn't already known what was happening that they were almost certain to attempt to stop things soon, but for now he had other things to worry about. It was obvious that even if he wanted it to be true there was no way that his zanpakuto could block or defend him from this attack.

Koujiro pointed his sword straight at the huge wall of energy baring down on him, a smug grin on his face."Taberu jikan," he spoke the words almost in a low growl as he was swallowed up by the huge wave of energy. The Hado blocked everyone from seeing his sword's transformation, but it wasn't anything special. A blue flame swirled around the sword before completely enveloping it, and then with a powerful explosion of power it took on its Shikai form. The same time this happened, Koujiro also released half of his reiatsu which erupted and aided in dispelling of the Hado which had swallowed him. The aftermath was complete and utter destruction of the area the energy washed over as well as his captain's haori. His captain's jacket was gone, the top of his uniform blasted away, the lower portion was badly damaged, and his body was smoldering and covered in obvious bruises and dirt with some blood now coming down his chest and from his forehead. Koujiro gave out a hearty chuckle as the debris storm cleared, "Sharp fangs, indeed. Hardly gave me enough time to think of an escape plan, and now things are getting interesting." He nearly growled the last part. Now with his clothes and hair and body a mess, he charges once again for Masa, discarding his sheath and holding his giant sword out to the side in his right hand. He quickly slashes the sword once in front of him, the blade engulfing itself in a blue flame before it fires off in the form of a mid sized fiery blue crescent shaped blade. Koujiro immediately dashes in the air suspecting that Masa will choose to jump to avoid the attack, and to simply set up his second attack.


Ryota was astounded by the acts taking place and just as Ayumi voiced her concerns, Ryota sprang into action. He quickly cast an Enkosen, the condensed wall of reiatsu blocking them both from being blown away or worse. Ryota instinctively put an arm up as his clothes fluttered wildly, and then he looked to Ayumi. "Are you okay?...these two...are on a whole 'nother level...Monsters," he muttered aloud as he turned his head away Ayumi and saw what emerged from the debris that had destroyed a good portion of the battle area.

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Being the normal two that they were. Dakota and her Captain had been in their quarters for the 9th division. The newbies fresh out of the academy could be heard training, and her captain was sitting at his desk, doing what ever it was he liked to do. As for her, she was sitting on the couch across from him, legs up on the end of it with some freshly made sushi.

Fresh salmon, chilled and a drip of soy, with a small wad of wasabi she stuffed the entire piece into her mouth. After chewing it a few times taking in the savory flavors the wasabi kicked her in the face like a mule. She choked and her face turned bright red before she had a coughing fit.

After looking like she was nearly going to die, she let out a loud sigh of pleasure. “Mhmm, so yummy!

Turning to her Riyoshi, her eyebrow raised she asked her question, “You feel it don’t you? Should we go observe?” Her eyes came down to her blade resting against the couch, then back up at the boss man.

Ayumi uses kaido to heal her arm. She worries how this battle going to effect the soul society. " yea, I am fine says ayumi. This is getting out of hand. I hope they dont go into bankai it might destroy sokyoku hill for good."

Ayumi thinks for a sec. Ayumi uses Bakudō #73 Tozanshō with full incantation around her and ryota. " I didnt think my earlier kido would break so easily without the incantation. if this is a level of a captain shikai. Their bankai must be extremely powerful."
Masaki watched as his spell made impact. However, upon hearing Ayumi's dankū shattering he felt the urge to pause the battle to get her and Ryota out of the area. Luckily the issue was quickly resolved with an Enkosen from Ryota and Tozanshō from Ayumi. Letting out a slight sigh of relief, he began to focus on the spar once again. Masaki stood there in slight shock as the hado spell eventually subsided, after it's huge explosion. Looking at Ken, who was now bleeding and missing half of his clothing, Masaki smiled. "You know, you are the first person to be able to take my Hado #88 head on and only come out with minor injuries, I'm impressed." Masaki tightened his grip on Kaminoikari as he began to talk to himself, in his head. "...He's tougher than I thought... I guess the Kenpachi really isn't all talk. The mans tough."

Masaki then watched as Koujiro sent a slash of blue fire towards him, Masaki countered that with a beam of Kaminoikari's light, which made contact with the blue flames and resulted in an explosion of spiritual energy. Upon realising that the Kenpachi used that attack as a diversion, Masaki looked skyward to see the man looming over him. Masaki pointed his free hand towards the man as he said, "Bakudo #63: Sajo Sabaku!" And upon uttering the spell, chains of light came out of his fingers and headed towards the Kenpachi. Masaki didn't intend on restraining the man, but instead he used Sajo Sabaku as a means of making him change his course, however, Masaki kept his sword ready to block his attack head on should he cut through the chains. Masaki's eyes slowly became sharper, and squinting slightly, his calm look had gone temporarily before reverting back again. Masaki sighed as he didn't risk the head-on collision and jumped away, and as he did so, he pointed Kaminoikari towards Ken and fired three balls of the scorching light towards him. Masaki knew that he would have to stay at range to use his Zanpakutos abilities, which could either be viewed as an advantage, or a disadvantage. He was curious as to whether or not Captain Koujiro had figured this out or not, but Masaki held his sword up as if ready to charge or parry an attack.

He quickly turned to Ayumi as he called out to her, quite loudly. "There is a technique that the most skilled Kido practitioners can use, it is called Kōjutsu Eishō (Spoken-After Incantation). If you can master this technique, I'm sure your barriers and shields won't break as easily. I'd say now would be a good time to start practise that~ After all, it's hard to master~" He shot her a smile, the girl was most definitely skilled in the Kido arts, and Masaki had a feeling that his advice would help her. As soon as he was finished, he averted his attention back to the Kenpachi, awaiting his next move.

@Shippo @SoulFire

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