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Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

What was that? She asked her self. The reiatsu she was suddenly feeling was a great one. Great enough to bring her out of her moping about having to take over her department while her captain was out. Of course she was going to wait until he came out of the captain's meeting but this was too much. It was killing her to try not to seem interested at all. Maki crossed her arms in an attempt to ignore it. Oh how she wished he'd just come out of that meeting so she could go watch. Why she wanted to watch she would never know. Maybe because she recognized the two reiatsus but couldn't exactly put them to their owners. Plus, maybe watching them she could spar with them one day. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't really sparred with any of the other lieutenants or captains in a serious aspect. It was always third or fourth seats who really just wanted to test her nerves. This was one of the most terrible decisions she would have to make but, she made it. Her captain would just have to survive on his own with the paperwork while she went to watch the fight. "Sorry captain. But I gotta go watch this fight!" She squealed as she left to where she was feeling it. While she was almost a mile away, she saw a huge beam of light and an explosion. At this point, she was getting way too excited for someone who was just watching two people sparring. Yet it only made her want to get there faster. Before she knew it, she was sitting next to two other lieutenants she vaugely recognized. She was never really good with names but she figured after this, she would remember. Hopefully.

"Say, what I miss? Nothing good right?" She asked, her eyes glued onto the two captains as if she were watching a tv show. They both looked like they had seen better days, the one she sort of remembered as being Koujiro being the worst. It amazed her how powerful the other captain's, who's name for the time being was lost to her, kido was. It made her look in amazement as she laid on her stomach and prop her elbows up. The carefree lieutenant crossed her legs and pulled Pocky out of almost nowhere and began eating them while watching.

@Shippo @SoulFire @LeSoraAmari
Koujiro snarled as he watched the chains of Sajo Sabaku heading toward him, truly becoming irritated with how many kidos Masa could use, and then on top of that still attack him. He decided that the best course of action was to evade the chains and slash his way through the 3 balls of light, and after swiftly dodging the chains and slicing through the 3 orbs, which burned him a bit as they each exploded, he landed back on the ground still at a distance from Masa. So...it appears that he plans on keeping this a ranged affair, huh? Guess I'm going to have to close the distance between us quickly if I actually want to hit him...I'm no good at kido...but let's see how our little Masa handles swordplay. Koujiro stabbed his sword into the ground next to him for a moment. "You truly are gifted in Kido, I'll give you that. However, I'm gonna have to pay you back for ruining my haori, it's only fair," he slowly pulls his sword from the ground, pointing it at Masa as the sword becomes enveloped in blue flames. I can't leave a gap between us, otherwise I'll end up fighting kidos all day. Damn! this tiger is a fierce one if you can't approach him...let's see those fangs up close and personal.

"I admit that you have a stronger bite than I antic-," in the middle of his sentence he used Shunpo to place himself in front of the captain with his sword now raised high, "Moe gōon!" Koujiro called out as he brought his sword down toward Masa. He wasn't sure if his surprise had genuinely caught the captain off guard, but regardless he had closed the gap. This attack wasn't even to seriously injure the captain, so long as he he blocked or evaded it, but the impending explosion that followed would sure do the trick. He was certain that if a long range battle continued that he would surely be at a disadvantage, so the only thing he could do would be to stay at mid to close close range. At least from those distances he could still fight, and plus he didn't want to have to use the one kido spell he could actually do. He forgot who it was that pressed him to learn it, but they told them at it worked best for someone who fought like him but found themselves in a long range predicament. The only thing to do now was see how this attack played out and keep on the offensive, Koujiro grinned as he put all his strength into his downward slash


Ryota turned his head as he heard a voice, and was happy to see that it belonged to the 2nd Division lieutenant. It took a moment for her comment to sink before he could catch his bearings and turned his attention back to the fight.
"I'd say you missed some pretty impressive stuff," he took a quick breath before giving a rundown, "Captain Yamaguchi has fended off the majority of Kenpachi's sttacks with the use of kido. The impressive part being that he doesn't need incantations and has even used a double Hado #88. Kenpachi has been attacking his kido head on, which is why he currently looks the way he does, but it doesn't appear that he's too con-" he stopped talking as he watched Kenpachi move from a distant range from the other captain to right on top of the man bearing down on him with his shikai.

Watching these two go at was certainly getting a rise from Ryota, who didn't think that the Kenpachi was this monstrous, and in watching how than man fought, even against a master kido-user, he became even more curious and somewhat concerned on how Tanka would fight. His eyes were completely glued to the match though for the time being, curious as to how Captain Yamaguchi was going to respond. Holding out his to the comfortably perched Kiki, he motioned for her to give him one. "
Let me get one?"

@Shippo @oLyinKingo @LeSoraAmari
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Masaki was pleased to see his method of using Sajo Sabaku to change the mans course was successful. Yet he said nothing, still keeping that calm demeanour, he looked almost serene, but he also looked serious. Very serious. When Kenpachi stabbed his sword into the ground, Masaki watched him closely, he didn't know what the captain was planning but he was ready to find out. Masaki smiled at Ken as he complimented him in Kido, yet he said nothing in respone, instead he nodded and averted his attention back to the man before him.

After a few seconds, Masaki stood there with Kaminoikari held at his side. He watched as Koujiro took his Zanpakuto out of the ground and pointed it towards him, the blade enveloping in a blue flame. Masaki held his sword in front of him and listened to the captain as he spoke. However, the sentence was short-lived as right in the middle of it, the Kenpachi disappeared. Clenching Kaminoikari he held his ground as he felt reiatsu above him. Looking up, he saw the man with his sword slashing downwards. Masaki clenched the hilt of his sword as he blocked the mans attack and slashed sideways in an attempt to push the man away from him. However, Kens Moe Gōon caused an explosion Masaki could not evade. As the blast went on, Masaki sustained injuries to his left side, as well as a large cut to his head that turned a portion of his white hair red from blood, his shinigami robes and haori were ripped across his left arm and his arm was cut up quite a bit, bleeding. When the blast subsided, Masaki jumped back and looked at his arm. Damn... That hurt, he really does live up to his name

Masaki took off his haori and tossed it to one side, he then looked at the Kenpachi with a smirk as he said, "I'll admit, I didn't think you were quick on your feet... You might be able to keep up with me...". With that, he tilted Kaminoikari slightly as the blade emitted a bright glow of yellow reiatsu, with that, he jumped up into the air and pointed the blade towards Captain Koujiro, as he did so, the blade shined brightly and a large beam of the burning yellow light and a portion of his reiatsu was let out and fired from the tip of the blade and towards the man. Under the cover of the blinding light that was emitted he used his shunpo to appear behind the Kenpachi in a flash, crouched, he slashed upwards, aiming to cut up his leg and his back.

Masaki kept his calm look, even though the spar was becoming very intense, and more like a real fight.

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Riyoshi was sitting in his captain's chair, his head hunched over slightly making it look as if he was looking over paperwork upon his desk. This was not the case though, he was actually asleep, well that was up until his second in command began choking. He didn't get up but merely opened one of his eyes and peeked over to her location.

"You okay there?" Riyoshi spoke out softly as he didn't budge from his comfortable spot.

"And yes. I have felt it. If you want to go observe them, then we can go. But that is entirely up to you." Riyoshi spoke out as he opened both eyes and sat up correctly in his chair.


Standing up and lifting her arms high as she could, her back popped in a few places. She let out a large sigh of relief before grabbing her sword from the end of the couch. and placing it in her belt she jumped over to the door in one small leap and grasping both handles swung the doors open. They slammed with a loud clash and the newbies on the outside all jumped at it and turned to her. Giving them the stink eye, she yelled at them!

Get back to work you wimps! If I catch you slacking off no food for a week!” Pointing at a group of people eating over a desk, she yelled at them next “You guys! Go patrol the Fourth district! There was still damage and they need men for labor. Remember to keep notes so we can report how progress is coming along in this weeks paper!

With a giggle, she turned around and winked at Yoshi before skipping off down the hall. Her voice echo’d back at her captain. “Common slowpoke~
Koujiro smirked as Masaki managed to block the attack but got caught in the explosion, he'd take what he could get. His smirked widened to a wild smile as he saw the state that the captain was left in, making note that he did in fact get him back for ruining his outfit. This small achievement was quickly put to the back of his mind as the captain spoke, giving Koujiro a bit of praise. He chuckled at the compliment and nodded his head in appreciation to it, as most people wouldn't think that he was a quick as he was. However, he was so narcissistic that he thought that he might be faster or as fast as Masa. Thinking about it, he figured that Masa was certainly quicker than him, but that he would have enough speed to at least keep him from firing off his kido without worry. Although the last thing he wanted was a foot race with Kido-Masa if he could avoid it.

The time for thinking was interrupted as Masa took to the air and a blinding yellow light with his spiritual energy came scorching down toward him. Quickly dropping his blade to his left side, Koujiro quickly slashed at an upward diagonal angle to his right. The moment the light exploded Koujiro felt Masa presence behind him, but it was too late since he had already fully extended his right arm. The next thing he felt was a quick and sharp pain run up the back of his left leg and up his back to his right shoulder. He let out of loud groan as as he quickly turned on his injured leg and swung his sword full force with both hands with the blade flat, so that it was used more as a bat than a sword. Masa had come in close and even at the risk of further injuring his now hurt leg, he couldn't pass up the opportunity for a counter-attack.
Now whereas a your typical shinigami would never try to swiftly swing their sword broadside up, knowing that they'd have to deal with wind resistance and what have you, Kenpachi possessed the strength and ferocity to make it seem as natural as swinging it the proper way. Damn that hurt! Guess that means that shunpo will have to be used sparingly now. Depending on how far this plays out, I'll just have to stick to toughing it out for the time being. His confidence must have raised a bit, if he thought he could come in close without penalty.

Just as his lieutenant spoke out and called him a slow poke really didn't sit well with him. his mouth opened slightly and he released a slight growl as he proceeded to get out of his chair. In one quick motion, as soon as his butt got off of his chair, he vanished from sight, appeared behind Dakota and wrapped his right arm around her waist. Lifting her into the air, Riyohsi took a quick breath.

"Do not call me that." Riyoshi spoke out as he made a quick twist of his left foot and vanished from his division barracks.

With a single step, Riyoshi and Dakota were in the air, 200 feet above Sokyoku Hill watching the battle between captians. They made it just in the nick of time to see the kenpachi take a slash across his back, before turning and slashing his blade down upon the other captain. The battle seemed a bit too much for captains, but he was in no mood to step in the middle of it. He would only intervene when one or both of the captains threatened the safety of soul society.

"Look there little one. The disturbance is coming from those two." Riyoshi spoke out as he pointed to the two captains.


She poked her lip out when hearing she missed the best parts of the fight. For the moment she would have to blame her captain for taking such a long time in coming out, causing her to miss the best parts. Hearing that Kenpachi was as strong as everyone always made it seem brought her a special kind a joy. One that made her think of how strong she could ever become, if possible. At the same time it seemed that Yamaguchi was also strong, especially in the kido department. There was a lot she could possibly one day learn from them. Even watching them now she was taking small mental notes of techniques of what not. Just as she was about to make a reply, she was interrupted by an attack by Yamaguchi. It almost took her by complete surprise while she was watching and amused her. She loved watching intense fights such as this. The sound of Ryota took her out of her zone as he asked for one of her Pocky sticks. She willing handed one to him, not wanting to take her eyes off the fight and much too pre-occupied to flirt with him about it. She even slipped another in her mouth, never taking her eyes off the scene in front of her, not wanting to miss anything. "Who do ya think is gonna win?" She finally managed to say, after a pause of trying to gather her words.

@Shippo @SoulFire

Dakota squealed as a long dark arm wrapped around her waist and with a burst of air and moments later, both her and her captain were standing outside, nearly 200 feet above the hill. As her arms and legs dangled, she stared blankly as the two fought and just in time to see the Kenpachi catch a blade across his entire body.

Her size was so small compared to Riyoshi’s. even at his side, her legs and arms barely hung lower that his own waist and she just kind of giggled while she pumped her legs up and down. The shear amount of reiatsu coming from the two captains was exhilarating. Dakota could feel it pressing against her but where it made others scared, for her it made her over excited.

Common Riyoshi-san~ Lets go down and watch closer! Please please?!” She looked up at him with big puppy eyes before turning back down. her little arm pointed down at the other two vice captains. “Look! Right there.” But her patience had already wore out and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Gooo Kenpachi-sama!!! EEEEEEEEEEEeei!!!!!” Both her arms flailing in front of her own Captain, drawing way to much attention to them both.

@Shippo @SoulFire @oLyinKingo
Ayumi has a look of growing concern on her face. As the battle gets more brutal and more people show up to watch.people could get hurt. An idea clicks in ayumi mind. Hey lieutenant ryota and maki I have an idea so others don't come and potentially get hurt. I am going to use Tenteikūra to have you guys announce the battle across the Sekkiseki. It be like a sporting event in the human world.

Ayumi takes black powder and draws symbols upon her arms, hands, and the ground. Ayumi Holds her palms out in front of herself, ayumi generates a glowing rectangular box and performs various hand movements to create various root-like extensions in the air, which connect to the glowing rectangle. Placing her hands up to the rectangle, she activates the kido,"Black and white net. Twenty-two bridges, sixty-six crowns and belts. Footprints, distant thunder, sharp peak, engulfing land, hidden in the night, sea of clouds, blue line. Form a circle and fly though the heavens. Bakudō #77. Tenteikūra says ayumi", causing the root-like extensions to glow and create a network extending out from the rectangle.

" you guys can speak now says ayumi." As she smiles at the two lieutenants.

@SoulFire , @oLyinKingo
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With the attack successful, Masaki turned his head around to look at the others present. Now, another captain and his lieutenant had come over. Masaki sighed when suddenly, he was hit in the chest by the Kenpachi' sword which acted as a bat. However, the force was incredible, which was to be expected since the attack came from the Kenpachi. Although the attack didn't cut him, he quickly put his hand on his chest to feel a large bruise. Masaki then jumped back, as being batted away had helped him create a gap between the two.

Masaki' calm demeanour was still, even now, present. Without saying a word he pointed his left hand towards Koujiro as he said, "Bakudo #61: Rikujōkōrō!" And with that, sent six beams of light towards him that would smash into his midsection with force in an attempt to hold him in place. After that was done, he pointed his free hand forward and spoke another kido spell, "Hado #63: Raikouhou!" Yellow lightning gathered at his fingertips and then fired off towards the Kenpachi in the form of a bolt.

Masaki then leapt back as he pointed his blade towards the captain, he had successfully managed to create a large distance between the two. Although this would most likely only be a temporary adjustment, Masaki was now going to do his best to stay at range. He realised that he couldn't win in close range combat as Koujiro' physical prowess was too great and could easily overpower him, if the Kenpachi wanted it to. Masaki gritted his teeth ever so slightly, the calm demeanour had faded a tiny bit, he knew that even trying to stay at range would be hard, as the Kenpachi had managed to work Masaki' need for range out.

His attention was then turned to Ayumi, who had used Tenteikūra to announce the sparing match. After that, he averted his attention back to his opponent, waiting to see what he'd do next. He payed no mind to the others present, all of his attention was placed onto Captain Koujiro. I'm going to have to stay at range... I can't let him get close to me otherwise he could easily overpower me. No doubt he'll try to close the gap. I need to be prepared for that..

After his little moment of thinking, he continued to wait for the mans next move.

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Hisoka had rested at home, he often liked to live in the human world with his own house but never bothered with a job or anything else. He got up and slowly walked to his bathroom "Oh my..I look rather pale.." he told himself almost sarcastically going for a shower before blow drying his hair and putting clothes on deciding to walk out Time to play he thought to himself deviously before making his way to Xcution. (Looking for other Fullbringers I could Rp with??)
Riyoshi looked upon the battle and with a few glances, he seen the lieutenants of the other captains hanging around watching the fight. It was then that he seen one of them cast a broadcasting kido and he shook his head.

"What the hell are they thinking. Everyone knows something is happening, hence why they are staying away. Now they are just going to broadcast it all the way across soul society. That would be a joke." Riyoshi spoke out just loud enough that Dakota could hear him.

His attention was drawn back sharply as Dakota shouted her words. His lip raised a little bit and a growled released from his lips. He didn't like the fact his second in command was cheering for the Kenpachi. The Kenpachi is just a mindless animal. All he was......was just an animal, and that shook Riyoshi down to the bone.

"Shut it Dakota. Don't draw his attention. He needs to focus on his opponent, not some fan girl." Riyoshi spoke out as he pointed his free hand towards Masaki.

Ayumi patiently thinks maybe I should explain why I am broadcasting this match against the kido master and the man name kenpachi. Ayumi speaks again in a calm voice " for t hoses wandering why I am broadcasting this match. The match has brought in alot of curiosity. I figure by broadcasting it out.it would prevent others from coming to sokyoku hill and possibly getting hurt. " Ayumi suddenly feels a jolt like she did something wrong.

Ayumi then adds "members of squad 4 prepare for the injuries that captain kenpachi and masaki are sure to have. I am sure Captain Ukihashi doesn't want them to injured. Thank you for listening.

@Strawberry Preserves, @LeSoraAmari
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(I deleted my original reply to paste it here, so that when Mousie returns he doesn't have to dig over tons of replies :P hope that's ok)

By the frail wooden doors that lead to Captain Kirucho's quarters, stood Igatsu's silhouette, patiently awaiting the arrival of his Captain. Not attending the meeting out of politeness, given that his new cargo as a lieutenant had only been attributed to him so recently, he had time to ponder his future duties. Like all other shinigami, he too knew of Captain Kirucho's much feared reputation. He remained calm, however, as he knew what he had to do. He raised his head from his thoughts, looking to the distance, as he saw the captain's intimidating figure emerge from the corner of the wooden building.


After returning to the 4th Squad Barracks and changing the red flower on her head back, Ukihashi sat in the porch of her office, enjoying the scenery calmly. Today was a fine day. She looked down at the flowers that she was arranging nicely in a think, opaque vase. The carnation... would do better slanted. That is, if she wanted to create a more relaxed, sleepy bouquet. Therein was the conundrum she faced: what would the expression of the arrangement be? A sigh escaped her, and Ukihashi laid down the carnation. She examined the flowers at her side carefully, and chose a white camelia instead.

Yes, that suited the arrangement much better, in fac–a wave of reiatsu washed over her, and Ukihashi nearly crushed the camelia in her hand. That was... Captain Kenpachi and Captain Masaki. Just what were those pea-brained idiots doing? Trying to kill each other? Jeez.... the Captains just loved making her job harder, didn't they...? From the strength of the reiatsu, the two had even released their shikai. Ukihashi examined the slightly rumpled camelia in her hand, frowning slightly when she saw the slight imperfection she had made in it. She incinerated the camelia with a concentrated burst of reiatsu.

Ayumi's voice projected to Ukihashi, and she smiled softly. Ever the diligent girl... Perhaps she'd go over to Sokyoku Hill herself to handle this trivial mess. And give Captain Kenpachi a good... scolding... stimulating his nerve endings... so he felt pain hundreds of time over...

Ukihashi slowly pushed herself to her feet, and shunpo'ed off the porch towards Sokyoku Hill.
As Renzo was exchanging words with the Captains who remained at the meeting he felt a large amount of reiatsu being released, which could be sensed by most Shinigami all over the Seireitei. By it's pattern he immideately recognised whom it belonged to, Captain Kenpachi and Captain Masaki, and judging from the amount of how much they release they both probably went full on out with their Shikai, the day just began and two Captains already clash their swords. Though Renzo could understand why Kenpachi is fighting, because most of the Captains who led the 11th Division were mostly, how to say, "maniacs", and Kenpachi was one of them. But he didn't understood Masaki, perhaps it was his youth? Well whatever the reason, the fact that they started a fight still means trouble. Renzo looked over at Shunsui who stood there and said 'Well, I think that our discussion is somewhat interrupted isn't it, Captain-Commander?' giving a soft smile, he then resumed talking 'I will return shortly, seeing how these two release their reiatsu all over the place it's probably best to stop them... well I'm off!'. He takes two slow steps back bowing properly to the Captains and then turns around walking out of the room. As he leaves he vanishes from the place with shunpo, heading towards the direction of the reiatsu clashes. Jumping from a buidling to another at high-speed heading towards the Sokyoku Hill, he already begins to think on how to stop the fight without adding to the mess, 'Now, how to get rid of this problem, if it were Lieutenants it would be a easy game, but Captains? Meh, as much for relaxing a bit...And that knucklehead Kenpachi on top of that...Let's just hope they won't release their Bankai, that would be even more troublesome.'. Being nearly at the Hill he noticed that the lovely Captain Ukihashi headed over there aswell, knowing how much she dislikes pointless injuries the two Captains will probably get scolded by her, not even talking about her tendency of treating some patients painfully. He carefuly looked at the Hill, noticing that even few Lieutenants already gathered here, guarding themselves with Kido from the reiatsu, which was beginning to be more dense as he was getting closer to the Sokyoku Hill.

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When everyone blatantly ignored her, it was kind of depressing. Puffing her cheeks out for a moment she just hung there while her captain still carried her small body. She could of acted like her body was lifeless, and everyone would of thought he was disposing of a body. The thought kind of made her laugh until Riyoshi spoke up. He made a valid point. Anyone who could feel the reiatsu, would no to stay away, at least until one of the other vice-captains panicked and sent it over live stream to everyone.

Don’t shush me! No one’s listening anyways.” Moving her arms in a rainbow she continued, “Headline for this weeks paper should be ‘Kenpachi, sliced and diced!’ or maybe ‘Kenpachi gets chopped!’ you know, like a pun on that show from the human realm?” Dakota giggled again. she looked up at him again before realizing that she was still being carried.

Uhm, Yoshi~ can you put me down please?” Using her elbow she started to nudge him in the side. "Or are we going to leave?"

Kiruchu's presence wasn't usually noticed by many shinigami unless he intended to present himself to them. This made his lieutenants stare all the more interesting to him as Kiruchu noticed Igatsu's eyes follow him. The red glare from Kiruchu's strange eye color was never a welcoming sight, and even the strongest and most proud of shinigami can feel intimidated by his stare. "What's the status report on our division today, Igatsu?" Kiruchu questioned the man boldly. Kiruchu folded his arms comfortably as he stood in front of his subordinate expecting answers fast. "Who had the lowest rating this week? Because we both know whoever has the lowest rating is going to be executed today." What Kiruchu said was the grisly truth about his division. At the end of each week every single member of his division would get a rating depending on their performance and contribution. The shinigami with the lowest rating would be executed in front rest of the division. Few have tried reporting this barbaric practice to anyone outside of the 13th division only for their reports to be claimed false accusations by Central 46. They were then punished accordingly. At least that's how the rumors go for when the members who reported Kiruchu suddenly disappear.

The rest of the 13th division fears Kiruchu too much to think negatives thoughts about the man. At least most of them fear him now after he systematically removed most of the older members that were loyal to the previous captain, Haruka Kasumi. Kiruchu walked with his subordinate towards an open courtyard outside of their barracks. The entire 13th division awaited Kiruchu and his lieutenant as they were neatly lined in twelve rows across the courtyard. Most of their expressions were mostly blank with a few others showing clear signs of anxiety and fear.
"Igatsu. Call out the name and we'll begin the execution." Kiruchu instructed in his usual monotone voice. Kiruchu seemed to be unimpressed with the whole ordeal to begin with. It seemed as if he had done this countless times before, even before he became a shinigami.

[ @Kolchao ]
Riyoshi shook his head as the vice captain broadcasted all across soul society of the sparring match that was happeneing. If they knew anything, they would have just kept it quiet, and hoped that since everyone could feel the pressure from these two, they would just stay away.

"Stupid vice captains. If you knew better, they better not injure anyone. I do not want to have to put anyone down for causing damage to soul society." Riyoshi spoke aloud to his vice captain.

It was then that Dakota spoke out to him. Nodding to her response, he lowered her down and turned his gaze to Dakota.

"I think that we will stay and make sure that this thing is not going to get out of hand. If they injure just one person, WE will get in there and put their bout to a stop." Riyoshi spoke out as he stood straight up and returned his gaze to the fight.

Seeing Ayumi broadcast the fight to the entire Seritei sent a chill down her spine as if something bad might happen. It was, of course, in good intentions. Oh what does she care? She's just here to watch the battle. Just as she was about to stick another stick on Pocky in her mouth, she heard someone yelling and she was about to give them a piece of her mind for being a distraction until she realized who it was. Seeing Dakota put a large grin on her face. Of all the people in the Soul Society she genuinely did like her. Maybe it was the amount of trouble they both cause or their childish nature but whatever it was, she liked hanging out with her. She then noticed her captain was holding her and pouted, considering she was gonna give her a hug but now she couldn't. "Hey, I'll be right back. Dont eat all of my Pocky either!" She warned as she shunpoed her way up to where they were. She grinned and Dakota. "Looks like you got yourself in a situation huh Kota-chan?" She nodded her head at the captain. "How's it goin' Captain Riyoshi?"

@backlash @Kaine

Right about the time that she was put down next to him, KiKi showed up and asked if she was in trouble. But of course she wasn’t. How could she wonder such a thing. “Yoshi-chan can't hold me back. I’m too strong!” She giggled and held her arm up like she was making the best muscle she could, not that it would show through her loose clothing. Turning around, she looked up at Riyoshi and and her eyes sparkled like glitter suddenly.

You..you mean I get to beat up Ken-chan!” She moved up to his Riyoshi’s chest and looked up at him, taking everything she had to view his height from that angle. “If I beat him up do I get to keep him?! Please, please?

Yet before he could answer, Dakota turned around and stepped over to KiKi-chan. “I'm gonna beat him up, and own him, and make him mine, and then he will make me more sushi and tea and I’ll make him wear that.

Her eyes shimmered with glittery goodness of 10,000 sparkles. God only knew what the hell this girl was imagining.

@backlash @oLyinKingo @SoulFire
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Koujiro was in a bit of a tight spot, but it wasn't like he wasn't used to this kind of scenario. However, he did notice that they had gathered a little bit of a crowd, and this made him excited. He would certainly have to put on a better show now that there were more eyes on him, and he was getting quite frustrated with Masa's kidos. He silently cursed himself as he realized that he had indeed given the young captain more space between them, knwong that he'd again have to quickly close the distance, and with his leg the way it was, he knew he had about one more decent shunpo left in him. That was all one needed sometimes though, and as he watched Masa cast his next spell he scowled. So this brat intends to stop my movements, huh? Looks like I'm gonna have to show him a thing or two as to why I am who I am! Koujiro gave a sinister smile as he stood with his sword rested on his shoulders letting the Rikujōkōrō slame around his midsection, and stared on as the second spell was aimed at him.

The gathering crowd was making him a bit more rambunctious, and he decided that he'd put on a good show. Before the second spell could be fired Koujiro let out a surge of reiastu that shook the hill and even fractured the grund in various places, overpowering the kido that had attempted to render him imbobile. The second kido being the one that was going to be more of an issue and didn't give the man much time to think of a plan before the large bolt was baring down on him. "
Moe gōon," he mumbled as he slashed his sword in front of him as the lightning nearly struck him. The explosion was of power was huge and kicked up an enormous dust cloud, and in that moment Koujiro used a shunpo to place himself behind Masa. The movement sent staggering pain shooting through his leg, but he paid it know mind, as pain was a part of the game, and what was a little pain to the amount of fun he was having. He appeared with his sword drawn across the left side of his body at Masa's back with the sword shrouded in blue flames. I hope you don't plan to keep running from me, because I will chase you down no matter how bad this leg gets. Koujiro smiled as he slashed his sword at Masa's back, "Moe gōon". He made sure that he was fairly close to Masa, that way he could be sure that his blade reached him, for he knew that he strength was enough that Masa would find it difficult to simply stop his blades momentum.

"…Yes, captain." Igatsu said, as calmly as he could. Despite his tone, the grim ambience made his stomach turn, and even though only one could by truly fearful of what would come, that same fear shackled everyone without exception.

The irony of having the phantom of death putting Death Gods on their knees by simply breathing at their necks was but a small part of the Captain's cryptic charm, and although playing the announcer was the safest spot, it failed to dampen the terror everyone shared. This announcer, however, does his best to remain as neutral as possible in all situations.

"…Murasaki Rukawa." He said, unshackling all but one of Fear's prisioners, who felt his chains heavier than ever now. "Despite holding a close margin, his rating this week came out as the lowest, captain."

Igatsu never called his Captain by the name, afraid that some bad omen would come and haunt him forever should he step closer to that man.


Riyoshi looked upon the young vice captains and just nodded to them, signifying that nothing was wrong. It was until Dakota gave him the puppy dog eyes, that Riyoshi just shook his head.

"Yes, if you are able to beat him, you can keep him." Riyoshi gave his response with a slight chuckle.

That is when the Kenpachi let off a huge amount of reiatsu, to which it broke up the ground a bit and sent up a huge dust cloud. Riyoshi could not help but growl at the presence the Kenpachi let off and as the dust cloud settled, Riyoshi seen that the Kenpachi was behind Masaki with his blade in hand attempting to inflict a fatal wound.

Damn you Kenpachi. If you kill him, I will have no other choice but to put you down myself. Riyoshi thought to himself as he grabbed the hilt of his blade.

Sliding his feet slightly below him, Riyoshi was about to intervene with the battle if it got any more out of hand.





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