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Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

"Jeez Midori san..." He rubbed his neck and bowed his head as if being scolded by his mother "Always so uptight...". In a way she kinda was. She told him off, helped direct some of parties and training, washed dishes, did clothes. One time Shinichi teased her. For years after that day, all his clothes were dyed bright pink as punishment. "Plus, I already got the gist of it. Repair the soul society, keep watch over the human realm, yadda yadda...." He shrugged. "We can do that in our sleep." He chuckled. "And what's with the French maid getup?" He started walking. "I mean, you look cute in it and all, but...ain't it a bit too..." he fake coughed "For this occasion?
"If you think it best, then I yield to your discretion." She said reluctantly with a bow of her head. She didn't care too much for the Captains laid back attitude, or if Midori were to be completely honest, his laziness.

Of course, she was yanked from her private thoughts one Kisuke's latest remark.

"WHAT?!" She squealed, her face instantly turning bright red. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. She gritted her teeth as she silently fumed, glaring daggers at him while she imagined all the ways she could cut him into teenie-tiny little, bloody pieces.
He laughed loud and heartily at her glare. It was a cute type of anger, he thought. "It's true!" He poked her forehead. " Mi-chan...I don't judge, I only point out." He smiled devilishly. "Plus, you make your captain happy when you wear that." His hand touched her hair, and pet it softly. He knew she didn't take kindly to that. "So good for you!"
Midori could feel her cheeks glowing, and her brows furrow in frustration. As if patronizing her wasn't enough, now he was calling her nicknames? Midori could scarcely believe it.

With a hiss, Midori tried to slap the Captain's hand away from her head. She wasn't some pet, nor did she appreciate the physical contact. She took a wide step back to ensure he wouldn't be touching her any time soon.

"You keep talking like that, and I swear I'll tear out your eyes! Try pointing things out then." Midori growled, her hands having balled into fists and shoulders shaking with rage.
Ayumi starts laughing at the situation in front of her. She rubs her sides cause they hurt so much.

" hey midori, you want to join me in some kido practice later says ayumi." Ayumi patiently waits on a reply and hopes she says yes.
Ryuuga had been watching the argument with a carefully concealed amusement that had replaced the slightly less effectively concealed look of distaste directed at Kenpachi.

After the Commander finished speaking about the situation in Hueco Mundo he looked over at the 12th division captain. "I'd like to speak with you about opening a Garganta and sending a team into Hueco Mundo when we're done here to investigate the situation there." He spoke in a serious tone until he glanced over at the Commander and took on a sheepish expression. "Ah, if that's all right with you sir."
"Alright, alright." He stopped petting her and scratched his head. "Shall we go back to base?" He started walking, his captains coat flapping in the wind as he opened the door. "I think there is still more stuff to clean. And papers..." He sighed, and lowered his head. Frickin papers. He hated filling out forms as much as the next guy. And all of these papers went directly to captain. Every single hollow kill form, damage reports, expense, complaint letter...all to him...
Hearing Ayumi's laughter only made Midori cringe. This had to be the worse day ever! Midori grumbled a few curses beneath her breath before turning to face Ayumi.

"You know what? Yeah, I'll spar with you, Ayumi." she replied quickly, smirking as an idea popped into her mind. She quickly spun in her heels to face Captain Kisuke once more, "Sorry, boss, but it looks like all the paperwork will be yours to deal with today." Midori snickered, taking a back-step closer to Ayumi. That should teach him not to tease Midori.
"But Midori-san!!!" He sighs. "Okay...But you owe me for this..." He grumbled to himself and moved out of the building. "The things I do for my comrades, I tell ya." He jokingly says to himself. "But don't think you'll get in any more parties after this for a while." She was on party probation for something she did last year involving pink shirts.
"Right, when my captain exits I will fill.her in. then we can go to district 1 outside the soul society. " ayumi was looking forward to this practice.
Ukihashi swept out of the captain's meeting, concealing a small yawn. Perhaps she would go back to her quarters... and do... paperwork....... That could wait until after she relaxed a bit. She stopped in front of her Lieutenant, Ayumi, who appeared to be making plans with Lieutenant Shirokami. Captain Kisuke stood to the side with them. Ukihashi had always loved Lieutenant Shirokami's clothes; they were really so charming. Too bad mini-skirts just weren't her style... Ukihashi inclined her head slightly in greeting to Lieutenant Shirokami and Captain Kisuke, and addressed Ayumi, "Greetings, Lieutenant Yatamuri. It is pleasing to see that you are getting along with your fellows."
Midori stammered, still flustered with anger, "O-owe you?! Are you kidding me?" She screeched. Once again she found herself seething with rage. If anyone owed anyone, it would be Captain Shinichi for embarrassing her in front of all the other Lieutenants. All the while, Midori continued to glare furiously at the back of his head as he exited the building. With the removal of his infuriating presence, Midori finally settled down. Exhaling a deep sigh, Midori tugged at her sash and adjusted her kosode.

Turning to face Ayumi, she wore a forced smile. She nodded after her remark, stepping to the side a bit. She watched as Captain Tokonatsu approached. Midori returned the greeting, bowing at the hips towards the Captain. Now there was someone worthy of respect. The young Lieutenant was sincerely hoping that the Captain hadn't heard her outburst just a moment ago. Oh, who was she kidding, probably every Captain in the other room had heard her. The vice-captain wanted to hide in her room, bury herself beneath the blankets and never come out. Of course, she could never do that. Not with all the responsibilities that Captain Shinichi shirked, and were ultimately left to Midori to sort out. In the mean time, Midori remained silent, while Captain Tokonatsu addressed Ayumi.
" yes captain, I finish all the paperwork. Squad 11 seat 5 is off critical care , also all other patients are healed and resting says ayumi."
Ukihashi tilted her head at Lieutenant Shirokami. "Be at ease, Lieutenant Shirokami." She returned her attention to Ayumi, smiling in satisfaction. "As always, excellent work. I'm sure that you wish to have the rest of the day free... so go ahead and take the rest of the day off." Ukihashi patted Ayumi on the head, and trotted off to the 4th Division Barracks, giving a small wave as she left.
With the meeting seemingly at it's end, Kenpachi decided to take his leave, following shortly after Uki. He didn't have plans to do too much of anything, except perhaps cross blades with Kido-Masa or Jiji. Of course he would have to bide his time so as not to have to witness the scowl that Ukihashi was sure to give him once she found out. As he left the meeting, he could see all the lieutenants gathered and chatting among each other, he eyed his lieutenant giving her a quick head tilt to indicate that he was heading back to headquarters and that she could do the same when she wished. Now while his little Aya may have been a bit on the rough side with others, he didn't have any qualms about it. In fact, he liked her fiery determination and doubted that there was a lieutenant among the Gotei 13 who could go the mile with her. A small smile plastered his face as he recalled crossing blades with her, the look in her eyes and the fact that she didn't show an ounce of fear or hesitation, as if she just knew that she could bring him down. He couldn't have asked for a better lieutenant. He couldn't help but stare at lieutenant Midori's outfit for a moment, raising a quizzical brow. and then rolling his eyes as he looked at Jiji's lieutenant.


Ryota couldn't help but watch as the two women talked about sparring with one another, giving Midori a quick up and down with a smile. Quickly straightening up as the captains began to pour out of their meeting, not wanting to seem crass in front of them. Listening to the the girl's talk about sparring made him want to get some exercise in, and he cast his gaze over to Aya.
Perhaps this would be a good time to see if she really holds up to bring the lieutenant of Kenpachi. Ryota had heard seen her in action, but felt that one had to expereince firsthand the strength of the other to truly know how strong they were. He smirked as Midori and her captain did a little back and forth, even chuckling a bit. Ukihashi! now there was a surprising looker. Standing at 5"8, she was a giant compared to him and basically everyone else, but she couldn't possibly be any kinder. He wondered what her dark side look like, figuring that there was no possible way that she could always keep her composure. As Ukihashi left, Ryota turned his attention toward the two women. "A girl fight, huh? Now that sounds like something to see," he smirked before throwing his attention toward Aya, wondering if she was as easy to provoke into a fight as her captain, "How about it, Aya? If you've got some time to spare, I'd like to see what the 11th Division lieutenant is all about." His tone was friendly and inviting, as he could already tell that she seemed irritated that she was even there, and was all but certain that she'd probably shoot him down anyway. He couldn't help but say something to her, because since she arrived she seemed to carry an attitude like she was better than everyone.

" what about a team sparing say ayumi. It more practical and gives experience in both multiple enemies and team work. So what you say you guys in."
Exhaling a relieved sigh, Midori let her hands casually rest on her hips as she straightened back up. Being around the other Captains was almost nerve wracking. The young vice-captain would like to believe she didn't care what they thought of her, but she'd only be fooling herself. Shaking the thoughts from her consciousness, Midori glanced back up in time to catch Lieutenant Hisakawa eyeing her. She seemed to be getting that a lot. She began to wonder if there was something wrong with her. A hair out of place, perhaps, her make-up smudged? Her self-consciousness was beginning to eat away at her. She bit down on her lip, trying to maintain an emotionless visage.

"A girl fight?" Midori scoffed, "How is that any different from a regular fight?" she hissed, asking rhetorically as she quirked a single brow. She narrowed her cold gaze on Lieutenant Hisakawa. When he then questioned vice-captain Tanaka, Midori's interest was piqued. The young Lieutenant admired Ayame's apathetic and indifferent demeanor. It was something Midori hoped that one day she herself might be able to achieve. Of course, this was something of a secret. She couldn't let anyone know she looked up to someone else.

As for the team sparring session suggested by Ayumi, Midori had no preference either way. She was just eager to let off some steam and start punching things. With a shrug and a quiet huff, she crossed her arms under her bust and casually glanced away. All the while still keeping an ear out for Ayame's response.
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With the meeting at an end, Masaki bowed his head to show respect to the captains that were still in the room, and then left the room hastily straight after the Kenpachi. When he got outside, he saw all of the Lieutenants there, it seemed that they were all gettting along famously. He quickly looked at Lieutenant Shirokami, who was making quite a lot of noise during the meeting, he chuckled as he then said. "Lieutenant Shirokami, Captain Shinichi seems to get on your nerves. Your outbursts say as much." He paused for a moment as he then carried on, "But anyways, I heard mentioning of a sparring match? I wish you all luck, and have fun." With that he smiled at Midori, Ayumi and also Ryota, before making his way over to his own lieutenant, Nami, who was stood upright and seemed to be waiting for him. Masaki looked at Nami and smiled, "Are you ready to head back to the Division Barracks? We have quite a bit of work to do". Masaki rested a hand on the hilt of his Zanpakuto as he then said, "You know, the other lieutenants are talking about having a sparring match. Perhaps you should join them? It would be a good opportunity to get to know them better. But of course, you don't have to." With that he smiled at his lieutenant, and began to head to the 10th Division Barracks. For some odd reason, Masaki couldn't wait to get back there and get started with the mass amount of paperwork on his desk.
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It seems that the Captain's meeting is nearly at it's end. Almost all important matters were discussed and the introductions went on without much problems. Now all that is left to Renzo is some paperwork to take care of, which didn't lead to his excitement, he thought about leaving it to his Lieutenant but it seemed that he wandered off to somewhere as he was busy with something. Some of the Captains have already began to leave the room, Renzo naturaly took his time, he didn't really have anything to attend to aside from the paperwork. But Renzo ought to stay a little as the Captain of the 2nd Division had a suggestion. When the Captain finished, Renzo took a step closer and spoke casually, glancing briefly at the Captain then at Kyoraku 'A patrol in Hueco Mundo? That would require atleast two Lieutenants, these deserts here are even more dangerous now that the Espada are close to fighting eachother.' he paused for a little, making a smile 'However it wouldn't be a bad idea to be more informed about the situation, since we don't know when or if they will attack the Soul Society any time soon...'. For some reason the whole matter about the Espadas bugged him, his intuition told him that there is something coming, very soon. The calm before the storm as people say, that's what Renzo felt. Renzo wasn't sure wheter the feeling was just a fake alarm or something was really coming, he decided to be on his toes just ot be sure. He then looked over at his friend Hayate, his expression told otherwise but Renzo knew something was bugging him aswell, but he couldn't figure out what, because Hayate was rarely worried about...well, anything.

Kyouraku Shunsui took his sweet-time responding to captain Hiroshi's suggestion. "A patrol in Hueco Mundo..." he thought as he listened to the 6th Division head's reasoning. "Do you think that there are any lieutenants prepared enough to be sent to the domain of hollows? If so, I wouldn't mind allowing some of them tagging along... And the idea appears reasonable enough, yet it must be carried out by a rather small group. As far as I can see, some of you seem in favor of it greatly... Well, I wouldn't mind sending 6 of you off to Hueco Mundo, provided you can guarantee your stealthy approach to the matter. However, to ensure success, I would like to send off with this group my own lieutenant - Nanao Ise. It breaks my heart to have to see my dear Nanao-chan off~ but I think she would definitely benefit you. Anyway, I take it that the 2nd and 6th Division captains would be delighted to be a part of this mission. We also need the assistance of the 12th to open up a garganta, as already mentioned... So, we need 3 more of you to volunteer!" Kyouraku eyed the people left in the meeting room and awaited their responses. Right off the bat, a hand was raised, and thus he rolled his eyes as a smile spread across his lips.

Aihara Hayate "I volunteer!" Hayate half-shouted with his hand raised in the air, immediately after the captain-commander gave the Huece Mundo patrol idea a green light "After all, you guys wouldn't be able to deal with anything without the awesome me~". The man might have been joking around, as always, yet he was doing this in a desperate attempt to alleviate the suffocating atmosphere that was lingering around him. Despite his careless behavior, he truly did wish to accompany the others to Las Noches because something felt off in his gut. Not only regarding the arrancar but also the other higher-ups. He didn't trust all of them, and concluded that such a mission might disperse his doubt... or re-enforce it.

Apparently, he wasn't the only one who was getting bad vibes since, once he met his gaze with that of Renzo, Hayate could perceive an equal worry emanating from his old friend. Still trying to stay on the brighter side of things, however, the 5th Division captain thought "Hey, hey, what are you looking so intensely at me for? Can you read my mind or something, Renzo? If so then..." and immediately Aihara conjured the most ridiculous image inside his head. The imaginary visage, however, surfaced onto Hayate's own face and thus he grinned awkwardly.

Tanaka Ayame Kisuke Shinichi, Tokonatsu Ukihashi, Masaki Yamaguchi. Aya bowed her head and made way for these respectable shinigami as they exited the captain's meeting. Then, she spotted her own commander coming towards her - Kenpachi. However, to him solely did she not grant a gesture of respect, which was ironic, since he was the only person in the whole of Gotei 13 that the girl held in high regard. As a matter of fact, her reaction to the previous three higher-ups had simply been mechanical, something she deemed necessary when faced with a captain. And yet, her own head of Division she could not treat the same way. She never would allow herself to, because that would mean Ken finding out about her opinion of him and Tanaka feared that if he knew it might get to his head. The fact that he dared dubb her Aya was already hard enough for the lieutenant of the 11th Division to bear with...

Thus, she simply blinked her eyes slowly once Koujiro tilted his head, communicating with his underling with simple body language. Fortunately, she understood the Kenpachi all to well and so went away from her spot to stand at his side as she got ready to return to the 11 Division barracks. However, suddenly the sound of her name going past somebody's lips stopped the girl in her tracks. To top it off, it was her nickname... Oh, how she despised that wretched alias! Turning to face vice-captain Hisakawa, while once again staring him down, Tanaka spoke up "Group sparring?" she had heard something along those lines coming from lieutenants Yatamuri and Shirokami, but had ignored all the chattering behind her back up till now "Well, I wouldn't mind showing you what the 11th Division lieutenant is all about. Also, refer to me as Tanaka..." the last part of her statement came off as more of a hiss through clenched teeth, yet still retained the girl "high-and-mighty" demeanor. The 5th Division lieutenant had certainly caught her attention. Well, not in a particularly good sense, but now Tanaka felt a need to cross blades with Ryota. Shooting a resolute gaze towards Kenpachi, to show that she had made-up her mind, the girl said "I can deal with all the paperwork later..."
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"C-Captain Yamaguchi! I have no interests in fighting my comrades, even in a spar! And besides, you're correct in assuming we have a lot of paper work to be doing. Ever since this meeting, there's going to be bundles of it Captain!" Nami sputtered out quickly in a hesitant voice. She was so anxious in seeing her captain finally leave the meeting, that she totally forgot she was late. Nami had looked up to him in a positive light more so than the other 12 captains for reasons even she didn't understand. There was something different about him. While she was lost in her bubbling thoughts, she quickly realized Masaki was walking along to their barracks without her. "Hey, wait for me Captain Yamaguchi!" She shouted a fair distance away. She turned to look at her fellow lieutenants who appeared to be preparing for a spar. With a quick wink to each of them she ran off after her captain to return to their quarters.


Kiruchu's head slightly bowed forwards as he was prepared to leave the meeting after the others. He wanted to be the last one to exit, as he hated any verbal interaction between himself and others when it wasn't necessary. Kiruchu was also relieved that the meeting was pretty much over at this point, seeing as the pestering that unfolded in front of him would've put him a bad mood. Hell, it already did.

His ring felt more 'fuller' than usual once Kenpachi passed him to exit the room. Kenpachi's reiatsu was actually being partially absorbed just by his mere presence near Kiruchu.
Interesting. As more captains began to pass Kiruchu to make their retreat back to their quarters, he examined all of their reiatsu equally. The only other notable captains reiatsu that could affect Kiruchu's ring was formidable Captain Renzo. This only proved that this current generation of captains were fearsome to say the least.

Before mostly everyone left the room from hearing distance, Shunsui explained an interesting situation about Hueco Mundo, He'd liked the idea of sending some shinigami to investigate and perhaps pacify the hollow presence. As tempting as that was, Kiruchu had no interest in returning to his home and discovering the new arrancar that took the former Espada's place. Kiruchu felt as if he had already surpassed that level of curiousity. Besides, he was already safely inside the Seireitei, He had plans to fufill for the long run.

After hearing that Shunsui's lieutenant would be joining the expedition into Hueco Mundo, Kiruchu knew that it would give him the best opportunity to be able to further infiltrate the Seireitei undetected. Especially since the captain of Research and Development, Captain Kyosuke would have to assist them in opening a garganta. Kiruchu brushed off the fabric on his side coat before he hid his hands inside of his sleeves. Seeing as the other captains were going to keep him waiting, he decided it would be a good time to return to his quarters to prepare. He walked out of the room almost gracefully before he stopped to see the lieutenants preparing for a fight. He stared at them all intently for a few seconds before turning to resume his walk.
Somei-ra raised her hand. "If I'm allowed, I would like to go to Hueco Mundo." She said with a serious look. The others maybe think that I'm too serious for a child... she thought. She let out a little sigh. In the last days, her Zanpakuto got heavier, means she's going to be sich or is already sick. She stopped to concentrate on this things, cause she trained much. After thinking, she looked at Shunsui. He seems to be a friendly guy... but he has a careless Aura around him... She thought as she looked at him.
It appeared more Captains were departing. As any one of them would pass by, Midori offered a quick bow of respect. That respect, of course, being only that they held a higher rank than herself. Most of them she only knew by name and reputation. She had yet to spend any meaningful time with either of them. Still, she only knew all too well how much more powerful they all were than herself. The last thing she needed was to piss one of them off. The young vice-captain already had her hands full with Captain Shinichi.

With the approach of Captain Yamaguchi, Midori repeated the same action as for all the other Captains. Though, she held her head lower for longer, as he addressed her. She flinched, coming to realize what a scene she'd just made. She uttered a quick, "Yes, sir." And waited until he left to rise again. She was frowning, her eyes narrow in a glare at no one in particular.

She of course perked back up when Lieutenant Tanaka spoke back up. While certainly pleased to hear she would be joining the sparring session, Midori continued to wear that glower of hers. It seemed as if more and more were coming to attend this combat practice. What Midori had just assumed was a mere casual gathering was growing into a rather busy event. Even still, perhaps this was a chance to really prove herself. The prospect was certainly appealing, just enough to convince Midori to follow through.
Being the little slacker she was, Makira was taking a nap in the office with papers piling up on her desk. Of course she was going to do them but because of her ultimate procrastination, it wouldn't be until she felt like it. She was quite possibly the only lieutenant that had not been with the others. Her sense of timing was off and her nap was longer than she anticipated. Perhaps it was because of the night before. She spent it in the bar with a couple of friends, drinking away half of her paycheck. Really she should find a less expensive hobby but it was so hard! She at least woke up and did the minimum amount of work before crashing it out on the couch. With her face in a pillow and her arm hanging over the back of the couch, she was having the best dream. One that was interrupted by the responsible part of her brain telling her to wake up. She groaned and muttered a few choice words before getting up to stretch her arms. "Man.. That was a good nap." She muttered to herself as she wiped the sleep out of her eyes. That's when she remembered there was a captains meeting. Of course she wanted to be nosy about what they were talking about. She put her arms behind her head and set off towards the building, whistling. It seemed some were still left inside and se didn't know if her captain was. So the little Lieutenant of Squad 2 leaned against a wall outside of the meeting room.
Kenpachi chuckled a bit as his lieutenant replied back to the vice-captain of the 5th Division, sensing the agitation in her voice from being called Aya. He, himself, knew that she despised that nickname, but in his mind it was a term of endearment. She was certainly a gifted and strong young woman, and he was tempted to stick around and watch how her fight, but decided that he'd go check on some other things. "Okay," he looked at Ryota and then back at Aya, "You two have fun." The comment was exaggerating and a little mocking, but he couldn't help himself. His little Aya, always with that noble and higher-than-thou demeanor, was quite adorable when she got angry at times. He knew that Ryota was surely going to be in for a rough time just from hearing how she replied back to him, he was curious if Ryota even knew what kind of situation he had created for himself. He gave his lieutenant and the others a quick friendly wave as he headed off to go see if he couldn't find something fun to do himself.


Ryota couldn't help but smirk at
Tanaka's reply, not that he expected anything less. "Oh, my bad. I could've sworn it was Aya," he scratched the top of his head through his skull cap. While he held a smile on his face and his tone was even apolagetic, his eyes said that he was intentionally being confrontational. While his Captain was able to keep his laid back demeanor, Ryota still had a bit of problem suppressing his inner delinquent. That and he also had a personal grudge against the 11th Division, Kenpachi thinking he was the Top Dog, or perhaps it was just that he was curious as to how Tanka was in actual combat. She certainly intrigued him, and he even took notice to how her captain simply accepted her reply and went about his business as if he needn't worry. It just sorta pissed him off, the thought that he was being looked down as irrelevant in place of Tanaka.


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