Hello, hello!


I've never been much good at introductions, I'm sure that most everyone feels the same way, but I'm glad to be here and I'm very excited to start some new adventures with everyone! :D
Welcome nifty direwolf, hope you find the awesomeness you're looking for. (^U^)

I'm (very obviously) new as well. Good luck to us!
I knew that someone would recognize my username!

Hopefully we won't be newbies for too long, I wish you the best in the search for good roleplays. It seems like there are quite a few of them here! (^.^)
I'd figure MANY people will get the reference, or at least people who have access to such literature/television. I think it's easy to forget if someone is just a casual watcher of the show, but considering that I'm an obsessive fan of many, many, many things, Nymeria is a pretty easy one for me. In short, it's a cool reference and I totally approve.

There does seem to be a lot going on here, which is fantastic, if a bit overwhelming. All I know so far is that I need to write something, just not sure what. I'm sure someone around here will have a pretty good idea that I (or you!) can latch onto.
I figured that someone would get it eventually, but it's kind of funny that the first person I met on this site immediately understood the reference! I know it's gotten pretty popular these days, and I myself am a huge fan of the show and the books and could talk about them for hours, but I'll spare you my nerdy, obsessive ramblings.

And I agree! I've spent the past hour or so just browsing through all of the different forums and they're all pretty incredible. I'm sure that we'll find something to our liking or maybe create something of our own for other people to join. The possibilities are endless!
Like I said, I'm nerdyxobsessive to the max. Your fandom love isn't lost on me. With the right person, I could ramble on for hours about all my various loves. It's sometimes a problem.

I think so, as well. Attempting to find a site with the kind of uh.... standard I'm looking for is more difficult than I would have previously thought, but I'm optimistic. Anything spark any ideas for you yet? I'm still trying to manage all the new information.
Oh, I completely understand where you're coming from. It may be a bit of a problem from time to time, but it's also a great way to meet new people.

I know what you mean. I've bounced around from site to site trying to find one that fits my style, but it is surprisingly difficult, as you said, but this site looks wonderful so far! I'm still getting used to the layout and trying to figure out what leads where, but I'm sort of getting the hang of it. I just read through a post about a AU Harry Potter roleplay centered around a group of Aurors, which sounds very interesting, but it's been a while since I've actually participated in a group roleplay, so I'm a bit hesitant to join.
I feel ya. Part of my problem with doing fandom roleplays is that although I'm a huge fan of lots of different things, some of the "rules" of the worlds, even AU worlds, I kinda forget. I love Harry Potter but I haven't read the books in a few years, so attempting the roleplay can be difficult. If you're interested, you should definitely take a shot though. It could lead to something mega fantastical. Which would be pretty on par for Harry Potter stuff.
Yeah, I get that. Fandom roleplays can be a bit constricting, but the benefit of that is that the world is already established so you don't have to worry about doing any world building, which I find to be a lot of fun, but it can sometimes be tedious.

Anyways, has anything caught your eye yet?
I just wanted to say I absolutely love your username. c: Nymeria was my favorite name throughout the whole Game of Thrones series.
Thank you! It's always a tie between Nymeria and Daenerys for me. Those are my two favorite names, I'm not sure if I could pick just one (o'v'o)
Nymeria said:
Yeah, I get that. Fandom roleplays can be a bit constricting, but the benefit of that is that the world is already established so you don't have to worry about doing any world building, which I find to be a lot of fun, but it can sometimes be tedious.
Anyways, has anything caught your eye yet?
Not yet, but only because I'm weighing the pros/cons of just starting my own roleplay from scratch versus jumping into someone else's to at least wet my toes. It's been a while since I've written with another person, and so perhaps giving up the reins to someone else may take some of the pressure off of that initial story-making.
Nevermind said:
Not yet, but only because I'm weighing the pros/cons of just starting my own roleplay from scratch versus jumping into someone else's to at least wet my toes. It's been a while since I've written with another person, and so perhaps giving up the reins to someone else may take some of the pressure off of that initial story-making.
Well, honestly, it's up to you. There certainly are quite a few benefits to joining someone else's roleplay, but I think there are just as many to starting your own. It all depends on whether or not you have an idea that you've really been itching to explore. If you have any ideas that you want to run by someone, I'd be more than willing to listen :)
Welcome to the site!! I joined yesterday and already found an awesome RP to join :)

Good luck!

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