Search results for query: *

  1. kimuffin

    Why rain whyyyyyy

    Why rain whyyyyyy
  2. kimuffin

    Where do the elves sleep? [Inactive]

    Aenor looked at the young wolf now resting on his leg and let out a short bitter laugh. The wolf probably had as little faith in him as he had with himself. 'Hmph, dreams. Who needs those when they're obviously so out of reach?' He thought dejectedly, then yawned. 'How many hours of sleep did I...
  3. kimuffin

    Not So Happily-Ever-After After All

    I feel like this would need more of a direction/plot as a way to get all of us to interact with each other, but I like the idea so far!
  4. kimuffin

    Devil's fire [Inactive]

    Liam Liam walked into the main office, lightly swinging his bags and keeping light on his feet, his eyes emitting the same sort of energy he felt entering his new school. Sure, it seemed a bit creepy and demented, but everyone seemed rather chipper despite the environment, so he wasn't too...
  5. kimuffin

    Where do the elves sleep? [Inactive]

    The wolf joined him laying down, half to Aenor's surprise, though none was shown on his face. He closed his eyes and let his mind sift through his vault of thoughts, taking time to pick up every thought and examine it thoroughly before he went to the next. After what seemed like many minutes of...
  6. kimuffin

    Devil's fire

    I know we're waiting for an introduction from one more accepted player... should I wait before I post my next action? And could there be announcements of sorts to get us all in the same area to prepare for school? I don't know what to do next. haha
  7. kimuffin

    Where do the elves sleep? [Inactive]

    Aenor saw the young she-wolf follow, but after awhile of walking around, it didn't seem like she knew anyone in the marketplace. He frowned a bit wondering if she didn't care much for her owner, was upset with them, or really liked him. He seriously doubted the last. At some point, having made...
  8. kimuffin

    Where do the elves sleep?

    The superbowl is today?! Wow, I'm losing touch of society! But it's just this big football game, I guess. With funny ads.
  9. kimuffin

    Where do the elves sleep? [Inactive]

    Aenor heard a small bark of a reply to his nod, but he just figured it was a way of humoring his attempt of communication. It was a pretty friendly wolf, so he didn't mind it so near him, but when it licked his hand, he pulled it away quickly for a moment. Aenor was always a bit on the edge, he...
  10. kimuffin

    Devil's fire [Inactive]

    Liam "I'm sorry your father couldn't say goodbye to you, dear." "Hmph, it doesn't irk me." "Does it really?" Liam's light-haired mother glanced inquisitively at her son who was combing his dark hair to perfection. First impressions were only too important to the young boy. Liam sighed...
  11. kimuffin

    Where do the elves sleep? [Inactive]

    Aenor noticed the wolf approaching, but didn't mind it much; it seemed harmless. He kept his eyes focused on what was happening around him, a busy town, confused on what to do without his work. Sure, he liked adventure, but what adventure could he accomplish so early in the morning? The wolf...
  12. kimuffin

    Devil's fire

  13. kimuffin

    Devil's fire

  14. kimuffin

    Devil's fire

    Name: Kinjo, Liam Age: 15 Year: Freshman Gender: M Personality: Liam was always an extroverted child growing up, and almost a natural born leader. He is curious about the world and his future, though impatient and sometimes uncaring of others feelings. He is still developing the...
  15. kimuffin

    Where do the elves sleep? [Inactive]

    Aenor sat in bed for awhile, staring at the pretty scene unfolding him in the town. He remembered how much he longed to be part of that scene, laying in that same spot for the past 20 years. The bright beams that struck his face in the morning forced him fully awake and after enough calls from...
  16. kimuffin

    Where do the elves sleep?

    Name: Aenor Lanlithil Age: 50 Gender: Male Species: Halfface Rank: Craftsman apprentice Personality: introverted, detail-focused, stubborn, adventurous, likes simplicity, active, blunt and unemotional, thoughtful Story: Aenor's mother was a human who his father had fallen for while...
  17. kimuffin

    I like how half the midterms I took weren't even my own. I enjoy midterms when my grade doesn't...

    I like how half the midterms I took weren't even my own. I enjoy midterms when my grade doesn't depend on them. Just for learning's sake.
  18. kimuffin

    Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

    ((Back on track? O.o I'm a bit confused as what I'm doing now because the twins tried to make an attempt to talk to someone in their own weird way, but didn't catch anyone so they decided to be recluse like usual. They miss Tamaki and Haruhi. X3 ))
  19. kimuffin

    Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

    Kaoru's searching was interrupted by the usual bouncy Haninozuka. "Hey Hunni." Kaoru said brightly ruffling his hair before he ran off again. Hikaru walked over to a chair and sat down. "I'm tired." Kaoru didn't even look over his shoulder. "Maybe you shouldn't have spent so much time...
  20. kimuffin

    Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

    The twins frowned as they were ignored and the stolid boy went to attend to a girl who had pricked her finger. They were quiet for a minute, just intensely observing the scene. "I don't want to draw any conclusions, but..." Hikaru started, but Kaoru just held his hand up as to silence his twin...