Not So Happily-Ever-After After All


♥Hopeless Chromatic♥

...and they lived happily ever after.

The end.

...Or was it?

Once upon a time, the fabric of time, space, and imagination was torn and the result was this:

All the fairy tales we were told as children, who were happily enjoying their fictional lives, we ripped from their 'world's and thrown together here on ours. All the Prince Charmings, wicked step mothers, and damsels in distress have found themselves here, modern day Earth.

No more fancy balls, no more fairy godmothers, no more magic powers.

Here you're expected do more than sit in a tower all day waiting for a prince and a witch isn't the worst of your worries.

Right now I'm just trying to see if I can spike any interest from the masses. I will not allow more than one character per person and I am going to be a slight nazi about posting at least once a week to keep the story line going. I am envisioning this as more of a humerous RP and I need people to over-play their character roles (think Enchanted if you've seen it). Both heros and villains can be played.

Just let me know if you're interested and if I get enough interest I'll actually make the thread ^^

Ohh~ Very interested. If you did make this an rp I would love to play 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' in it~.
Yay! I'd be interesting on putting a nice modern spin on her, haha...

Multiple personality disorder, maybe? You never know...
@Kitt I almost feel schizphrenia would be more appropriate, maybe that's just me =P

@Latula I'm not reserving roles just yet, hehe. Need to make sure there's enough interest first!
I feel like this would need more of a direction/plot as a way to get all of us to interact with each other, but I like the idea so far!
I'd really like to do this, haha

So, how many people would you want? Obviously we'll need some guys, right? 
For characters, I mean. I'd REALLY like to do this, like for real

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