Devil's fire


The lunatic Fringe

- full accept @kimuffin

-full Accept @LynxAmelia

- full accept @Party Poison

interest thread responders: (all tagged, regardless spot not guaranteed)




@King of Imagination

I do NOT reserve places you will be tentatively accepted on your first character, and the words 'pending accept' will be wit your name on the list above, you will see 'full accept' next to your user name once you are fully accepted. First come first serve. After your first you have 48ish hours to get your second up before you are moved to a separate 'no hold pending area'



place appearance here, anime or Real is fine

Name: First, last

Age: High school age please

Year: Freshman, Sophomore, Jr, senior

Gender: M/F

Personality: No bullets! Make this as long and descriptive and detailed as you can! I may ask for more detail try for at least a dense hefty paragraph

Bio/history: please include some history to help us better understand your character, One small paragraph at least, include how you came to a school like thing (scholarship or paid for)


Sample post:
please create a sample post, this can be used in or as your first post :) should be as long or longer as normal post length, meant to show you write as much as I like to see


My characters will be up sometime tomrow as I spent a long time doing all this for you guys.
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Name: Kinjo, Liam

Age: 15

Year: Freshman

Gender: M

Personality: Liam was always an extroverted child growing up, and almost a natural born leader. He is curious about the world and his future, though impatient and sometimes uncaring of others feelings. He is still developing the differences between right, and wrong, but once his morals are set, it's hard to change them. He doesn't like inconsistency, and those who have limited horizons, as he sees the world as a large canvas that you can paint on with a plethora of skills and experiences and possibilities. As he enters high school, he's learning how to flex his independence and to assume his natural born talents for leading and taking initiative, but hasn't gotten the opportunity to.

Bio/history: The Kinjo family was a wealthy family from Okinawa. Liam's father had come to America at a young age, destined to be a young entrepreneur with his brilliance and charisma, but he had got caught up in the partying scene and fell to his demise via alcohol quickly. Liam's mother met his father determined to get him sober and he was, for a few years. For most of Liam's childhood, though his father did work, he would drink insanely before he came home and would neglect everyone. Liam grew a great distaste for alcoholics and the cruel ways his father treated him, though never abuse. It was like he put a hush on the household, and by going to Lanfé, Liam finally was able to stretch his wings.

Liam was sent to the school mostly through scholarship, for his many awards in debate in junior high, but has to cover the rest on his own with a small part time job cleaning the school's classrooms.

Liam has somewhat tan skin and semi-long black, shaggy hair. He definitely looks more Japanese, like his father, and little resembles his half Russian mother. His eyes are dark brown, but his eyebrows are high, curved and inquisitive-looking much like a young child's. He's a bit short for his age, and he has braces to emphasize his child-like look. Yet his pose is confident, and his smile is well-developed and genuine.

Other: He has a huge fear of drunkards, for obvious reasons.

Sample post: Ten o'clock on the dot. Liam closed his pocket watch and focused around his surroundings. The classroom buzzed with quiet, but excited freshmen voices, echoing the promises of a new school year and new opportunities in such a prestigious school. Half-turned around in his seat, sitting comfortably with legs crossed and an arm draped around the side of the desk, Liam scanned the eyes of each student until he caught onto another's wandering eyes, replying with a cheeky grin and a wave. It was his usual way of greeting people, and he had so many new faces to learn in the school. There were so many new impressionable faces, allowing a new start for him. 'How exciting.' He thought, after saturating his fill of greetings. 'They all seemed friendly enough.'  
Name: Ekstrom, Odette

Age: 17

Year: Junior

Gender: F

Personality: Odette is a dedicated and serious young girl; her grades are average, but her ballet dancing is her forte. She interacts with people little, and primarily lives her own little world, but opens up to a few select friends extensively. Though she can be critical, and sometimes very blunt, she has a softer side she reserves for those she sees in pain. She doesn't like to be vulnerable emotionally or physically, so she visits the gym quite often. Odette has a passion to change the world in her language of dance, but doesn't know how to push it to that level. Odette is a perfectionist in her art and has high expectations for not only herself, but also with all of those who she is close to.

Bio/history: Odette was raised in a loving and hardworking family. At a young age, her parents would take her and her brother to travel on their business meetings, where Odette would immerse herself into different cultures and ways of thinking. Growing up, she felt like the hugest connection between the cultures was through dance, so her parents enrolled her into a local ballet studio where Odette excelled. Her visits to other countries became less frequent with growing commitment, but when she did visit, she tried teaching and learning more dances, as a part of her trips. As she got older, Odette's parents wanted her to go into business, wanting their daughter to have a reasonable job, but Odette refused and started to separate from her parents to develop her own independence. She talks to them little, and though they support most of her school, Odette has gotten a job from other schools in the area to teach beginning dance.

Appearance: Odette has long dyed dark red hair, often tucked into a bun and secured with a white headband. Her eyes are dark blue, and her eyebrows are arched in a way that makes her look almost angry, though she does not mean to put off people. She has the ideal dancer body: good posture, tall, flat-chested, and skinny, but has difficulty finding shoes for her big feet. She has some odd nervous habits she does such as flicking her fingers, popping her bones often, and blinking really quickly, but the rest of her oddities vary.


Sample post: On her toes, Odette looked over the crowd easily, and saw she had awhile of waiting until her school application could be processed. She bit her lip and sat down on a nearby chair a few seats away from the nearest person. Her feet clicked together in various patterns, fixated on the thought of feeling more comfortable each year being around the same students in Lanfé. Glancing at the man next to her, she noticed his hat looked as if someone had taken an old, tan lampshade, attached a rim, and called it a hat.

Odette looked to the floor and smiled to herself, able to find the small things amusing still. Her clicking heels slowed down the farther down the line she got until she was handed her schedule and her new ID for the year. "Ready for a busy year, dear?" Echoed the greeter's words in Odette's head as she walked to her first class. "Only as much as I let myself be, ma'am."

Neal Qaurters

Age: 16

Year: Sophomore

Gender: Male


Neal likes to express himself, through art or through music. He is typically a big ball of energy and all around happiness, he bounces off the walls. Neal is the kind of person to project into the world that he loves everyone and has a classic, 'I don't care what people think about me' attitude. this is in fact to prevent people from getting to close, if Neal lets you in you, you must be special. You could also easily break him from the inside. It's rare and he doesn't let it happen. Neal very much likes to focus on what is going on right here and right now around him. He is normally more casual not to formal and not to informal, he gives everyone he meets a chance, never judging on a snap, he knows that he has a story so everyone else must. But be warned you only get one chance with him and he can be rather easily offended. Neal likes to move with the time and flow with whatever is happening around him. He is not the type of person to interrupt something that seems like a good thing, a perfect combination of 'go with the flow' and 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'. On the other hand if he sees something wrong with the 'flow' or general happenings he will by no means keep quiet about it. He is one who will speak his mind and not back down. Neal speaks his mind at all times and generally doesn't filter his thoughts feeling that if people can't handle him inside there is no reason to have them around him. He is kind and gentle, especially towards animals and children.


Neal's father died before he was born while overseas fighting in a war, his mother couldn't bare it and alone and pregnant adopted some very unhealthy habits; not eating well or getting any sun, sleeping too much or too little. This caused her to be far too weak for childbirth, and lo and behold, Neal was born into the world to be an orphan. His mother's practices when she was pregnant had negative aspects on his health, he catches colds easily due to a bad immune system . He can't walk normally due to a spinal condition and uses forearm crutches, he has heart and lung trouble and is more delicate than other boys (bones, skin, muscles etc.). Neal was not an orphan for very long and was taken in by one of his mother's very best friends. Mrs. Quarters his adoptive mother is a very hardworking and well respected doctor, and his adoptive father is a lawyer, they are not old money but they are strong upper class, and can afford to send their adoptive child to a boarding school with a good reputation easily. They feel that Neal will get the care and accommodations he needs in a private school rather than a public one. In addition to this Neal himself is very smart. He has lived with Mrs. Quarters and her husband for as long as he was alive, and loves them like family, there is nothing that he would not do for his family.



Sample post:

Neal was trying his hardest not to rumple his new uniform. He had spent his Freshmen year of high school at a small arts school closer to his home in the village town of Camden, it had been weird for everyone and while he liked the kids well enough the teachers were weird towards him. It became harder to deal with certain things as time went on. and then here he was. He turned to his Mom who was looking the bags that his dad had packed into the trunk in such perfect arrangement, his mum had no clue how to even begin to remove a single thing.

"Are you sure?" He said turning to look at her, eyebrows raised in uncertainty. The building behind him looked like a Gothic castle site than a school, there was ivy going up the stone walls and the windows were small slits in the walls. She sighed and shook her head at him.

"I know that uniform is uncomfortable, but you'll get used to it." She said chewing on her lip, "I'm going to go find someone to help us with these bags." She said heading off. Neal shook his head fondly at her and looked up to the castle that was his school.

"It can't be to bad?"
Please, remove my WIP spot. I'll have to apologize because I might not be able to join this. :c That's why, I'll have to give my spot to others, and I'll join when I have the time and when you're in need of more people. If not, well of course, I accept that. Sorry!

Name :
Talia Eve Lambert

Age : 16

Year : Sophmore

Gender : Female

Personality : Talia is a cheerful little girl who loves looking at the brighter side of life. Exceptionally friendly and charming, people tend to have a hard time disliking her. She has had many people's envy, but not hatred. Though she attributes it to good luck, the fact remains that she is a very likable person. Ever helping and unassuming are two words that describe her the best as she tries hard to see the goodness in everyone and in everything as she possibly could. Her bubbly personality and her good looks often find her many many suitors, all of whom she turns down, her reason is that she wants to study hard and get good grades and get into uni. Talia values knowledge above all else. Probably the only way to make her truly angry would be to poke fun at the dedication and hard work she puts into studying.

Biography : A talented girl born in a middle -class family, Talia's love for sports and arts almost equals her love for knowledge. Her parents discovered this at a very young age and spent a lot of money in classes for her. So much that by the time she was in middle school, all their funds were nearly exhausted. But her good grades got her into this prestigious academy on a scholarship. Though she disliked having to move out of town, the academy's pros seemed to make her overcome it and move into the dormitory there. Currently the captain of the cheerleading squad, her progress doesn't seem to stop, nor does her popularity.

Sample post :

"Gooo Pirates!" yelled Talia just before she made a launch from the top of a basket toss. "That was a great! Good job everyone!" she said, clapping her hands as she walked around the gym, "See you all next Friday!" And with that she picked up her gym bag and headed for the showers.

Once there, she began peeling off her cheerleading outfit and undid her pigtails before stepping into the hot shower. Her thoughts were filled with memories of home. Of how she wished she still had her mum and dad to get home to. Even her annoying brother. Not to mention her dog. "Oh, how I miss you Rufus," she said aloud as hot water ran through her auburn hair. Turning off the shower, she toweled herself dry and pulled her hair into a single ponytail and headed to her locker.

Practically everyone greeted her on her way there. She picked out a couple of books and went to the class nearly 15 minutes early. Occupying her corner seat on the front row, Talia was quickly lost in the textbook of Biology
. She only put her book away when the teacher entered, that too reluctantly. In her opinion, books were better teachers than most staff here were. At the first question, her hand flew up. Though most in the class rolled their eyes, she was a model student, everyone at school knew that. 

Name :
Matthew Perry Hudson

Age : 15

Year : Freshman

Gender : Male

Personality : Matthew is a rather peculiar boy. He seems to exude an aura of strangeness that scares people away from him. He isn't antisocial or anything, just queer. The way he looked, the lopsided grin, his beady eyes staring into random people's back. Whenever approached by a social butterfly or just about anyone, his riddle-like questions tended to scare them away. Rumors run rampant about him in his old school, all hiding a dark past. He is usually jumpy around girls and is often found on an open terrace gazing at the sky and occasionally laughing. If someone attempts to get his attention, they tend to be met by a blank stare where his eyes are fixed on a point somewhere between the two of them, probably on a molecule of air as his gaze shifts rapidly as though he was chasing a rapidly moving fly. Probably the only good side to him was that he is an animal lover. All kinds of animals, including rodents, seem to be the sole targets of his kindness and generosity.

Biography : Matthew grew up alone, never having known his parents. The sole heir of a shipping magnet, he never saw his parents for more than 10 minutes a month, and never in person. One fine day, his butler brought him the news of his parents' demise in an airplane accident. The strange boy only began laughing and even cheered about it. What happened and why this boy was so, remained a mystery to all. Wearing a pendent, whose origins are unknown, he viciously protects the greenish liquid within the vial on the pendent. Now, with a board of directors managing his father's company till he takes over, he chose to direct the funds under his immediate control and entered the academy.
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Name: Kazuo Takumi

Age: 17

Year: Junior

Gender: Male

Personality: Kazuo isn't one to start a conversation with you first - you have to come to him. He usually doesn't run into a problem with this, as he's always been popular among people, but all that popularity has gone to his head. Though he means well, he can be quite the jerk. In fact, that's taken over much of his personality. He doesn't show sympathy or empathy toward most people, unless you've gotten close with him, such as his younger cousin, Masumi. He has been known to get hostile in certain situations, and he has a very hot temper that he needs to learn to control. He isn't so much book-smart, but what he lacks in logic he makes up for in quick thinking. In times of need, he's the first to come up with a solution - one that works, mind you.

Bio/history: Growing up in a wealthy family, Kazuo lacked in nothing material. Though his parents were rarely home, they showered him with gifts to keep him happy. This worked for only so long, and he grew impatient in waiting for them to give him something that money couldn't buy - their love. He rarely spoke with them, and the fact that they sent him off to boarding schools when he was thirteen didn't help that. The schools required a hefty fee to keep him enrolled, but his family paid little attention to that fact, and said they only cared that he got properly educated. Kazuo wrote letters and made phone calls, but he seldom received a response. It came time for him to go to highschool, and his parents sent him off again, this time to one he wasn't so sure he wanted to attend... Lanfè School for the Gifted. For one, he didn't think he was gifted, and two, he just wanted to go to a normal school. But no, his parents had already paid the enrollment fees and it was too late for him to transfer out. "Whatever," he had said to his parents, and that was it. He hasn't spoken with them since. As soon as he found out his cousin was going to be attending the school as well, Kazuo lit up and the two were practically conjoined at the hip. They still remain close, but don't talk as often as before.

Other: N/A

Sample post: A hand ruffled through dark locks and a sigh fell from his lips. Though the sound was practically inaudible, the look on his face showed his annoyance with the rest of the class. He tried to learn, he really did, but when everyone was talking and he could hardly understand what the teacher was saying, it made that really hard to do. Kazuo raised his hand and waited to get called in. "May I be excused to go to the restroom?" He asked, and was granted permission, thankfully. He slid his chair back, a gentle scraping sound resonating from the area as the legs moved against the tile flooring. He exited the classroom, his hands in his pockets. A normal, non-rich, regular teenage life - that was all he wanted. Why his parents couldn't see that, he didn't know. His footsteps were the only sound in the hallway as he wandered around. He just needed to clear his head from the ever-present noise around him. Light blue irises scanned the classroom windows, searching for friends, enemies, acquaintances, anyone. He needed something to do - something that didn't involve school. He figured that wouldn't go his way either, though, just like everything else.



Name: Masumi Ume

Age: 15

Year: Freshman

Gender: Female

Personality: She's a soft spoken, shy girl who tends to keep to herself more than she speaks out. If she thinks something is unjust, she'll definitely let you know how she's feeling, but other than that, Masumi is sort of a wall flower. She has her friends, she has her resources, she has everything she needs to be happy, and she's just fine with that. Though her cousin tried getting her to be louder, to make herself known, she didn't think that was her. She's sweet and intelligent, books being a better friend to her than people. She doesn't believe in fighting, and is usually the one to break them up - the one to be the mediator. She cares little about her outward appearance, and spends no more than ten minutes getting ready in the morning. She says she does it for herself, not for other people. Though she isn't very self-conscious, she worries a lot about her height, which is just barely five feet tall, because she gets teased often for it.

Bio/history: Much like Kazuo, her family happened to be well off as far as money goes, and she was sent to private schools her whole life. Unlike Kazuo, however, her parents were always there for her, and instead of giving her material items all the time, they taught her discipline and manners, and that character was always better than beauty, no matter what anyone else told her. She was happy young girl, who grew into a happy young lady. She never was the social butterfly, and insisted on having just one or two friends over on birthdays, rarely ever having friends over otherwise. Her parents kept her satisfied with more books than she could read, so that she would never get bored or lonely. Her father always told her that books were his best friend, and she too agrees. When she heard that her cousin was going to be attending Lanfè School for the Gifted, she asked her parents if she would be able to enroll as well. They granted her permission, and reminded her that if anything happened to tell them, and if she no longer wished to attend, to request being pulled out.

Other: She has a small cat named Kei; she found him one day a few months ago, and finding no willing owners, kept him for herself.

Sample post: If there was one place she would be, it was the library. And, you guessed it, Masumi was there again. She had one book in front of her that day, and her eyes scanned over the text, a small smile adorning her child-like features. "Miss Ume!" A voice broke into her thought, and her head snapped upward, searching for the source of the noise. "For the last time, the library is closing. You need to leave." The librarian didn't always take kindly to Masumi, this she knew, and so she close the book she was reading, dog-earring the page, and walked out without another word. It was getting late, but she didn't really want to go back to her room - Sana, her roommate, wasn't always her favorite person. Sitting down in the hallway just outside of the library, she put her bag down next to her, and a furry head poked out from the unzipped portion. "Alright, Kei, you can come out," she said softly, pulling the cat out and setting him on her lap. He nuzzled her arm as she re-opened her book before finally settling down, curled up between her legs, which were crossed Indian-style. She was always most content like that - with a nice book and her furry friend, no one bothering her.



@Party Poison

as no one claimed the evil I will be posting my girl and then the starter



Neri Jameston








Neri is the type to not really let anything bother her, she is the type of girl to roll with the punches. Most relationships that Neri has had have tanked majorly keeping her guarded. She was 'one of those girls that was one of the guys' whatever that means. She was a girl and wore dresses and what not, didn't play sports, she just hung with guys since the girls were to complicated for her. It isn't that she doesn't like girls, It's just that she doesn't have the patience for it and frankly just didn't understand why girls have to act the way they do. Neri has ADHD, and dyslexia and this made life very hard for her, it's severe enough for her to have to take medication, this causes such things as panic attacks and minor OCD symptoms. Neri uses this part of herself in many constructive ways, she is a math whiz, because she can see the numbers in a different way. She is also really good at robotics and programming as well as motors and cars and things of that kind, she is almost at Genius level, falling under gifted LD. She can be just plain weird at times though, she has no 'filter' meaning that if she thought it, it will come out of her mouth. All the time. Which can get her into trouble. Neri is brazen and bold, she tells herself that people are for people and maybe she is not one. But really? She has never been able to maintain anything with anyone but her dad, so to not want them is best. She has never had a friend.


Neri Just moved to The small town with her father after her Grandmother's death. She originally lived and was born in the city miles and miles out from where she lives now. Her mother died when she was very young, she drowned in a pool accident, foul play was suspected since her mother was training for the Olympics in swimming at the time. She Never knew he mother very well and doesn't remember her at all, Her mother and her don't have the same last name so only a few people knew that she was her mother, as she was quite famous. Neri, was adopted as her mother did not have time for Maternity leave during her Olympic career. Neri now lives with a single father as she always has in her life, he just opened an auto body shop in town and is doing quite well for himself. He loves his little girl and tried to give her as much of a adult shoulder to be with as he could; but he could never give her a mother, and he knows nothing about how to help her with her learning disabilities, no idea how to fight with the public school system over how his daughter learns...he pooled as much money as he could and sent her to boarding school. His little girl was going to be successful.

Sample post:

I made one, only one is required

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