Devil's fire [Inactive]


The lunatic Fringe
Nerdygeekflower submitted a new role play:

Devil's fire - Marked or Burned, we have a problem now.

Lanfè School for the Gifted
A boarding school... A normal Boarding school.... that has been around for a very, very long time. There are many many people at the school, and it is for mainly the fabulously rich and gifted, it is a prep school, whole 9 yards uniforms and ivy on the walls, dorms, etc. You know the type

a small group of 8 students spend their first night at the school wandering the halls, due to curiosity, being lost, having a shitty roommate lock them out or other reasons. They...
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He looked out over the arriving students, opening his watch. It was an Old Fashioned pocket watch, well kept and cleaned. No tarnish, no wear. It had to elegant initials on the back. KL. He stroked the back of the watch and snapped it closed. Turning in military style he inclined his head to look at the portraits.


Neal was trying his hardest not to rumple his new uniform. He had spent his Freshmen year of high school at a small arts school closer to his home in the village town of Camden, it had been weird for everyone and while he liked the kids well enough the teachers were weird towards him. It became harder to deal with certain things as time went on. and then here he was. He turned to his Mom who was looking the bags that his dad had packed into the trunk in such perfect arrangement, his mum had no clue how to even begin to remove a single thing.

"Are you sure?" He said turning to look at her, eyebrows raised in uncertainty. The building behind him looked like a Gothic castle site than a school, there was ivy going up the stone walls and the windows were small slits in the walls. She sighed and shook her head at him.

"I know that uniform is uncomfortable, but you'll get used to it." She said chewing on her lip, "I'm going to go find someone to help us with these bags." She said heading off. Neal shook his head fondly at her and looked up to the castle that was his school.

"It can't be to bad?" he asked out loud turning his head to look all around.


Neri turned to her dad. "We are lost." He shook his head and tapped on the wheel in anxiety. "I told you we shouldn't have bought this clunker...." she said leaning on the door. Her dad growled at the old argument and tightened his hands onto the wheel. "Shoulda let me dri-"

"Neri." He stated. She nodded and closed her eyes. Pulling her feet on to the dash she pull her sleeves down. She wasn't wearing the uniform yet, a pair of jeans and a band shirt, both ripped. Her cuff, a army jacket... boots. The coolnes of the window next to her pulled her. Anchored her. There was no way this ended the way her dad thought. She shook her head. "It's a bad idea." She said for the millionth time. He turned on the radio.



@Party Poison

Please have everyone post once before you post again

"I'm sorry your father couldn't say goodbye to you, dear."

"Hmph, it doesn't irk me."

"Does it really?"

Liam's light-haired mother glanced inquisitively at her son who was combing his dark hair to perfection. First impressions were only too important to the young boy.

Liam sighed, not really wanting to get back on the subject of his drunk of a father. "Well, I suppose if he sobered up only a bit, I would be satisfied."

Greenery whizzed past them in the forms of grass and newly-planted rice fields. Civilization had long passed them, and after a five hour car ride, Liam was ready to jump out and run at the first sight of the school. He snuggled farther down into his chair in his blue duck blanket, and smiled to himself at the thought of being fast and strong enough to carry all of his things to the front office without help. He knew he lacked muscle, and strength, why hide it?

"Don't fall asleep, we're almost there!"

Thirty minutes later... "We're here!"

Liam's eyes jumped open and he wildly grabbed the handle and jumped out of the car. Before him stood a-

"...cathedral?!" He said with great surprise.

"Of course, dear! The pictures on the school's website are updated sections near the back. The actual school is quite old." His mother replied handing him a few bags with snacks and sheets. Liam took the items but continued to stare at the school.

'My new home...'


'And another year begins...', thought a tall, sleek figure that waved to the car squeaking away. Odette opened her hand and examined the parcel she was handed by her brother.

Ten minutes ago...

"Open it when you're at your weakest, hopefully it'll provide some encouragement, 'kay?" Her brother, Daniel, patted her on the back.

"What is it? It's heavy." "Not too heavy for my strong little sis to carry, is it?" Odette raised an eyebrow and gave him a gentle push. "Never." Daniel and parents laughed at her response. One last hug and they were off.

* * *

Odette tossed the parcel in her hand lightly. It looked quite old and wrinkled, hopefully it wasn't another practical joke with Daniel's old socks wrapped tightly inside. She had a small bag, all the rest of her stuff was already in her new room. Knowing she needed her schedule, she tossed her bag over her back, and without many more thoughts lingering on the parting, the young woman walked briskly to the looming tower, calling her back into its shadowy grasp.

"Gooo Pirates!" yelled Talia just before she made a launch from the top of a basket toss. "That was a great! Good job everyone!" she said, clapping her hands as she walked around the gym, "See you all next Friday!" And with that she picked up her gym bag and headed for the showers.

Once there, she began peeling off her cheerleading outfit and undid her pigtails before stepping into the hot shower. Her thoughts were filled with memories of home. Of how she wished she still had her mum and dad to get home to. Even her annoying brother. Not to mention her dog. "Oh, how I miss you Rufus," she said aloud as hot water ran through her auburn hair. Turning off the shower, she toweled herself dry and pulled her hair into a single ponytail and headed to her locker.

Practically everyone greeted her on her way there. She picked out a couple of books and went to the class nearly 15 minutes early. Occupying her corner seat on the front row, Talia was quickly lost in the textbook of Biology.


"We're here, young master," called out a uniformed chauffeur over his shoulder. The black limousine he drove could easily grab the attention of anyone who happened to be within a mile of it, both due to its length and the snail's pace at which it moved. He couldn't complain though, he was paid to do whatever his 'young master' wished. 'Young master' indeed. It was so archaic that he never thought he would hear himself say it. It took a lot of effort for the man to prevent an amused snicker escaping his lips as he donned a mask-like face. He knew any unwanted sounds from his part would get him fired. No one with a salary as high as his would want to give it up.

Behind him, the 'young master' was peering out of the window of the limo at the school. Then he burst out laughing, "That is like smaller than half my home," he said, with a giggle befitting a girl half his age. Then as abruptly as the giggle began, he stopped, a blank expression appearing on his face before he stepped out into the sun. "Find my room and put my luggage there," he said before he strode in through the open gates, his hands clasped in front of him.
@Party Poison

has not posted so we are going ahead


Neal watched the other students go by happily. they lingered on the crutches with their eyes but he shook it off, that kind of thing rolled off his shoulders at this point. Or they always had. Neal had dealt with it for his whole life. His mother fussed around behind him with the bags and the staff member, soon all his things (and some things that weren't his but his mom's own anxiety) had been put on a cart and were being taken to his... third floor room. THIRD FLOOR? These people were geniuses, at least there was an elevator. Which was where he headed first, room 221. It was small and it looked like he would have a roommate, hopefully it would be an understanding one. Hopefully. Neal sat himself on the bed as the staff started to unload his things. "Oh no, leave those I'll do it." Neal said the staffer frowned and warned him of the checks. Neal shook his head and the women left with a shake of her head, he sat and looked around his room. His mother stood by the door hesitating before telling him she was going to deal with paper work, and would be back.

Liam walked into the main office, lightly swinging his bags and keeping light on his feet, his eyes emitting the same sort of energy he felt entering his new school. Sure, it seemed a bit creepy and demented, but everyone seemed rather chipper despite the environment, so he wasn't too worried about the appearance of the school at all. They came a bit early, and Liam's mother was prepared with the paperwork like always, so they were quickly in and out of the office, going up to the main boy's dormitory within an hour.

Liam bounced the plastic-wrapped uniform in his hand, examining it with great satisfaction. He had always wanted a professional-looking school outfit; it fit his taste well.

Both Liam and his mother expressed their satisfaction at everything they saw; it seemed she was nearly as excited as he was. "What a lovely view!" "The tiles look so delicate and beautiful!" "The cafeteria food smelled delicious!" "Such a nice fellow student!"

They got to his room, 210, but neither Liam or his mother knew how to open the door, for they both were used to code locks. Liam's father would always lose his keys as he stumbled home. Liam pulled out his phone, and started to call different offices of the school that could assist them in opening it, yet all of the ones he found so far were busy. First day of moving in was likely to be hectic.


A busy hum of students, parents, and faculty filled the ground floor as Odette drifted above it, quiet and stolid. She wandered the school halls, becoming familiar with new decorations and beautiful paintings that were added over the summer. The girl often stole a glance for the courtyard, searching for any action that often took place there.

'No... it's much too early for that.' She reminded herself and directed her attention ahead of her, and sliding past other students who were heading to some classes.

While the freshman were moving in, many others had begun some classes. After receiving her schedule, Odette was disappointed to see she only had one class that day: chemistry. She walked briskly to her room to obtain her school items, all the while cursing the school system for making her take such a ridiculous and difficult class.

upon arrival to the school Neri's dad was already late in getting back, he dropped her with her single well worn bag from goodwill and kissed her cheek and then he was gone. Neri sighed and headed for her dorm alone. She reached the building and set her hand on the stone, it was warm. In fact the whole building was made from stone, but it wasn't the normal granite that building were built from. It was a strange black almost volcanic looking rock that shimmered glass like in the mid-morning sun. Neri shook her head and muttered "Rich people" under her breath before heading in where she saw the stunning glass windows that only made her shake her head more, it was very warm in the school and the whole thing looked like a medieval castle, there were iron twisted spikes coming out every now and again and there were tapestries showing dragons and other mythical beasts. Neri shook her head and headed in for the dorm.
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