Where do the elves sleep? [Inactive]

Eon woke from a very long sleep. He was outside. Typical. Alone once again. Today, he decided, he would change that. There was no way he was going to turn into this brilliantly handsome young elf without anyone there to see! After so many years in almost absolute solitude, though, it was difficult for him to imagine having social relations with others. He thought of the short elf who helped him sell his wooden creations. This time he wouldn't guard his house. This time he would go with the elf to the marketplace and get over his irrational fear of social contact. If rejection occurred, he could go back to being a recluse. But clung tightly to the short elf's side, he could at least have a sense of security in case all else were to fail. I wonder if this is the female instinct in me.

Eon decided he would think aloud to stimulate growth in his social interaction abilities. "Hey Eon, I wonder if this is the female instinct in me." It felt so foreign. Was he going insane?? "Well, the short elf won't get here till tomorrow. Maybe I'll wander around and pretend to talk to other elves." But that was it - how would Eon know how to interact with individuals he didn't even know how to create? He decided to make a fake set of parents. One was a tree and the other one was a rock lying next to the tree. Creative. Then he curled up in between the tree and the rock and fell asleep. His life would begin tomorrow.
more tears welled up in her eyes, but didnt wipe them away as they fell, "my powers dont bother you? i figured you had known..and it was nice to have someone to talk to who didnt mind for once and didnt fear that i might manipulate them" she tried to get up again, now having a bit more feeling in her legs. but as the night grew colder she felt her skin going numb down to the core. "you make my heart but..you also make it skip and flutter. i have never felt for somebody in a way that causes that..i want to call it love i even feel or almost know that it is..but it scares me.." she used trees to balance herself as she walked closer to him. once she got to where he was her legs gave out again and she collapsed against him holding onto his torso, shivering now his body was so much warmer. it made the electric feeling come back to her body.
Hazel looked up at him. "You're petting them... my ears. I didn't think you would. I guess i never really grew up... i didn't have a family to teach me how..." She looked back at the flams and sighed nuzzling against his leg before shefell asleep. She slept peacefully and only moved when he did.
once she was asleep he stopped petting her eyes and sat there a moment when his sister showed up, "so..how long is she staying here for?" her arms were crossed with a small scowl on her face. even at night she looked as if she was going to be somewhere extravagant. all the jewelry and long flowing clothes, the skulls that she had and bones. this is why people feared her over him. keiran shrugged gently as not to move to much, "does it matter? ive brought girls over before and you never have a problem" seraphina made a disgusted face," shes a priestess keiran..they have never been kind to us! and im not surprised when you find a pretty face and bring her home. but this one, shes not your type and she acts more like a daughter than a women." keiran glared at her coldly, "you dont know my type and you have no room to talk..your still young yourself even if you act older" she huffed and turned away, "fine but dont be shocked if one of my 'babies' finds they're way down here.." with that she secluded herself back to her room. keiran sighed and looked down at hazel, "my my all the trouble you may cause.."
Hazel only flicked her ears a few times but stayed asleep. She dreamt of Keiran. She could hear the words of their conversation and subconsciously beat herself up for acting the way she did. She knew she would leave weither he agreed or not. It wasn't him but she didn't like to cause issues and especially not to her friends.
keiran slowly lie on his back and closed his eyes as the fire flickered across their bodies making their shadows dance across the living room walls, "tomorrow you better tell me how old you are..its really not fair" he could feel the pull of sleep and he yawned shifting ever so slightly. eventually he drifted into one of his deep sleeps and dreamt of nights under the stars looking into the night sky, but this time he had hazel laying next to him.
Hazel awoke the next morning and yawned stretching. She sat up and looked down at him. She quietly stood and tried to sneak out the door but stepped on a few loose floor boards.

(Sorry didn't know what to put)
keirans eyes opened instantly and he looked over at hazel as she walked towards the door, 'what are you doing?" he stretched but remained on the floor. the fire was still going but was much smaller now and only giving off so much heat.

(thats ok i know the feels)
Hazel jumped and spun on her toes. "Ah! I-I um... I can't lie to you... I heard your conversion with your sister... so I'll just go home." Her ears flattened to her head and her tail dragged making her look adorably pitiful. "So um... bye now !" She said quickly and turned to leave again.
before she could even take one step he was in front of her and blocking the way to the door, his hair was a little messy and he looked a little tired but he still manged a good stern face, "you cant let what my sister says effect you..shes just grumpy and sour. you dont have to worry about her pets either shes raised them virtually harmless." he leaned his back against the door and smoothed his hair back with his hand with a sigh simply because his sister was starting to wear him out as well.
Hazel blinked a few times. "Um... i think you are in my way... c-could you move over?" She said and attempted to move him herself but failed. "I'm not welcome here! Please let me go." She huffed slightly frustrated. She walked away and sat in front of the fire again. She brushed her hair with her fingers as she decided to give him the silent treatment.
again he sighed but more tiredly then frustrated, 'i told you you dont have to leave...i dont mind having you here. in fact i enjoy your company my sisters just sour about new people" he sat down next to her and stared into the fire for a moment. in fact..why was he trying to keep her here so bad? if people were to come and go he never minded so why did he now? she obviously wanted to leave.
Hazel sighed feeling a bit defeated. She leaned on his side and looked down."Do you not like me because I'm childish? " she asked feeling a bit rejected. She knew not to believewhat his ssister said but even he told her she acted like a child. Hazel frowned and pulled away. "It's ok if you do... but i would rather not cry in front of people."
he looked down at hazel and pinched the bridge of his nose as he tipped his head back, "yes you do act a bit childish but its the kind of childishness thats stubborn, headstrong, unpredictable and fun. theres no shame in that, i say it to tease you..not to hurt you" he stroked one of her ears and he wasnt sure what to say to her or how he was feeling about all this.
Hazel suddenly smirked. She playfully pushed him over and ran for the door. "I wanna play come on!" She giggled softly and ran off in the woods. She knew this was her escape to such an awkward romantic situation. She didn't understand stand what love was and only heard of crazy storries from her fellow foxes.
"uhf!!" keiran fell onto his back and watched her book out the door, what was he doing? was he trying to be romantic with her? he put a hand over his heart and groaned.."what am i doing" he got up quickly and bolted out the door using what what he was taught in the mountains to track her down and follow her.
About half way down the path he found the clothes he had given her. The beautiful white fox looked at him with challenging eyes. She awaited his move. He could run for the hills or after her. It was like a game of tag and since he found her she promptly sat eyeing him carefully.
The wolf joined him laying down, half to Aenor's surprise, though none was shown on his face. He closed his eyes and let his mind sift through his vault of thoughts, taking time to pick up every thought and examine it thoroughly before he went to the next. After what seemed like many minutes of nothing but the sound of graceful water rushing over hard-edged rocks, and the wind skipping between trees, Aenor began to voice his thoughts to the young, sky-eyed wolf.

"I know you cannot respond to me, wolf. Yet, I have this question lingering in my mind. Do animals such as you ever feel a sort of isolation? Are there any divisions in your animal kingdom much like the elven kingdom?We have humans and elves, dark and not dark, upper class and lower class, but these distinctions do not apply to animals. We created these rules; they certainly aren't natural. Which means..."

Aenor turned on his side to look at the wolf, not caring much if was or wasn't paying attention.

"We can undo these rules too." He propped himself up onto his elbows to see the tall homes far above him: the beautiful homes of the upper class elves. "It is a child's wish to become a king or queen, but I still seem to be clinging onto it. I have a vision for the village. One of great change."

Aenor looked back to the young wolf. "From what you know... is it possible for one like me to achieve this?"
When Ardetha hold onto his torse the silvan elf automatically wrapped his arms around her lean body. Even the Nymphe stayed in the woods for about hours her scent was still adorable. He tried to help her to stand more or less stably on her legs and wiped away her tears with his thumbs. "Please do not cry, my dear!" When another tear fell down on her skin he moved his head towards her face and gave her cheek a kiss on the tear's place. " I like so much," he whispered and looked at her eyes with a sorrowful smile.
Even as as she cried ardetha blushed wildly as he held her body in his arms. Her legs gained stability and the touch of his lips warned her skin." As do I elron..I like as well" she rested her head against him and the tears finally stopped.she kissed his neck gently and held him close taking him in and allowing herself to feel such emotions. 
Kieran saw the clothes and groaned knowing she was probably going to end up naked again. He grabbed the clothes and ran after the quick white Fox.
Hazel took off as quickly as he did. She had no destination but her goal was to make him give up. She stayed somewhat in view. She ran out of energy and stopped at a lake to take a drink. She looked back to see if he had arrived yet and took a few more laps of water.
keiran was specialized in hunting so this was simple, especially for tracking animals. it wasnt to long before he caught up with her and stood by her quietly, "you realize ive trained and hunted in these forests its not to hard to get around.." he sat down by the water and watched as it flowed gently out of view.
Hazel jumped up in his lap and laid down. Her tail swung off his leg and her head rested inbetween her paws. She was small enough to fit comfortably on his lap but when she shot up and licked his cheek she fell off. Hazel yelped a bit in shock and she shook dirt off her fur. She then realized she basically kissed his cheek and looked away. She trotted away and followed the lake.
"uhf.." he grunted some when she jumped up onto his lap and laughed when she got dirty, you know since there is a lake you could just wash off in there" he stretched his back and watched as she trotted away.
Hazel looked back at him. She jumped in the water and when she came up for air she was human. (With the acceptions of ears and a tail) "are you going to jump in to? Or just watch like an old man?" She joked urging him to join her in the warm water.

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