Where do the elves sleep? [Inactive]

"N-no. I got a little lost is all but thank you!" She said with a cheerful smile. She perked her ears up and leaned forward a bit sniffing him. "Dark elf hmm? I don't think i have been around your kind before. This is so exciting! Can i ask you somethings?" Hazel asked seeming as innocentas ever while her tail swung happily behind her.
Alec sat down in front of the Halfface her tail flicking in a friendly way. When he tried to nod at her she had to laugh out loud, but to him it should have sounded like a bark. Dipping her head politly she moved a bit towards the boy and licked his hand one time, just to see whether he would like it. 
Elron watched the Nymphe holding the bird in her hand and recognized her face having this kind of jolly glint. Smiling he looked at her pretty face being happy for her to be a little be more cheerful than before. When he had seen her walking down the street he had detected her doubtful aura.

He stood up and kneeled down in front of Ardetha taking the bird and let it fly back to it's nest in the tree. Smirking he took her hand and asked "Would you like to dance with me?"
keiran smoothed his hair back and sighed at his sister then looked back at the young shape shifter, "if you wish to i do not see why not..my sister has left anyways and probably doesnt want me to follow..nice ears by the way" he poked the tip of her left ear and leaned forward looking at them, "most shape shifters stay human looking" he smirked and sat back up.

ardetha watched as the bird flew off, its colored feather gleaming as they hit the sun, it made her a little sad to see it fly off but it was probably for the better. she looked up at elron and noticed his hand and it seemed her blushing would never end. not only has a guy never been this way with her, not for years but she also had never danced with one. "well um..if you wish to i dont see why i should decline" she kept her hand in his and smiled gently to the kind man she had met.
With a cheerful expression in his face Elron gave Ardetha a leg-up and guided her to the dancing floor holding her hand in his palm. The elves were laughing and cheering and the musicians were playing a quite festive melody. "Ah, I like this song!," Elron said feisty and pulled Ardetha towards the other elves. "So, let's start!," he laughed and put his right hand on her hip and rose the other one in which he held the Nymphe's hand.
she bit her lip nervously and placed her free hand on his shoulder but before doing so she pinned her dress up some as to not drag across the ground. "i have to say im a bit rusty when it comes to dancing" she smiled shyly and looked at elron in hopes he understood if she messed up in some ways. "i-ive never really danced before..alone..maybe..but not with someone else" a small laugh escaped her lips and she shook her head.
Elron looked at her with a pleasant smile and started moving. "Same here," he laughed when they danced past other pairs stumbling sometimes, but never falling down as they were always able to regain their position. When other silvan elves crossed their path he smirked and did shouts like "Hey buddy!" or "What's up, dwag?".
ardetha was sure her cheeks had been flushed the entire time they danced, but she held onto him tightly trying to keep pace and staying steady. "you seem to know many people" she avoided making eye contact with too many people, she didnt know them anyways. she stumbled some and fell into him, "ah, s-sorry"
Hazel blushed softly and looked away to hide it. "Yeah um... T-they like to be pet to." She said as she moved them in response to his touch. "No one has ever touched my ears before unless I'm in fox form." She looked back up at him with a smile. "I like it. It feels nice." Hazel moved her ears a bit in response to his touch. "Are all dark elves mean? I've heard that they're mean."
keiran laughed at her response, "well i hopefully didnt take to much of a first away from you" she seemed to be pretty intelligent but not very well informed on certain races. "i guess we are, but its more of a way to defend ourselves then to do it for sheer pleasure. had i been one of the first dark elves of our time i would have tried to change it otherwise. my sister on the other hand seems to embrace it so id be just a bit weary around that one"
"Huh?" Confused he looked at Nymphe and was just about to tease her again, when she suddenly fell into him. "Ouh, are you ok?," worriedly he looked into her purple eyes and squatted down holding the elf in his arms. She looked so beautiful in the sunlight and suddenly the protective shield he created disappeared and he was able to realize the Nymphe's full bloom.
she moved the hair from her face and touched her forehead gently, "i believe iam, im sorry about that i didnt mean to bump you like that" she looked up at him and smiled tucking hair behind her ear she locked eyes with him. she hadnt really noticed but his eyes were such a wonderful green that it reminded her of the trees that surrounded her home and her skipped a moment which caused her to catch her breathe.
Hazel blushed a bit more. "N-no actually you can touch them more if you want..." she looked around at the people surrounding then and shuddered. "Can we move i feel like im in the way..." she said and got pushed in his chest again. This time she stayed there for a moment and looked up at him. "We could at least move to a more open area." She suggested and pulled away from him when she regained her balance.
he barely budged when she bumped into him and he arched his eyebrow once again, seemingly coming off as his trademark look. "if you wish to i was heading to a store for food but it seems my sister has taken that job for herself now, why not a simple walk? i havent had much conversation in some time with someone other than her" he smiled and offered his hand and poked her ear with the other.
"Ardetha...," For Elron it seemed like he had never met an elf, not even a Nymphe, before looking so beautiful. She was stunningly beautiful, literally breathtaking. It seemed like his lungs did not work properly anymore, hastily he panted for breath, his throat hurting and suddenly drops of sweat appeared on his forehead. "... what are you doing .."
she was lost in him for a moment, and watched as the way he looked at her and how her chest tightened when he did. but the words he spoke last snapped her out of it more quickly then it had happened. she covered her mouth with one of her hands and she realized what was happening and it brought the familiar hurt she had felt many times before. "im sorry..elron..iam really, very sorry" tears stung her eyes and she stood taking one last look at him, "i never wanted these powers.." unpinning her dress she ran off back towards her home.
Hazel twitched her ear every time he poked at it making her blush. "Are you enjoying yourself? " she asked somewhat expecting he would have pet her ears instead of poking at them. She took his hand and eventually playfully tried to bite at his finger when he poked her. She began poking his side with her tail when she realized she wasn't going to catch his finger. "So what's your name?"
he smirked at her tail, he had been bitten by his sisters reptilian children more then once so avoiding bites was something instinctual by now. "keiran and my sisters name is seraphina, and what about you?" he looked around at their surroundings, people dancing and eating and merriness all around. in a way it made him uncomfortable because beneath all that was happy was something dark and sad in his eyes.
"Hazel. I was named after the eye color that changes sometimes because my fur changes colors to. Nothing wild just from brown to white." She said and senced his discomfort making her stop walking. "Did i do something? My fox can tell that you are uncomfortable why?" She asked with a serious yet curious look.
he shook his had, "not a crowd person really, thats what happens when you live in the mountains with one other person almost your whole life" he looked back at her and tipped his head to the side, "how old are you anyways..its hard to make it out with you. shape shifters have always been a bit more difficult"
Hazel laughed. "You never as a woman her age!" She gasped jokingly as she pulled him into the trees. They could still see the lights and music but now it was just them. "Is this better." She asked in a softer voice now that she didn't have to speak over the crowd. "I'll probably be younger then you cause im not an elf. But would you still like me anyway?" She tilted her head to the left making her ears bend down a bit.
"W-wait.," Elron felt guilty for her behavior and wanted to follow the Nymphe, but he couldn't move as his body parts were hurting painfully. It felt like his whole body was paralysed. "Don't leave me...," he whispered anxiously and looked after Ardetha while he tried hardly to breath. Elves recognized him laying on the dancefloor and somebody screamed worriedly. "He needs a priest! Hurry up!" Ardetha, come back please ... Suddenly the world turned black. (( He's not dead :D Just passed out))
ardetha clenched her eyes shut to try and stop the tears that wouldnt stop flowing. panting and pushing her way past people she ran past her home gate into the back yard where all the trees came together. there was her sanctuary. collapsing to her knees she covered her eyes with her arm cursing herself as a very electric aura seemed to bounce around her. "i never asked to do this to people..i never wanted to stay alone!" she eventually just lie on her side in the soft grass under the canopy of trees that shadowed her from the sun. "elron...please forgive me.."

keiran chuckled, he was still pretty young for his race but old enough at least. "i would like to yes, dont make me feel like an old man trying to flirt with a little girl" he leaned against a tree and heard a commotion coming from the square. "huh..something must have happened" he listened closely, "what could have happened they request a priest..." he folded his arms and looked back at hazel.
Hazel perked her ears up. "I must go but i wish to see you again!" She smiled softly at him. "I don't usually do this so enjoy the show." She said knowing he would be confused at first. She ran back a bit then charged for the dance floor. A slanted rock laid in front of her and she used it to jump off of and shift right before his eyes. A slash of light appeared like a tear in the earths air. Hazel jumped through one side but a beautiful white fox landed on the other. She looked back at him before running off to help the downed elf. She pushed her way through the crowd and looked at the elf. She soft whimpered and laid her paws and head on his chest as her spirit began pulsing around her. The light magic flowing out of her paws and into his chest healing him.

(Beware of cuteness)

he chuckled, "maybe..just maybe" he winked at her and watched as she transformed in front of him. she really was beautiful and her fox form was pretty cute. he shook his head and sat up from the tree making his way back home. he was sure his sister would be back soon if not already. "see you later hazel" he disappeared using his powers of invisibility and jogged through the forest.
When Elron opened his eyes a pretty, white fox was just standing next to him one of it's paws still laying on his chest. Groaning he rose up from the ground realizing it's worried face. "Huh... What happened and why is everyone looking at me?," raising his eyebrows he looked up at the other elves, who were just surrounding him. "Y-you were just laying on the floor like somebody knocked you out and we called for help and after some time this fox appeared and it seemed like it healed you," a young high elf spoke his face still full of fear. "She healed me... looks like a female. Yeah, I feel quite well, " as a proof he smirked at the other elves who relieved and started to go on with their festive activities. Every year was a drama like this, the young elf might have drank to much. But Elron felt not good at all, of course the fox healed him physically, but there was still this awkward feeling like ... he lost a piece of his heart. Worried he turned around his head and looked at the fox again. What happened to me? ( talking in the fox's language )

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