Where do the elves sleep? [Inactive]

Hazel already knew her choice. "I want to live... but not for me... for keiran. I know he cares..." the woman nodded. "Your decision is final... you awake and be able to feel everything. " hazel nodded in agreement and felt herself fall back into her body. She screamed suddenly feeling all the pain of what he did coming at once. She couldn't move her leg but her nails dug into the wood.
he was startled when she suddenly seemed to come to life and scream, he tried not to jump as he was still sewing up the final wound, "h-hazel! please calm down! im almost done just please please dont move!" he bit his lip and focused harder as he continued to sew up the wound, he knew it hurt but he had nothing to ease it.

seraphina jolted when she screamed, she knew what to do to help and she went to the kitchen and came back with a weird looking root, "here i know its going to be heard but chew on this" it was small enough to fit in hazels mouth and she held it over the girls mouth waiting for her to open up.
Hazel looked up at her. She was terrified and the pain caused tears to form in her eyes. her mouth opened and bit down hard on the root. She tried her hardest to keep still but she jolted every once in a while. When he finished she was quick to pull her leg away. The loud grunts became soft whimpers as she moved away from them both. It was just instincts that told her to get away. Regardless if they where helping her they still caused her pain. She spit out the root and coughed.
"hazel..i need to bandage your leg" he held the wraps and wood in his hands as he watched her back away. he didnt know why she was doing it he had to finish up with her leg. he scooted closer to her and gently took her ankle in his hand, "ill be quick" he put both the peices of wood on the sides of her leg and wrapped it tightly to keep it from moving out of place. "you cant walk on it for quite awhile or you could fracture it again" he looked at her sadly.
Hazel waited until he finished. She leaped in his arms and sniffed. She hugged him tightly and hid her face in his shirt. "You came for me... i didn't know if you would... i thought you were angry with me." She looked up and sighed with a soft smile. "Keiran... why? Why did you save me?"
keiran held her close and seraphina sighed and rolled her eyes walking out of the room. "i was never mad at you hazel..just confused..and even if i was mad at you i wouldnt just leave you in the forest to die.." his face was pressed into her hair and he loved the scent of her. he picked her up and carried her upstairs and into his room, "you can have my bed for the time being.." he set her down, his room wasnt the most decorative of things but it had pictures and earthly colors.
Hazel looked down. "Where will you sleep? You can't leave me up here... you did that once and look what happened. " she clung onto his shirt trying to keep him from leaving. "Keiran... you never answered me... in the forest..."
he stayed sitting as she would not let go of his shirt, he thought she should be resting but guessed she would be relentless. "weelll..you never answered me the first day we met, and still have yet to answer my one dying to know question..i cant tell you anything until you tell me" he hoped teasing her would ease the tension but he was still very curious about her age. it was one of the few major things he has yet to know about her.
Hazel giggled softly. "Well I'm still not saying anything!" She smirked and looked up at him. " you're really determined hmm? But if i tell you then... you won't have a reason to talk to me... you'd leave me like everyone else... i don't want to lose you!" She cried seeming to be getting aggravated.
he held her hand tightly, "hazel..just tell me..i promise it wont change how i feel about you. its two sided, you tell me what i want to know and..then ill tell you" he smiled handsomly at her and kept her hand in his. he knew she aged in human years but he didnt care.
Hazel leaned against his side. "I'm 28... 29 next week... kinda sad huh... i get hurt right before my birthday pretty much huh?" She blushed and twitched her ears nervously. Her tail slowly swayed and looked away feeling her heart race faster and faster. "So... where is my answer?"
he smiled, "so for human years your looking pretty good" he stroked her ear and smiled but the fear started to rise inside him again, could he tell her even when he wasnt sure himself?
Hazel noticed he didn'tseem to want to answer her. She pulled away sseemingto take it the wrong way. "Um... it's ok. I understand." She gave a fake smile and moved away." You can go... i won't make you stay." Her ears flattened and she avoided eye contact at all costs. How could she have been so foolish? Of course he didn't loveher! She was just llike the others.
he flinched at his own answer, he was being stupid! "no..no its not you hazel..im sorry. uhg..im just..ive never felt this way with anyone else and..im afraid ill elt you down" he stroked her hair passionately wanting to bring her in and just hold her, comfort her as much as he could.
Hazel looked over at him. " You love me to? But i don't understand... you haven't kissed me or anything... isn't that how it works? That's what the animals said... I'mso cconfused. " She triedto stand to run but instead she fell to the ground.
he caught her before she could hit the floor, "hazel you need to be careful! i told you you cant walk on it like that" he held her close in his arms, "besides animals love differently, we all do. im just..ive been scared to let you down, ive never felt this kind of love before" he was scared she would leave again.
Hazel looked up. She hugged him tightly. "But you make me scared! I cant understand what you want from me... i just want to make you happy." She looked away blushing.
"i want nothing from you..i just" he sighed and looked her in the eyes, "i just want you to be you hazel..and i want you to be with me" he kissed her head tenderly then kissed her ear gently.
Hazel blushed when he kissed her ear. She ran her across his cheek. She leaned up letting her lips brush against his. She was tempted to kiss him but she was scared to go any farther. She looked up at him with fear and love but she blinked it away. She leaned up and kissed him lovingly. It was her first kiss but she trusted her instincts which told her to push for more.
his body tensed when her lips touched his skin, he craved her and wanted her more than anything. the bond they shared made this allure so much stronger, he groaned when her lips touched his. he held her as close as he could and kissed her back firmly and lovingly taking her scent in and her very existence is all he wanted.
Hazel melted him his arms. Her ears tilted back and her eyes closed softly. She gripped his hair and pressed harder against his lips. This feeling. The feeling of pure love and burning passion. She had to contain herself but she could fell his desire mixing with hers.
he couldnt let her go, he felt more connected to her than anything else, his hand was on the back of her neck and he couldnt stop meshing his lips with hers and he groaned in pleasure and pulled back with a pant, "i-i dont think we should go to far on the first kiss..dont you think?" he grinned at her, his cheeks a warm red from the amazing kiss.
Hazel panted softly and nodded in agreement. "Um.. yea... what was that it's like... we have a bond like we are mates for life but how?" She sat up so he didn't have to hold her anymore.
he sat with her on the bed, "its like when soul mates meet..we get this feeling inside of us that we just need the other person. or so my mother told me" he laughed a bit thinking back at how much his parents were in love with each other. he always wanted something like that.
Hazel blushed a deep red. "So... you think I'm your soulmate?" She asked tilting her head to the side. She looked down at her ankle and sighed poking at the itchy wood. "This is uncomfortable. I want to walk! I don't want to be crippled. I want it off!" She whined softly seeming to have returned to her old self."

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