Where do the elves sleep? [Inactive]

he chuckled and pet her head, "maybe..just maybe" he watched her mess with the wood and he took her hand, "dear dont mess with it..you need to wear it awhile so it gets better so i cant let you take it off"
"But you also can't be with me all the time so I'll just do it then." She said and took her hand away poking at it again. "It's bothersome! How do you thi i can sleep with this thing on?"
"now tell me would you rathe never be able to walk again or not be able to walk for afew weeks? and if people many many years before could do it..you can to" he poked the side of her head, "so dont make me have to stay by you 24/7..ill get annoying after awhile"
Hazel looked at him. "I think i'd enjoy that... maybe I'll keep poking at it just to make you stay." She teased and twitched her ears.
keiran laughed and poked her ear liking the way it twitched when he did, he leaned in close and whispered in her ear "your to cute sometimes" he said as he kissed the side of her head
Hazel rolled her eyes. "To cute? Is that even possible? " she said and laid her head in his lap. " why do you poke my ears? It bothers me!" She said and poked his stomach.
he smiled down at her, "because..like i said, its cute" he stifled a laugh when she poked his stomach, he didnt want her to know his ticklish spot. to him it was very unmanly and wanted to impress her not cause bad impressions.
Hazel gave up on poking him seeing as he didn't laugh. She yawned softly and curled up just like before by the fire. "I... I love you keiran... goodnight." She said softly and closed her eyes. She liked sleeping in his lap. He couldn't leave her this way.
he stroked her cheek gently, "i love you hazel..sleep well" he leaned against the wall looking out his window, he didnt fear she would disappear this time around" thats when he noticed his sister in the doorway, "yes?"

seraphina leaned on the door frame, "so..am i not going to be the only female in this home anymore?" she glanced at hazel, "maybe i should be happy for you..that you found someone to bond with.."

keiran frowned, "sera.." she hushed him quickly, "i never wanted to bond with someone anyways..you know its better when im alone.." he watched her walk downstairs where he heard the door slam. "if you can hear all this hazel..dont take it to heart..my sister was.." he sighed deeply, "a very, very lonely girl."
Hazel twiched her ear in response. A tear fell down her face and dropped on his pants. She felt bad for Sera. Like she took away the only thing she had. Hazel shifted uncomfortably and opened her eyes. "I want to go after her but I'd only fall like before... i feel sad for her."
he stroked her head calmly, "you wouldnt want to..she likes to be alone when shes upset especially since she doesnt know you all to well id rather her not unleashing her anger on you" he looked out the window once more, he knew where she was going had he really needed to go get her. "our parents didnt giver her what she needed, so i did what i could but she never really trusted anyone else after that" his thumb stroked her ear gently as he spoke.
"Why? Why is their so much sorrow? I don't understand. Isn't life supposed to be happy and celebration? "She asked letting her tail rub against her leg to warm her. The soft fur of her ears moving around his thumb as she sighed in disapproval.
he chuckled at her then looked a bit sad, "not everything is happy my dear..my sister is a good example of that and the funny thing is..the reason shes like this is because she cared to much for things people didnt care for at all" he remembered the first she showed him one of the beasts he had helped kill once and many others like it and how they seemed to go to her when they would only snap at him.
Hazel shook her head. She sat up and sighed thinking of what to do. "Would you be angry if i went after her?" She asked looking down at her ankle intensely.
He nodded,"yes..yes I would" he stroked her hair and decided to pick her up as she showed no signs of being tired for a bit longer. "I'll show you something" he took her out of his room and up a spiraling staircase.
Hazel gasped but cuddled close to him letting her ears tickle his chin again. "Where are we going?" She asked looking around curiously. By now she had gotten used to him carrying her. He seemed to do it instinctivelynow.
(Omg, guys you are crazy :D Can you summerize your postings pls, it's pretty hard to read about 10 pages of roleplay :D )
(Sorry xc

Hazel fell in a baretrap and broke her ankle. Then her and keiran admitted their love for eachother now it seems we are at a stand still.)
Elron closed his eyes and shivered for a moment. It felt wrong to feel her warm skin and her breath, but not being allowed to touch those lips.

With a sad expression he inhaled the sweet smell of her hair for a short moment, then he opened his eyes again and stepped back from the Nymphe. "No I'll not be." He tried give her a smile, but he was sure it looked awkward.
She looked at him oddly and took a step closer, "are you uncomfortable dear?" She gently placed her hand on his chest and looked up at him worried. She was still scared but if all she said was true then she wanted to be with him. "I love you Elron.."
Elron looked at Ardetha's hand which was laying on his chest and whispered softly "Me too Ardetha. I love you so much it hurts in in here " - he moved her hand to the place where his heart was - "when you are not with me." With a perfectly happy smile he touched her forhead with his and closed his eyes.
She held him gently in her and and touched their noses together, "stay with me and you won't hurt anymore and I'll give you my entire life to make you happy and be by your side," she smiled happily and moved a little closer and kissed him deeply.
Elron returned the kiss and moved his fingers to her beautiful face touching her cheek gently. "Always," he breathed fully concentrating on the delicate touch of her lips. His whole body was felt like being giddy with love.
Logan sat on a stairs with a glass of whiskey and ice, a bottle next to him. It was just after his wife's memoir and his daughter was cleaning stuff away. Logan took a few sips from his glass, sighing throught his nose. Sometimes he just hated to be nearly immortal. "I'm gonna go now daddy", his daughter told and kneeled near him. Logan smiled weary to his daughter, kissing his cheek and head. "Oh my sweet Lydia, you've always been so good for your old father", he mumbled and it made his daughter chuckle. "Oh daddy, you're not old. Now, take care", she said with smile as they poked each others noses together as they always do.

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