Where do the elves sleep? [Inactive]

he was a bit taken back when she popped up human and looked away from her shyly with a slight blush to his cheeks, "um..arent you naked when you turn back?" he rubbed the back of his neck, of course he wanted to get in but..he was confused why he also didnt. he hoped this confusion would go away eventually, he didnt know what she did to him but he had never experienced it before.
"Well you can't swim with your clothes on silly! After all it was your idea!" She laughed softly and swam to the ledge looking at him. She didn't seem to realize why he had looked away. She was covered by the deep blue water and wasn't planning on getting to close to him.
" no no..i technically suggested you wash off your fur in the water..not go streaking my dear" he looked at her realizing he couldnt see much other than her bare shoulders, which still got him flushed but ignored it the best he could. "besides ive never been much of a swimmer, i never did do as well as my parents when hunting in water" he shrugged and tried to keep himself from looking at her for to long.
Hazel looked down at her body... or what she could see of it. "Oh... well look away then i think I'm clean." She got out of the water but it was before he could turn away. Luckily she turned her back towards him so he didn't see much. She shook her hair trying to get out the water.
his face reddened as he turned his whole body in another direction, he couldnt tell if she was trying to push him to do something or if she was just that oblivious. he was male what more could she expect? a naked beautiful girl and a single handsome elf? what else could there be?
Hazel quietly walked up behind him. She covered herself before whispering softly in his ear. "May i have my clothes back?" She asked blushing softly. She was so close to him. So exposed and off guard but she couldn't understand why. She could smell him. His sweetness made her weak. She turned away and panted softly. "Why do you do that!" She growled.
he sighed and quivered a bit when she spoke so close to him, it made him want to hold her..even kiss her. truly he just wanted all of her, he was shocked when she pulled away suddenly as he gripped her clothes in his hands, "do what exactly?" he arched his eyebrow and handed her the clothes he was holding.
Hazel quickly got dressed. "N-nothing... i can't be here anymore it's to much!" She said and ran off. She had to get away she had to breath. His scent was intoxicating and she couldn't take it. He probably didn'teven feel the same way. Wouldn't he have kissed her? Isn't that how it happens in the storries?
he was in a moment of silence as she ran off he was to stuck in the euphoria to go after her this time, he shook his head trying to come back to the real world, "h-hazel..wait!" as much as he wanted to go after her he couldnt bring himself to. these feelings scared him in a way..he wouldnt be good for her..she is so pure and good. love was something he never knew.
Hazel fell to the ground. Tears ran down her face slowly and it wasn'tcaused by the bloody wound on her knees. She cared for him but why? It hurt to be away and she wanted to run back into his arms but her fear of rrejection took over. She laid on the ground weaping softly. She had never felt this way and didn't know what to do. Her head told her no but her heart warnedd not to let him go.
keiran fell onto his back and groaned loudly in aggravation and he started to feel isolated and lonely, he had to get home. he sat up and started his way towards home quickly and swiftly. he felt angry but more sorrowful then anything.

seraphina was startled when the door burst home, the serpent wrapped around her arm tightened and she sighed as she pet its head. "keiran what have you gotten into now.." she walked out of her room and shouted downstairs, "girlfriend break up with you?" he shouted something vulgar back and she just rolled her eyes.

keiran sat in the chair in front of the dead fire, "dammit hazel.." he pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at the spot they slept together on and remembered how much fun he had with the short time they spent together.
Hazel finally sat up. She looked around and hugged her knees. She didn't understand why she couldn't remember where she lived. Then again everything was foggy in her mind right now. She was scared and knew Keiran would have already left. It was going to be dark if she didn't move but the fear of being in the darkness alone scared her into thinking where she was is the safest place for her. A wolves howl was all it took for her to get moving though. She looked around the forest for her home or keiran's.
keiran wished to just fall asleep, he knew his sister was going to give him crap but usually it didnt faze him, this time it did. maybe he really did have deeper feelings for her then he originally thought. it was just flirting, she was cute but..he got to know her and she became more beautiful to him.
When Aenor talked to him, the young wolf listened intently to his words and looked directly at the elf's face. Of course he could understand what he said and he also had the same point of view, but did not know how to show his opinion. I need Elron , he thought grimly, because of his helplessness. Darius crawled towards the boy and laid his head on his leg watching his face. Maybe he could show it to him this way. 
Elron felt like he was in seventh heaven when Ardetha kissed his neck and he automatically let his head sink into her soft, long hair which smelled like a whole field of flowers.When she finished, he touched her face with his mouth gently and slowly moved to her cherry-colored lips. "May I kiss you, Ardetha?", he whispered his lips just in front of her's.
Hazel walked around. She looked up at the darkened sky. She felt so alone so hopeless. She couldn't concentrate enough to get Keiran's scent. She was trying to get ahold of herself when a rustic bear trap caught her ankle. Hazel screamed in pain as she fell to her knees. Her cries in pain flew through the wind. She had to reach Keiran. She was close enough to smell him now. "Keiran!" She yelled out and struggled to get free. The more she moved the more it tore into her skin. She tried to force it open but failed. Hazel did however use magic to get it open enough to take her foot out. She stood and leaned on tree's to make her way through the forest. The more she moved the more blood lost but she had already used magic to get out. Hazel couldn't go anymore. She passed out and fell limp on the ground. Her only hope was if Keiran found her in enough time.
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ardetha took his sweet musky smell in, he reminded her of the forest and the way he looked at her made her want to kiss him. but being so shy she almost trembled when his lips were so close to hers, "you will not be disappointed if iam not what you wish?" she whispered gently and she felt like their lips brushed against each other for just a moment and every fiber in her body was pulling her to him, to just kiss him.

keiran felt a sharp pain run through his body and it made him jerk and cough violently, he fell out of his chair with confusion and pain. he gripped at his body and gasped for breath, what was the cause of this!? something was speaking to him..yet not something saying that something bad has happened. seraphina was by his side quickly, "brother! brother are you alright?" she looked down at him worriedly and rushed off to get some water. keiran knew something was wrong, he looked out the window at the dark forest it seemed to scream for help. "hazel?" he narrowed his eyes and he knew something happened. getting up ignoring the pain he bolted out the door.

seraphina was just walking back into the room when she saw keiran run out the door, "keiran!?" she tried to catch him but there was no point. he was always faster then her and wherever he was going she would not be able to find him in time.
Hazel laid on the ground. Her skin was cold because of the wind and by now her body was covered in leaves. She could breath but it was weak. She had lost the lively color in her skin and seemed to be turning into a lifeless pale. Her ankle was covered with blood that ran down her foot and dripped off her toes. The wound had rust and filth in it that would make it infected it not cleaned soon.
Aenor looked at the young wolf now resting on his leg and let out a short bitter laugh. The wolf probably had as little faith in him as he had with himself. 'Hmph, dreams. Who needs those when they're obviously so out of reach?' He thought dejectedly, then yawned. 'How many hours of sleep did I get last night?' And with that thought, the young grey haired elf curled up in the grass, a fresh wind breezing past him every few minutes and light sleep came quickly.
keiran ran through the forest following what was pulling him, he knew where to go..he didnt know how but he did and he knew hazel was in trouble, "please..please whatever it is dont be to late.." he jumped over logs and swiftly avoided trees as he felt closer and closer to his destination. "hazel!!" he shouted for her and stopped hoping he would get something back..hopefully.
Hazel coughed. She was awake but how? Something someone yelling at her. She kept her eyes closed but her ears twitched to the sound of her name being called. She could understand who it was but couldn't tell from where it came from. "Keiran... K-Keiran!" She looked around and struggled to move.
keiran heard something in the distance..to the west? no the east! he ran as fast as he could until he came upon hazel laying in the dirt and leaves, dark dried blood covered the forest floor he could almost feel his face go white, "hazel!!" he ran to her and lifted her in his arms brushing hair out of her face, "hazel..hazel please say soemthing! what happened!?" he tried not to panic but he couldnt stop himself, he saw the trap not to far away covered in blood and he looked at her ankle, it was broken and covered in blood. "oh gods"
Hazel opened her eyes barely to look up at him. "I'm... I'm s-sorry. I sh-shouldn't have left you... I-i got sc-scared... I... i've never... l-loved any before..." she struggled to speak but still smiled weakly to reassure him. "Keiran... do you-" She passed out again before she could finish but she was still alive.
his eyes were filled with sorrow as she spoke, he was scared to he only had women who wanted some attention..not one that wanted to actually be with him. he held her close and picked her up, her words echoed in his head..loved...did she love him? he quickly ran home, he had no time to lose. he wasnt as far from home as he thought and it didnt take long to get there. he burst through the door, "seraphina i need the medical kit now!!" he lie hazel on the floor and used some magic his grandfather taught him to make a fire instantly in the chimney. seraphina walked in quickly with the kit, "w-what happened??" he could see her face was worried which was unusual for her but he ignored it and took the kit. "i need to set her ankle and sew up the wound before she loses more blood"
Hazel found herself in a world. It looked like she was at the waterfall. She could see Keiran wich brought a smile to her face. She ran over to him and realizedher leg was healed. "Is this a dream?" She asked and turned to hear a womans voice. "Only if you dont walk into the light. It is your choice... if you touch him you will die. If you don't then you're about to face unbelievable pain.
"your not a healer keiran you havent used that kit in years!!" she was shouting in his face but still he ignored it as he took out all the proper supplies, wraps and wood to keep the bones in place and the medical thread and needle. "if i dont do this she will die seraphina!" he snapped at her and glared as he started to clean the blood from the horrible wound and disinfect it properly. that trap was sure to be rusty and dirty, he brought out a syringe full of syrupy liquid and after wiping her arm with a clean solution she injected her with it to help fight infection. he threaded the needle and began sewing up the open wounds.

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