Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

Kyoya looked up to Serenity with a sort of playful smirk. "Very well actually. Even if Tamaki has been so distracted that he hasn't the chance to help me, but I don't blame him." His tone obviously showed that he did and was putting him down. Although, if Tamaki heard what Kyoya had said or not was another story entirely.
Serenity chuckled at Kyoyas comment, and as she finished writing stuff down for Lyas dress, she began re-sketching her own. while Lyas dress was a list of details, Serenity really wanted to actually draw out her own again. she was sure she could somehow manage to make one, and hoped that it would turn out ok.

Mori glanced over at Maro again, "so....you gonna wear a tux for the party?" me said in a blunt attempt to joke. he was sure that Maro wasnt the type to wear a dress, but he figure she may at least consider the party.
Maro smiled slightly as an obvious show that she had gotten it but she wasn't that much of a laughing person unless something was extremely funny. "I'll probably just wear my regular clothes." She wasn't wearing a dress but she might wear a tux if need be.
([MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION], [MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION], im going to time skip....))

Later on, the host club was bustling with excitement as preparations for the dance party continued. it was to be tomorrow night(im going to say saturday so we dont have to do a school day with them...) and Serenity sat at a table near the back of the room, sewing her dress with things she had found in the home ec room. Mori was sitting with a cup of instant coffee and Hani was fidgeting in the chair next to him.

([MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION], [MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION], im going to time skip....))

Later on, the host club was bustling with excitement as preparations for the dance party continued. it was to be tomorrow night(im going to say saturday so we dont have to do a school day with them...) and Serenity sat at a table near the back of the room, sewing her dress with things she had found in the home ec room. Mori was sitting with a cup of instant coffee and Hani was fidgeting in the chair next to him.
Kyoya was writing in his notebook once again as he checked off the supplies that they had already set out and what they still needed. He pushed up his glasses with a pen as his eyes surveyed the list then the room.

Maro walked into the room and looked around to the others. She was wearing her normal clothes, not really caring about dress code. Her back pocket buzzed and she checked her phone quickly to see that it was her mom. Shoving it back into her pocket, she walked up to Mori and gave a slight smile. "Hey."
Hani spotted Maro and grinned at Mori, "hey Takashi is she your...mffff" Mori covered his mouth, knowing exactly what he would say. Takashi looked at Hani, "Mitsukuni go bother Seri" Hani ran over, leaving Mori with Maro. "Want some coffee?" He asked her.

Hani grabbed Serenity and dragged her and her unfinished dress over to where Lyoya was. "Ouch! Hani you made me prick myself with the needle." Hani gave a quick sorry and ran off again. "Hey Ootori-kun. Plans going well?" She asked, putting her pricked finger on her lips to stop the bleeding.
Maro smiled faintly and gave a small nod. "Sure." She motioned to the seat that Hani had just abandoned. "Mind if I sit?" A few questions crossed her mind but she quickly dismissed them knowing that the answers weren't very important at the moment.

Kyoya looked to Serenity for a moment and a smirk played on he lips. "Very well indeed. I have almost everything prepared." He checked off two more items from his list and quickly read over it. "We are waiting for a set of china to be delivered but once we receive that all the preparations shall be finished." Noticing that Serenity had her finger to her lips, Kyoya seemed to pause briefly. "Do you need a bandage for that injury?" His tone sounded a bit concerned but he was also including a bit of sarcasm.
Serenity chuckled, "if you have one. its difficult to sew when youre bleeding." she said, adding her own hint of sarcasm. she set her work on the chair next to her, and stuck the needle into a pin cushion she had managed to set on the table before pricking herself. she checked her finger, and the bleeding persisted. "jeez." she muttered, slightly upset that she had to stop working on the dress for the moment. she was very schedule oriented with things like this.

Mori nodded for her to sit down. once she had taken a seat he poured her some coffee, remaining silent. he felt he had done a lot of conversation leading lately, more than usual so he waited to see if she had anything to say or any questions. he sipped his coffee quietly.
alright just go for it. im too lazy to deal with the sign up. just jump in. we are in the host club room and kyoya is planning for a hosyt club dance party, hani is kinda running around while mori talks with someones personal character.))
Hikaru and Kaoru walked in the Host Club together in step. "Baaack~" The two announced simply as if their vacation to Hawaii was nothing.

"That sure was a nice break." Kaoru said stretching and walking up to Kyoya.

"What you up to, Kyoya?" Hikaru asked looking over his shoulder at the notepad and seeing a list of stuff. "China? Party?" Hikaru inquired.

"Are we invited?" Kaoru grinned and put one arm over Hikaru, both throwing Kyoya their signature devilish smiles.
Kyoya did not respond to the twins as he shut his notebook and went to get a bandage for Serenity. He would let Tamaki answer their questions of the party later. Returning with it, he placed it over Serenity's bleeding finger delicately. "There you are."

Maro was content to sit in silence with him sipping coffee and watching the others as they ran around. The two twins that had just walked in seemed especially flamboyant and close to one an other. With a small smile, she raised the cup to her lips once more.
Serenity gave a calm smile, despite the slight pink on her cheeks. "thank you Ootori-kun." she said gratefully. she picked up her needle and thread again, continuing her work. she finished her last handful of stitches, and stood up, holding the dress. the dress was a floor length, dark blue a-line((straight down, not poofy but not fitted)), with one thick shoulder strap across the chest over the left shoulder.
The twins frowned as they were ignored and the stolid boy went to attend to a girl who had pricked her finger. They were quiet for a minute, just intensely observing the scene.

"I don't want to draw any conclusions, but..." Hikaru started, but Kaoru just held his hand up as to silence his twin and nodded. They had the same idea.

Hikaru threw his hands up. "Well, anyway, Lord should be able to explain all this ball stuff tomorrow when we catch him between classes." "But he won't tell us what ladies we have to attend to. That's Kyoya's job." Kaoru pointed out realizing they had nothing to do.

Hikaru slowly turned to his twin.


"We're free!" The two cheered but stopped.

"Wait, what will we do?" Kaoru asked, obviously not wanting homework as an option. Hikaru stuck his hands in his pockets. "Any classmates in here we can talk to? Or maybe a lady would want to play the 'which one is hikaru' game?" He offered. Kaoru's eyes wandered the room looking for another girl's eyes to meet his so he could approach her.
Kyoya gave a thin smirk and held up his hand. "No thanks is nesisary." He stood and pushed up his glasses again. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must go check on something." He made his way out of the room at a quick pace but no different then his normal pace. Once more he checked his notebook and smirked into it before leaving the club to its own devices for now.

Maro was still watching the others and put her cup back in its saucer before looking to Mori. "Do you mind if I ask you something?" She was being a bit more polite then usual but only because she respected Mori more then most others. "How did you come to join the host club if you don't seem too interested in its daily activities?"
Serenity carefully folded up the dress and sat alone at the table, sipping her tea and listening to the bustle of the club as Kyoya went off to do other things.

Hani ran up to the twins with excitement, "welcome baaacckkk!" he said before running off and jumping into one of his guests laps.

Mori looked at Maro, "its a way to pass the time. it seems to make others happy and Mitsukuni enjoys it. ive made good friends out of it as well." he sipped his coffee. "im not entirely disinerested, we do have our share of fun. dancing in particular, because it doesnt require much talking, just enjoying someone elses company." he gave a small smile.
Maro returned the smile and looked around once more. She watched the little blonde boy run up to the twins and looked back at Mori. "Mitsukuni is the little boy, right?" She asked curious. "How is it that he is in this club? He looks like a middle schooler." Placing the cup back on the table with a small noise, her eyes never broke contact with Mori's as she spoke.
Kaoru's searching was interrupted by the usual bouncy Haninozuka. "Hey Hunni." Kaoru said brightly ruffling his hair before he ran off again. Hikaru walked over to a chair and sat down.

"I'm tired." Kaoru didn't even look over his shoulder.

"Maybe you shouldn't have spent so much time swimming with dolphins."

"You're just jealous."

Hikaru grinned though Kaoru shook his head and took a seat next to him. The two just sat quietly, laid back in the chair they shared and just took in the scene.

They normally were quiet and recluse until otherwise approached. Haruhi, of course, recently changed that, though the two did lapse into occasional seclusion. They had each other for company and that was good enough.

Everyone seemed relatively boring, and uninteresting anyway.
haruhi walked into the club room with her bigs in her hand. She walks by the tables and into the back of the club room.

Mori smiled as Hani intertained his guests, putting on all kinds of cute faces. Mori turned to Maro again, " he is a third year actually. and probably the strongest one here. he is a martial arts expert." he informed
Maro's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow." She said quietly as she silently wished that she could be a part of one of those sport clubs, but because of her family's money problems she never asked. The answer was clear anyway but she still went about calmly, most of the time.

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