Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

Serenity saw Lya sit down, and gave her a polite smile, "hello." she greeted, flipping a page in her book, "im glad to see Hani getting along with you so well, although its hard to tell ive seen a slightly more mature side of him since you two met. might i ask your opinion of him?" she said with a curious glance.
I tilted my head in confusion "More mature? How so? Why would I have that effect on him. It was only when she asked my opinion of him that I accidently found my face flushing? Why is that? I was silent for a moment as I pondered this "Well...Hani-Kun is really nice. I feel more myself around him...and...he's cute..." I felt myself getting flustered, what was it about Hani that made me feel...different.I wondered how obvious I was being, did Seri notice?
Serenity chuckled as Lya flushed. "dont worry, Tamaki appears the type who will point out any random couple of people while i, on the other hand am just an analytical personality, so noticing such things is second nature. you are in no way obvious. more like....hinting." she smiled, thinking about Hani. she noticed he seemed to take a liking to Lya, but with his personality it was harder to tell if he truly liked Lya in that fashion.

[MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION], [MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION] sorry i havent posted in awhile
I nodded "Okay I guess...Thank" I sighed a bit more relieved, although I can still feel the warmth in my face. I was really glad it was just me and Serenity. The teacher yammered on and I grew bored with the whole day. Finally, the bell rang and I made my way out of the classrom "See you at the host club Seri" I giggled at the name Hani uses for her, but what struck me as odd was I was going to call her 'chan'.
Serenity giggled as well. "you too Lya-chan" she gatherd up her things and headed off to her next class, almost eager now to see the host club again. as much as preffered peace quiet she quite liked the club, Kyoya in particular since he could hold a good conversation. she wonder what sort of dress she would make herself for the dance party. she was sort a a do-it-yourself person and had already told her step fathers maids she would not allow them to assist her in any way.
((i will throw in a time skip so you can reply))

Lunch came around as quickly as it had the day before, and Serenity walked through the cafeteria looking at a notebook with a dress design drawn in it. the design was simple, since Serenitys sewing talent was little. she, since she was not paying attention, accidentally ran into another student. luckily they hadnt gotten any lunch yet, only an open bottle of water. she fell to the ground, her uniform soaked all the way through. she looked up, "im sorry, i wasnt really paying attention.
Or I could post now!))

Maro hadn't been thinking about much of anything as she walked through the cafeteria, at least until she had heard someone mention the ball. Apparently, the whole school was buzzing with excitement. The only reason that it was so much more exciting to them was because the Host Club was hosting it. She sighed, not paying attention and ended up running into someone else. She wasn't as drenched as it seemed the girl she had run into was but she didn't care about her clothes anyway. "Its fine. I little water never hurt." She said holding out her hand to the girl and although her expression never changed she did feel sorry for running into her.

I hope that was an open invitation for anyone to jump into the splash zone~))
I walked into lunch and I noticed everyone was chattering about the host club ball. Word sure got around fast. Like usual, Tamaki cam running up "Hello there dear sweet Lya, how was your day at this fine establishment that is ouran". I rolled my eyes "Dazzling Tamaki" I said sarcastically to which Tamaki took seriously and he got bubbly. "How does the whole school know about the party" I asked. Tamaki walked over to our table "It's simple, me and Kyoya got the word out. And of course with me, nobody can resist my elegant charm". I looked around, the others should be here soon.
Serenity took Maros hand and stood up. she then picked up her soaked notebook, the ink running down the page. "oh...." she said quietly, the design she had spent over an hour drawing was gone. she frowned, and let out a sigh. "oh well, i suppose step fathers maids can make something...." she dropped the soaked notebook into a nearby trash, disheartened by her misfortune.
"Sorry about you notebook." Maro hoped that there hadn't been anything important in it because now it's soaked paper in the trash can. She didn't want to seem too cold and just walk away when she had partially caused the incident.
"Er its ok reeally, it was part my fault anyway." She said. She spotted Hani andd Mori sitting. Mori waved her over, then pointed to Maro. "Hey, want to sit with us, seems like Mori made the offer." She said pointing to the table wheere the host club sat.
"Alright." Maro gave a curt nod and she gave the small signs of a smile glad that she had made a potential friend instead of one of those other girls that just wanted to gawk at her. She wasn't that talkative already and a girl staring at her hanging on every word made it even more difficult.
Serenity sat across from Hani and Mori, taking out a home made lunch box. she let out a defeated sigh and Hani gave her a strange look. "its nothing Hani." Serenity said. Hani shrugged, and spotted a familiar face talking to Tamaki. he sttod on his chair and waved, "Lya-chan come sit with us!" he shouted across the cafeteria. Mori turned to Maro, "afternoon. hows your day been?" he greeted. he was more of a small talker than a rambler like Tamaki, and also not as expressive as Hani.
Maro nodded a greeting to him before answering. "Good. Yours?" She didn't know if she should sit or not but she didn't want to be rude so she continued to stand. She didn't need to go into any elaboration because no one needed to know that she had sat in her boring classes all day.
"same as always" Mori replied, reffering to the crazy endeavors of being a host. "sit" he said curtly, he then turned to Serenity, " good job earlier." Serenity knew he was talking about her composer when her notebook got soaked. not many people knew she had a short fuze, and she wanted to keep it that way.
Tamaki grinned "Ah, there they are Lya" Before I could react Tamaki grabbed my arm and brought me over to their table "Hi, Hani-chan" I smiled happily, but blushed a little. I sat across from Hani and tried to listen intently "So what are you guys up to?" I said and Tamaki broke in "Has anyone got any ideas for something this amazing girl should wear?" Tamaki gestured towards my face as if that would make it much more amazing.
Serenity thought a moment, then turned to Hani. "I don't know, what do you think Hani?" The little blonde also put on a thoughtful expression. "Lya-chan should not wear something too poofy, but not to flat either." He said with a smile. Serenity nodded in agreement. "So probably an A-line dress." She took out a new notebook and and did a less than artistic drawing. "Lya, would you like strapless, or with some sort of straps or halter?" She asked, coming up with ideas. Tailoring wasn't exactly her thing, she just like learning through the creative process.
Maro watched the others talk about the dress and sat next to Mori. She didn't know much about dresses other then that her mom constantly tried to talk her into wearing one. Sitting quietly she pulled out her own meager, box lunch and began to eat.
I didn't know what would be better, but I figured I'd be more comfortable with some sort of straps, and luckily they seemed to have this planning thing figured out. I think I can really trust them to make it turn out great. "With straps" I said as Serenity scribbled some things onto the paper.
When she said straps Serenity scribbled straps, and smiled,"this gives me a good idea for my own dress, better then my previous one. Peerhaps it was good that my notebook got soaked." She was back to a mostly cheerful attitude.
Maro heard this and was glad to be absolved of her blame. She continued to eat but made no attempts to join in on the conversation. I don't have any input on the topic any way. She thought as she looked around the table learning faces that would, hopefully, be paired with names in the future. So far she only knew three names, two of those she had picked up in conversation.

Kyoya walked toward the host club's table to find Serenity and two other girls eating and/or talking. Most days the club wouldn't entertain deliberately during lunch, but these girls obliviously were not here to enjoy what the host club was known for. He sat at his place at the table with his tray and started piecing together what happened while he was away.
Serenity turned as Kyoya sat down with them. "good afternoon Ootori-kun. hows the party planning going?" she asked, using a polite form of his name. they only just met so she thought it would be better that way. Hani on the other hand would nickname someone as soon as he met them.

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