Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

Mori finally decided that this person must be a girl, and shook his head, "I'm not sure. This is a rather noisy school. Would you happen to be a scholorship student miss?" He asked, glancing at her outfit.

Serenity sighed, "yes perhaps you should go back to your guests." She wished he would go, as her confidence in herself had all but dwindled. The only ones who knew about her inferiority problem were Hani and Mori, but now it was quite obvious. Though intellegent, she had never seen herself as anything special, not "gorgeous" at all. Now Kyoya and Tamaki both knew.
Maro sighed and nodded once. "Yeah, it's kinda easy for you to tell." She hated the huge poofy dresses that the girls were forced to wear as a uniform.

Kyoya smirked at Tamaki as Serenity spoke back to the Prince of Hosts. He pushed his glasses up again with his pen and examined the girl besides him.
Tamaki starting thinking pensively "Hmmm...you do have a point there Kyoya-sempai" he began to walk off and then looked at Serenity "But I'm not lying, I do believe you are beautiful. Yes, I say it to a lot of girls. Yes I pleasure and act sweet and kindly to all the women that step into our club. But that's because they are all special" his voice rose as he went through his speech and he pointed his finger at her "and you my dear are no exception, you are gorgeous and there is no lie about that. Now if you excuse me I shall be off" his eyes sparkled mischievously as he sauntered off to talk to some of his other guests.

Lya blushed at what Hani had said about her "Oh, oh, thank you. I really like you too Hani-chan" she felt all warm inside and she was happy to have so quickly made a friend like him. Lya watched as Tamaki seemed to pester the girl with his outlandish personality, probably talking about his beauty or her beauty. No doubt about it. She giggled, Tamaki was a strange guy, it was funny to watch people be so aggravated at his arrogant personality. She sighed, and looked back at Hani, for the first time she noticed the girls had moved on to elsewhere and even Mori had left. It was just her and Hani. "Where'd everyone go?" she said.
Serenity muttered a "yea right" under her breath as Tamaki walked away. She sighed, put on a more relaxed expression and looked at Kyoya again, "he must take some getting used to." She commented.

Hani frowned, "aw they all left!" He looked at Lya again, "well, I guess its ok if you're still here." He smiled again, not worrying about Mori. He knew very well that they couldn't always be glued together.

Mori smiled, "nothing wrong with that." He was never one to scoff at individuality. "You want to visit the host club?" He figured if she couldn't find a quiet place to study she might as well have some fun. He hoped he did not appear awkward.
Maro sighed. "Might as well. What do you guys do there any way?" She was gonna be bored any way. At least if she couldn't study, she could see what it was about and explor the school a bit more.

"Indeed he does, but he is the one that holds this club together." Kyoya said with a smirk as he scanned a previous page of his note book. "Many of us would not have met if not for him."
Serenity felt that club seemed to be more tthen what was seen on the surface. "What about you? Something like this doesn't seem like something you would be interested in? Although you do seem to be doing a good job." She smiled slightly again. She was glad to get her mind off her insecurities.

Mori turned back towards the room, "right this way" he held the door for her. "Its not much, we just entertain the ladies." He pointed out his his table.
Maro raised an eyebrow. "Now that's not weird at all..." Her voice held heavy sarcasm as she walked into the room. She scanned it once more and saw that there were very few guys.

Kyoya looked down at Serenity reminded a bit of Haruhi by her statement. "That's an intriguing notion, in its own way, but this club is nothing more then what you see." He smirked and jotted down a few more things.
Lya smiled a bit at Hani's comment, just then she noticed someone else enter the host club, a girl. She seemed out of sorts, as if she'd never been here before, kind of relecting her clueless look walking in here. Lya said "Who's that, is she new? Mori-kun seems to be doing a good job at helping her around." the hosts do sure live up to their name.
Serenity nodded. "I suppose so. I guess I wouldn't mind visiting again. Though I harldy think Hani will take no for an answer anyway." She tucked her bookmark between two pages and set the book on the table. "I do think its nice to have a bit of coffee over good conversation, so this seems like a good investment. Have you ever thought of having female hosts to cater to male guests? It would surely bring in more money." She asked.

Hani looked over to where Mori was. "Maybe Takashi made a friend" he shrugged, "I don't recognize that girl." He took her hand and kissed it as if to mock Tamaki and said in his high childish voice, "all in a days work for a host my lady."

Mori motioned towards his empty table since his other guests had left. "You may sit with me, or with another host." He motioned to the other hosts sitting at their respective tables.
I giggled at the mockery of Tamaki, it was pretty accurate, he did weird things like that all the time. Sure enough, I looked over to Tamaki who was on his knees, daintily smooching some random girls hand. The girl shreed excitedly and all her friends swooned at Tamaki's charming demeanor.

(So short ;___; I got nothing...)
Maro looked at the other tables as well as Mori's. "It seems that you don't get as many guests," She said with a slight joking tone sitting at his table crossing her legs and leaning back against the couch. "I hope you realize that I'm not going to fan girl over you or anything."

Kyoya thought for a moment. "That would bring in many more guests, I agree, but it is not my decision. I will discus it with Tamaki."
Serenity nodded, "if that were the case, i wouldnt mind trying my hand at hosting." she smiled a charming smile, as a way to prove her worth, "i would in fact like to spend more time in the club, i just dont care for the whole "fangirl" thing the rest of theses girls do."

Mori shook his head, "i wouldnt expect you to. you seem much more modest then them." he said, referring to the girls who giggled and chattered at around the room. he picked up a pot of hot water and offered Maro some instant coffee, which the club had begun to serve since Haruhi had arrived.

Hani tugged on Lyas shirt, "whatcha thinkin about Lya-chan? are you bored?"

((i need to try to move this along X.X what should we do? go home or have a host club outing?))
Maro appreciated the compliment but she shook her head. "Please don't compliment me." She accepted the coffee surprised that they would drink it. She would have thought that the rich kids would have some sort of rare bitter tea.

Kyoya smiled to Serenity. "We may just take you up on that." He jotted down a final note and closed his notebook. "It certainly would be a pleasure to see you here again."

Want to go to class or something?))
((The host club meets at the end of the school day. I could time skip to the next morning if you want classes.)

Serenity smiled sincerely, "well I'm glade you like the idea." She blushed ever so slightly when he said he would want her to come back again.

"Then don't take it as a compliment, take it as the truth." Mori smiled, taking a sip of the bitter coffee.
Maro was a bit surprised at his responce but smiled a bit. "You seem to speek in riddles unlike most people." As she was sitting there she was trying to figure him out a bit more. At the moment all she new about him was a name and a face, but most of the people that see met she could easily find out many other things. She liked the sense of mystery but only for a short while.

Kyoya smiled at her blush. "I believe that Tamaki may as well. Although he has been a bit unpredictable at times." He looked down at Serenity.
"well, thats when i actually speak." he said, "im normally very quiet, but when Mitsukuni is not around to do the talking, i have to speak for myself." he chuckled, "so what about you? You have an ineresting sense of style, would it be rude to ask about it?"

Serenity looked back up at him, " yea I noticed he can be pretty spontanious." She laughed a bit. "It seems that everyone seems to have around here though."
(bored again D: Why can t there be more hosts ;___ ;)

"Hmm...Does Mori Sempai make new friends often, or is it just today?" I pondered this a bit, Mori was a bit of a soft spoken and quiet guy. He didnt seem like the type to go about greeting new people, more like the type to let people like Tamaki take that part of the job over for him. My train of thought was broken when suddenly Tamaki showed up "Lya!!!" He called out my name while he was standing right next to me and I suddenly found an arm wrapped around my shoulder. "Gahh!!! Tamaki, dont do that!" I muttered in disgust. Tamaki laughed "So I see you ve taken a liking to Hani-chan, eh? And I didnt think it was possible, I suppose love can blossom anywhere in any shape or form" he threw up his other arm for dramatic effect. I felt my face grow hot "T-Tamaki, stop it! It s not like that" I cast my gaze away from everyone. Tamaki laughed "But if it s not true why are you so bothered by it" he giggled. "Because you re totally making things up!" I grit my teeth, I wasn t into Hani, was I? No way, I just met him. Would nt it be creepy for me to like him anyway. Tamaki waggled a finger "I know things Lya, don t tell me lies" he waggled a finger. I pushed him off of me "Well, you re wrong!"

(But I admit that was fun to write Teehee :P )
((We may have someone to take the twins again! [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION]))

Hani giggles at Lyas strong denial. "Tama-chan be nice to her. She is my friend!"

((I have an idea for Hani and Lya, which I will reveal later ;D can we have Tamaki schedule a dance party? I figure this gives people a reason to post a lot before it appens, and when it happens))
Maro smiled and shook her head. "Not at all. I obviously don't have enough money for a uniform and I hate dresses with a passion, so I wear what I feel like." She took a sip of her coffee curious about something that Mori had said. "Why don't you talk much? It seems like you'd strike up some very good conversations."
Mori nodded, "well its good that you like to be yourself." He commented. "What you say is true, I do enjoy conversation every once in awhile, but most of the time I simply think good company is more then enough. Words can't always fullyexpress what we feel."
Maro smiled at Mori's insight. "That can be true." She took another sip of her coffee and put her cup back on the table. "Although, if some one isn't good at reading body lauguage then they might just think your cold towards others."
(Yay ^D^)

I was relieved that Hani had defended me, he seemed pretty relaxed about the whole ordeal, unlike me. I guess I was making a big deal out of this. Tamaki was just being Tamaki. Tamaki walks over to Hani and nudges him with his elbow and whispers something I can't hear.

Tamaki says "So, I bet you're into her, eh Hani-chan?" he nudges him with his elbow. "Ha! To think that I always thought you were just a kid who always eats cake! Interesting turn of events."
Hani let a light blush cross his cheeks then glared at Tamaki. He also whispered under his breath, "if you make her uncomfortable, you will been included in my next martial arts lesson" he turned to. Lya with a grin, "Tamaki was just saying how it would be a good idea to have a dance party!"

Mori nodded, "your quite bright as well. Its true that those who don't speak may seem ccold, but they also give the oppertunity to find out who they really are. Some people just put everything out, and that is a bit," he glanced at Tamaki, though smiled." Obnoxious" even though Tamaki was a bit obnoxious, everyone did get a cheer up from seeing his often reckless plans.
"Brilliant!" Tamaki jumped up "Indeed Hani, I am brilliant to come up with that plan. I wonder why I didn't come up with it sooner. I must consult with Kyoya-Sempai immediately. Hani did you know I was so brilliant? I guess its a rare thing to have both beauty AND brains". With that Tamaki sauntered off in an exited manner. I laughed, I didn't think he had the type of brains to come up with ideas, I mean, something that came up that quickly. It seemed like something someone else would think up. Then again, Tamaki did form the host club.

I shrugged "So dance party, sounds like fun. I'm...not that great of a dancer though". When have I ever actually danced? Maybe in my room alone I might have done some crazy moves, but that's a different story. What type of dances do these proper rich people do anyways?
Hani laughed as he left. He was glad that Lya had not asked anyhing about that odd exchange. "We could teach you to waltz Lya-chan, I bet you would be pretty in a ballgown." He grinned

Serenity watched unusual exchange between Hani and Tamaki before the host club king made his way over to where she and Kyoya were sitting. He had a grin on his face and she assumed he had an idea. She looked at Kyoya, "should I be worried that he has that expression?" She asked, wondering what Tamaki had up his sleeve.

((Sorry it took me awhile to post....[MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION], [MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION]))

Hani laughed as he left. He was glad that Lya had not asked anyhing about that odd exchange. "We could teach you to waltz Lya-chan, I bet you would be pretty in a ballgown." He grinned

Serenity watched unusual exchange between Hani and Tamaki before the host club king made his way over to where she and Kyoya were sitting. He had a grin on his face and she assumed he had an idea. She looked at Kyoya, "should I be worried that he has that expression?" She asked, wondering what Tamaki had up his sleeve.

((Sorry it took me awhile to post....[MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION], [MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION]))

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