Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

Haruhi ran down the hallway. "If I'm late, I'm never going to hear the end of it!" she mumbled to herself as she kept running. It wasn't the first time Haruhi was late, and she knew everyone in the host club would bug her about it. She looked behind her to make sure no one was there to see her running frantically, and as she turned around, Haruhi ran right into Yuuki. She fell backwards onto the floor and hit her head on the stone tile.
Yuuki looked up just in time to see a flash of someone's body colliding with hers. She fell on her butt on the floor. Suddenly feeling totally embarrassed, she blushed and looked over to the other person. "Haruhi?" She asked curiously. She stood up and walked over to him (her) and kneeled down. "Are you okay?" She asked, trying to help Haruhi up. "You're not hurt, are you? I'm so sorry. I really need to watch where I'm going...." She rambled on, blushing. *Way to go, klutz!* she mentally scolded herself. She just hoped Haruhi wasn't hurt from falling down like that.
I was on my way to leave this stupid school, but for some reason the host club kept popping up in my mind. Why did I even want to go? How would I even conceivably be a normal person in there with the rest of the popular kids. It didn't make any sense. But still, the fun we had at lunch reflected back into my mind. Tamaki, Serenity, the crazy twins, and that little boy Hani. I sighed, I wasn't going to let this go unless I went to the host club, was I? So I made my way to the room where the host club was when I noticed Tamaki. Oh no way was I going to let on that I was slightly interested in this club! I turned to walk away when sure enough he caught me. "Where are you going Lya? Host Club is this way, don't make me drag you over there. He grabbed me from under the armpits and dragged me in the direction with me dragging my feet. I fitfully struggled with him comically and shouted at him to let me go. To my surprise he did and I fell on my butt.

Behind me, Haruhi and Yuuki had fallen on the floor. Tamaki dashes over to Haruhi. "Oh my! Haruhi has fallen to her doom! Don't worry Haruhi! Daddy will save you!" He cries out heroically as he runs over to help her up to her feet. I get up to my own feet rubbing my butt with my hands "Yeah, thanks a lot by the way Tamaki. Some hero you are! Kill one save another!" I rolled my eyes and made my way to the host club by myself.

(Would it be too weird if she had a crush on Hani, LOL xD )
Haruhi rubbed her head and got up with Yuuki's help. "That was my fault, there's nothing for you to apologize for. I was in a hurry to get to the host club. I'm already late." There was a small bump on the back of Haruhi's head, but she thight she should at least check in with Tamaki before going to the nurse.
Yuuki nodded. "Okay, but if your head starts to hurt you should probably go to the nurse, alright?" She smiled a little and suddenly Tamaki was there, freaking out over Haruhi. The girl that was with him seemed mad that he'd helped Haruhi rather than her. That... Was definitely understandable. Tamaki was the one that dragged her and let her fall on the floor. "Well, Tamaki seems to be able to handle this," she said to Haruhi. "Sorry again. I'm going to go now." Her blush finally died down a little and she tried to scoot away before she somehow got invited into the Club. She should be studying, not flirting with the rich boys.
((thats fine i kinda saw that coming. it gives me a chance to play with the little parts of Hani personality that dont show :P ))

** [MENTION=3557]Jonny.Federally[/MENTION], if you ever get on to see this, since you seem busy, im going to put Kyoya up for grabs again. **

"have fun Seri!" Hani waved and went over to a table full of cake where a bunch of girls sat. they giggled and squealed as he ate cake with the cutest face he could manage while Mori simply sat, looking handsome. Serenity looked around, unsure of what to do at this point. she pulled her book out of the shoulder bag she carried and sat in a chair off to the side. though it was noisy, she somehow managed to read.
I looked back to see Tamaki and grabbed Haruhi's hand and was excitedly leading her over to the club "C'mon Haruhi, the ladies are waiting. You owe the club a debt" he laughed as they made their way here. I rolled my eyes. Geez, no wonder he dropped me, clearly the guy has a crush on Haruhi. Out of all people to have a crush, I had no idea Tamaki was the type of guy to settle for one girl. I'd have to ask him about that later.

I walked into the club and immediately felt awkward and out of place. There was a bunch of girls squeeing over the hot and sexy boys who just sat and talked or entertained them. I looked to where Tamaki had dragged poor Haruhi over to a few comfy couches where they were immediately surrounded by girls"...and then the poor thing fell! Oh, it was tragic, tragic I tell you!!!" The girls shreed 'Oh you poor thing!' they coddled Haruhi and tears streamed from their eyes. 'Oh Tamaki, you're a hero, you're amazing!' they praised him and swarmed him with sparkling eyes.

I looked over at the table where Mori and Hani were. I walked over to them. "So what do you guys...do here?" I watched as Hani stuffed another cake into his mouth "How much of that do you eat?!?!" I laughed as I sat there, I felt like the only normal girl there. The rest of them were squealing about how adorable he is and how stoic and sexy Mori was.
Haruhi still wasn't quite used to all the attention that the girls gave her. "Really ladies, I'm fine. Just a little bump on my head. There's no need to make a big deal about it." Her face was a bit red from embarrassment.

((wow sorry short post xD ))
Hani looked up at her, "because cake is good! Here you try and see!" He held out his fork with a bit of cake on it. He had a cute grin on his face as usual. he was happy to make a new friend, and was glad, though he wouldn't say it, that she was treating him as a friend and not a child.
I smiled "Hey thanks Hani!" I took the fork and took a bite of the cake, immediately the sweet flavor of it flooded my senses as I gulped it down greedily "Wow, thats delicious! It's like magic cake!" I laughed, I wasn't making sense, but I kind of didn't care for that moment. "I can see how you can consume all of that, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from eating cake either". I smirked. I cast a quick glance to see what Tamaki was up to.

It seemed that Tamaki was still making up ridiculous heroic tales about saving the poor and defenseless Haruhi, one of his feet stood on the table and he threw his arm out "...and that's when I bravely brought Haruhi here to accompany all you dear ladies". One of the ladies snickered "Puh-leeze, it didn't happen like that". Tamaki gave her a glare, "Oh yeah? Well see about that!". Tamaki dragged both the disbelieving girl and Haruhi over to...my direction.

Oh no! Not again! Tamaki looked at me and said "Lya! Tell this lady everything that happened." I sighed, Tamaki was a bit eccentric and tended to overdramatize things "Tamaki, I'm pretty sure it didn't happen that way..." Tamaki gasped "No! Not you too! I've been betrayed by my own companions" he gave puppy dog eyes and soon I found him cradled in a corner depressed and forlorn. I sighed "He'll bounce back".

The other girl left. I looked at Haruhi, who just seemed to be having a walk in the park, to put it sarcastically. "So why are you here? You don't actually want to be here, do you?"
Haruhi looked up from the ground and at Lya. "I don't mind it, but I'd much rather do something else. I owe the host club money after I backed into a vase and broke it. Although, being a host can be fun at times. And all the other host are becoming almost like my family. I'll never admit it to them though." Haruhi chuckled and cracked a smile. "It doesn't seem like you want to be either. Why are you here?"
I shrugged "Same as you, I guess, I wasn't planning on coming here but I guess something about the hosts. One big, psychotic, family" I surpised myself by saying that. It had only been one day, was this already myr niche? Ie didn't think I'd open up so easy given how strange and unfamiliar Ouran was from homeschool. But the antics of Tamaki was something I loved, and sI could already sense how close the hosts were to one another, and I wasn't used to having a close relationship with my father, the host club was intriguing in thay way "I looked at Haruhi, wondering what her feelings for Tamaki were "...so, what do you think of Tamaki..."
*Yuuki, no, you're going to regret it! You should be studying!* Yuuki's thoughts couldn't keep up with her actions as she started back towards the Host Club. It seemed like so much fun! She would probably be too shy to actually talk to anyone, but she couldn't pass it up! She walked back to the door, sighed, and pushed it open. Walking in, she saw flocks of young ladies everywhere, crowding the hosts. Well, at least she wouldn't have to worry too much about being noticed, even if she WAS dressed in cosplay. She walked around, picking up on some of the girly ramblings in the room.
"He can be a real pain in the neck sometimes, but he really just means the best." Haruhi looked down at her feet. She still wasn't sure about her own feelings for Tamaki. She looked over her shoulder at the girls who were waiting for her at one of the many tables. "There are some girls waiting for me. But I hope to talk to you again." Haruhi smiled at Lya before walking over to the table.
Serenity looked over at Hani and Mori. Hani appeared to be having a good time while Mori was as quiet as ever. Hani poked at Lya.

"Hey Lya-chan, I can call you that right Lya-chan?" He smiled, but then put a dissapointed face on, "you only came cuz Tama-chan dragged you! Does that mean you won't visit again" he asked.
I blinked at Hani "Oh sure, I don't mind Hani" I was surprised he'd already made an honorific for me, and a small smile crossed my lips, I wonder what I felt about this guy, I mean, it was a strange thing to think that he was a third year student, I still couldn't wrap my head around it. "you only came cuz Tama-chan dragged you! Does that mean you won't visit again", My gut formed guilt when he said that, "...actually Hani, don't tell anyone else this ok? It's our secret" I smiled. I leaned in and smiled "I was going to come here anyways, Tamaki dragging me here was a good excuse to come" I laughed "I dunno, I guess I just didn't want anyone to know my actual intentions, but really I'm glad I met Tamaki-Kun and you and the others."

I looked over at his cake "Do you mind if I have another bite of that?"

Of course, Tamaki couldn't stay in the corner for long, a few girls noticed his plight, the utter peril he felt, and within moments he took the advantage to make a show of it. He stood up, and he wiped the tears that gently streamed forth from his cheeks "It's alright ladies, I'm just...stressed. My comrades, they left me. All alone. I had to fend for myself. But..." his complexion cleared up and he held one girls chin very daintily, his once tear-streaked eyes gazed into her "at least I have you..." his voice was soft. The girl who he had just been holding fainted, and the other girls shrieked 'Oh Tamaki-Sempai!'.
Hani grinned again, "yay! Lya-chan your really nice, I like you!" He grabbed the fork and took a peice of cake, holding it up to Lya. "What is your favorite cake? I like chocolate one and the ones with strawberries!" He giggled as he waited Lya to eat the cake. Mori looked over at the two of them, not saying anything. Serenity saw this, and wondered what her childhood friend was thinking about.
I ate the cake and giggled "I love chocolate cake! and Red velvet cake is good too. Oh and rainbow cake" I savored the taste of it, it was pretty good. I tilted my head and then asked "What do you do for your birthday? Do you just eat more cake than usual? Or do they get you a giant, special, cake?" I laughed at the thought of it. Hani was probably the dentist's worst nightmare.
"I get a really big cake!" Hani replied, and Mori silently flipped out a picture from Hanis last birthday. The little blonde was standing with Mori next to a huge layered cake. The cake was twice the height of Mori. "My cake had 6 layers all in different flavors. It ws yummy!" Hani smiled. "Lya-chan you have frosting on your face!" He smiled, looking for a napkin. He reached over and wiped the frosting from her cheek.
I was a bit surprised when Hani confirmed what I was said and even more surprised when Mori pulled out a photo to prove it "Hah! And for a moment I thought you were kidding!". "My cake had six layers all different flavors. It was yummy!" he suddenly changed the subject "Lya-Chan, you have frosting on your face". He searched for a napkin and I felt my face get warm as he wiped some unseen substance from my face. I blinked, "Oh...um...thanks?" I wasnt sure what to say. I changed the subject, "So Mori, what are you to Hani? If not brothers, you seem like it" she smiled, the two were very close, Mori acted like an older brother, always looking out for Hani-chan.
Mori had a small smile on his face as Hani wiped the frosting from the new girls face. "Cousins" he said, giving a short answer to her question. Hani nodded happily, "the Morinozuka family has served the Haninozuka family for years and recently some of our relatives married, amking us cousins." He informed.
"Must be a big family" I said, and let my mind wander. My family was a big prestigious family too. But we weren't close. I miss my mother, she was the only person I was close to. I leaned my head on my elbow and my other hand traced markings on the table. Of course, my mom was my father's third wife so she meant nothing to him, and I ended up stuck with him instead. I'd rather be poor.than living with him. I don't ever see him. Some father.

I grew quiet, just sitting there and pondering my life.
Hani looked at Lya as she appeared to space out, "what's wrong Lya-chan? You can tell me." He said a bit more quietly then his usual noisy voice. Mori seemed slightly amused at Hanis concern for this girl. Hani looked at her, a worried express that seemed just a bit less childish then his usual adorable grin.
Lya was caught off guard "Oh Hani-kun, it's nothing I guess", she wondered what made him change his usual demeaner, there must be more to this kid's playful manner than she thought. "Well, I'm just thinking about, I wish I had a family. My father's not exactly close to me. I'm pretty much alone. It's pretty much just me, my studies, and the butlers" her voice was soft as she relayed her thoughts to Hani. Why was she being so forward with him anyways? In normal circumstances she wouldn't have talked with anyone in this school. But the hosts were different. Tamaki and Hani were probably the first people she could actually talk to.
Hani frowned. "No family? That's so sad." He took her hand and smiled again, "but you have Tama-chan, and now you have me! You can talk to me whenever you're lonely!" He said with a big grin.

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